Thursday, October 26, 2023

Ring of Honor on HonorClub 10/19/2023 Episode #34

Ring of Honor on HonorClub 10/19/2023 Episode #34

Angelico vs Gravity

Grav = Gravity, Ange = Angelico

Ange wristlocks him and grabs him by the chin. Grav headflips out and is put in another one. They tie up each others legs and Ange armdrags him. Ange does Grav's slow walk taunt. Grav hiptosses him, dropkicks him and hits a tope con hilo outside.

Grav goes for a top rope crossbody and takes a dropkick in mid-air. Ange backdrops him then does a one legged surfboard type of move. Ange does pelvic thrusts then Grav slingshots over the ropes into an armdrag. Grav rolls him up for 2 then Grav goes around him and rolls him up. Ange catches him in a triangle then Grav powerbombs him down. Ange gets his knees up on Grav's top rope splash. Ange puts him on his shoulder, ripcords him down and then puts him in a tequila sunrise to win.

They matched up okay and even got the crowd into it. Grav's usual weaknesses were pretty well hidden here and I'd call it a success. 

We go to The Righteous. Vincent says paper people have no eyes and says people only see the surfac,e not the depth. Vincent said they would tear apart the friendship of Adam Cole and said the ywere right. Vincent said MJF walked into WrestleDream alone and left alone. Vincent said the devil isn't pulling all the strings, he's playing with the chess pieces. He says when they talk, you should listen as he speaks the truth. This would have worked better if MJF didn't have a million people coming to help him on Dynamite this week.

Shawn Dean vs Peter Avalon

Dean does a headlock takeover on him. Peter shoulds him over and does his pose. Dean hits armdrags and a dropkick. Dean bangs Peter's head off the top buckle then slams him. Ryan Nemeth trips Dean outside and Trish Adora goes up to Nemeth.

Peter gets the edge on Dean while the seconds fight outside and Ryan is chased up the ramp by Trish. Dean hits lariats on Peter then spinning lariats him. Dean ddt's Peter then Peter rolls him up for 2. Peter superkicks him then death valley drivers him for 2. Dean hits a step up enzugiri and a jumping corner lariat.

Dean goes up top and hits a big splash off the top to win it.

It was just kind of an indy match with a lot of enzugiri's and stuff. It started off well though. I really don't get why they had Peter cut his hair and switch to normal bland attire.

Mercedes Martinez vs Marti Belle

MM = Mercedes Martinez

Marti wristlocks her then escapes out of one. MM gets out of  headscissors and slaps her. MM hits stomps in the corner then short arm lariats her. MM hits some chest clubs and chest forearms her. MM then hits a knee to the face. MM bridging neckbreakers her for 2.

MM hits crossface shots and pulls on her mouth. Marti hits forearms and chinbreakers her. Marti hits a running boot to the chest. MM hits a forearm then double arm chokeslams her. MM then does a grounded guillotine hold with the arm and wins it.

It was mostly a squash and wasn't that special.

We go to Athena with Billie and Lexi. Athena says this is a Minion Empowerment Meeting. Athena says they got dropped last week and she doesn't like when people get the better of her. Athena says Billie is facing Diabla tonight and asks what she will do. Athena say the baddest one swings first and says while Diabla is bad, her minion is the baddest. Lexi tells her to punch her in the face and Athena says she still sucks.

Tony Nese gets on the mic during his entrance. He says he is going to make an example of him. He says group training is cancelled as he has to wipe the floor with him. Tony then says to send that jack@ss out.

Ethan Page vs Tony Nese

Nese stops him and poses. Page then lays on the ropes and waits. Nese evades a move and slides out to do jumping jacks. Nese slides out again. Page goes after Mark Sterling, Nese grabs him then Nese gets nailed. Page sits on Nese and holds up a "Tony Nese Sucks!" sign.

Nese running shoulders Nese and Nese takes a nice bump for it. Nese is thrown on a slam then Mark Sterling grabs Page's boot. Nese eyepokes Page and legsweeps him. Nese then plancha's him outside.

Page is put in tree of woe and takes boots. Nese then does boots out of the crunch position. Nese and Page trade shots then Nese hits a shot to his throat. Nese pulls his thrown down over the top the Page suplexes him. Page running lariats him then hits a powerslam for 2.

Neses misses a spin kick and takes a high kick. Page then does a cradle slam and cutters him off the bottom rope for 2. Mark gets on the apron, Nese knees Page into the buckles from behind. Nese puts his feet on the ropes and pins Page.

It was a fun little face vs heel match. Simple for the most part but it made sense and worked. If it's going to lead to a rematch or something, that would work, but it would suck if this just ends here.

Nese pulls his hand away on a handshake after. He says to give him a call to take care of his gut then Page nails him. Page goes to powerbomb Sterling but Sterling escapes thanks to Nese.

Diamante vs Billie Starkz

Dia = Diamante

Billie back elbows her in the gut and throws her out. Billie topes her outside then celebrates. Dia hits her from behind and neckbreakers her over the middle rope. Dia hits mounted punches then pulls the t-shirt off of Billie. Dia neckbreakers her for 2 then dropkicks her hard in the back.

Dia backcrackers her as she hangs off the 2nd rope then hits corner punches. Billie knees her then hits a spin kick. Dia tries to roll her up off the wheelbarrow, is caught and pinned.

Mercedes Martinez nails Billie from behind after. Athena comes in to help and gets 2v1'd. Mercedes grabs chairs and Athena ends up with one. The refs try to break it up and Billie throws Dia into the steps.

It was an acceptable match but the post match angle was really good. The heels did a good job of wrestling Athena down and it just felt like a real fight. 

Maria, Cole Karter and Griff Garrison are interviewed. Griff says he thinks they feel good. Cole then interrupts and says he has a gift for Maria, it's a shirt that says "Hot Mom's <3 Professional Wrestlers". Cole asks if she can wear it. Maria says she is dressed already but hesistantly agrees. Cole is thrilled and Griff says he is so weird.

Pure Rules Match - Josh Woods vs Pat Buck

This is a follw-up to an angle where Pat was going to teach Josh but was turned down. Woods blocks a hiptoss and rolls him into a figure four on the legs. Pat trips Woods, making him use a ropebreak as he tries to break his fall. Pat gets his back and makes him grab the ropes, using a 2nd ropebreak.

Sterling gets on the apron and Pat punches Woods while he isn't looking. Woods then punches him, is caught and gets a warning. Woods bangs Pat's knee in the mat then Pat backslides him.

Pat rolls him up and crucifixes him for 2. Woods kicks him in the shin then knees him in the face. Woods hits a gutwrench powerbomb then ties up both legs and submits him.

It was clever with Pat trying to outsmart Woods before eventually being put down. The logic was good and they had some fun with this instead of doing the usual match. We'll see if anything comes of this or not.

Griff Garrison and Cole Karter with Maria vs Ren Jones and Myron Reed

Maria did wear the shirt out. Reed kips down out of a lariat and kips up, then hits an enzugiri. Cole knees Reed on the apron then Griff facekicks Reed. Griff corner stomp flurries Reed then Griff drops down, making Reed run into a big dropkick.

Ren slingshots in and facekicks Griff off the apron. Ren flying euros Cole then hits a nice brainbuster for 2. Ren takes a spinning Griff forearm then a powerbomb into a ddt from Cole. Griff picks up the win on Ren.

It was a short but good squash. Everyone looked good here and everything hit. Everyone seemed to have extra energy for this. 

Dalton Castle does a promo. He said he knows TV gets better when he is on camera. He said this gives him a lot of pressure to keep the viewer happy. He said he is what the viewer craves and he said he'll be d@mned if he lets anyone step in the way of giving us what we deserve. He says ROH TV has been filled with too much ordinary and it's time he does everything he can to give us extraordinary.

Allysin Kay vs Kiera Hogan

Kay misses a pump kick and is dropkicked in the knee. Hogan hip attacks her on the ropes then spin kicks her. Hogan kicks her in the leg then hits a chop. Hogan crossbodies her but takes a backbreaker off of it.

Hogan is caught and takes a wheelbarrow german for 2. Hogan 2nd rope dropkicks her then running hip attacks her. Hogan does a running baseball slide for 2. Kay lariats her for 2. Hogan top rope dropkicks her then spinning fisherman neckbreakers her for the win.

This was short with a fast pace but nothing special.

The Righteous vs Kevin Matthews & Rod Gordon

The Jobbers get nailed as this starts and Kevin is sent over the top. Dutch black hole slams Rod then Rod takes a sliced bread #2 and is pinned.

This was just a quick squash.

Lady Frost vs Zoey Lynn

Zoey crucifixes her for 2 then knees her in the gut. Frost hits a chop then corner boots. Frost spinning high kicks her then cartwheels on her and hits an air raid crash. Frost hits a top rope corkscrew moonsault.

This was another quick squash and we got the usual 2-3 cool moves from Frost. It's nice to see her squashing instead of being squashed, which she was doing earlier in the year.

Komander vs Metalik

Kom = Komander, Metal = Metalik

Metal's wearing different gear here and does a slingblade bulldog. Metal walks the 2nd rope and dropkicks him. Metal then plancha's outside. Metal springboard splashes him for 2. Kom enzugiri's him then walks the top rope and headscissors him from behind.

Kom walks the top rope again and headscissors him. Kom then tope con hilos him. Kom top rope crossbodies him then does a Toyota roll for 2. They fight on the ropes and Kom top rope hurricanrana's him for 2.  Metal hurricanrana's him off the 2nd rope and spinning cradle shocks him for 2.

Metal goes for a top rope moonsault and Kom gets his feet up. Kom does a fireman's carry into a double knee then walks the top rope into an SSP for the win.

They overdid it a little here but they stuck with just the flying for the most part and that's a lot better than doing various drivers. 

The Gates of Agony vs Action Andretti and Darius Martin vs The Workhorsemen

The GoA get knocked off the apron to start. Action and Henry are back body dropped onto them outside. JD and Darius trade chops. Darius dropkicks him. Action double jump twisting crossbodies him off the buckles then Darius top rope double stomps his arm. JD corner lariats Darius then Darius takes a lariat in the back into a ddt.

Toa gets in and knocks over Darius and Henry. Darius is pounded on by both GoA then takes a double thrown. Kaun sentons Darius for 2. Darius hits a ddt + reverse ddt combo. Action is popped up by Toa but hits a dropkick. Toa misses a corner splash.

Action hits forearms on Henry then Henry release germans Action. Action takes a kick + pendulum flatliner. We get a whole bunch of moves in a quick sequence then AA springboard 450's JD for 2. Henry fights the GoA v2 then takes a Toa headbutt. Henry takes a sandwich lariat and is pinned.

This was about 6 minutes long and they did what they could with it, but this could have had another 20 minutes easy and been better.

Overall thoughts: As usual, no champs were found here and there wasn't much built up for next time. It wasn't a bad show though with some shorter but decent matches. The main didn't get enough time as it often does.


  1. An Ethan Page sighting! I was actually just thinking about him not that long ago, wondering where he'd disappeared to.

    1. Hey Mike,

      Yeah, he's always been used off and on on TV. It feels like they actually have a booking idea in mind in ROH, so we'll see what comes of it.

