Wednesday, October 25, 2023

WWE Monday Night Raw 10/23/2023

WWE Monday Night Raw 10/23/2023

Last week's show is here:

The Judgment Day come out to talk and brag about their title win. Cody Rhodes then comes out. He asks them how it feels to get interrupted. He says he has some words for the leader of the Judgment Day, then says Rhea isn't out here. Cody said Rhea is their mami too. Cody said Priest low blowed him but it is not the final shot in their fight. Cody then brings up Rhea setting up a deal with Bloodline.

Priest talks about Cody's story and says his story is that he failed. Cody takes off his tie and wants to fight. Priest says they should fight at Crown Jewel. Cody accepts but asks what they should do now. Cody said they should give the fans a preview of Crown Jewel right now. Dom and Rhea then come out. Jey Uso nails Dom from behind and a big brawl breaks out.

JD McDonaugh comes out and chop blocks Cody. Cody's foot is put between the steps and a chair and Priest chairs it.

This was a good angle.

Adam Pearce and Jey Uso talk to Cody in the back. Jey tries to help him walk.

Alpha Academy vs The New Day

They say Akira Tozawa is now a member of Alpha Academy and Wade Barrett says he reminds him of Richard Simmons. Gable takes down Woods then takes a PK and a sliding lariat. Gable then takes some standing splashes. Gable monkey flips Kofi and Kofi lands on his feet. Gable crossbodies Kofi over the top and goes with him to the floor.

Otis shoulders Woods over on the floor then back body drops Kofi on the floor. We go to PiP break and return. Otis misses a vader bomb. Woods and Gable get in. Woods spinning forearms him then his a russian legsweep. Woods hits a wild spinning fireman's carry slam.

Gable hits germans on Woods. Woods in on Otis' shoulders and takes a top rope bulldog. Otis hits a splash on Kofi in the corner then hits a caterpillar elbow. Woods superkicks Otis then Otis headbutts him. Otis goes shoulder first into the corner and Gable blind tags himself in. Woods tries a reverse caterpillar but Gable ankle locks him out of it. Woods rolls him up for 2.

Gable is pulled over the top rope. Woods kicks Otis then Kofi springboard double axe handles him. Otis takes a double superkick then a trouble in paradise kick. Kofi tope con hilos outside then Woods walks the top rope for an elbow drop. Woods then picks up the win.

It was a fast paced, short and kind of rushed match. I didn't like New Day winning here, at least the way they did anyway. I definitely would have involved Tozawa in this some how. The match had a lot of highlights and was entertaining, but it didn't have the time.

Becky Lynch is interviewed. She is asked about defending her title on back to back nights. She said she has come to Dallas and is looking for a fight. She said Indi never lost her NXT Title or got a chance after losing it. Becky says welcome to the big time for Indi.


We get a viking party video on Ivar. They call him the one true warrior and say his time is now.

Seth Rollins and Rhea Ripley talk in the back. Seth says if she is looking for Drew, she's in the wrong place. Rhea said the Judgment Day and Seth have a history, but it was built on respect. She said they did everything they could to take his title and he held onto it. Rhea said they are concerned about him going up against Drew and say he needs insurance, he needs Judgment Day. Seth says she lost faith in her boy, Damien Priest. Seth says he gets what she wants, but asks what would he want from her? Rhea says he is the a world champion, but could be the world champion. Rhea said alliances could change and said Damien Priest might cash in his title on someone else, then they hold all the gold. Rhea says she doesn't know how he will have a title reign like Roman without them. She brings up his hurt back. Seth said the one thing he doesn't want is to be anything like Roman Reigns. Rhea says, "that wasn't a no, think about it".

Indi, Natalya and Candice LaRae talk in the back. Natty says she wsies them luck. She says tonight is about Indi and says she will make history tonight. Natalya says Tegan Nox is injured and says if Indi needs any advice, she is there.

NXT Women's Title - Becky Lynch (c) vs Indi Hartwell

Lyra Valkyria is out there watching since she gets a title shot tomorrow. She looked like Roxanne Perez here. Indi misses a kick and lariats her. Becky rolls out. Indi euros Becky and Becky backslides her. Indi is thrown onto the top rope then sideslammed. Becky leg lariats her and slides out. Indi swings her into the rails.

We go to break and return. Indi facekicks her over the 2nd rope then top rope elbows her back. Becky rolls up Indi then reverse ddt's her for 2. Indi facekicks her then Becky 2nd rope superplexes her. Indi deadlift powerbombs her for 2 then spinebusters her. Becky fujiwara armbars her and wins via tapout.

This wasn't that good as expected. Indi's a clumsy and dangerous worker. The match wasn't that long and it was clear Indi had no shot here.

Candice LaRae was watching this in the back then Xia Li comes up and slaps her from behind. She says that was a message for Indi too.

Adam Pearce tells security to be on their toes tonight as contract signings get chaotic. Nick Aldis comes in. He says they got off on the wrong foot and he shouldn't have got him escorted out on Smackdown. He calls it a rookie error. He said he just wants to have healthy competition but doesn't want it to tarnish their relationship. He gives his apologies. Pearce says he knows what it is like to be the new guy and says it was out of line. He says it's water under the bridge and invites him to stay instead of throwing him out. Pearce then tells a ref to double the amount of security guards tonight.

Adam Pearce brings out 4 of the women for the 5 way match to sign the contract. He says he will have Rhea sign it later. Rhea Ripley then comes out. She says she can beat all of these girls individually and says this is a conspiracy. She says Pearce set her up. She says the more Pearce tries to control her, the more she will make his life a living hell. She says Pearce will have 4 less women in the division when this is done. She says none of them will take the title from her.

Nia says she thinks Rhea wants her to squash all of them for her. Nia points this all to all of the other girls. Nia mocks Raquel when she tells her then Raquel hits her. A brawl breaks out and security comes in. The girls clear off security and fight. Nia and Raquel square off, security breaks it up and they fight again. Nia samoan drops her.

Ludwig Kaiser tells Vinci that he needs him to perform and take out Johnny Gargano tonight. Kaiser says his performance reflects on him and he is his responsibility. Bronson Reed comes in. He said Gunther gave him a hell of a fight last week and whenever he wants Round 2, he is ready. Kaider said he should tell him himself. Tozawa then goes out to Reed and says he wants a match. Reed says no then Tozawa chops him. Reed then says it will be his funeral. Maxxine Dupri then comes in and says Coach Gable won't be happy about this and asks what he's doing. 

Giovanni Vinci vs Johnny Gargano

JG = Johnny Gargano

The crowd doesn't react to JG at all. Vinci hits corner spears and they trade shots. Vinci does a nice pop-up, tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. They cut to a commercial for a movie mid-match and return back to the match, which I haven't seen before. Vinci fallaway slams JG.

Vinci facekicks JG on the apron then JG slingshot spears him. Vinci hits a hard shot from behind then is superkicked. Kaiser gets on the apron and Tomasso Ciampa beats him up. He then runs him off. JG enzugiri's Vinci from the apron then hits a slingshot ddt to win.

It was short, had some shenanigans going on and wasn't that great 

Shinsuke Nakamura does his usual taped promos with subtitles. He talks about Ricochet but says he wants to find an opponent who will essentially release the inner beast in him. He asks who is worthy enough to set him free?

Logan Paul comes out to talk and talks about his fight last week. He said he made his opponent lose his fight and job. He says he will give the fans something to talk about when he beats Rey. Dominik Mysterio comes out. Logan and Dom put each other over. Logan said Dom became champ despite growing up with a deadbeat dad. Logan says Rey is the only person who needs a humbling.

Logan mocks the ring announcer and asks her to come in the ring. He said he knew it was hard for her to announce that Logan beat her fiancee, Ricochet. Logan then asks to be announced as the new US champ right now. Ricochet then comes in and spears Logan, then sends him out of the ring. Dom is pumping knee'd. Ric goes for a top rope SSP but Logan pulls Dom out of the way.

Chelsea Green and Piper Niven vs Natalya and Nikki Cross

Nikki is Natalya's surprise partner. Nat rolls up Green. Nikki is on the apron not blinking and just staring. Nat is hit from behind after hitting Piper then hit from behind. Piper splashes Nat. Nikki walks away from the ring then Nat release germans Green. Nat release germans Green, drops her on her butt and hits a spinning clothesline for 2. Green hits an unpreitter on Nat then Piper crossbodies Nat while she is seated. Piper gets the win.

It was pretty much a joke of a match to put over whatever they are doing with Nikki Cross.

Drew McIntyre goes up to Jey Uso in the back. He said he can't possibly understand how it feels to have The Bloodline cost him a match and tells him just to get over it. Drew says whatever happens in the match against Sami is on him, as it wouldn't be happening if Jey wasn't traded to Raw.

Miz talks to Adam Pearce in the back. He says it's been weeks since he had something worthy to do on the show. Rhea Ripley then gives Pearce the contract and says she is keeping the pen.

Rhea then runs into Dom and says he needs ice on his chin.

Drew McIntyre vs Sami Zayn

They lock up and shove each other. Sami tries to shoulder him over but can't. Drew then shoulders him over. Drew's head is banged off the apron. Sami is whipped into the rails but moonsaults off of them onto Drew. Drew suplexes Sami inside.

Sami hits lariats and Drew chops him over. Sami hits a big lariat. Sami hits a forearm flurry then pulls Drew over the top. Sami plancha's him, gets caught then is thrown over the announcer's table.

We go to break and return. Drew accidentally spears the post then Sami suplexes him. Sami lariats Drew over the top then tope con hilos him. Sami hits a 2nd rope sunset bomb off an air raid crash attempt. Drew takes a face kick and a blue thunder bomb for 2.

Drew hits belly to belly suplexes then Rhea Ripley comes out. Sami rolls up Drew for 2 then exploders him into the buckles. Rhea gets on the apron then Sami takes a claymore kick that only hits him in the hand. Drew pins Sami.

This was a good tv match with them putting out a pretty good effort. It could have been better with more time.

Nick Aldis talks to Katana Chance and Kayden Carter in the back. Adam Pearce comes in and said when he invited him to stay, it didn't mean to come chat with his superstars. Nick says it was just a friendly conversation and says he will take off.

Nikki Cross then stares and walks past him then Pearce says he needs a drink.

Bronson Reed vs Akira Tozawa

Tozawa hits weak strikes then takes a running body block. Reed hits a big chop then splashes and suplexes him. Reed gorilla press slams him and misses a senton. Tozawa spin kicks him then does a corkscrew kick. Reed pops him up and is hurricanrana'd. Tozawa is caught coming off the top then takes a death valley driver and a senton. Reed hits a top rope splash and wins in this quick squash as expected.


Alpha Academy and New Day are in the back. Otis has a Dallas Cowboys title. Tozawa walks in and is hurting. Gable says he has confidence in Tozawa and said they will turn him into a great tag team wrestler. DIY walks in. Tozawa is given the Cowboys belt for being a great champion. Tozawa then does his training dance thing as Woods says, "Tozawa, that's nasty!".

Drew McIntyre is walking around in the back and runs into Seth Rollins, who is wearing women's clothes again. Seth congratulates him for getting his first win as a Judgment Day member. Drew says Seth didn't say no to Rhea's offer either. Seth says not now or ever and says he doesn't need them. Drew says the same thing. They then agree on "no Judgment Day". Seth says may the best man win and Drew says, "he will".

Jey Uso vs Damian Priest

Jey uppercuts Priest then takes a jumping back elbow. Priest hits shots, misses a splash then takes a dropkick. Jey lariats him over the top and dropkicks him. We go to break and return. Priest hits a big falcon arrow. They trade more shots and Jey hits a bunch of punches. Jey top rope crossbodies him for 2.

Priest spinning punches him and spins him with a lariat. Jey superkicks him in the gut and has trouble taking off his shirt before a punch. Jey samoan drops him for 2. Jey goes for a tope and takes a lifting flatliner on a table. They trade enzugiri's and Priest lifting flatliners him for 2.

Jey spears him then hits a top rope splash. Finn Balor comes down. Jay nails him then topes him. Priest hits a south of heaven and wins it.

It was an okay main. Not great or memorable but it was acceptable.

Finn beats up Jey after and hits a top rope double footstomp. Cody Rhodes comes out with a taped up ankle and fights off Judgment Day. Cody goes to pillmanize Priest's ankle but Finn pulls out Priest

Overall thoughts: A pretty good show. The Judgment Day continue to be a good unit and the booking team is doing a really good job writing around them. Seth vs Drew has been more interesting than expected. We had some good wrestling here with a couple of good matches as well.

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