Friday, October 13, 2023

WWE Smackdown 10/13/2023

WWE Smackdown 10/13/2023

Last week's show is here:

John Cena comes out. They literally announced him as "the greatest of all-time". Cena says welcome to the season premier of Smackdown. Roman, Heyman and Solo Sikoa come out. Roman tells Cena that he better open the show the right way if he's going to open his show. Roman then tells the crowd to acknowledge him. He says the crowd is chanting for a coward in Cena and said he only showed up because he took a leave.

Roman tells Cena that he knows who the GOAT is. He tells Cena to leave or they will make him leave. Cena says no one knows what's next when they are in the ring and he says he's here to acknowledge him. He said he has held the title for over 1,000 days and says it's the greatest accomplishment of all time. He says it is earned. He said he won't challenge him tonight because he hasn't earned it, but he says he knows someone who has. He brings out LA Knight.

LA asked Roman if he p!ssed in his pants yet. He says Roman is a man standing in his way and says things have changed while he's been sitting on the couch. He asks the crowd to tell him whose game this is. Roman mocks him as he says he gave him a couple of months and "they say your name now". Roman asks him who he thinks he is standing in his ring. LA says he's the fastest rising star in Smackdown history then Jimmy Uso jumps LA from behind. LA throws Jimmy Uso out then says things to Roman. Roman then leaves the ring.

LA says he was just challenged either by Roman or Sikoa and the segment ends.

The Brawling Brutes vs Pretty Deadly

We get a speech saying Elton has made a recovery because he is "Elton Strong". Elton takes an arm-wringer then dives for a tag. Ridge euros Kit then splashes him in the corner. Butch baseball slides Kit then Butch hits a flying kick on Elton in the corner. Butch stomps Kit's hands and buzzsaw kicks him. Butch then plancha's Elton. The Brutes hit club flurries on their opponents and we go to PiP break.

We return and Kit is pounding on Butch. Elton pounds on Butch then Butch splits Elton's fingers. Kit almost falls off the apron but Elton pulls him up. Butch step up enzugiri's Elton.  Ridge is tagged in and hits lariats and a nice overhead suplex on Elton. Ridge gutbusters Kip over the shoulder then powerslam Elton on Kit. Ridge gorilla presses Elton into a powerslam.

Butch flying shining wizards Kit. Butch then is back body dropped onto the apron. Kit is knocked off the apron the Elton is overhead suplexed by Ridge. Kit holds his knee and ref backs Ridge off of Elton. Kit kicks Ridge in the side of the head behind the ref then Elton rolls up Ridge to win it.

The ending was kind of lame and cheap, but PD had to win on their return here and at least it wasn't clean. What we got of this wasn't bad with Ridge doing big suplexes and PD bumping big for them.

Carlito is interviewed. He said Carlito back in WWE is "cool". Carlito goes to chew the apple and Bobby Lashley interrupts. Bobby said his return was amazing and masterful. He says the last time he saw him, he was beating him up on SD. Bobby says he wants to welcome him back on his show. Carlito says his first match on SD should be against Bobby Lashley. Carlito is then nailed from behind by The Street Profits. Carlito is held up for a chairshot then Adam Pearce and Jason Jordan break it up.

Carlito is down in the back and being looked at. Bayley comes in to complain to Pearce then Zelina Vega gets in her face. They argue. Adam tells Charles Robinson to escore them to the ring and let them fight if that's what they want to do.Vega throws something at her.

The Bloodline is in the back. Roman asks Jimmy what's he doing. Jimmy said he's calling audibles when he thinks the play doesn't look right. Roman asks if he's the quarterback then ask what he would do if he was. Jimmy said he'd beat up Jey. Roman says Jey is old news and says Jey having the tag titles disrespects Bloodline. Roman says it's a slap in the face that Jey is running around with Cody Rhodes. Roman ask if Jimmy is going to handle that. Roman says he calls the audibles, not Jimmy and they bump fists. 

Bayley vs Zelina Vega

Vega hits kicks and uses the ropes to armdrag her. Vega goes for a headscissors but is lariated on the landing. Vega rolls on the mat to kick her then 619's her over the bottom rope. Vega meteora's her off the 2nd rope.

Iyo gets on the apron and Vega 619's her. Bayley then knees her and hits the roseplant to win.

It was short and not that good with a dirty finish.

Vega is beat up on after. Charlotte Flair comes down to help Vega.

Triple H comes out to talk. Adam Pearce is in the ring. He says we are on the road to Survivor Series. He said Adam Pearce has done an incredible job as GM and thanks him. He says it's a job nobody should do alone. He said Adam is getting a promotion and is now the GM of Monday Night Raw.

Dominik Mysterio interrupts. He said Fastlane was not a success as Judgment Day was screwed out of their tag titles. Dom says Jey and Cody are defending the titles tonight when Judgment Day has a title shot on Monday. Triple H says Dom needs to be talkingto the GM of Smackdown - Mr. Nick Aldis.

Nick thanks Triple H for the opportunity of a lifetime and says he looks forward to healthy competition between his brand and Adam's brand. He says it's good to meet Dom and says he's a big fan...of his dad. Nick says Cody helped get Jey Uso on Raw. He says a Raw star must come to SD and he wants to introduce the new SD star right now. Dom says "nobody cares" and asks his name. Dom gets booed again loudly and says he will slap the newest star around and make him respect him. Kevin Owens then comes out. Owens stunners Dom and Dom takes a nice bump for it. The segment then ends.

We see The Bloodline watching in the back. Roman isn't happy that Owens is on the show now. He then says Jimmy Uso is on his couch. Roman asks what they are doing and says Jimmy is drinking his water. Roman asks who the quarterback is and then says he's not being serious. Jimmy goes to leave and Roman stares at him. Jimmy and Solo then leave as Jimmy says he is calling an audible.

We get a video on Dragon Lee.

Chelsea Green and Piper Niven are complaining to Nick Aldis. Charlotte Flair then walks in and Green/Piper leave. Nick  said Flair would be champ at Fastlane if it weren't for the ref. Nick says next week, she faces Iyo in a title match 1v1. Jade Cargill then goes face to face with Flair. Triple H is with her. Flair says it's nice to meet her. Jade says it's her pleasure and Flair says it will be.

WWE Undisputed Tag Titles - Cody Rhodes and Jey Uso (c) vs Grayson Waller and Austin Theory

GW = Grayson Waller

We see Waller and Theory talking earlier in the ay. They say they are undefeated and say Cody and Jey will go "A-Town down under".

GW hits Cody then Cody does a drop down into a punch. Cody knees him in the gut. Cody goes for the figure four on Theory and Theory tags out. Theory headbutts Jey and hurts his own head. GW is pulled over the top rope then Theory backbreakers Jey. Jey gets his head banged off the post from the apron and we go to break.

We return from break and Theory has a headlock on Jey. Jey's head is banged off the mat then Theory stomps him. Jey is over Theory's knee then GW does his froggy bow off the 2nd rope. Jey hits a spinning enzugiri on GW then both guys tag out. Cody hits shots on Theory then running forearms him. Cody powerslams him then hits a disaster kick. GW is thrown over the top by Cody. GW rolls back in then takes a disaster kick.

Theory neckbreakers Cody over the knee. Jey superkicks Theory then lifts him for a Cody cutter. Jey topes GW then Cody hits cross rhodes on Theory to win it.

It wasn't that long and it was fine but nothing memorable at all. They didn't get enough time unfortunately and we got less of a match than we should have.

Bloodline's music hits and then Jimmy Uso and Solo stare down Cody and Jey. Roman and Heyman then come down and Roman goes face to face with Cody. Nick Aldis then gets between Cody and Roman.

LA Knight vs Solo Sikoa

LA misses a shot in the corner then takes punches. LA hits more punches then Solo back elbows him. LA flips out of a suplex and hits a neckbreaker. They collide on accident and Solo hits a stiff lariat with it. LA boots him in the conrer then hits some basment dropkicks to the head. LA lariats him over the top and some light messes up as everything gets very blue.

Solo's head is banged off the rail outside then LA's head is banged hard off the post. 

We go to break and return. Solo squeezes on LA's traps then LA fights out. LA tries to slam him but Solo falls down on him. Solo hits a belly to belly for 2. Solo running hip attacks him in the corner. Solo hits punches and headbutts in the corner.

LA back elbows him then comes off the 2nd rope with a bulldog. Solo hits a nice samoan drop for 2. LA tries to sunset flip him. Solo blocks it then misses a butt drop. Solo misses a corner charge and bangs his head off the post. La hits punches but Solo won't go down. LA flying clotheslines him then ddt's him. LA stomps him then running knees him.

LA hits a nice powerslam then jumping elbow drops him. They lariat each other at the same time. Jimmy Uso gets in the ring then Cena gfollows and hits an attitude adjustment on him. Solo samoan spikes Cena then LA hits a BFT on Solo to win it.

It was an okay match but nothing too special. The biggest bumps here were a couple of post shots. That's fine, but yeah, nothing must see.

Roman spears LA after the end the show.

Overall thoughts: It was an okay episode of SD. Nothing must here but nothing truly awful either. The tag title match should have gotten more time.

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