Sunday, October 22, 2023

AEW Collision 10/21/2023

AEW Collision 10/21/2023

Last week's show is here:

No short promos again to start the show, so it's fair to say those are done.

Bryan Danielson vs Andrade El Idolo

AEI = Andrade El Idolo

They hyped this before Rampage yesterday as a dream match. Bryan clean breaks AEI early then AEI wristlocks him. Bryan bridges out of it then suplexes him. AEI puts him in a gori special. AEI shoulders him over and takes headlock takeovers. They then stand off. Bryan bow and arrows him and they do another stand off.

They trade chops in the corner. AEI lays on the ropes and both go out. AEI is sent into the post then Bryan knees him off the apron. We go to PiP break and return. Bryan stomps his arm and they trade chops. Bryan flips off the buckles overhim then takes a flying forearm. Bryan is seated on the top rope and AEi springboard dropkicks him. AEI then 2nd rope moonsaults him on the floor.

AEI split legged moonsaults him for 2. Bryan top rope dropkicks him then AEI dragon screws him. Bryan hangs from the top rope and AEI double stomps him off the top. AEI then meteoras him in the corner for 2. AEI slams him. AEI hits a moonsault into another moonsault but Bryan gets his knees up. Bryan reverse curb stomps him and Lebell locks him. AEI goes for the figure eight and Bryan ropebreaks.

AEI botches and hits a spinning elbow to the back of the head. AEI runs into a high kick and they trade pinfalls. Bryan then crucifixes him and wins it.

It was a decent back and forth wrestling match. Not great or a classic and not a ton of story, but they didn't do too much and they hit almost everything.

The lights go out after. Malakai Black teleports and high kicks Bryan. The BCC come out, the lights go out and Black is gone.

Darby Allin talks about Nick Wayne. Nick complained to him that the fans hated him. Darby told him not to worry as none of it matters when he is on his death bed. Darby said his shoulder is hurt and when he is better, Nick will get more than a broken tooth. Darby then said there is a special gift for Sting on Dynamite. Will it be a mystery box like in WCW in 1991?

Skye Blue vs Hollyhood Haley

Skye headbutts her and takes her down. Skye flying clotheslines her. Haley hits a slap and backfist then drives her face into the mat from behind. Skye traps Haley's head into the top buckle and superkicks it then Skye running powerbombs her. Skye then hits a code blue and wins it.

Skye was a lot more serious here and has blacker eye shadow, after getting misted. Haley didn't do bad in her match here.

The Gunn's vs The Outrunners

Truth armdrags Colten and hiptosses him. Colten drops him with a nice punch then does corner mudhole stomps. Colten dropkicks Floyd then Floyd is stomped by Austin. Floyd is thrown out then The Gunn's hit a 310 to Yuma to win it.

It was just a squash here with The Outrunners only getting a few shots in.

The lights go out and we see someone in MJF's mask look in a mirror then the lights turn back on.

Orange Cassidy is interviewed and Kris Statlander comes in. Kris says she needs to get ready and needs a pump. She then picks up Lexi and squats her. 

Memphis Street Fight - Jeff Jarrett vs Eddie Kingston

Dave Brown is on commentary and of course his mic doesn't work. They fight on the ramp and Jay Lethal is backdropped on it. Eddie hits Dutt and Singh with a kendo stick then Singh breaks the stick. Eddie low blows Singh then Jeff hits him with a traffic cone and trash can lid.

Eddie is sent into a popcorn table. No, he didn't put some of it in his pocket for later. Eddie hits Jeff with a trash can lid then throws hot dogs at him. Jeff throws a trash can at him then Eddie sprays mustard and ketchup on him. Jeff is put on the table. Karen Jarrett rakes Eddie's eyes then Jay cutters Eddie off the ramp through a table.

We go to PiP break and return. Eddie was elbow dropped through a table during the break. Jeff hits Eddie in the knee with a lead pipe then trash can's him in the leg. Jeff hits him in the knee with a chair then another trash can lid. Jeff figure fours Eddie.

Eddie reverses a figure four and Jay Lethal goes for a top rope elbow drop but misses. Eddie hits shots on Jeff and Jay then machine gun chops Jay. Eddie urakens Jarrett for 2 and is fighting off 4 people. Eddie release half-nelson suplexes Jay. Eddie guitars Singh in the head the Jeff hits a stroke on Eddie for 2.

Jay pounds on Eddie then Karen slaps Eddie. Jay superkicks Eddie in the head then Singh chokeslams Eddie. Jeff hits the stroke on Eddie then Jay hits a lethal injection. Jeff then pins Eddie.

I'm glad Jeff won here. It would have completely buried him to lose with 5 people out there. I was surprised nobody came out to help Eddie. It really was just a very long handicap match. It was nice to hear Dave Brown on commentary. His voice is a lot deeper and he talks slower now. 

The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn are interviewed. Max says Lexi should use a belt on him since they are talking about Battle of the Belts. Billy apologizes. Bowens says Menard is a "baked potato looking @ss" and says everyone in Memphis loves The Acclaimed.

CJ Perry comes out.

Miro vs Action Andretti

Miro hits shots and stomps on Action. Miro then hits a nice right hand. Miro throws him but Action lands on his feet. Action hits a dropkick then is popped-up, but hits a dropkick off of it. Action dropkicks him in the knee then springboards, but takes a nasty double sledgehammer in the face. Miro hits a big lariat then a stiff short arm lariat.

Miro throws him into the post shoulder first. We go to PiP break and return. Action hits some punches on Miro then enzugiri's him. Action hits corner punches and is pushed off. Action handsprings him off the apron then tope con hlos him outside.

Action comes off the top and is caught with a swinging slam. Miro goes for game over, AA pulls him back and rolls him up. AA swinging ddt's him then shotgun dropkicks him. AA springboad 450's him for 1. Miro hits a superkick then puts him in game over to win it.

It was a good big man vs little man match with AA being a decent face as usual.

The Ex-JAS are interviewed. Anna Jay says they are on the same page, are professionals and will win tonight. Menard said they had a family breakfast and had no dancing. anna tells Menard to stop and says him and Garcia are coming with him. Parker stays behind to comb his hair. Ruby Soho comes up to him and says, "family problems?". She then said she knows the feeling. Parker says he can call himself a champ after tonight and Ruby tells him to get out of her shot.

Ruby said everyone around here thinks thye deserve a title shot. She said she is putting down the gauntlet and wants to become a champion.

We see LFI arrive in a car with Jose. Rush says LFI and making money have always been his business. He said he has worked to ohard not to be a star. He said he's sick and tired of seeing wrestlers take their opportunities that they deserve.

Eddie Kingston is being worked on in the back. He's bleeding and said Jay used to be in love with wrestling until he started hanging out with Jarrett and Dutt. He says he's not a man and is Jeff Jarrett's little b!tch. He said not to bring them and his mother and father to the fight. He then calls him "Jamar". He said he will beat him down in front of his mother and she will cry because Jay deserves it. Eddie tells him to find his way. The trainer in the back is trying not to laugh during this whole thing, really hurting the segment.

FTR vs Bad Thad Brown and Darian Bengston

Thad has a blonde dyed beard and goes after Cash. Cash gorilla presses him into Darian. The lights go out for like the 4th or 5th time tonight and Malakai Black appears. FTR's opponents are missing from the ring then the lights go out and Buddy and Brody appear. FTR takes a 3v2 then Cash is popped up into a forearm.

The teleporting stuff is always dumb and I'd love to know how FTR's opponents teleported out.

AEW Tag Titles - Ricky Starks and Big Bill (c) vs The Blackpool Combat Club (Claudio Castagnoli and Wheeler Yuta)

Starks runs around the ring to start. Yuta and Starks do some wrestling. Bill knees Yuta and beats up on him a bit. Yuta is knocked off the apron and goes into the rails. We go to PiP break and return.

Yuta is suplexed then Bill drops an elbow on him. Bill is pulled over the top and CC is booted off the apron and sent into the stairs. Bill black hole slams Yuta. Both tag out and CC hits euros on Starks. CC rope walks Starks then clubs him. CC euros Starks for 2.

CC running euros Starks and Bill outside. We go to PiP break and return. Starks tornado ddt's CC then Bill facekicks CC. CC euros him then Bill is lifted for a dropkick. Bill lariats Yuta for 2. Yuta fights off a 2v1 then takes a powerbomb from Bill.

Yuta suplexes Starks and CC gets in. CC lariats Starks and facekicks Bill off the apron. Starks takes a giant swing + dropkick combo and Bill gets hit by both opponents. Bill is facekicked out. The BCC go for a rocket launcher then The House of Black come down and get involved. Brody knocks CC over the rail. Yuta takes a spear and a roshambo and Starks wins it.

This was a long midcard match. They didn't do much to protect Bill and the work wasn't anything special. It wasn't that interesting either. Yuta is beaten up after. Bryan Danielson tries to make the save but is beaten up too. FTR come down. Jon Moxley then comes down and the faces get the edge, clearing off the heels. Starks takes a big rig then CC giant swings him for a while to end the show.

Overall thoughts: The HOB interfering in every match wasn't fun to watch. The matches were okay but not great. I wouldn't recommend this one.

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