Friday, October 20, 2023

AEW Rampage 10/20/2023

AEW Rampage 10/20/2023

Last week's show is here:

2/3 Falls - Mistico vs Rocky Romero

Mistico has an AEW logo on the back of his mask in a funny moment. Both of them hold up their titles at each other.

1st fall - Rocky clean breaks him then shoulders him over. Rocky spinning headscissors him and they both hit armdrags. Mistico headscissors him then springboard back elbow him. Mistico then tornillo's him on the outside. Mistico russian legsweeps him into an arm and leg hold and wins the first fall.

2nd fall - Rocky hits him from behind and they go outside. Rocky sends him into the steps. Rocky rips up his mask and we go to PiP break. We return and Rocky lariats him. Rocky chinlocks and cravates him. Mistico spin kicks him then Mistico headscissors him. Mistico walks up the buckles and corkscrew armdrags him off of them.

They trade forearms on the apron and Rocky suplexes him on it. Rocky topes him then 2nd rope superplexes him. Rocky hits a sliced bread #2 and wins the fall.

3rd fall - We have a longer break and this began during it. Mistico kicks him off the buckles then runs up the buckles and dives on him outside. Mistico springboard twisting crossbodies him for 2. Mistico goes for a moonsaults and Rocky gets his knees up. Mistico powerslams him for 2.

Rocky is seated up top. Mistico goes up with him and takes a top rope sliced bread #2 for 2. They go up top again and Mistico hits a top rope spanish fly. Rocky chinbreakers him then Mistico running canadian destroyers him. Mistico hits a la mistica and taps him out to win it.

They did too much as usual with canadian destroyers and top rope spanish fly's not being able to finish it. This was a longer one at probably close to 20 minutes and of course AEW bringing in Mistico with no real explanation or angle wasn't smart. 

Stokeley Hathaway is the peacemaker between Jay Lethal and friends and Eddie Kingston. Jay said he beat Trent Beretta last week and said his accomplishments prove he is worthy of a title shot. Jay says the real Eddie Kingston doesn't care about the ROH title and only won it because Homicide once had it. Jay says he will never be like Homicide or like Jay Lethal. Jay demands a title shot. Stokeley then gets on the mic and says we should do Jeff Jarrett vs Eddie Kingston where if Jeff wins, Jay Lethal gets a title shot. Eddie says Jay doesn't need to mention Homicide's name. Eddie tells Jeff that he grew up on Memphis and the concession stand brawls. He calls him a hillbilly b!tch and says he will take him out and eat him alive. They then announce this will be a Memphis Street Fight after. The whole set-up for this was dumb and Jeff having to beat Eddie to get Jay a title shot makes little sense.

#1 Contenders to the AEW International Title - John Silver vs Kip Sabian vs Brother Zay

Silver goes out to start, avoiding the fight. Kip shoulders over Zay. Zay reverses a hiptoss with an armdrag and neckbreakers Kip. Zay hits corner punches then Silver nails Jay from behind. Zay is popped up but hits a dropkick out of it, then he does Silver's "I'm freakin' jacked, baby" taunt. Zay then topes Silver.

Zay runs the other side of the ropes and Kip meets him with a kick. We go to PiP break and return. Zay is popped up to the apron from the floor then Zay asai moonsaults Silver. Zay does a springboard diamond dust on Kip for 2. Silver gorilla presses then lawn darts kip into Zay. Silver germans Kip for 2.

Kip seated moonsaults Silver on the outside then there's an argument wiht the Dark Order, Blade and Butcher. Zay springboard crossbodies everyone outside. Zay top rope swantons Kip for 2. Zay goes for the pin and Silver running head kicks him and picks up the win.

It was an okay three way with lots of spots and fast paced action. Nothing memorable but they got the best out of everyone here.

Ortiz and Santana do recorded promos on each other. Ortiz says he will be the villain if he has to and says he will show him who the man is. They fight next week on Rampage.

Blackpool Combat Club (Claudio Castagnoli and Wheeler Yuta) vs Bryan Keith and Exodus Prime

Bryan facekicks Yuta then hits chops and a forearm flurry. Bryan back splashes him but is caught with a german. Prime takes an atomic drop into a lariat then Yuta catapults Prime into a CC gorilla press slam. CC running euros Bryan outside then giant swing's Prime into a Yuta basement dropkick. CC rocket launchers Yuta and Yuta picks up the win in this quick squash.

The former JAS are interviewed. Renee says they have a shot at the trios titles at Battle of the Belts. Menard and Garcia argue. Hager tells them to figure this out and says he didn't give up the hat for this. Anna Jay says they need to squash this now if they want to win on Saturday. She said they need to get it together right now. Parker says this is ridiculous and says they need to squash this to win Saturday. Menard says he hates the dance but loves him and considers it squashed. Garcia says Renee is looking at the new AEW trios champions.

The Young Bucks and Adam Page do a promo. Page says Swerve has talked about responsibilities. He said they have a responsibility to defend their ROH trios titles. One of the Bucks offers an open challenge for the titles.

Skye Blue vs Ruby Soho

Skye's wearing even darker eye shadow than she has bee the last few days. Ruby hits chops and Skye tells her to hit more. Skye hits chops on her then Ruby STO's her. Ruby hits short arm lariats then Skye spinning headscissors her. Skye hits a superkick.

Skye pulls her down chest first onto the apron and fights off Saraya's ainterference. Ruby then kicks her from the apron. We go to PiP break and return. They clothesline each other at the same time and both go down.

Skye hits lariats on Ruby then hits a stpe up knee on the ropes. Skye chop blocks her then hits her sweeping kick on the mat. Skye hits a spinning neckbreaker for 2. Saraya trips Skye then Ruby backdrops Skye for 2. Ruby is powerbombed for 2.

Saraya gets on the apron and Skye forearms her. Ruby hits a no future kick for 2. Skye backslides her for 2 then knees her in the face. Saraya slaps Skye on the ropes then Ruby rolls her up for the win.

It was the usual Outcasts match with lots of interference and shenanigans. It was nothing special as expected.

Skye is stomped on after. Kris Statlander comes out and makes the save. Skye then rolls out of the ring and avoids her.

Overall thoughts: The Mistico match was random and out of nowhere. They ended up doing too much in it as expected. The three way wasn't bad. The women's match wasn't good and there was a quick BCC squash. I don't recommend this one.

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