Friday, October 20, 2023

WWE Smackdown 10/20/2023

WWE Smackdown 10/20/2023

Last week's show is here: 

Paul Heyman is in the ring and talking. He said Jimmy Uso called the play and took the inspiration of Roman then cost Jey and Cody the tag titles. He then said Roman is defending the title at Crown Jewel against LA Knight.

Paul said he's a huge admirer of LA Knight and said we must watch Crown Jewel, because it will be the last time we see LA Knight in the ring. He said he will get smashed by Roman.

LA Knight comes out. He told him to make noise if he wants to make noise. He said Pual can take a walk as he needs Roman out here now. LA then tells Paul to get back in the ring. He said Paul makes idle threats and asks what he thinks Roman will do to him. Paul tries to leave again and he threatens him. LA asks Paul if him getting speared last week as a warning shot was a good move. He said if you take a warning shot at him, you better put him down for good.

LA said he won't stop until he owns Roman and the title. He asks Paul if Roman is scared and said Roman has never seen anyone like him before. He says as fast as he has risen in the WWE, is as fast as he will take the title from him. He gets Paul to do the "yeah" chant. He says they will sign the contract for the match next week and told him to make it clear to Roman who he is. He then tells him to speak the undisputed truth of who LA Knight is.

Dawkins and Lashley hype up Montez Ford in the back. Lashley says to fight with pride and do what we do.

Santos Escobar vs Montez Ford

They shove each other. The ref stops Santos from punching him then Ford kicks him in the gut. Ford kicks his back then back elbows him. Ford hits a nice dropkick. Santos sunset flips him, Ford back rolls and kicks him. Ford then hits a standing frogsplash for 2.

Santos sits up top and is enzugiri'd down to the floor. We go to PiP break and return. Ford corner splashes him then does a wild blind springboard bulldog. Santos hits a nice dropkick and flying shoulders. Santos superkicks him and Ford goes out. Santos then topes him.

Santos hits a top rope crossbody for 2. Santos flying double knees him in the corner and they enzugiri each other. They look like they are going to makeout on the top rope then Santos top rope hurricanrana's him. Dawkins pulls Ford out of the ring then Santos barely hits a double axe handle on the outside. Dawkins then pushes Santos into the post. The LWO come after Dawkins. Del Toro is sent into the steps then Santos flies at Dawkins. Santos gets in and is cradled for the Ford victory.

They flew around a bit here and kept it moving. I didn't like the finish on this one.

Santos is beat up after by The Street Profits then Carlito makes the save.

Bayley and Dakota Kai hype up Iyo Sky in the back. 

The LWO talk in the back. Zelina offered to come out with Rey Mysterio but Rey said he has to do this on his own.

We see Pretty Deadly at a sauna. They say things have never been better an are waiting for a massage. 

They talked about beating The Brawling Brutes and said they will never see them again. The Brutes then pop up behind them and dunk their heads in the water. They beat them up and Ridge asks to go for a pint.

Solo Sikoa, Paul Heyman and Jimmy Uso talk in the back. Jimmy brags about costing Jey and Cody the titles. Jimmy is hyped and says it's "touchdown Bloodline"

John Cena comes out to talk. He's fired up and says the fans are fired up. Cena said he should be honest with himself. He brought up Roman's streak and said he has a streak of his own  at 2,002 days since he last won a televised singles match. He said his last win was in 2018. He talks about retirement. He says he can still go and bring it and says it's time to turn the math around. He says it will be a bad night for the next idiot brave enough to walk through the curtain. He says that person will get smoked. Solo Sikoa then comes out.

Solo gets in the ring and Cena hits punches. Cena corner lariats him then Jimmy Uso comes out and superkicks Cena. Someone in a mask pulls out Jimmy and it's Jey Uso. Jey throws him into the rail and superkicks him over it. Security then tries to hold him back. Solo misses a samoan spike on Cena and takes an F-U.

Logan Paul arrives in the back.

Isla Dawn and Alba Fyre do their usual hocus pocus stuff. They say the unholy union is coming and say, "see you soon".

Jey Uso, Nick Aldis and security are in the back. Adam Pearce walks in and is mad about Jey messing up the tag title match.  Nick says he can't control what he did. Nick fines him $10,000. Nick asks security to escort Jey out. Pearce chimes in and Nick says Pearce should be escorted out too. Pearce asks if Nick is kicking him out of the building and he says he is. Pearce then says, "let the games begin".

Logan Paul comes out to talk. He says he was in England beating the living daylights out of a scumbag 6 days ago in a boxing match. He said the match was a pathetic excuse of a fight and a fighter. He said if he wanted real competition, he should have had another WWE match.

He says he has already beaten Rey Mysterio. He said the last time he beat Rey, Dom was still his son and LA Knight didn't even have a job. He said he needs Rey Mysterio's US championship and said while he beat up a deadbeat dad last weekend, he has to beat up another at Crown Jewel. Rey Mysterio comes out.

Rey puts over Logan and says he has a big mouth like Dominik Mysterio. Rey says he needs some sense knocked into him and says he won't hesistate to kick his @ss. Rey asks if he wants a title shot, Logan says he does and Rey sets up the match at Crown Jewel. They each talk in Spanish which annoyed me and shake hands.

Austin Theory and Grayson Waller vs Cameron Grimes and Dragon Lee

Theory knocks Lee over and poses. Lee headscissors him then single leg dropkicks him. Waller nails Lee with a forearm then is tripped into a stiff knee. Grimes kicks Theory from the apron then Waller is thrown into the post. Lee dropkicks Theory through the ropes then Theory goes into the post.

We go to break and return. Lee tornado ddt's Waller off of Theory. Grimes is hot tagged in. Grimes top rope crossbodies Theory and fights off a double team by hitting a german on Theory. Grimes lariats Waller over the top then Lee tope con hilos Waller. Theory takes a running, mid-air spanish fly from Grimes for 2.

Lee takes a wild rolling bump over the rails then Waller flatliners Grimes. Theory hits a-town down on Grimes and wins it.

It was too short for the talent involved and it was a bit rushed. They all worked well together though.

We see a pre-taped interview from Cathy Kelley and Kevin Owens. He talks about him and Sami being separated. He said it hurts that they lost the tag titles and didn't get a re-match. He said Smackdown is a clean slate for him. Kevin said he never had a singles match with Rey or Sheamus and said there's a lot of new faces he can punch on the brand. Steen said there's surely people Cathy wants to punch and he said he can punc them for her. Cathy admits Theory and Waller have punchable faces. Kevin said no matter what he does, he makes sure people go home and know it's the Kevin Owens show.

WWE Women's Title - Iyo Sky (c) vs Charlotte Flair

Flair goes for the figure eight to start and Sky rolls out. We go to break and return. Flair rolls Sky with a headscissors then kips up. Bayley grabs Flair's leg then Flair is dropkicked off the apron. Sky topes Flair. Sky springboard dropkicks Flair.

Flair works out of a hold and backdrops her. Sky
hits leg kicks then body scissors her over the top to the floor. Sky goes for a hurricanrana's off the apron but takes an alley oop on the apron. We then go to a 2nd break. 

We return and Sky top rope sunset bombs her for 2. Sky meteoras her in the corner for 2. Sky spinning headscissors her then crossfaces her. Flair wheelbarrow germans her. Flair hits chops then fallaway slams her. Flair hits a cuty special and kips up. Sky is caught on a 2nd rope crossbody then Flair 2nd rope samoan drops her for 2.

Flair's neck is pulled down over the 2nd rope. Sky goes for a springboard dropkick but Flair turns it into a crab. Sky dropkicks her in the back into the buckles. Sky goes for a top rope moonsault but Flair gets her feet up. Flair spears her and Bayley puts Sky's foot on the ropes. Bayley gets on the apron and Flair nails her. Flair throws her over the announcer's table. Flair goes for a spear on Sky but Sky has her title and Flair runs into it. Sky then grabs the pin on her to win it.

It was a good and athletic match by the women and it's a shame there had to be a lot of shenigans. The two matched up pretty well and both pwere on their A-game.

Damage Ctrl beats up Flair after. Bianca Belair comes out to make the save. She spinebusters Bayley and Bayley saves Sky. Bayley then takes a KOD to end the show.

Overall thoughts: A light wrestling show here with only 3 matches. The main was good but had a lot of shenanigans and the rest wasn't that special.

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