Wednesday, October 4, 2023

WWE Monday Night Raw 10/2/2023

WWE Monday Night Raw 10/2/2023

Last week's show is here:

Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler are brawling as the show starts. Shayna gets her back with a sleeper then Raquel Rodriguez's music hits. Raquel goes after Nia and facekicks Shayna on accident. Rhea Ripley then comes down and pounds on Nia. The four pair off and security comes down to stop it. 3 of the girl are escorted to the back.

Rhea gets on the mic and says she is back. She says she is not done yet and asks for Judgment Day to come out. Dominik Mysterio and Damian Priest come out. 

We go to break and return. Judgment Day are in the ring and Rhea is talking. She said there's no leader, but we all have responsibilities. Rhea said they have to come up with a gameplan though. Rhea said she left for 2 weeks and things fell apart for Judgment Day. She said she left her responsibilities to Damian Priest and he disappointed her. Rhea said Finn is injured and Priest isn't medically cleared.  She said Dom lost his title because Priest wasn't there to help him like he was told to.

Priest says screw Jey Uso and Cody Rhodes. He said he has his titles and contract and asks where's Dom's title. Rhea said Dom has a rematch on NXT thanks to her. Rhea said if Dom doesn't come home to her with the title, then don't bother coming home.

Jey Uso comes out. He said they missed Rhea while she was gone and said it looks like there's a new tribal chief on Monday and said she has more balls than Roman ever did. Priest said he's tired of him opening his mouth. Dom stops him from saying more. Dom says something about taking care of Jey. Dom tries to hit him but is superkicked. JD McDonaugh nails Jey from behind then Jey is double stomped 2v1. Cody Rhodes comes to help and hits Dom with a cross rhodes.

Adam Pearce gets on the mic and says it will be Jey and Cody vs Damian Priest and Finn Balor for the tag titles.

Alpha Academy vs Imperium (Giovanni Vinci and Ludwig Kaiser)

Chad armdrags Kaiser then Kaiser shoulders him over. Chad headflips out of a wristlock and trips him. Kaiser pulls him down by the hair and kicks him. Vinci is tagged in and hits a euro. Chad headscissor takeovers him then exploders him. Chad is back body dropped over the top by Otis and barely hits Vinci.

We go to break and return. Kaiser running euros him. Chad is backdropped on the apron then akes a baseball slide. Chad backslides Vinci then takes a stiff lariat. Kaiser slaps Chad in the corner then back body drops Chad. Chad goes for ankle lock and knocks Vinci off the apron. Chad deadlift germans Kaiser. Otis is tagged in and hits spinning strikes. Otis throws Kaiser then splashes him. Vinci springboards, is caught then slammed. Otis does the caterpillar elbow.

Otis has Kaiser on the 2nd rope and Vinci grabs Otis' leg. Kaiser then step up enzugiri's Otis and wins it.

It ended up being a decent one thanks to Alpha Academy. They heavily pushed the issues between Vinci and Kaiser here.

Adam Pearce tells Teagan Nox that her title match is delayed due to Becky's injury. Chelsea Green walks in and says she bets Nox heard the news about Becky and is complaining. Green tells her to suck it up and says she should wish it's cancelled so she doesn't lose to Becky. Teagan then says since her schedule is cleared, she should fight Green in a match. Pearce says that's a great idea and is now official. Green says she will go talk to management.

Bronson Reed vs Cedric Alexander


I would have bet that was Swerve and not Cedric in there. Cedric rushes him then 2nd rope dropkicks him. Cedric topes him then does a tope con hilo. Cedric springboards and is lariated in mid-air. Cedric does a handspring enzugiri for 2.  Reed crossbodies him then hits a senton. Reed hits a top rope splash and wins it.

It was a quick squash and Cedric got more in than I expected.

Adam Pearce and Drew McIntyre talk in the back. Drew says he's not doing Miz TV tonight. He is told Miz requests it and then says he is absolutely isn't doing it. He then says he will say what he has to say and says if Miz gets in his business, he will regret it. Pearce asks if he's okay as he seems off. Pearce asks if this is about The New Day thing. Drew asked if this is about doing "the right thing". Drew said nobody did the right thing when he got beat down by Bloodline.

Adam Pearce does an Intercontinental Title contract ceremony with Gunther and Tomasso Ciampa. Ciampa says what he's trying to do with Gunther is beyond his imagination. He says the sun will shine different and says there will only be 2 people who matter in the world during their match, and hes one of them. Ciampa says he doesn't get chances like Gunther. He said he will have his family at ringside watch him make history next week but says he will fight for him.

Ciampa says he become champ. Gunther rips him for wearing a t-shir and camo pants. He said like Ciampa, he fights for what is near and dear to him. Gunther says being the Intercontinental champ means most to him. He says he's the greatest and longest reigning IC champ of all time. Ciampa said he seems confident for someone whose world is about to crumble. Ciampa tells him to sign the contract and Gunther tells him to never interrupt him. Gunther says he can go home and keep dreaming because this is the closest he will ever get to that championship. Ciampa says they can change words around in the contract if he is hesistant to sign it, because there's people who want to see him win the title tonight. Ciampa says he would love to make him tap out tonight. Gunther says he thinks Ciampa should prove it and Gunther signs the contract. Pearce says the match takes place tonight.

Gunther barely hits a slap on him then Ciampa jumps the table and pounds on him. Gunther throws a table and it bounces off the ropes. Ciampa then throws a chair at him and goes for hte sicilian stretch.

This was a good segment that made you want to see the match.

Priest is upset with Adam Pearce and JD McDonaugh tries to say something. Priest yells at him. Rhea says they don't want Sami, Jey, Cody and Kevin on the same page. They say them having to team up could divide them and then they could conquer them off of it.

Ivar vs Xavier Woods

 Woods dropkicks him and is pushed in the corner. Woods hits a jumping knee and more punches. Woods goes up and over and takes a butt drop down. Ivar exploders him then hits a stiff bronco buster in the corner. Woods slides between his legs, superkicks him then lariats him over the top. Woods goes out and is pushed into the apron side. Ivar tries to splash him against the hard apron cover and just splats against it. Woods then jumps off the rails to dropkick him.

Woods hits strikes as we come back from break and hits an attitude adjustment for 2. Ivar slams Woods. Ivar gets on the 2nd rope and blocks the powerbomb with a butt drop. Ivar misses a top rope splash. Ivar goes for a powerbomb and Woods cradles him to win it.


Ivar nails Woods after. Kofi who was on commentary, helps out Woods and both go down to spin kicks.
Ivar then tiger drivers Kofi onto Woods. He then top rope moonsaults both in a cool spot.

What we saw of the match was short and it wasn't anything of note.

Seth Rollins is interviewed by Michael Cole in the ring. Cole talks about how being a manipulator, a puppet master and sometimes the puppet. Seth said he's been asking Nakamura for a match for weeks and finally has gotten it. Cole asks him, "seriously, what are you doing?". Cole questions if he knows what he's getting into by doing a last man standing match.

Seth asks him how long he has been here and asked how many shows he missed. Cole says he only missed 2 shows in 26 years. Seth says like Cole, he loves wrestling. He said it means everything to him and said he wants to prove at the end of the day, that he left it all in the ring. Seth said he doesn't have words, just a feeling and it feels right.

Shinsuke Nakamura gets on the tron. He said nobody believes him anymore and questions whether his back really is injured or not. Nakamura then jumps Seth from behind. Nakamura starts counting to 10 ala the last man standing match on the tron. Nakamura then chairs him. Nakamura then appears on the tron again and counts to 10. Seth tries to get up but is stomped then Nakamura backbreakers him on the chair. Nakamura then hits a kinshasha and counts to 10. Nakamura then poses with the title over him.

This feud has been unusual and this segment was unusual. The feud still really doesn't make a lot of sense nor is it that interesting but it is different.

Becky and Tegan Nox talk in the back. Becky says Nox should be ready for a fight when she is cleared. Natalya comes in and goes face to face with Becky. She said she feels awful for Nox and knows what it's like to be disappointed. She said they got off on the wrong foot and says she is proud of her. Natalya says she will get her shot and will nail it when she does.

Chelsea Green vs Tegan Nox

Green pump kicks her to start and high fives Piper Niven. Nox euros her then Green rolls her up and slaps her. Green kicks her in the face and Nox slaps her. Green falls off the apron onto Piper, who catches her. Nox then flips onto Green off the apron.

Nox goes up top and Piper follows. Natalaya's music hits. Nox takes Green off the ropes, hits a flipping la silla on her then does a shining wizard for the win.

Natalya poses with Nox after, who is not sure what to make of it.

This wasn't any good and was too short to be anything anyway.

Jey Uso is interviewed in the back. He said he doesn't know where his head is at and said Cody went from being an enemy to a friend. Jey says him and Cody are good and says full speed ahead.

Drew comes out to talk. He says he doesn't have to explain anything to anyone. He said his fans are the only people he has to answer to. He says he is going to stop being the savior of people in fights. He said he's done showing up to fights less than 100% and said while he's been saving the day, nobody is coming to save him. He brings up "The Codyverse" and says Cody does what he wants. He said with Jey Uso, it's not forgiveness or strength, it's weakness.

The Miz comes out. Miz says he doesn't forgive Drew for rung Miz TV last week or cancelling tonight's Miz TV ep. Drew tells him to shut up and said he was warned not to come here. Miz said he stood up to Drew and Drew told him to shut up. Miz tells him to embrace who he really is. Drew said Miz wants him to be the bad guy by beating up Seth or screwing Jey. Drew says he racks up wins and gets a title shot. He said he feels like getting another win and challenges Miz for right now. Miz says neither one of them is dressed for a match.

Miz says Drew isn't the Batman of WWE, but Two-Face. Drew tells him to shut up and Miz says he doesn't shut up, but throws up with him then shows his tongue. Drew calls him an idiot.

Miz says his parents taught him that a bigger man will always walk away from a fight and says he will be the hero and walk away. Miz then nails him behind with a mic. Drew is knocked out the ring then comes in and rams him into the buckles. We go to break and return.

The Miz vs Drew McIntyre

Drew takes Miz out of the ring and rams him into the apron and rails. Drew is pushed into the post. Inside, Drew hits belly to belly suplexes. Drew hits a neckbreaker then takes a codebreaker over the 2nd rope. Miz tries to pull the top turnbuckle cover off and Drew headbutts him. Drew pulls sword out, the ref takes it then Drew bangs Miz's head off the exposed buckle. Drew then hits a future shock ddt and wins it.

This was a weird squash with Drew kind of being a tweener. I expected him to just destroy Miz, but Miz got some offense in here.

Drew said he's not the same guy he was 30 seconds ago and feels sorry for his action. He said now that he has said he's sorry, he says he's forgiven. I think this was some weird reverse psychology thing against Jey Uso. 

Trick Williams is interviewed. He said he has gold in his ear, on his wrist and around his waist. He says he will defend his title against Dom tomorrow. Judgment Day come in. Rhea says Dom isn't coming to NXT alone tomorrow and will walk out with his North American title.

Cody is interviewed about his tag match with Jey Uso against The Judgment Day. He said he feels like they backed themselves into this fight and said he heard they will be on Smackdown. He says he will be there too with Jey Uso. He said they will win the tag titles together and it will be a different Raw after.


Alpha Academy talks in the back. Otis feels like he let them down by losing. Chad said he's tired of teams cheating against him. Chad said he hasn't reached his peak yet but when he does, all the teams who cheated them will pay.

WWE Intercontinental Title - Gunther (c) vs Tomasso Ciampa

Ciampa hits some shots then lariats him on the ropes. Gunther crabs him. They go outside. Gunther is sent into the post then Ciampa hits mounted punches off a Thesz press. Gunther goes out and we go to break then return.

Gunther slams him then goes for the sleeper. Gunther headlocks him then Ciampa chinbreakers him. Gunther hits a running facekick for 2. Ciampa puts him in the sicilian stretch and Gunther ropebreaks.

Gunther brings him outside and hits chops. Gunther backdrops him on the apron. We go to break and return. They trade chops and Gunther chops him while he's on the top rope connector. Gunther misses a chop and chops the announcer's table. Ciampa knees him off the apron. Gunther is whipped into the post then has his hand banged off the table.

Ciampa ddt's him over the 2nd rope then hits kicks to the hand. Ciampa stomps his head then Gunther shotgun dropkicks him. Ciampa reverse ddt's him then does a pumping knee for 2. Gunther does a sleeper suplex. Ciampa puts him in a sicilian stretch and Gunther rolls him up. CIampa puts him in the sicilian stretch again. Gunther hits a double powerbomb then puts him in a sleeper. Ciampa is out and Gunther wins.

I thought it was good with Ciampa working the hand and Gunther bullying him around. It was not as good as their match on NXT years ago, but it was a solid main event.

Imperium beats up Ciampa after then Johnny Gargano makes the save to a small pop. 

Overall thoughts: It had its ups and downs and probably was below average overall.. I like the Judgment Day stuff. The main was good as was the Alpha Academy match. The Drew and Seth Rollins segments didn't work and the show really did have a lot of talking.

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