Friday, October 20, 2023

WWE NXT Level Up 10/20/2023

WWE NXT Level Up 10/20/2023

Last week's show is here:

Edris Enofe and Malik Blade vs Boa and Dante Chen

We haven't seen Boa in a while and I'm shocked he hasn't gotten cut.

Blade and Chen start us off. Chen tries to roll through an armlock but Blade goes with him. Blade is wearing short tights here instead of long length tights. Chen side headlocks him.

Blade is flipped off of Chen's back then hits a nice dropkick. Chen takes a double back elbow and some stomps and elbow drops. Enofe armlocks him then armdrags him. Boa armdrags Enofe then Enofe hits armdrags on him. Enofe 2nd rope double axe handles him.

Chen backdrops Enofe for 2. Boa kicks Enofe in the chest then russian legsweeps him. Enofe takes a double leg sweep then a sandwich kick to the body. Enofe escapes Chen's grasp and tags in Blade. Blade gets the hot tag in and spinning slaps Chen. Blade backbreakers Chen and Boa accidentally stomps his partner.

Enofe top rope crossbodies both opponents. Chen is held up and Blade hits a running blockbuster to win it.

It was okay for what it was. Blade and Enofe looked good and above this as usual. It was nice to see Chen do something different and maybe grab a new ally rather than his usual generic face stuff.

Fallon Henley, Briggs and Jensen are interviewed. Fallon says Lash Legend has the size and power to succeed in WWE, but she's loud and annoying. Jensen says the rest of Meta-Four is annoying too. Fallon says they have style and should take a page out of their fashion book. She's joking tough. Fallon says Lash talks a good game but she better be ready to saddle up. Kelly then tries to do a jumping thing.

Fallon Henley vs Lash Legend

Fallon rubs the camera with a towel and says, "it's time to saddle up, baby".

Fallon and Lash talk trash before it starts and the ref has to keep everyone apart.

They get up in each others faces and push each other. Lash blocks an armdrag off the 2nd rope and gets slapped. Lash catches a crossbody and slams her. Lash forearms Fallon and drops her with another. Fallon dropkicks her in the knee then kicks her in the side of the head from behind. Oro tries a chepa shot on Fallon and everyone's friends square off. Lash pump kicks Fallon off the apron.

Lash throws her into the buckles and Fallon bounces off. Lash walks her around the ring for a delayed suplex then kips up. Fallon gets on her back with a sleeper and is backed up into the buckles. Fallon does it again. Fallon hits forearms and a spin kick to the gut. Fallon 2nd rope crossbodies her and Meta-Four get on the apron. Briggs and Jensen nail them for it. Fallon hits a bulldog then does a running shining wizard kick to win it.

It wasn't that bad at all. Lash had one of her better outings here and didn't blow anything. Fallon was fine was the face. This could have been a disaster but was 100% better than expected.

Overall thoughts: There were only 2 matches here, which feels like it may be becoming the norm. Nothing must see here but both matches were watchable.

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