Wednesday, October 18, 2023

AEW Dynamite 10/18/2023

AEW Dynamite 10/18/2023

Last week's show is here: 

Penta El Zero Miedo vs Jay White

Penta tope con hilos the Bullet Club as they enter but hits everyone but Jay. Penta slingblades Jay on the floor outside. PEnta then hits a double stomp off the buckles for 2. Penta goes up and over in the corner and hits a backcracker for 2. Colten Gunn trips Penta as he runs the ropes then Penta rolls up Jay for 2.

Jay ddt's Penta then neckbreakers him for 2. Jay suplexes Penta for 2 then Penta superkicks him. Penta is on the the ropes and chopped to the outside. Penta is gordbustered on the apron then Jay ties his mask to the ropes. Jay underhook suplexes him into the ropes and we go to PiP break.

We return from break and Penta hits slingblades. Penta tope con hilos him. They do a stupid spot where they are chopping each other and Penta takes a good 30 seconds to get his glove off and chop him. Penta hits a nasty spinning death valley driver which of course is kicked out of.

Jay uranage's him for 2 then brainbusters him. Jay hits a tazzmission suplex then Penta hits a made in Japan for 2. Juice gets a shot in on Penta when the ref isn't looking and Jay wins with a bladerunner.

They did way too much as expected and didn't do a whole lot of selling. The dirty finish didn't help matters either. 

Jay White gets on the mic after. He talks about MJF and says he's a real world champion, unlike MJF. He said MJF can't find anyone who wants to team with him to take away the belt Jay stole. Juice says he will win the battle royale tonight. 

Renee interviews MJF. He says he's not a good guy, but a scumbag. He says he is getting back his title before Full Gear. He said he went to comicon and there were a bunch of people like him walking around with pretend belts. The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn walk in. They offer to help MJF get his title back. Max says they can scissor after they win. MJF says no. Max then says he can join the battle royale tonight, win it then win MJF's ring. Billy says MJF is a scumbag and Max says MJF is his scumbag.

They do a video on Hikaru Shida vs Emi Sakura tonight.

AEW Women's Title Eliminator - Emi Sakura vs Hikaru Shida

Shida gets jumped before the bell rings. Emi back elbows her then they trade chops for forearms. Emi hits machine gun chops in the corner. Emi tries to crossbody her but takes a pumping knee. Emi hits some dropkicks on her.

We go to PiP break and return. Emi pulls Shida's hair then crossbodies her, knocking her off the apron. Shida hurricanrana's her outside then top rope dropkicks her for 2. Emi hits a tiger driver '91 on her and of course she kicks out.

Emi top rope moonsaults, Shida is supposed to move but still gets hit with it. Shida hits her spinning knee and gets a 1 count. Emi lariats her then la magistrals her. Shida hits a tilt-a-whirl shoulder breaker then Emi tilt-a-whirl backbreakers her but is caught with an armbar. Shida falcon arrows her for 2. Shida spinning knees her in the face and wins it.

Them doing a tiger driver '91 in the middle of this was just stupid and of course, it was kicked out of. Other than that it wasn't that bad but it really was just a random match that they tried to make a last minute story out of.

Adam Copeland is interviewed by Renee. He says he doesn't understand what's going on as he was supposed to team with Christian. He talks about them becoming friends. Adam says he thinks Christian is the most underrated wrestler in history and says Christian would still be working an IT job if he didn't help open the doors for him. Adam says he will not fight him and does not want his TNT championship. He says eventually Nick Wayne and Luchasaurus will leave Christian high and dry and he will be the one to pick him up.

Wardlow vs Ryan Nemeth

Ryan rushes him and gets some shots in. Wardlow hits a last ride powerbomb and the ref ends it.

Tony Schiavone tries to interview Wardlow. He asks what he is back for. Wardlow has MJF's name written on his wrist tape. Wardlow then bumps into Tony as he leaves and Tony falls down.

Kenny Omega is interviewed.  He said Kyle Fletcher reminded him of who he was. He said this week it will be him then The Don Callis Family then maybe the AEW Title. MJF walks in and offers to shake his hand. MJF then tells him "13 days b!tch", whatever that means. Kenny says we'll see about that.

We go to Roderick Strong's house. Mike Bennett sings "neck strong" with conga's. Adam Cole makes Strong coffee. Strong spits it out and says he hates hot coffee. Cole says he's out of here. Strong says he's sorry and said Cole used to make the best peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Cole says he will do it.

We then see a video of Cole making the sandwich. Strong spits out the sandwich and says he hates crust. Cole yells at him. He said he has done everything he can to help him. He then says he is done with this and leaves. Strong tells Kingdom that he knows what he has to do and he has to be nice to that scumbag.

Tony Schiavone interviews Don Callis, Konosuke Takeshita and Powerhouse Hobbs in the ring. Don says last week, his crew made history by manhandling Chris Jericho. Don says "Will Hobbs" broke Chris jericho in half. Hobbs says on February 22, 1998, he had the chance to meet Chris Jericho, his hero. He said he was given front row tickets and Jericho told him to shut up and sit down, along with his grandmother. He said he swore the day he got to look him in the eye, he was going to hurt him.

Don calls Hobbs a killing machine. He says they aren't done with Jericho and will release Hobbs on AEW. He said they are undefeated in 4 months except for one match where Sammy Guevara was hurt by Jericho and they had to replace him with Kyle Fletcher. He said Kyle Fletcher let them down and screwed The Don Callis Family.

Kyle Fletcher comes down. He goes face to face with Hobbs. Don says he wants to hear this and Kyle takes the mic from him. Kyle said he did the match for Don as a favor and said Will Osperay told him Don was on his knees begging him for the match. Kyle says he has a match with Kenny Omega 1v1 and will prove that he doesn't need anyone's help to beat Kenny Omega. Don says he likes the confidence and says they may have an opportunity to discuss if he beats Kenny tonight.

This had the usual AEW problems with them inventing new parts of the story without telling us about them beforehand like with Hobbs supposedly being the biggest fan of Jericho.

Kenny Omega vs Kyle Fletcher




Kenny comes right out. Kyle hits double axe handles on him and chops. Kyle hits mounted punches then Kenny brainbusters him. Kenny plancha's him outside. Kenny takes a flying kick off the apron. We are told the 13 days line meant that MJF will hold the AEW title reign longer than Kenny in 13 days. Kyle throws Kenny over the rails.

KEnny flips over Kyle in the corner then hurricanrana's him. They trade chops outside. Kenny runs at him against the rails but is tripped into a chair. We go to PiP break and return. Kenny does a forward rolling death valley driver then 2nd turnbuckle connector moonsaults him outside. Kenny top rope dropkicks him then neckbreakers him over the knee. Kyle half and half suplexes him then hits a flying kick in the corner. Kyle brainbusters him for 2.

Kyle lawn darts him into the 2nd buckle then hits a michinoku driver for 2. Kyle leg lariats him in the back of the head then Kenny pumping knees him. Kenny hits a poisonrana then a powerbomb. Kenny then running knees him for 2. Kyle does a grounded dragon sleeper then Kenny dragon suplexes him. Kyle superkicks him then Kenny flying pumping knees him. Kenny then hits a one winged angel and wins it.

They did too much here as expected with kicking out of poisonrana's, powerbombs and dragon suplexes.

We get a Danhausen video.

Lance Archer vs Barrett Brown

Lance boots his opponents down the ramp as he enters. He gets tope'd but kind of blocks it and chokeslams the opponents on the apron. Lance suplexes him and hits running back elbows. Brown is on the buckles and Lance step up knees him. Lance then hits his reverse razor's edge and wins this quick squash.

Prince Nana and Swerve Strickland talk outside. Nana said some of the best wrestlers have been in Houston and says Swerve gets to debut his new remix video this week. Swerve said he should be excited, but he's not because he's not TNT champ. He said Swerve vs Page is now personal and says you don't want to go to war with people who care less than you do and Swerve says nobody cares less than him. Swerve said it's not always you that pays for your actions.

Tony Schiavone interviews Sting in the ring. He talks about Dusty Rhodes and Hulk Hogan. He said Hulk transcended wrestling and he learned from him. He thanked Ric Flair for all of the moments. He said his body isn't the same as it was 20 years ago. He said his retirement in 2015 didn't sit right with him and said the only sure thing about him is that nothing is for sure.

He said he had his first match in AEW at Revolution 2021 and said his last match will be at AEW Revolution 2024.

RJ City said Toni Storm will debut her "Gone with the Storm" film. Toni then comes in and talks about it and says to play it.  We then go to PiP break.

Jim Ross interviews Nick Wayne and his mom. JR says he can't get over what Nick did to Darby. Nick's mom said Darby was like a brother to him. She said she doesn't recognize him. Nick tells her to shut up and says she and JR don't understand. Nick said it was always about Darby and he's always been in his shadows. He says it's time for him to prove himself. He said this is him and says Christian is his new father figure and said he's a better father figure than his dad was. Christian then comes in and asks if he's ready to come home. His mom tries to stop him. Nick says she was a terrible mother and Nick's mom slaps him. Nick then says she is dead to him. We then hear someone get beaten up and Darby Allin beats up Nick and Christian.

Darby and Nick fight on the ramp. Luchasaurus hits Darby form behind. Lucha throws Darby down the ramp. Sting comes out and nails Christian in the leg from behind. Sting sends Lucha into the rail and we see Nick's mouth is busted open. Sting puts Christian in an indian deathlock but Lucha pulls Christian out.

Renee interviews Best Friends, Hook and Kris Statlander. Kris says she will give Willow Nightingale a title shot at Battle of the Belts. Renee says OC will defend the International Title against the winner of a three way. OC said he didn't know what he had until it was gone Hesays there is unfinished business and he has something to prove.

Dynamite Dozen Battle Royale

Johnny TV kind of throws himself to the apron then he uses the ropes and hooks his leg under Matt Sydal's arms to pull him out. Johnny does capoeira and challenges Daniel Garcia to dance. Matt Menard stops the dancing before it happens. Jeff Hardy then stars dancing after Dustin Rhodes nails Johnny with a hard lariat. Johnny TV is thrown over the top and eliminated.

Jeff Hardy jumps off Matt's back to hit a corner splash. Matt gets on the 2nd rope and Jakger Hager catches him then throws him over the top. MJF goes from commentary to the ring. MJF tries to give Dustin Rhodes money to take out Juice Robinson. Dustin hits shattered dreams on Juice. We go to PiP break and return.

Komander springboard dropkicks Hager. He tries to dive on Menard and Garcia but is thrown over the top. Trent hits a flying knee then half-nelson suplexes Garcia. Dustin canadian destroyers Garcia. Hager ends up on the apron and Trent knocks him off of it. Menard and Trent fight on the apron. Garcia saves Menard then Menard lariats Trent hard off the apron.

Garcia throws out Jeff Hardy off a twist of fate attempt. Menard stops Garcia from dancing and they shove each other. Garcia accidentally nails Menard off a failed double team. Dustin throws out Menard then Garcia throws out Dustin.

Juice, Garcia and Max Caster are the last three in. Garcia does his dance. Juice tries to throw Garcia out. Garcia is saved for a second then Max ends up throwing Garcia out. Max kicks Juice on the apron then Juice spears him in the gut.

They fight on the buckles. Juice is thrown off into the ring and Max hits his top rope mic drop. MJF is jumped by Jay White at the commentary desk. They fight and MJF gets his title back after hitting Jay. MJF goes to hit him with it but takes a low blow. Juice Robinson pulls out a ring and punches Max with it. Max is then thrown out. Juice wins.

It was fairly obvious Juice was winning this. This was as far from a star studded affair as it could have been with Juice and Jeff Hardy being the biggest names in it. It was a battle royale. It was watchable but nothing great.

Overall thoughts: There wasn't anything I really liked that much here. Lance Archer winning a squash was random. Hobbs was retconned as a huge Jericho fan, which we never knew about before. Wardlow wants MJF for some reason. Emi vs Shida had a story, but they didn't bother trying to make an angle out of it and it was obvious Emi wasn't winning. It was also obvious that Juice was going to be the winner of the battle royale ahead of time.

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