Wednesday, October 25, 2023

WWE NXT 10/24/2023

WWE NXT 10/24/2023

Last week's show is here: 

They had a band called New Years Day performing a song called Vampyre that was pretty good. The lead singer of it looks like Shotzi and was rather attractive. They playd clips of some of the ongoings in NXT during this. I liked this one.

Shotzi is dressed up like pinhead and Scarlett is dressed up like an 1800's woman. They introduce us to the show and Shotzi's look is just something else here. 

Devil's Playground Match - Roxanne Perez vs Kiana James

KJ = Kiana James

They have a playground out there with a swingset, a slide and a see-saw, plus a kid's pool with some stuff in it.

Kiana James has a new tron with a helicopter dropping her off, which is awesome. KJ tries to hit her with a bag but Perez avoids it. Perez's head is hit off the buckles. Perez 2nd rope Thez presses her then does a rotation headscissors. KJ takes a back body drop to the floor. KJ blocks a tope and Perez sunset flips her off the steps.

KJ is hit with the swing on a swing set then Perez is suplexed on the floor. KJ hits her with a laptop. We go to PiP break. Perez's head is banged off the steps and she is hit with a trash can lid. Perez is backdropped on the apron and KJ whips her into the rails with a chain.

Perez has a chain pulled across her face. Perez's shoulder is pulled into the post then KJ's shoulder is pulled into the post. KJ hits her with a trash can in the gut then Perez uses the swingset to dropkick the can into her. Perez topes her then grabs a piece of wood from a fence and hits her with it.

Perez russian legsweeps her into a slide. Perez tries to jump off a rail to hurricanrana her, gets caught then is swung into the rail and powerbombed on a trash can. KJ hits her with a see saw and chokes her with it. Perez hits her with her bag then hits pop rocks on the bag to win it.

It was a fun Halloween themed hardcore match. We got to see some different weapons here like the slide and see saw. It wasn't a classic and I thought they could have done a little more with the props, but I liked it.

Perez pulls out KJ's bag after and pieces of brick fall out of it. It was obviously fake though and was kind of silly.

Carmelo Hayes is interviewed. He said he didn't take out Trick but said they both wanted the NXT Title. Melo says the NXT Title and the title of "Him" are his motivations. He said he can't call himself him without the title. Melo is asked if he would still be in the title match if Trick was in it. Melo said he would. Melo then leaves the interview early and says "justice for Trick".

Meta-Four are playing tarot cards with Scarlett and Shotzi and are told there is devastation, loss and pain in their future. Dar's mad at this, saying they paid money for good news. Scarlett says their joy will turn into intense grief and to hold the things they cherish closely. Meta-Four plays with the tarot cards then Tozawa comes in and steals the Heritage Cup trophy.

Lexis King vs Dante Chen

This is Lexi King's WWE TV debut. He says "Brian Pillman is dead, long live Lexis King". Chen headflips out of a wristlock. King kicks him in the gut and drops him wit ha punch. Chen does a back elbow and back fast.

Chen hits a nice dropkick and takes an upkick. King double footchokes him in the corner then running knees him. King kind of running kitchen sinks him in the back of the back of the head. Chen hits punches then a nice lariat. Chen hits a pump kick to the side of the head then is superkicked. King does a spinning neckbreaker over the 2nd rope and wins it.

This wasn't good. Chen looked better than King did here. King's stuff didn't hit clean and his finisher took a long time to set up.

Chase U is in the back. Chase says they are bringing tag team gold. Thea says she will be sure not to thrown in any towels. Tony D and Stacks come in. Tony says it's good to see them again. Chase says they will see them out there and Tony says good luck tonight. Tony said they couldn't ask for better opponents. Duke asks Chase what he is talking about and Chase says it's a long story and not to worry about it. I have no idea what they are talking about.

NXT Women's Breakout Tournament Semi Finals - Kelani Jordan vs Arianna Grace


Grace offers her a chance to kiss her hand to start. Kelani uses the ropes to armdrag her then hits a nice dropkick. We go to PiP break and return. Kelani suplexes her then Grace hits a bad neckbraker. Kelani rolls her up and crossbodies her. Kelani backslides her then lariats her. Kelani cartwheels into a back elbow then flips into a legdrop on her.

Kelani is pulled into the 2nd rope then backdropped. Kelani hits a split legged moonsault then wins it.

It was rough and both girls looked green here with a lot of stuff not hitting clean.

We see Von Wagner trying to walk with a walker. Von asks if Stone has a death wish going up against Bron Breakker. Stone says he knows he is getting his @ss kicked, but if he hits one punch ,it will be worth it. Stone calls Von his friend and Von is surprised. Von says he's not ready to be out there will him next week but Stone says he got this. Stone says next week is for him. 

Shotzi and Scarlett talked about the show. Diamond Mine came out and Julius said Angel and Humberto cost them the tag titles. Shotzi said the match between those teams shouldn't be a normal match and said they should let the wheel decide. The wheel landed on "tables, ladders and scares". Julius said that's Angel and Humberto's grandfather telling them they messed up. Julius said let's run it next week then Tony D and Stacks' music interrupted.

NXT Tag Titles - Tony D'Angelo and Stacks (c) vs Chase U



Stacks armdrags Chase then Chase armdrags himn. Chase then says it's a techable moment. Duke is pulled over he top rope then Stacks plcnahs Duke. Tony hiptosses Stacks over the top onto his opponents and we go to break.

We return and Chase takes a stun gun + kick. Stacks slams Chase and misses an elbow drop. Chase then punches him. Duke gets the hot tag in and overhead belly to belly suplexes Stacks. Duke hits his Dusty Rhodes punch flurry then Stacks is slammed on Tony. Duke side slams Stacks for 2.

Duke black hole slams Stacks for 2. Stacks avoids the fratliner then Tony gets in. Tony belly to belly suplexes Duke then spinebusters Chase. Chase takes a running euro into a german then a 2nd rope euro into a german.

Stacks comes off the apron onto Duke but meets a boot. Chase hits punches on Tony then russian legsweeps him. Chase hits the Chase U stomps. Dukes a ddt on the apron and does a huge bump for it. Chase then takes a powerplex from Tony and Stacks. Duke germans Tony onto Chase to stop the pin count.

Chase sunset flips Tony then spinning neckbreakers him. Jacy throws Chase a crowbar to use. Chase gives it back to her. Jacy gets knocked off the apron by Tony. Chase then rolls up Tony and wins it!!! Title change!

It was a good match with a super surprise ending. We've seen Chase U lose tag title matches so many times and it was just great to finally see them win. Chase U bumped big here for Tony and Stacks and they busted out some bigger stuff here. Obviously, the finish wasn't clean and will likely play a role in the story going forward. I thought they could have built up the title change more.

We get a Hard Hitting Home Truths segment with Nathan Frazer. He said Dom doesn't like him and he doesn't like him either. He said Dom has a face that he wants to slap and he's only champ because his mami keeps bailing him out. Frazer challenges Dom to a title match next week.

Baron Corbin is interviewed. He said he was close to winning last week and did all the work, but someone else won. That's why he said he doesn't like triple threats and that's the story of his career. He said it should be him vs Ilja and not Melo. McKenzie asks if Corbin took out Trick Williams. He said he doesn't like him but said it could have been Dijak, Axiom, Wes Lee or Melo. He said none of that is his concern though and he doesn't care. He said if Ilja survives next week, he better have his head on a swivel.

Lights Out Match - Gigi Dolin (c) vs Blair Davenport

Blair came out in a raincoat and a balloon. I assume that's from something, but I don't know why. The lights are out but the ropes and stuff glow in the dark. Gigi baseball slides Blair through the ropes then crossbodies her off the apron. Blair's head is banged off a chair and Gigi's head is banged off the steps.

Gigi puts her in a chair and hits punches, then meteora's her off the apron while she is seated. We go to PiP break and return. Blair is seated on the top rope and Gigi hangs upside down and hurricanrana's her off of it. Gigi pulls a table out.

Gigi is tripped into an open chair then thrown into the post shoulder first. Blair whips her then Gigi whips her. Gigi hits a short arm lariat. Blair dangerously throws a chair at Gigi's face then backdrops her. Blair, like Gigi earlier, struggles to get a table set-up outside (the other table wasn't used). Gigi hits Blair with a trash can on the apron then shotgun dropkicks her.

Gigi dropkicks her against the bottom rope then blue thunders her on a trash can for 2. Blair falcon arrows Gigi through a table. Blair then kicks her and wins it.

Due to the lights being out, it was a bit hard to see at times and it was hard to get that into it due to that. It wasn't that great though maybe the lights being out helped out some of the sloppiness. It went longer than I had expected.

Ilja Dragunov is interviewed. He said his life has been a struggle since he was born. He said we born in Russia and moved to Germany. He said he's proud to be the NXT champ and said his son held his NXT title. He said it was the most excellent motivation to carry on as a great champ. Ilja said next week will be another classic where he will bend but not break. He said Melo will break. Ilja said he doesn't need to adjust to Melo, Melo needs to adjust to him. He said Melo is a desperate man and said his title represents 30 years of sacrifice.

Shotzi and Scarlett are dressed up as twins and go up to Melo, which is watching the Ilja interview. They say all signs point to him attacking Trick. Melo said he doesn't believe in this and says to go mess with someone else.


Tiffany Stratton is interviewed about the women's tournament. Someone, maybe Kiana James, then walks in dressed up like her. She talks like her and mocks her, asking why she is so rich and says she is the center of the universe. She says, "you can go now, toodles" then Tiff nails her. They fight and people try to break it up.

NXT Women's Breakout Tournament Semi Final - Karmen Petrovic vs Lola Vice

KP = Karmen Petrovic

No intro for either girl here which sucks. KP drops her with a nice leg kick. KP does a nice pin attempt then running back leg sweeps her. KP hits a screw kick to her back for 2. Vice spin kicks her hard off the apron and dances.

Vince does a nice takedown and hits mounted forearms. Vice does a nice hip shot. KP brazilian kicks her then takes a kick combo from Vice. KP takes an irish whip into a side kick. KP lariats her then rolls into a high kick. KP then low pump kicks her for 2.

KP does a tope crossbody on her. KP misses a spinning high kick then Vice hits her own spinning high kick to win it.

KP's offense wasn't the best here though she did debut some new moves. Vice was okay, but the match was short and not that special.

Kelani Jordan and Lola Vice pose for a photo after.

Chase U is celebrating in the back. Duke says this means they have to start travelling with the belts and says they are leaders now. Duke says the locker room will expect more of them now. Duke says they went from boys to men. Thea says she is so proud of her. Jacy said they know how it feels to be winners now. Piper Niven and Chelsea Green walk in. Green complains about the noise. Green says she is filing a formal complaint as no one speaks to the women's tag champs like that. Jacy said she will guide her to Shawn Michaels' office and is going to ask for a tag title shot against them. 

Meta-Four ask security about the missing cup. Lash Legend pulls up a photo and sees Tozawa holding it. Dar is told to go into a haunted house to get it.

Melo is in the back and talks to Bron Breakker. Bron says Melo has a trick up his sleeve. Bron said him and Melo were the talk of the entire industry and said they will fight for the top spot for decades to come. Bron said he proved he has what it takes to stay here and says Melo proved it by taking out his best friend. Melo said he didn't do it and Bron said he has to do what he has to do. Bron says if he brings that attitude next week, he will beat Ilja. He then says he will beat Stone next week and it'll be back to them running things soon.

Jade Cargill arrives and sits on a throne on a riser to watch the main event.

NXT Women's Title - Becky Lynch (c) vs Lyra Valkyria

Lyra misses a high kick and we go to PiP break. We return and Lyra's head is banged off the top buckle. Lyra crossbodies her and Becky 2nd rope twisting crossbodies her. They crossbody each other in mid-air at the same time. They trade forearms.

Becky euros and spin kicks her then Lyra spin kicks her. Lyra headbutts her in the gut then they hit each other on the ropes. Lyra lariats her over then northern lights suplexes her. Becky chinbreakers her then exploders her.

Lyra dropkicks Becky through the ropes and Becky sends her into the post. Lyra top rope single leg drops her on the back of the neck over the 2nd rope. Lyra step up enzugiri's her then top rope dropkicks her.

Becky hits a diamond dust off the 2nd rope. Becky goes for the armbar then Lyra fisherman suplexes her. Lyra misses a top rope splash and Becky fujiwara armbars her. Lyra hits a sitout powerbomb for 2. Becky superplexes her then hits a ddt for 2.

Becky hits mounted forearms then Lyra spinning high kicks her. Becky hits a stiff uranage for 2. Becky goes for another uranage and Lyra rolls her up to win it.

The crowd loved this and was super into it, but I just thought it was average. Better than the usual women's fare for sure, but not even the best match on this show.

I don't know about Lyra winning. It's not an awful idea but I just didn't think it was the right time and I didn't think it had enough focus with everything else going on.

Overall thoughts: A pretty good show from start to finish. We had 2 title changes, a debut, a band and lots of costumes and gimmicks all night long. What could more could you want really?

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