Thursday, October 5, 2023

Pro Wrestling NOAH 9/17/2023 Naomichi Marufuji Debut 25th Anniversary Show

Pro Wrestling NOAH 9/17/2023 Naomichi Marufuji Debut 25th Anniversary Show

I saw all but 1 match here:

Alpha Wolf, Dragon Bane & Seiki Yoshioka vs. Alejandro, Hajime Ohara & Ninja Mack

Seiki and Ohara go at it. Ohara pulls on both of his arms and they do some fast paced chain wrestling. Seiki flying kicks him then Wolf and Mack get in. Mack kips down over him and they legsweep each other. They then kip up at the same time. Bane springboard crossbodies Mack and spinning forearms him.

Ale springboard crossbodies Bane then headscissors him over. Ale bodyscissors Bane over then satellite armdrags Wolf. Ale then tope con hilos outside then Mack does his ninja special outside. Bane is flipped into a double splash then Seiki is double hiptossed into a splash. Bane is then springboard flipped into a double swanton. Bane tope con hilos outside. Ale goes for a pin attempt on Wolf and wins it.

It was short and pretty much all flips and dives. They didn't do various head drops and dangerous looking moves though so I was fine with this one as an opener.

Junta Miyawaki vs. Ryohei Oiwa

They butt heads and Jun pushes him. Oiwa shoulders him over and dropkicks him. Oiwa hits a suplex for 2. Oiwa hits forearms and splashes him for 2. Jun armwringers him over the top rope then top rope dropkicks him. Oiwa slams Jun then Jun shoulder throws him into a double armbar.

Oiwa shoulders Jun over then gutwrench suplexes him. Oiwa hits karelin's lift then germans him to win it.

It was a short squash and it just was what it was. It wasn't real helpful for either guy.

Daiki Inaba, Kazuyuki Fujita, Manabu Soya & Masa Kitamiya vs. REAL (Hideki Suzuki, Saxon Huxley, Shuhei Taniguchi & Timothy Thatcher)

TT = Timothy Thatcher, Sax = Saxon Huxley

Sax's team invites Fujita to do their huddle with them and Fujita's partners sto pit once he goes. Fujita is taken up into the stands and trades shots up there. 4 other people then fight up there.

TT knees Fujita in the stands then Fujita is taken into the lobby. Masa shoulders over TT in the aisle and TT smacks off the floor. Suzuki is smothered with a photograph. Masa and Shuhei trade strikes. Sax corner splashes Masa then Masa hits punches on him. Masa spears Sax.

Fujita shoulders over Shuhei then he trades forearms with him. Fujita suplexes him. Fujita no sells a dragon suplex then lariats Suzuki. Soya drinks energy drinks then gets in. Shuhei slams him then slams Inaba, Masa, Suzuki and Thatcher on him. Sax then slams Shuhei on Soya.

Soya double chops Shuhei then Soya hits a stiff lariat on him. Soya jumping ddt's him and wins it.

It could have just been a lame by the numbers throwaway but they tried here. They had some fun brawling around in the crowd and made this one entertaining. Soya like usual was the highlight.

Eita, HAYATA & Kaito Kiyomiya vs. Stinger (Daga & Yoshinari Ogawa) & Stallion Rogers


Kaito's team is jumped in the ring. Ogawa throws Kaito out. Daga stomps Eita. Daga rolls over his back and leg sweeps him into a superkick. Eita backdrops Daga then Eita dropkicks him. Hayata legsweeps Ogawa then takes an atomic drop.

Rogers and Kaito get in. Kaito rolls out of a wristlock then Kaito armdrags him. Kaito shoulders him over then armdrags Rogers. Kaito crossbodies Ogawa then  Ogawa blocks his sunset flip. They criss-cross and Kaito forearms him. Kaito takes a back body drop over the top rope to the floor.

Daga flying headscissors Kaito then Kaito back elbows him. Daga corner splashes Hayata then flying kicks him in the corner for 2. Hayata takes running corner moves then tornado ddt's Ogawa. Rogers neckbreakers Hayata over the back. Rogers goes for a leap frog but is atomic dropped.

Rogers hits facekicks in the corner then is legswept. Kaito dropkicks Rogers then hits euros in the corner. Kaito hits a 2nd rope twisting forearm. Rogers does a neat death valley driver on Kaito for 2. Kaito blocks a german and is slapped. Kaito euros him then hits a flying shining wizard.Kaito then figure fours Rogers and taps him out.

It was short and not that good. Everyone had to rush to get in something. The finish was out of nowhere and being with juniors did nothing to help out Kaito post-G1 burial.

Kenoh & Psycho Clown vs. El Hijo del Dr. Wagner Jr. & Lance Anoai

Doc = El Hijo del Dr. Wagner Jr.

What a line-up for this one. Gotta love it. Clown and Doc start us off. Doc's mask is slipping off to start and he has to adjust it. They tease shaking hands but don't. Doc takes him down by the leg then Clown does the same. Clown ties up his leg and Doc armdrags him.

They trade armdrags and leg sweep each other then stand off. Doc nails Clown from behind then dropkicks him in the back of the head. Doc rips up his mask then Clown superkicks him and lariats him over the top. Clown topes him through the turnbuckle connectors then crotches him on the guardrail. Lance then tope con hilos both.

Ken then teases a dive. Lance hits forearms and takes facekicks. Ken cartwheels and does his pose at him. Lance headbutts him and Doc topes both on the outside. Clown tornillos outside then Doc hits him as he comes in. Doc goes up and over in the corner then hits a step up enzugiri. Clown step up enzugiri's him then does a flying headscissors. Clown spin kicks him in the gut and hits a code red for 2.

Doc headbutts him and hits a cutter. Lance pop-up samoan drops Clown. Lance headbutt flurries Clown then Lance bites Clown. Clown powerslams Lance for 2. Ken double knees Lance in the corner then 2nd rope double kneedrops him. Ken then ankle locks him. Ken misses a flip kick, is superkicked then flip kicks him.

Clown and Doc get in. They trade chest chops. Clown forearms him then 2nd rope springboard twisting crossbodies him. Clown then hits la magistral for 2. Clown hits both opponents, a camera man and Ken with his belt. Doc rolls up Clown and unties his mask. Clown pops up Doc into a forearm then hits a toyota roll for 2. Doc kicks him in the nuts and pulls off part of his mask. Doc then pulls off the other part and is DQ'd.

The ending was lame and Doc should have been DQ'd before he was, but at least they DQ'd him. They had an interesting styles clash of a match prior to it. I thought it went a little longer than it needed to and it felt like it was mostly Clown vs Doc here.

AXIZ (Go Shiozaki & Katsuhiko Nakajima), Adam Brooks, Atsushi Kotoge & Hi69 vs. GLG (Anthony Greene, Jack Morris, Jake Lee, Tadasuke & YO-HEY)

Tada = Tadasuke, KN = Katsuhiko Nakajima

Jake and Go start us off. They avoid each others shots and stand off. Tada side headlocks Kotoge then Kotoge armdrags him off the ropes. Kotoge rolls into a cutter. Kotoge is then atomic dropped into a dropkick. Adam pump kicks Tada and suplexes him. Jack gets in and Brooks pump kicks him. Brooks then running forearms him for 2.

Brooks is dropkicked in the knee then neckbreakered off of it. Brooks is held upside down then cuttered. Brooks takes a 2nd rope flatliner into the buckles then Brooks tornado ddt's Jack. Go flying shoulders Greene then Greene superkicks him. Go hits a big chop on Jake then hits machine gun chops. Jake hits chops then is lariated. Go hits a double flying shoulder then Jake hits a big knee on Go. KN step up enzugiri's Jack.

Brooks top rope meteora's Greene then topes two people outside. Jake takes a chop and kick combo then is superkicked into a suplex. Go bolo punches Jake then Jake high kicks him. Go then lariats him and both go down.

69 back elbows Yo. Yo gut kicks him and back leg lariats him. Yo is atomic dropped then takes a running knee from Kotoge. 69 then running knees him for 2 and hits a sitout powerbomb. Tada hits a nice lariat on Kotoge. Jake backdrops 69 then hits big knees on Brooks and KN. Jake then taps out Kotoge with a double arm hold.

They didn't have enough time for the amount of people involved. It was a little rushed at times and the finish was pretty weak.

Naomichi Marufuji vs. Will Ospreay


NM = Naomichi Marufuji

They lock up and Will is chopped on the ropes. They trade some basic holds and avoid each others kicks and dropkicks. They then try to dropkick each other at the same time. Will goes to handspring and is dropkicked on the ropes. NM is sat on the top rope and chopped, making him fall down to the floor.

NM is thrown into the rails outside then forearmed off the ropes. NM misses a dropkick then cartwheels into a dropkick. NM then springboard dropkicks him at close range. NM corkscrew plancha's him outside. Will step up enzugiri's him inside then does a handspring back corkscrew kick. Will then does a springboard forearm for 2.

NM hits strikes and is high kicked. Will lariats him on the ropes then corkscrew moonsaults him outside. Will goes to jump off the guardrail but is leg swept. NM then bulldogs him on the guard rail. Will puts him over the top rope and superkicks him as he hangs. Will then springboard ssp's him as he hangs for 2.

Will sitout powerbombs him after kicks for 2. Will does a springboard near coast to coast dropkick. They fight on the apron and NM hits a shiranui on the apron. NM then springboard dropkicks him as he slides in. They trade chops. NM kicks him in the head between the legs then NM hits a cutter. NM hits a shiranui and Will no sells it so he can hit a hidden blade.

Will corkscrew kicks him in the back of the neck and hits an os cutter for 2. NM hits a top rope spanish fly then takes a hook kick. Will tiger drivers him for 1. NM backhands him then takes two spinning forearms. NM flying double knees him for 2 then does a double underhook side driver. Will knees him then NM pumping knees him. NM hook kicks him then takes a flying back elbow. Will hits a hidden blade for 2 and hits a stormbreaker to win it.

It was 100% what I expected with a lot of flipping and flying around and not much logic to back it up. IF you are into moves and flips you will love it, but if you are looking for you, this wasn't it. They didn't overdo it too much at least.

Overall thoughts: If Marufuji/Will sounds like something you will like, you will probably like it. If it doesn't, you won't like it. I didn't like it. The semi-main didn't have enough time and the Wagner/Clown tag match had a bad ending. I liked the Fujita tag and the opener was okay for being an opener, but I wouldn't recommend this.

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