Monday, October 30, 2023

AEW Collision 10/28/2023

AEW Collision 10/28/2023

Last week's show is here: 

Jay White vs AR Fox

Jay hits a corner spear and a headlock takeover. Jay shoulders him over and hits corner chops. AR hits chops and is pounded on. AR back cutters him off the 2nd rope then kips down out of a shot. AR kips up and enzugiri's him then plants off the post and moonsaults him outside.

They get back in the ring and AR takes a half-butterfly suplex into the buckles. Jay hiptosses AR then ddt's him. We go to PiP break and return. AR hits some shots. Jay slingshots in but AR does too with a swanton. AR then tope con hilos Bullet Club Gold minus Jay, then tope con hilos Jay.

AR does a twister brainbuster for 2 then top rope swantons him for 2. Jay is up top and AR hits a seated spanish fly off the top for 2. AR misses a 450 then takes a sleeper suplex. Jay then hits a blade runner and wins it.

It was a longer match with the result never really in doubt. They gave AR some big moves here to make people think he would win. AR did a little much but I think the idea was overall okay.

MJF comes out and tries to take the belt back. MJF then runs away which wasn't exactly a great look for a face.

The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn do an interview. They say next Collision is 69 days as AEW trios champs. Max said MJF just texted him. Max gives Bowens the phone and Bowens says he is being catfished. Billy then makes Max stand in the corner an thye do the usual "everyone loves The Acclaimed" line.

The Boys vs The Gunn's

The Boys are wearing cornrows and it's even harder than usual to tell them apart. Austin shoulders one over then takes a step up enzugiri. Austin takes a running back elbow in the corner then hits a double throat thrust.

Brandon is flipped with a Colten clothesline then thrown over the top. Brandon takes a wild bump for it. Brent then takes a big 310 to Yuma and is pinned in this quick squash.

The Boys were completely brought out at random here and they haven't even been on ROH lately, yet alone an AEW TV show. This was all squash.  

We get a Danhausen Very Evil video. 

Ryan Nemeth is interviewed by Lexi in the back. He says he wants his Hollywood successes to translate here. We then see he is front of CJ Perry's door. Miro answers the door and throws him in. The door closes and we hear Ryan being beaten up.

AEW Women's Title - Fright Night Fight - Hikaru Shida (c) vs Abadon

There's pumpkins, fake spider webs, fake tombstones and a trash can in the ring for this. Boy, I better not hear any WWE complaints for doing lame stuff like this after this one. They lock up and Ab tries to bite her arm. Shida's in a dress for some reason here and shoulders her over.

Ab spinning headscissors her. They duel a bone vs a tombstone and Shida dropkicks her. Shida hits corner punches then 2nd rope dropkicks her. Ab goes under the ring and tries to pull Shida down with her. Ab goes under again and punches her. AB hits her with a trash can lid.

We go to PiP break and return. They trade shots and Shida flying knees her. Shida grabs a witches broom and tries something off the top but misses. They then clothesline each other at the same time. Ab hits her with a bat in the gut and then Shida chokes her with it.

Shida facekicks her then is lariated. Shida is whipped face first into the middle bucket. Ab then top rope blockbusters her onto candy. Ab swings a pumpkin at her then Shida hits her with a kendo stick. Shida then does a running knee. Shida puts a pumping on Ab's head and spinning knees her to win it.

This was a WWE style goofy hardcore match with Halloween themed weapons. It wasn't going to be good as a normal match and wasn't much better as a hardcore match. It also went on too long.

Toni Storm comes out and lays on the announcer's table.

Dax does a promo on Ricky Starks. He says they fight tonight and says he doesn't respect him as a man, just a performer. He said he will beat him like he stole something. Ricky said it took them years to become the tag team they are, but it only took them one night to become champ. Ricky said he will stomp Dax out as quick as he can in absolute fashion, in the biggest way he knows how. He then points at Big Bill.

Keith Lee says he wants to talk history with Shane Taylor. Shane says he wants to be the best. Keith said they ran over people and had fun as a team. Keith said this will be a great way to make an exmaple of him and Keith says something about testing Keith's limits. Shane was impossible to hear here and I'm really not sure what he said.

ROH TV Title - Samoa Joe vs Rhett Titus

Rhett earned this shot by likely never winning an ROH match since AEW bought the company. He hasn't even been on the ROH show for a while and he's coming in cold here. Rhett hits forearms and chops then a running back elbow. Joe hits a punch flurry and Joe corner enzugiri's him.

Rhett goes for a top rope crossbody and Joe just walks away from it. Rhett running facekicks him then takes a corner uranage. Joe then chokes him out and wins it.

This was just a quick squash.

QTV is interviewed. Renee says it's been a while since they have seen a new QTV ep and Harley stops her. Harley says they have a new music video coming up. QT was asked where he's been and he said he's going to be back in AEW, defending against AEW's luchadores. He said he will be defending the title soon and didn't name anyone he wanted to face.

We see clips of Bryan Danielson being injured on Dynamite. Claudio says Bryan has a broken orbital bone. He says he doesn't know if it was Orange or Okada who did it, but he will make both pay. He says he is coming for them, will find them and will make them pay. CC said they hurt one of them and now he will hurt one of them in return.

Ricky Starks vs Dax Harwood

The lights go out and House of Black appear in the stands. They do some amateur wrestling. Dax shoulders him over and hiptosses him. Starks upkicks him then armdrags him. Dax side headlocks him then snap suplexes him. Starks walks the top rope and clubs Dax off of it.

Starks legdrops him on the apron then shoulders him over. Starks is thrown over the top. Dax slides out, is trapped in the ring skirt then Starks hits a bunch of shots on him. Starks suplexes him on the ramp.

We go to PiP break and return. Dax hits a superplex. Starks hits a big lariat then Dax hits a bunch of jabs. Dax cradles him and rolls him up for 2. Dax hits a brainbuster for 2. Dax spears the post on accident but recovers and piledrivers him. Big Bill interrupts the count. FTR get in Bill's face for it then Dax gets in and takes a piledriver. Starks wins.

It wasn't awful or anything but the finish wasn't good and brought done any goodwill it had going for it.

The lights go out and come back on. Julia Hart is on the ramp and the lights go off. House of Black are in the ring and surround FTR. LFI then come down the ramp for some reason. LFI goes after House of Black and then is in the ring with FTR. 

Andrade El Idolo is interviewed. He was asked about LFI and his partner ship with them. He said something about being a businessman and being worried about his business and that was it.

Kris Statlander, Willow Nightingale and Skye Blue are interviewed. Kris wants to know whats up with Willow and Skye. Willow said she wanted to be the one to wrestle Shida tonight and said she feels tension between them. Willow said things have gotten worse between her and Skye. Willow asks to talk to Julia Hart with Skye and Skye says anything she talks about with Julia is just between them.

Claudio Castagnoli vs Tracy Williams

Tracy is run over with a euro. CC pounds on him with euros in the corner then short arm lariats him. CC then wins this with a euro in a short squash.

CC puts Tracy in a lebell lock after.

Samoa Joe goes up to MJF in the back. He says he's going to get his title shot one way or another and tells him to scream his name if he needs him, and he'll be his friend. He then said he's up against a dangerous opponent.

AEW World Title - MJF (c) vs Kenny Omega


MJF headflips out of a wristlock and they do a stand off. Kenny drops down and MJF walks on his back. Kenny cartwheels over him then MJF counters his drop down. They each do side headlocks and headscissors then stand off. MJF calls for "sportsmanship" shakes his hand then eye pokes him.

MJF is backbody dropped over the top and hits his head on the apron. Kenny then tope con hilos him. MJF then gets in and hits a fosbury flop on him, which he never does. Kenny top rope crossbodies him. Kenny goes for a hurricanrana but is powerbombed on MJF's knee.

MJF belly to belly suplexes him then lifts him up and ddt's him. MJF mocks Kenny's mannerisms then takes a snap dragon suplex. Kenny does an over the back bulldog. Kenny gets on his back and straightjacket chokes him. Kenny laraits him over the top then 2nd rope connector triangle moonsaults him outside.

Kenny top rope dropkicks him in the back of the head. Kenny goes for a 2nd buckle moonsault and MJF gets his feet up. MJF bangs Kenny's head off the top buckle. MJF bites him in the head then arm throws him into the buckles. MJF kangaroo kicks him, which Tony Schiavone doesn't pick up on. MJF then takes a knee to the gut.

Kenny baseball slides him on the outside. Kenny sets up a table outside then slingshot sunset flips him. They try to bridge up together but slip. MJF backslides him takes a buckle bomb. MJF no sells it and lariats him, then both go down.Kenny dragon suplexes him on the apron and Tony says "he broke the man's neck". Kenny then slingshot sitout powerbombs him off the apron through a table. We go to PiP break and there is a timer on the screen during it which was odd.

We return and they trade strikes. Kenny pumping knees him then MJF poisonrana's him off the OWA attempt. Kenny poisonrana's him. MJF double stomps Kenny's arm then Kenny pumping knees him. MJF then hits a made in Japan for 2. Kenny twisting brainbusters him then piledrivers him. We go to PiP break and return.

MJF is powerbombed on the rail. Kenny goes up top and is crotched. MJF goes up top and is brought down face first on the buckle. Kenny v-triggers him then hits a snap dragon and another v-trigger. Kenny hits more v-triggers then Don Callis comes out.

They roll each other up and Don gets on the apron. MJF hits a heat seeker piledriver over the 2nd rope. MJF goes for the panama sunrise but Kenny blocks it. MJF superkicks him then hits the panama sunrise. MJF then hits a heatseeker piledriver for the win.

They did too much here as expected and it did go on longer than it needed to. I don't know why Don Callis came out, but he didn't really do anything of note.

We see Samoa Joe, Wardlow, Hobbs and Bullet Club watching this on TV in the back after.

Overall thoughts: This wasn't good. There were a lot of people randomly wrestling here for no reason. The women had a terrible match and they did too much in the main as expected.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't mind when MJF did the initial dive, it worked as far as him doing something that nobody would really think that he can do. But this turned into a full-blown Kenny Omega main event, which is just about the last kind of match that MJF needs to be working. I didn't mind the Don Calis bit though, only because instead of MJF taking advantage and kicking Kenny low or going for the Diamond, which is what people expected, he tried to win by outwrestling Omega, and wound up doing just that without any assistance.
