Friday, October 13, 2023

Ring of Honor on HonorClub 10/12/2023 Episode #33

Ring of Honor on HonorClub 10/12/2023 Episode #33

Last week's show is here: 

I will work on getting some more gifs later. This show just doesn't work that well with my schedule and it's fairly long.

Serpentico is interviewed. He faces Eddie Kingston in a proving ground match tonight. He said he's not the same man Eddie faced two years ago. He said all he has to do is last 10 minutes with Eddie and he gets a title shot. He said 10 minutes is all takes and both of their lives change.

The commentators hype up the show.

Proving Ground Match - Eddie Kingston vs Serpentico

Serp hits chops, hurricanrana's him out of the corner then jumping flatliners him. Serp comes off the buckles and is caught with an exploder. Eddie backdrops him for 2. Eddie then wins with a stretch plum.

This was a pointless squash that did nothing for nobody.

Angelico tends to Serp after. Eddie pulls down the straps on his shirt and tells Angelico to move so he can shake his hand. Eddie asks what his problem is then shakes Serp's hand. He asks Angelico what his problem is and asks if he wants a title shot. He calls him a stupid b!tch and says they are supposed to be friends. He asks if he wants a shot. Angelico says he messed up and says he's afraid of no man. Eddie then tells him to show him what he got.

The Gates of Agony vs Lights Camera Faction(Fresco and Watson)

Fresco does a hand gesture and Toa bites his hand. Fresco is double slammed then Watson is thrown in by the GoA together. Watson takes a double flapjack. Kaun hits a big lariat on Fresco. Watson then gets pounced hard by Toa. The seconds of Watson and Fresco are then grabbed and each take flapjacks. Watson takes a sandwich lariat and is pinned.

This was an entertaining squash with LCF getting a whooping. The problem was though that they expected us to know Lights Camera Faction, when we have never been introduced to them in any way.

Daga is interviewed. He is here in ROH for the first time and is facing QT Marshall for the AAA Latin American Title. He says he is excited to show people what he is capable of. He says he knows QT and his belt and is coming for him. In case you are wondering, they didn't explain who Daga is at all or why we should care.

Proving Ground Match - Athena vs Mazzerati

Mazz ducks a lariat and rolls her up. Mazz armlocks her then does a nice escape. She does jumping jacks and is shotgun dropkicked. Athena does a nasty gordbuster. Mazz is clubbed on the back then she pushes Athena off the apron. Mazz comes off the apron with a headscissors then is jack knife powerbombed on the floor in a nasty spot. Athena then throws her into the rails from the body slam position.

Athena boots her in the back then bangs her head off the mat. Athena hits mounted forearms then pulls both of her arms back. Mazz spin kicks her in the gut then Athena cartwheels through her headscissors. Athena drops her with a forearm for 2. Mazz is put in tree of woe and takes kicks to the back.

Mazz hits a corner splash then springboards right into a kick. Athena does an armlock with a headscissors variation and wins it.

Athena crossfaces her after. Mazz is thrown out then Billie Starkz hides Mazz under the ring, away from Athena. Athena asks where she is. Billie said she left.

This was another reckless Athena squash where she was totally unsafe with her opponent. The powerbomb on the floor was nasty, the gordbuster was nasty and the throw into the rails also looked bad. Reddit will try to tell you that this was just some amazing work, but it wasn't. It was just Athena wrecking her Mazzerati.

Lee Johnson is interviewed. Shane Taylor and Lee Moriarty walk in. They talk about Lee losing last week. Shane and Moriarty try to get him to join them so he stops losing and they tell him to think about it.

AAA Latin American Title - QT Marshall vs Daga

QT introduces himself. He said his name means Dagger, but not champion or the greatest luchador of all time. QT asks what culero means, since it is chanted at him in Mexico. Daga says it means he's an a-hole then nails him.

Daga spinning lariats him then gets hit off a springboard attempt. Daga's head is banged off the rail. QT slingshot swantons him and counts his own pin in spanish. QT dropkicks him then slaps him around. Daga hits punches then does a dragon suplex into a german suplex. Daga splashes him and flying kicks him in the corner. Daga then brainbusters him for 2.

QT gets stuck on the 2nd rope and takes a backcracker. QT 2nd rope tornado ddt's him for 2. Daga rolls him up for 2 then backslides him. Daga legsweeps him into a kick then gutwrench powerbombs him for 2. Daga comes off the top and takes a diamond cutter. QT then drops him hard on his neck with an orange crush. QT pins him with la magistral.

They kept it moving here and the crowd seemed to like it. The match was completely out of nowhere though and they just expected people to know who Daga is and to care. 

We get a video package on Dalton Castle. He talks about the people wanting and demanding him.

The Infantry (Carli Bravo and Shawn Dean) vs Shane Taylor and Lee Moriarty

Trish Adora is not out with The Infantry today. Lee slaps a kimura on Bravo then back elbows him on the ropes. Lee then does a dance. Bravo spinning forearms him and does his own dance. Lee takes a double atomic drop > double hiptoss > double fist drop. Shane takes a step up enzugiri then a jumping neckbreaker.

Dean hits shots on Lee then Lee hits a nice facekick on Dean. Shane short arm lariats Dean a few times then corner lariats him. Shane hits a big slam then gets a headbutt and splash in. Bravo gets the hot tag in. He hits forearms on Lee then blade runner ddt's him. Bravo pulls Lee's neck down over the top then slingshots in to a flatliner for 2.

Lee avoids a double team then takes a butteryfly backbreaker.  Shane pulls Lee over for a tag. Bravo does his fakeout crossover punch on Shane then takes a corner uranage. Shane hits a big punch on him and wins it.

It was a solid tag. The action was fast paced and everyone was fine here.

Billie Starkz and Lexi Nair talk. Billie is mad that Lexi said she sucked during minion training. Diamante and Mercedes Martinez come in. They said Lexi did say she sucked, her cardio was bad and that she's not a real minion. The girls say Athena will turn her back on Billie. Mercedes asks why Lexi has a bestie shirt on but not Billie. They then take Billie's fanny pack to see if any money is in there. 

Angelico vs Martin Casaus

They said Martin is more well known as Marty the Moth. The two dance at each other to start. Ange hits some punches then slides under his leapfrog for an atomic drop. Ange punches him then Martin stomps him off of Ange's drop down.

Martin's head is banged off the buckle and asks for more. Martin headbutts him in the chest then half-nelson slams him. Martin northern lights suplexes him then Ange lariats him. Ange hits an upkick then leg trips him into a reverse figure four with an ankle lock. Ange then taps him out.

It was a throwaway midcard match. It was short and not particularly special or anything. It was a rare Angelico singles match though.

Mercedes Martinez vs Lady Frost

MM = Mercedes Martinez

MM takes her down and stomps her. MM forearms her then Frost rolls her up. Forst hits a forearm and some knees to the body. Frost backflips into a headscissors but is kicked. MM clubs on her chest then hits forearms.

MM hits forearms to the chest then Frost cartwheels over her back and knees her in the back. MM double underhook suplexes her for 2. Frost back kicks her in the head and euros her. Frost hits a corner spear then step-up kicks her on the bottom rope.

Frost hits a tornillo vader bomb for 2. Frost gets on the 2nd rope then Dimante gets on the apron. MM nails Frost from behind then flips her over from the razor's edge position to win it.

It wasn't bad at all as expected. They didn't have Frost lose clean here at least and MM won again in her endless push that doesn't really go anywhere. The finish looked dangerous. 

Josh Woods and Mark Sterling talk in the back. Mark says he lined Josh up with a coach, then brings in Pat buck. Josh isn't impressed and doesn't see why he needs a coach. He says he forgot more than Pat knows. Pat says Josh's problem is that he thinks he knows everything. Pay says he doesn't want to be his coach anymore and challenges him to a pure rules match.

Leyla Hirsch vs Willow Nightingale

This is a lose-lose match here as neither one of these two should be losing with their current directions.

Leyla grabs her back then is slammed. Willow shoulders her over then hiptosses her. Leyla gets on her back is rammed backwards into the corner. Willow goes on the 2nd rope and is swept, with her head hitting the top buckle. Leyla armdrags her off the uranage then shotgun dropkicks her for 2.

Willow suplexes her then hip attacks her in the corner. Willow hits a kick to the body then spinebusters her. Willow hits mounted headbutts. Leyla rebound germans her then hits a big lariat for 2. Willow uranages her for 2 then hits a big pounce. Willow doctor bombs her and wins it.

As I said, this one was a lose-lose situation. Leyla has been pushed hard and Willow was until she stopped appearing here for a while. No one really needed to lose. The two matched up okay and it wasn't a bad match with some stiff shots here. Maria didn't come out here.

Athena attacks her after then Skye Blue comes down. Leyla takes her down and pounds her then Skye gets on hit with shots. Skye superkicks her and Leyla goes out.

Gringo Loco vs Action Andretti

AA = Action Andretti

AA backflips out of a wristlock then snapmares him. AA flips over him and armdrags him. Loco goes up and over out of the corner then does headflips. They do some flips and AA slides under his pin attempt in a cool spot. AA armdrags him and ends up in the electric chair. He tries to spinning headscissor him from there but Loco flips out.

They then stand off. Loco chest slaps him off a handshake then hits some stomps in the corner. Loco pops him up into a flapjack and then ties him up. Loco eye pokes him then puts his head on his back and flips him into a suplex. AA hits a big lariat then is popped up. AA dropkicks him off of it.

AA lariats him over the top then asai moonsaults him. AA standing spanish flies him for 2. AA hits corner punches then Loco twisting springboard cutters him. Loco goes up top and is enzugiri'd then AA jumps up to the top and hurricanrana's him. AA shotgun dropkicks him then split legged moonsaults him for the win.

It was a decent lucha style match with lots of flips and fancy moves. They didn't overdo it though or go too long and it ended at about the right time. AA had a good outing here.

Ethan Page is interviewed. He faces Christopher Daniels tonight. Page said he is happy and said he demanded competition. He said he is a fan on Daniels and will give him all the respect he deserves. He says he looked into the camera last week and told the locker room to pay close attention to him. He said he will hit 5 victories in a row tonight and said he will be d@mned if Eddie Kingston watches him lose tonight.

Billie Starkz vs Rachelle Riveter

RR = Rachelle Riveter

Billie backs her up in the corner then poses and celebrates. RR hits a superkick and Billie hits a clothesline. Billie hits a knee to the face then does something like a high lifting pedigree. Billie then wins with a bulldog choke in a quick squash.

Billie wants a high five after and Athena rejects it.

Diamante and Mercedez Martinez jump Billie and Athena on the ramp. Athena is ddt'd then Billie gets dropped with a punch. The heels pose over them.

Kip Sabian vs Anthony Henry

They lock up and Kip stomps him. Kip monkey flips him and they bridge at the same time. Henry goes for an armbar. Kip hits some kicks and ends up doing an arabian moonsault outside on JD Drake after he pushes Henry out of the way. Kip is sent into the rails then Henry flying kicks him.

Back in the ring and Kip shotgun dropkicks him. Kip hits a corner senton for 2. Kip kicks him in the back then they trade chops. Kip rolls him into a double stomp for 2. Henry flying kicks him in the chest then does a buzzsaw kick. Henry hits a ki krusher for 2.

Henry goes up top and is distracted by Penelope Ford. Henry is tripped into the 2nd buckle then Kip hits a sitout burning hammer to win it.

I didn't like Kip's finisher. It just doesn't fit someone small like him. They kept this moving and it wasn't bad for a throwaway match.

Griff Garrison is interviewed. He said the announcer is right and it hasn't been a few good weeks for him. He said him and Cole aren't on the same page and said maybe he isn't cut out to be a singles wrestler. Cole and Maria walk in. Cole said Griff should have followed his lead. Griff said Cole lost the match for them though. Maria said Griff should be worried and said they should be on the same page. Maria said she sees a lot of potential in them and they have the same goal - to win the ROH Tag Championship. Maria said she doesn't have time for this and they have to figure it out. Cole says Maria has lead people to success and championships in every company she has been in. He said she is the Lebron of managers and is the hottest mom. Griff interrupts him and says Maria is right. Griff said thye don't have a lot of similarities but said they want to be ROH tag champs. Griff says he has his back if he has his and says let's do this.

Christopher Daniels vs Ethan Page

They shake hands. Page side headlocks him then hits a big shoulderblock. Page throws him on a slam then brainbusters him. Daniels elbow drops him then sends him into the buckles chest first. Page hits some shots then is put in an abdominal stretch. Page hiptosses him out of it.

Daniels rolls him up for 2 then STO's him. Daniels armdrags him then Page hits a big facekick. Page flying lariats him then hits a big slam.

They try pin attempts on each other and Page is pulled over the top. Daniels backslides him then is back body dropped. Page hits a big ego's edge and wins it.

There was a really annoying fan here who would just not shut up. This wasn't that special and I felt like it could have been better.

Mark Sterling and Tony Nese come out. Mark says he is impressed and said he should join the Premier Athlete Brand. Mark says it will be difficult and he cannot quit. He says if you stick with us, we can take you to the next level.  Page asks if he can gurantee him that he will get ahead. Mark says he can get him to the next level. Page asks the crowd what they think and they say no. Page says it's a "hard freakin' no, douchebag". Nese says he doesn't want to team with these soft disgusting body and say she doesn't deserve to stand next to him. He said he should sit with the fat disgusting trash of Salt Lake City and said she should be in his group training. Page says sitting in the crowd with the fans is a better time than talking with a-holes like Nese/Sterling. Page says how about he gets a one on one personal training session with Nese in the in-ring next week. Page then clarifies that they should have a singles match next week. Page then shakes hands with Daniels and asks the crowd to give it up for one of the best wrestlers in ROH ever.

Scorpio Sky vs Darius Martin

DM = Darius Martin

They shake hands and Sky rolls out of a wristlock. DM armdrags him then Sky trips him into an ankle pick. Sky kicks him in the ribs. Sky hits shots in the corner and backdrops him. Sky hits a nice backbreaker. Sky neck cranks him then DM hits a nice dropkick.

Sky takes an atomic drop then is bulldogged over the middle rope. DM flatliners him off the bottom rope. DM rebound germans Sky then Sky hits a sky high for 2. Sky get his knees up on DM's top rope frogsplash then Sky hit a TKO to win it.

It was short and kind of rushed. They just didn't have enough time here.

Overall thoughts:
There was some decent stuff here and they built up some things, but I wouldn't call it great. As usual, most of the ROH champs are completely MIA and there's not a lot of matches set up for next week. The show was 2 straight hours with no breaks as often is the case here, which is a bit much for low level matches.

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