Sunday, October 22, 2023

AEW 10/21/2023 Battle of the Belts VIII

AEW 10/21/2023 Battle of the Belts VIII

AEW International Title - Orange Cassidy vs John Silver

OC shoulder bumps Mox as he is leaving and he is pushed for it. Silver puts his hands in OC's pockets. OC headbutts him then topes Alex Reynolds outside. Silver throws OC across the ring. OC bangs Silver's head off the buckles. Silver delay superplexes OC off the 2nd rope.

Silver one-armed gorilla presses OC onto the apron then throws him on the floor. We go to PiP break and return. OC dropkicks Silver with his hands in his pockets. Silver kicks him on the ropes then OC michinoku drivers him for 2.

OC hits a stunner on Silver and beach breaks him for 2. Alex distracts OC and hits him with the belt. OC then kicks out of a roll-up at 2. Silver lariats OC then spinning torture rack bombs him for 2. OC trips him and hits an orange punch to win.

This was dreadful as expected with them doing comedy, doing way too much and actually trying to treat John Silver like a strong man. OC got dropped on the apron, got hit with a title belt and took a spinning torture rack bomb but it was just not enough to put down the great Orange Cassidy. Horrible. 

Lexi interviews Andrade El Idolo. CJ Perry walks in and said he could become the biggest, best and most handsome star in the world with enough guidance. Andrade doesn't get it and Lexi said she is interested in managing him. Andrade asks why and leaves after making a face.

Mark Sterling and Tony Nese are in the ring. Mark says Nese is a future television chamoion. Nese wants to do group training then Samoa Joe comes out.

ROH TV Title - Samoa Joe (c) vs Tony Nese

Nese is popped up and slammed down. Joe hits a punch flurry. Mark gets on the apron for a distraction the Nese pulls Joe's head down over the top rope. Nese goes for a moonsault and Joe just walks away. Joe hits a big lariat then a muscle buster for the win in this quick squash.

Joe looked good here. 

Samoa Joe does a promo. He said he is bringing MJF the gift of foresight. He said he is coming for the AEW title. Joe said MJF can give him what he wants or be forced to give him what he wants.

TBS Title - Kris Statlander (c) vs Willow Nightingale

Kris grabs her arm and chin. Kris side headlocks her then Willow shoulders her over. Kris leapfrogs her and shoulders her over. Kris slingshot elbows her then moonsaults her off the apron. Kris is then sent into the post.

Willow throws her on the floor and cannonballs her. We go to PiP break and return. Willow throws her then hip attacks her in the corner. Willow hits some short lariats then Kris legsweeps her into a flip on her. Kris running knees her in the corner and does a bad blue thunder bomb for 2.

Willow hits a pounce then Kris ddt's her for 2. Willow hits a 2nd rope death valley driver. Willow cannonballs her for 2 then Kris pops right up. Kris powerbombs her then hits a 450.

I didn't like Kris just popping right up after a 2nd rope death valley driver here. The match had some of the usual slop but was better than expected.

Willow goes to shake Kris' hand after. Skye Blue comes down to stop her. Willow shakes her hand then Skye just stares at both of them. 

Orange Cassidy is interviewed. He said John Silver kicks hard. He said Moxley got in his face along with the BCC. OC says if Claudio and Bryan want to start a fight, they can fight. He says he and Okada will fight them in Philadelphia. Why Okada over Chuck or Trent, I don't know.

AEW Trios Titles - The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn (c) vs Daniel Garcia, Matt Menard and Angelo Parker

The Memphis Grizzlies mascot came out with The Acclaimed. Billy said he has never scissored a bear before and they end up doing it.

Max and Garcia start us off. Garcia does a headlock takeover then goes to dance, but Menard stops him. anna Jay gets in the ring and is ejected. Menard nails Bowens from behind. They trade punches and Bowens wins that exchange. Bowens superkicks Parker.

Max double axe handles Menard's arm. We go to PiP break and return. Bowens' tag is nearly blocked but he makes the tag. Billy hits punches, clearing out all 3 of his opponents. Billy slams Menard. Menard takes a 2nd rope legdrop to the crotch. The Acclaimed goes to scissor and gets nailed for it.

Garcia back elbows and slaps Max, then backdrops him. Garcia lariats him. Garcia dances twice then takes a fameasser. Garcia takes a double team bomb and is pinned.

There wasn't much to this. It was long enough and nobody really did anything too stiff or crazy here. They basically mailed this one in here and it was not a strong main. 

Overall thoughts: As is tradition, it was a weak Battle of the Belts. No big matches here and no top level guys wrestling. The main event was mailed in. OC/Silver was the worst of both guys and the rest wasn't much to talk about.

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