Wednesday, October 4, 2023

WWE NXT 10/3/2023

WWE NXT 10/3/2023

Last week's show is here: 

Becky Lynch comes out to talk. She said she's not cleared to compete and says Tiffany Stratton isn't either. She said she has a road to clear with Teagan Nox then Lyra Valkyria comes out. Lyra said she saw Becky in NXT and it made her start training. She said it felt good to stand side by side with her but said she wants more than that and wants to face her. She said she doesn't know if she's ready and Becky says she is.

Indi Hartwell comes out. She said she never lost the title and said Becky can wrestle on Mondays and Tuesdays, than so can she. She says she's back for something she never lost. Roxanne Perez then came out. She said Becky told her to rest up but she said she wants her to know that she wants her women's title back. She said she is taking it at Halloween Havoc. She said they are doing too much talking and not enough fighting. She said the three of them should fight and the winner will face her for the title.

We then get to see the 8 girls in the NXT Breakout Tournament:


We see Trick Williams and Dominik arrive in the back.

Gallus (Joe Coffey and Wolfgang) vs Tyler Bate and Butch

Butch shoulders Joe over. Wolf pounds on Butch in the corner then pulls on his chin and arm. Butch stomps Wolf's arm hen Wolf takes a double arm stomp. Wolf tkes a double dropkick, Joe takes a double finger snap then Wolf takes a double punch. Mark cheapshots Bate from the outside.

Bate backdrops Wolf and rolling koppo kicks Joe. Butch hits enzugiri's and Wolf shining wizard's Joe. Butch does Sheamus' clubs on Joe then he plancha's Mark. Joe gamengiri's Butch then Butch hits an x-pley on him. Bate running ssp's Joe then airplane spins Wolf. Butch 2nd rope moonsaults Wolf outside thne Bate does a rebound lariat. Bate does a suicide dive to the outside then Joe takes a double tiger driver and is pinned.

Bate and Butch are jumped by Mark Coffey after. Ridge Holland comes to make the save and we get a 6 man brawl. Gallus is then cleared out of the ring.

I liked this one. It took a few minutes for it to get going but it was fun to see the Bate and Butch rare double team moves. It was your basic match with the faces making their comeback and winning.

We see the girls warming up for later.

Ilja Dragunov comes out. He said Carmelo Hayes brought the fight at No Mercy. He said he will push the title to the next level and said he will protect that promise with his life. Trick Williams then comes out.

Trick congratulates him. He said he's not out here because Drag won the title at No Mercy, but because he won his title at No Mercy. Trick says he has gold and is only going up from here. Drag says he's proud of him and said at No Mercy he, "whooped that trick". Carmelo Hayes then comes out. Melo asks him why he's thanking Ilja and says he's proud of him.

Melo says winning the title is one thing but defending it is another thing. Trick and Ilja ask what he means but Ilja says he doesn't care. Ilja said this has been a conversation between champions. Melo says Trick needs to focus on Dom then Dom comes out.

Dom agrees that winning the title and keeping are two different things. Trick said he was at Raw and asks if Dom always takes orders from mami. Trick said that's a problem and said mami is saying Trick will whoop his @ss tonight. Melo says to watch out for Trick and says if Judgment Day starts something tonight, he has back. Dom says Trick is still in Melo's shadow. Trick declines Melo's help, saying he won the title by himself and will defend it by himself. He says he will whoop this trick tonight.

#1 Contenders Match - Indi Hartwell vs Roxanne Perez vs Lyra Valkyria


They do a triple lock up. Indi is kicked by both then takes a double suplex. Indi is thrown out and Lyra cravates her. Indi comes in and hits slams on both. Indi suplexes Perez then Perez victory rolls her into a bridge. Perez hits leg kicks then Perez satellite headscissors her then Lyra kicks her in the chest.

Lyra dropkicks Perez through the ropes and then Indi blocks it whne hse tries it on her. Perez topes Lyra then Indi kicks Perez over. We go to PiP break and return. Perez top rope crossbodies Indi then john woo's Lyra. Perez russian legsweeps Lyra then pounds on her in the corner.

Perez sleepers Indi on her back. Perez hits a 2nd rope Thesz press on Indi and hits terrible punches. Lyra top rope dropkicks both opponents then hits kicks on both. Perez catches Lyra's kick and throws it into Indi. Lyra northern lights suplexes Perez for 2.

Perez top rope hurricanrana's Lyra. Indi facekicks Lyra. Perez hits pop rocks then Kiana James comes down and pulls her out. Kiana nails her then Becky nails Kiana. Lyra top rope splashes Indi and picks up the win.

This was as ugly as it sounded with everyone looking bad here. Lots of sloppiness all around. At least Kiana is maybe getting the rub against Becky.

 Becky and Lyra stare down then Teagan Nox comes out.

Bron and Melo talk in the back. Bron said he's the only one who knows how Melo feels about losing his title on the biggest stage. Bron says they immediately started chanting for Ilja. Bron says he disagrees with it but he can tell it is bothering Melo. Bron says to use that frustration and rage and destroy everyone. He says to destroy Trick. Melo says to leave Trick out of it. Bron asks where Trick was after he lost and asked if he gave him a best friend hug and told him it would be alright. Bron then said he told him he knew how he felt. This was a fun segment.

Ilja is given the nameplate for his title then Baron Corbin walks in. Corbin says he is the only person that has beaten him outside of Melo this year. Corbin says he put Bron down at No Mercy and says no one stands in his way of the title. Corbin says Ilja should shine up his title and take as many pictures as possible with it, while he still can.

Blair Davenport vs Gigi Dolin


Gigi nails Blair during her entrance and they fight in the smoke. Blair is sent into the rails. Gigi ties her up in the ropes and kicks her then dropkicks her in the ropes. Blair blocks a catapult into the ropes then 2nd rope double stomps her back. Blair hits knees to the back then hits more double stomps to the back.

They trade forearms on their knees then Gigi dragon screws her. Gigi lariats her over the top and is pushed into the table. Blair misses a chair spot and is high kicked. Gigi high knees her then does an STO. Gigi then brazilian kicks her in the back of the head.

They both go for chair shots. Blair fights with the ref for the chair and Gigi rolls her up to win it.

This was not good with both girls looking uncoordinated.

Blair says this isn't over after.

We see clips from June 7, 2022 of Perez beating Tiffany Stratton in the Women's Breakout Tournament.

Kiana James is interviewed but is on the phone. Kiana isn't paying attention. She said Perez has been the golden girl of NXT since she stepped through the door. She said she came the day after. She compaes herself to Perez and says it's her mission for the world to see her above Roxanne Perez. Kiana is asked what her plan is and she said the plan has been made already. She said if Perez wants a match against her, she just has to beat her opponent next week - Asuka. 


We see the girls in the Women's Breakout Tournament and they do an intro for all of them.

NXT Women's Breakout Tournament Quarterfinals - Izzi Dame vs Kelani Jordan

Izzi wristlocks her then Kelani uses the ropes to flip out of it. Izzi shoulders her over. Kelani leapfrogs but gets caught and Izzi blocks her leapfrog. They say Izzi is a former volleyball player. Kelani tries to use the ropes to armdrag her but it is blocked. Izzi bangs Kelani's head off the mat.

Kelani's crossbody is blocked and she is slammed. Izzi backbreakers Kelani. Kelani hits elbows to the gut then Izzi racks her over the shoulder. Kelani uses the ropes to armdrag her then dropkicks her. Kelani top rope crossbodies her. Izzi kicks her in the chest for 2. Kelani split legged moonsaults her and wins it.

It was a very basic match. Izzi had a better showing thant she had last time on Level Up. Izzz blocked most of Kelani's stuff early then Kelani hit her moves and won it. Izzi is clearly going to be used as a power fighter.

 Lopez, Hail, Jacy and Vice argued on social media to set up a match tonight.

Chase is shown photos of Thea in her new outfit and doesn't like it. They run into thea and Jacy. Chase asks if they cane come out with her tonight and Jacy says like a "chaperone". Thea turns it down and Jacy says maybe it's not a bad idea. Thea then agrees. Jacy then asks for a Chase U on 3 chant and they do it.

We see more clips of Brian Pillman Jr. watching TV. 

Jacy Jayne and Thea Hail vs Lola Vice and Elektra Lopez

I'm not a big fan of the Thea Hail turn. She got over organically and I don't know if they will be able to get back that character if she ever turns again. Thea and Jacy mock Vice's dance.

Thea headlock takeovers Lopez then armdrags her. Lopez blocks an armdrag then slams her. Lopez elbow drops her. Lola spin kicks Thea in the gut then axe kicks her on the back. Thea dragon screws her then Lola nails Jacy on the apron.

Jacy lariats Lola and step up enzugiri's her. Jacy backsplashes her then hits a running neckbreaker. Lola uraken's Jacy so hard that she falls over. Jacy spinning forearms Lopez over. Thea wants in bad and kimura's Lopez. Lopez taps out.

This was short and a waste of time. Somehow, they still found time to awkwardly fall over.

Melo is interviewed in the parking lot. He is asked if he will take Bron's advice. He says no and says he asked for a match with Bron next week. Melo said he got off the phone with John Cena, who gave him advice. He said Cena says he will be in his corner and has his back next week.

WWE NXT North American Title - Trick Williams (c) vs Dominik Mysterio

Dom gets the edge to start. Trick shoulders him over and dropkicks him. Trick pop up punches him and Dom rolls out. We go to PiP break and return with Trick having Dom in a headlock. Finn Balor and Damian Priest come out. Dom hits punches on Trick then chinlocks him. Trick elbows him in the gut then is thrown into the buckles.

Dom slingshot sentons Trick then hits 2 of the 3 amigos. Trick jumping neckbreakers him and gets a huge chant going. Trick uppercuts him and misses a side kick but it is sold anyway. Dom superkicks him then Trick spinning slams him. Trick pulls him into a uranage for 2.

Rhea gets on the apron, throws a belt in and Trick is ddt'd on it. Trick kicks out of the pin attempt, Dom catapults Trick into the ropes then 619's him. Trick blocks a Dom frogsplash then flying knees him. JD McDonaugh comes in and is nailed by Trick. Dom grabs the briefcase and Finn nails Trick with a belt. Dom top rope frogsplashes Trick on the back and wins it.

The match wasn't too good and was filled with shenanigans. The crowd was super hot for Trick. I don't know how I feel about this one, but stuff like this was always going to be the problem with having main roster people in NXT. Dom kind of has to be a champ for the storyline they are doing, but it's better for Trick and NXT if he keeps the title. I'm sure we will get some kind of rematch out of this, but it does hurt Trick in the short term.

Paul Heyman then appears on the screen. He said Melo and Bron will face each other next week and says Melo is getting advice from Cena. He said Cena keeps getting involved in Bloodline business so Bloodline has to reciprocate. He said Roman told Paul to provide wisdom to Bron Breakker in person by being in Bron's corner. That sounds pretty cool and should make that match more interesting.

Overall thoughts: It was a weak night wrestling wise. The girls dominated this show and their matches were not good. Gallus vs Bate/Butch was the only good thing on here. However, they loaded next week's card and got me excited for it, so the show wasn't awful. I think it just goes to show how not important matches can be.

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