Friday, October 13, 2023

AEW Rampage 10/13/2023

AEW Rampage 10/13/2023

Last week's show is here: 

Daniel Garcia, Matt Menard and Angelo Parker vs The Hardy Boyz and Brother Zay

MH = Matt Hardy

For some reason, the first 2-3 minutes of this didn't record. All 6 men fight in the ring and the former JAS is sent out. They all then huddle outside. We go to PiP break and return.  MH is down in the corner. MH lariats Menard. Jeff is tagged in and beats up on Paker. Jeff atomic drops him then legdrops him in the cut. Jeff hits a basement dropkick and elbow drops him.

Zay is popped up by Menard but dropkicks him. Garcia backdrops Zay then Jeff hits a seated gordbuster. MH hits a sie effect on Parker then Zay jumps off of MH's back with a splash on Parker. Parker takes a twist of fate. Jeff goes up top and Hager crotches him up there. MH gets on all fours and Zay jumps off his back onto Menard and Hager outside.

MH is thrown out. Gardcia lariats Zay over then dances. Garcia implant ddt's Zay and shockingly wins it.

What we got was a short but fast paced match with somwhat of a surprise ending. It was fine for what it was.

Menard gets mad at Garcia for dancing after. They shove each other and Menard walks off.

We see Renee doing an interview with Penta on Tuesday. Bullet Club walk in. Jay says he may have zero fear but he has zero belts too. He says Penta and Fenix are a great, cute brother tag team and both match with zero belts. Penta said his brother won a championship but Jay is a thief. Jay says he has earned every piece of gold on the bang bang belt. Jay says he will give Penta a chance to take it next week. Penta says Jay has never faced anyone who has zero miedo.

The Ex-JAS are interviewed. Renee asks about the issue between Menard and Garcia. Menard says he can't stand the dancing anymore. Parker tries to get it up and said the dancing did get it done today. Hager says we won and says to squash this. Menard tells all of them to squash it and leaves.

Jay Lethal vs Trent Beretta

Lethal nails him from behind then foot chokes him. Jay asks if Eddie is watching this as he says he will be the next ROH champ. Trent hits chops then jumping double knee presses him.  Trent is pulled into the 2nd buckle then Jay slams him. Trent hits mounted punches on Jay then does a nice hurricanrana. Trent kicks him in the face for 2.

Trent misses a crossbody and bounces off the ropes hard from it. they go outside and trade forearms. Trent is sent into the rails but hits a spear. Dutt puts his hands on Trent ans is forearmed. Jay then rams Trent's knee into the post. We go to PiP break and return.

Trent jumping knees Jay and sends him out. Trent then plancha's him. Trent backslides him and hits double germans. Jay goes for lethal injection but takes a release half-nelson suplex. Jay puts him in a figure four and kicks him in the head. Trent rolls up Jay for 2 then hits a jumping knee.

Jay kicks him in the knee then hits a lethal injection for the win.

I thought Trent could have done a better job of elling the knee here but I liked Jay kicking Trent into the knee, which lead up to the lethal injection. It wasn't bad at all.

Ortiz does a promo on Santana. He said he fought so hard for their team to work but realized he was never standing with him, just standing next to him. Ortiz says he wants to hurt him worse than he hurt him. Santana walks in and asks where he was when he was out. Santana said Ortiz didn't call him once while he was injured or when he was in rehab. Ortiz said Santana wasn't talking to him or anyone. Santana said they should do this the right way and fight. Santana says he loves himself more than anyone else and says Ortiz can't stand to see him winning. Ortiz says he will take that right knee. Santana said it wasn't karma that took his knee out, it was carrying Ortiz. 

Emi Sakura vs Skye Blue

They trade chops and Skye spinning headscissors her. Skye is thrown out then is chopped on the floor. Emi crossbodies her against the steps. Emi surfboards her then takes a back elbow. Skye knees her then ddt's her.

Emi bites her hand then backbreakers her. Skye superkicks her then does a code blue to win it.

It wasn't anything special and Skye won as expected.

The Gates of Agony vs Claudio Castagnoli and Wheeler Yuta

CC = Claudio Castagnoli

Yuta hammerlocks Kaun. Kaun side headlock takeovers him then they slap each other. Yuta slams and sentons him. CC double stomps Kaun in the gut then Kaun corner splashes Yuta. Yuta is sent out but hangs onto the bottom rope. Toa then nails Yuta. Yuta is sent into the apron and rail. Toa then pounces Yuta hard.

We go to PiP break and return. Kaun headlocks Yuta then Yuta germans him. CC gets in and hits euros then lariats on Toa. CC hits a lariat flurry then running lariats him. CC goes for a giant swing but Kaun rolls him up from behind. Kaun does a gorilla press gutbuster for 2.

CC does a giant swing on Kaun then Yuta dropkicks him as he swings. Prince Nana gets in the ring and CC chases him up the ramp. Kauna kicks Yuta then pedigree's him for 2. Yuta takes a sandwich lariat then a double spinebuster for 2. CC return and dumps Toa over the top. Kaun takes an olympic slam from Yuta. Yuta takes a rocket launder off the top rope and picks up the win.

I didn't like this. The GoA looked like idiots losing 2v1 to Wheeler Yuta.  They also really don't need to be losing.

Overall thoughts: It started off today and went downhill. The main wasn't good due to the booking but the first two matches were okay.

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