Saturday, October 28, 2023

WWE Smackdown 10/27/2023

WWE Smackdown 10/27/2023

Last week's show is here:

Roman Reigns came out with Paul Heyman for the contract signing. LA Knight comes out while he's walking and gets in the ring first, which annoyed Roman. LA sits at the head of the table and tells Roman its time to sign the deal and sign the title away. Nick Aldis talked about this then LA says the contract reads that Roman will hand over the contract to him.

Roman says this is crazy and LA must be stupid. Roman asks if he ever had a contract signing or a championship match before. He says LA has no clue what he's doing right now and says he will go easy on him. LA says Roman is already beat and says this is his first time. He said he's sitting at the head of the table after a year and ready to take his title.

LA said Roman's going to wonder what happened say LA walked out with his title. LA says it's his first time, but he only needs one time. LA says Roman failed over and over again and was busy doing "suffer succotash". He said he can't stop the gravy train and can't stop being LA Knight. Roman flips the table on him and stomps him.

LA blocks Roman's punch then beats up on Roman. Jimmy Uso gets in the ring and stomps LA. LA backdrops Jimmy through a table and Roman exits the ring.

The Street Profits vs The LWO (Santos Escobar and Carlito)

Dawkins side headlocks Santos then shoulders him over. Dawkins cartwheels over him then Santos sunset flips over him. Santos hits a dropkick. Carlito body blocks Dawkins and argues with Lashley outside. Dawkins nails Carlito from behind and Ford mocks Carlito.

Carlito hits a nice dropkick on Dawkins. Both Street Profits end up outside. Santos wants to do a moonsault onto them, but Carlito says he wants to dive on them and does a tope con hilo on both. We go to break and return.

Ford has Santos in a chinlock. Ford rolls through a sunset flip and kicks him then hits a jumping splash. Santos hits shots on Ford then takes an enzugiri. Ford lariats Santos then Santos is popped-up and down by both opponents. Dawkins hits a corkscrew splash in the corner then takes a flying pumping knee by Santos.

Carlito and Ford get in. Carlito beats up the Profits then knee lifts Dawkins. Carlito hits a sit out spinebuster on Ford for 2. Carlito spinning neckbreakers Ford for 2. Rey Mysterio is watching in the back on a TV and is nailed by Logan Paul. He's down and Carlito goes back to help Rey.

Santos flying headscissors Ford then misses a plancha on him outside. Santos gets in and takes the revelation then Dawkins pins Santos.

It was okay with a quick pace but not a classic or anything. Santos having Carlito strand him out there 1v2 was stupid.

Roman Reigns and Paul Heyman are in the back. Paul shows him a title with The Green Bay Packers logo on it. Paul says he will give it to LA Knight, as it's the closest LA or the Packers will ever come to being champ. Jimmy Uso literally dives in and lays on the couch. He said he was in the trainer's room tingeing looked at. He said he ran a play and Roman said he ran the wrong play. Roman said he needs to handle things tonight. Jimmy says he's on the injured reserve list and can't do anything. Roman questions him then Jimmy says he's off the injured reverse list. Paul then confirms that it is Jimmy Uso vs LA Knight tonight.

Logan Paul is interviewed in the back. He was asked about sucker punching Rey. He said you never let thme know your next move and said his fist is as big as Rey's head. He then walks away and runs into Kevin Owens. He said something about Owens' Rey Mysterio shirt. Grayson Waller and Austin Theory walk up to Owens. Owens said he'd love to punch them in the face and said he could punch both in the face at once with one fist. Jamie Noble and others then intervene. Theory and Waller argue whether or not he could do this then Owens punches both in the face with one fist.

Dragon Lee is interviewed. He talks in half-Spanish and says he's happy to be here on SD. Cedric Alexander walks in and says Lee is like him looking in the mirror. He said Lee lights that competitive fire in him and he'd like nothing more than a match with him tonight. Lee says it would be his pleasure.

Shotzi vs Chelsea Green

We see an inset of clips from earlier in the day. She thanks Nick Aldis for letting her host on NXT. Chelsea Green and Piper Niven walk in. They said it feels personal with Nick Aldis, who they say snubbed them. Chelsea said she should have hosted NXT and dresses up better than Shotzi did. Shotzi asks if she could shut up Chelsea once and for all tonight. Nick makes the match.

Green shotgun dropkicks her to start. Shotzi goes over her in the corner then rolls her up. Shotzi does a hanging triangle over the ropes. Green calls for timeout and Shotzi cannonballs her off the apron. Shotzi gets on the 2nd rope and Green russain legsweeps her off of it. Green does a low dropkick for 2.

Green lariats her and steps on her neck. Shotzhi high kicks her on the apron. Shotzi goes for a superplex on the 2nd rope but is slammed down then Green hits a nice top rope dropkick. Green showboats and Shotzi rolls her up to win.

The finish was lame, out of nowhere and nobody reacted to it. They weren't doing a bad job prior to it though. I liked Green's dropkick off the buckles.

John Cena comes out to talk. He says there's special energy and excitement here in Milwaukee. He said it's serious energy though and it reminds him of 20 years ago when WWE wanted to fire him. He said the fans have given him support when he needed it most and gave him respect. He said he feels he is in jeopardy of losing the fans respect after 20 years. The fans chant "you still got it" and Cena says, "what if I don't?". Cena says if he loses he could lose all of this and said there's only one thing to do at Crown Jewel - win. He said Crown Jewel isn't just a must see, it's a must win. He said the time has come to deliver.

Paul Heyman then comes out. He says he's out here with respect. He thanks Cena for the sold out house. He said he picked Cena for Smackdown years ago in the draft which lead to him getting into WWE. He said he raised his kids to be more like Cena than more like him. Paul said Roman proved Cena isn't the GOAT in the ring anymore at Summerslam. He said as long as Cena can pick up a mic, he is still the GOAT of communication in WWE. He says Cena has a bond with the fans that he will never have. He said Cena could have been him until he p!ssed off The Bloodline.

He said it's not enough to break his ribs or crack his sternum as he came back from that. He said if Solo hits him with the spike, he can't talk anymore. He said if Solo takes that from him, then Cena is taken away from the WWE Universe. He said in the one match in his career that Cena must win, he can't win. He said it's not a prediction, it's a spoiler .Solo then nails Cena from behind. Solo uranages him and hits a samoan spike. Cena is then left laying. It was a good segment but Solo already hit Cena with the samoan spike and he's going to be able to talk.

LA Knight talks in the back. He said The Bloodline needs to start worrying about who they are p!ssing off, not the other way around. He said he didn't forget about Roman spearing him. He said tonight, he will grab Jimmy Uso's pigtails and ride him around the ring.

Dragon Lee vs Cedric Alexander

Lee rolls through a wristlock and flying headscissors him. They try to dropkick each other at the same time then both do headflips up. Ced armdrags him then boots him out of the corner. Lee pumping knees him on the apron then Lee is STO'd on the apron.

We go to break and return. Lee hits another pumping knee then takes a michinoku driver for 2. Ced hangs from the top rope and takes a double stomp off the top rope. Lee sitout powerbombs him for 2. Lee reverses a michinoku driver then hits a knee to the back. Lee then does a standing shiranui variation and wins it.

The crowd didn't care at all and it wasn't a real interesting juniors match. Ced really has a Swerve Strickland vibe to him with his new look.

Bianca Belair comes out to talk. Damage Ctrl is watching in the back. She says she's excited to be back on SD and says she is just getting started. She then shows us video of Damage Ctrl attacking and injuring her two months ago. She said for the first time, she was out. She said she could just not let this go. She said she was consumed with vengeance. She said she is challenging Iyo Sky for the title at Crown Jewel and says she will challenge Bayley next week too. She said she won't be happy until she takes down all of Damage Ctrl and reclaims her title. This wasn't good. The energy just wasn't there and the crowd didn't care.

LA Knight vs Jimmy Uso

Uso shoulders him over. LA hits some punches then a back elbow. LA suplexes him then armlocks him. LA lariats him then does a baseball slide. LA slingshot sunset flip backbreakers him. Uso suplexes him on the apron and we go to break. We return and LA hits a shoulder block. LA sunset flips him for 2.

Uso uppercuts him then hits punches. Uso hip attacks him in the corner. LA running lariats him. Uso throws LA into the post, shoulder first. LA reverse ddt's him. LA hits some punches then does a flying crossbody. LA then ddt's him for 2.

Uso slides out then LA bangs Uso's head off the commentator's table. Uso samoan drops him. They fight up top, LA is pushed down then Uso top rope splashes him. Uso goes back up top and LA jumps to the top and superplexes him. LA hits the BFT and wins it.

It was your usual LA Knight match that was rough around the edges and not that good. I didn't like them having Uso job here, though I'm not saying he should have won - he shouldn't have been in the match. It won't mean anything in the long run, but I do think Uso's character right now is kind of working and I wouldn't want to make him look bad.

Roman goes after LA. LA avoids it and hits a BFT to drop him.

Overall thoughts: The Cena/Heyman segment was good as was the Roman/Knight segment. The crowd wasn't that into this one and the wrestling wasn't that good. Like usual, it wasn't like it was bad, but it was not a must see show.

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