Saturday, October 28, 2023

AEW Rampage 10/27/2023

AEW Rampage 10/27/2023

Last week's show is here: 

No DQ - Mike Santana vs Ortiz

Ortiz puts his hands behind his back and allows him to hit him. Mike forearms him then takes a leg lariat. Ortiz then plancha's him and hits punches while she's down. Ortiz hits him with a trash can and the lid. Oritz hits him with a kendo stick and throws him into the rails.

They slap each other around outside then Mike suplexes him in of the apron. Mike then asai moonsaults him outside. Mike hits him with a trash can then is back body dropped on the floor. Ortiz then powerbombs him on a table and Mike kind of hits his head hard off of it. Ortiz then gets a 2 count on the pin attempt.

Mike suplexes him off the apron onto chairs on the floor. We go to PiP break and return. They are on their knees in the ring and headbutting each other. They trade shots and Mike is german'd. Mike no sells it, germans him and Ortiz doesn't sell it either. They then lariat each other at the same time.

Mike enzugiri's him then Ortiz enzugiri's him. Mike backrolls into a cutter. Ortiz powerslams him for 2 then suplexes him for 2. They trade shots. Ortiz is almost pushed into the ref then rolled up. Mike spinning lariats him then corner cannonballs him. Mike does a torture race bomb and wins it.

There wasn't a lot of selling here and they did too much. The general idea was okay though and they actually did make it seem like they were angry at each other.

Mike wags his finger at Ortiz after and has words for him. Mike offers a fist bump and Ortiz declines.

Sonjay Dutt gets in the ring after and tries to talk to Ortiz. Dutt says something in his ear and tries to get him to come with him.

We get a hype video on Kenny Omega vs MJF for Collision. 

MJF says calling this a dream match is an understatement. He said Kenny watched his match when he was on the indies and said he will go down as the greatest champ if he beats him. Kenny says he never expected the title to be around MJF's waist and said he would have laughed if you told him MJF would be one of the greatest AEW champs. He says it's his responsibility to protect his title record. MJF says they both made it to the pinnacle of their industry. Kenny says MJF is the future of the business, but Kenny says he is still here.

Kenny says it's a rough year and he wants to pay back the losses he endured. Jay White walks in and says Kenny knows what happens when it's 1v1 against them. He says he knows Kenny is broken and beaten up. He then says he will be waiting for him at Full Gear. Don Callis then goes up to MJF with an offer. He said MJF should join his family. MJF talks about the endless opportunities and said maybe with his help, he can become champ. He then says he is champ and doesn't need his help. He then tells him to get his forehead checked out.

Kris Statlander, Willow Nightingale and Skye Blue are interviewed. Willow now has one of her eyes painted. Kris says she gathered these girls here today and said both have been acting weird since they got misted. Skye says she's fine. Willow questions it and says the eye paint isn't who they are. Skye says she is worrying about the match tonight and says Willow should do the same. 

Kip Sabian is in the ring with Penelope Ford. He says he's a higly intelligent sex idol and a sports guy too. He talks about sports icons in this city like Rocky and says there is no better time to be a Phillies fan. He then brings up them losing in baseball and says they will come back and win the Superbowl. He then corrects himself and says, "World Series".  He says to put their money on James Harden as Kip says he will be the glue who holds the Sixers together this season and says he loves Philly as much as him. This was lame and for those who don't know, Harden hadn't showed up to practice and was blocked from coming on the plane for his first regular season game.

Mark Briscoe's music hits. Kip says Mark has as many teeth as the Eagles have Superbowl rings. Mark decks Kip and hits chops. Mark flying forearms him then lariats him over the top. Mark then poses on the ropes.

The ex-JAS are interviewed. Anna Jay said she feels ago ahead of the four way match. Anna says she needs the crew to be there for her. Don Callis then walks in and talks to Jake Hager, saying he looks huge. Matt Menard tells him they are doing a promo and says he's building a family here. Don says he needs a tag team and Matt says he knows a tag team. Don asks them to take care of Jericho and Omega for them. Garcia interrupts, calling Don a parasite and they argue. Anna then says let's go. Ruby Soho then goes up to Angelo Parker and said she found his comb in catering. Ruby said she didn't want to talk about anything, just wanted to return what was his. Parker grabs her and asks what she wants to talk about. Ruby gets mad and both leave.

AEW Women's World Title #1 Contenders - Willow Nightingale vs. Anna Jay vs. Abadon vs. Skye Blue

Abadon hasn't been on TV for a while and if you want to know how she got into this one, I got nothing for you. Anna goes out and Abadon takes a 1v2. anna forearms Skye then Abadon germans Skye. Abadon codebreakers Skye and Willow at the same time. Music hits and Toni Storm comes out with her butlet, Luther. The screen goes black and white.

We go to PiP break and return. abadon and Skye trade then Willow 2nd rope dropkicks both. Willow hits corner moves then runs into an Anna forearm. Willow pounces her then Skye top rope crossbodies her for 2. Abadon knees her then Anna flatliners her. Willow spinebusters Anna.

Skye throws Willow's shoulder into the post. Abadon fights off Anna Jay and Skye. Anna sleepers Abadom and Skye superkicks Anna. Abadon hits a stroke like move on Anna then drives her head into the mat. Abadon wins it.

It wasn't good and Abadon's finisher looked awful. Abadon being in this, yet alone winning this, was completely out of nowhere.

The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn are interviewed. They said they have been champs for 61 days and are 8 days away from 69 day. Max wants to invite MJF and says he wants to 69 him. Bowens then says he wants to 69 the fans. This was gay and awful.

We go to a press conference for the Orange Cassidy vs Claudio Castagnoli match. OC says he looks better in a suit. CC asks if we are playing mind games and that's it.

Kyle Fletcher vs Konosuke Takeshita

KT = Konosuke Takeshita

KT hits him on the ropes off a break then shoulders him over. KT armdrags him then blocks his armdrag. Kyle headlock takeovers him and takes a headscissors. KT backslides Kyle then Kyle slams him. KT is thrown over the rail outside.

KT hits a blue thunder on the inside for 2 and we go to PiP break. We return and both are down. KT headscissors him into the 2nd rope then Kyle enzugiri's him as he sits up top. Kyle topes him then top rope frogsplash crossbodies him inside.

They trade forearms and KT spinning forearms him. Kyle hits a half-nelson suplex then KT boots him and poisonrana's him. KT running lariats him then Kyle brainbusters him for 2. KT does a 2nd rope cradle tombstone for 2. KT backrolls and headscissors him then rolls him into a wheelbarrow german. Kyle hits a superkick and KT pumping knees him. KT then does a v-trigger and wins it.

Callis and Hobbs come down and get in after. Kyle chairs both of them. Hobbs grabs Kyle by the throat and Don tries to hold Kyle back. Don says that was great and says to look at the hate. He says this is what they want and says he earns this. Don says they want the hate and I think says that "we're family". KT holds the rope down for Kyle and Kyle walks out with Don Callis and crew.

They did too much in the match with a 2nd rope package tombstone not finishing things.

Overall thoughts:
The No DQ match had the right idea, but they did too much. The women's match was bad and they did too much in the main also. This show was packed with storylines though and I thought they did a good job in regards to that. AEW has usually been light storyline wise, but there's a ton of stuff going on with MJF vs Kenny/Bullet Club/Joe, MJF vs the masked devil guy,  MJF and Max Caster's thing, Kyle now joining the Don Callis Family and the ex-JAS all going their own ways. The work may not all pay off today, but this is the kind of stuff that makes you want to tune in the next week and should lead to some increased ratings down the line. I may not love all the storylines or people involved in them, but I like the idea.

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