Friday, October 27, 2023

WWE NXT Level Up 10/27/2023

WWE NXT Level Up 10/27/2023

Last week's show is here:

Jacy Jayne vs Izzi Dame

Jacy pushes her into the buckles then Izzi does it back to her. Jacy pulls her down by the hair and tells her to suck it. Jacy rolls her up for 2 then back splashes her in the corner. Jacy clips her.

Jacy gets her 2nd rope crossbody caught then she is dropped stomach first on the ropes. Izzi chest kicks her for 2. Izzi cranks her neck and bangs her head off the buckles. Izzi's head is banged off the buckles then she is rolled up for 2. Izzi slams her and does a bad sliding boot for 2.

Jacy hits punches and lariats, then a step up enzugiri. Jacy cannonballs her in the corner then spinning lariats her for the win.

It was short and nothing too special, but Izzi didn't botch anything and there weren't any real low lights here. It was acceptable and not a disaster and that's okay enough for a rookie like Izzi.

Riley Osborne is interviewed. He said he can make mistakes when he gets too excited but says his shoulders were not down when he was pinned. He said he is excited he gets to fight Axiom again. He said he hopes the ending will be different this time and said he knows neither wanted it to end like it did last time. He says nobody is more excited to be here than him. 

Axiom vs Riley Osborne

This is a rematch of their match 2 weeks ago. Riley rolls through a wristlock and puts on his own then Ax does the same. Riley headscissors him and Ax handstands out of it. Ax flips out of a headscissors from the mat. Riley bridges, Ax gets on him then Riley monkey flips Ax. Riley back rolls into a kimura from Ax.

Ax jumps off th e2nd rope and armdrags him then dropkicks him over the top to the floor. Ax goes to dive on him but is hit. Riley then does a nice slingshot shoulderblock for 2. Ax hits a euro on a seated Riley. Riley leg lariats him.

Ax half-nelson suplexes him then hits a PK for 2. Ax hits chops then Riley rolls into a hurricanrana, but is countered and powerbombed. Riley rolls out. Riley tries to moonsault off the apron onto him but Ax ducks it then superkicks him into the table. Riley beats the count in and upkicks Ax as he comes off the 2nd rope.

Riley does a standing corkscrew splash on him. They trade chest chops. Ax lariats him against the ropes then Riley throws him over backwards from the reverse ddt position. Ax top rope spanish fly's Riley then hits the golden ratio kick to win it.

It wasn't as good as the last one as they had less time, but they had a fun juniors match. It was fast paced and they did some impressive athletic spots here before the finish. These two match up really well and it's a shame these matches aren't happening on the main NXT show where more people would see them.

Overall thoughts:
Only 2 matches again tonight. The women's match was acceptable but barely average. Axiom and Riley Osborne had a good match but their last match was better.

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