Wednesday, October 4, 2023

AEW Dynamite 10/4/2023

AEW Dynamite 10/4/2023

Last week's show is here: 

Chris Jericho and Kenny Omega do an interview. Jericho said it's hard to believe it's been 4 years and said they were on opposites then. Jericho said they are aligned now and he says that's what he calls a 4 year Anniversary celebration. Adam Copeland comes in. He says he's happy to be here and wishes both good luck. He says it's good to see Jericho. Omega says it's good to meet him and said he really had him at the edge of his seat. Omega tells him to let him know if he needs anything and Edge shakes his hand. Edge tells them to take out the Don Callis Family as he still can't stand Don.

AEW International Title - Rey Fenix (c) vs Nick Jackson


Nick headlock takeovers him then Rey headscissors him. They trade chest chops  and Rey superkicks him in the gut. Nick back body drops him ands roll him up. Rey's back gives out. Rey comes off the bottom buckle on the outside and armdrags him to the floor. Rey is thrown into the rails then Nick springboards off the rails and hurricanrana's him.

Rey walks up the buckles and slips. Nick then codebreakers him. Nick misses an apron kick and kicks the post, then Nick lands on his head off a legsweep. We go to PiP break and return. Nick backbreakers Rey. We go to break and return .Rey enzugiri's him in the corner then superkicks him. nick superkicks him back. Rey kips up and is superkicked then both kip up and get high kicked.

Nick superkicks him and Rey hurricanrana's him. Rey superkicks him back. Nick flips off the apron and misses then Rey rolls into him. Nick cutters him on the floor. Nick does a slingshot facebuster for 2. Nick high kicks him. They both end up on the ropes and Nick top rope cutters him. Nick poisonrana's Rey then canadian destroyers him for 2. 

Nick running knees him and knees him for 2. Rey runs the top rope and kicks him then Rey frogsplashes him for 2. Nick goes for a pin and Rey reverses it to win.

This was flat out indy garbage with canadian destroyer kickouts, poisonrana's and tons of flying moves.

They show clips from last week and there's audio issues, so we can't really hear it. 

Adam Cole goes to check on Roderick Strong but the audio issues are still happening and we can't hear any of it. Strong gets Cole a scooter for his hurt leg and they race around the place with the wheelchair and scooter. You could not hear any of this segment.

Wardlow vs Griff Garrison

Wardlow returns after being gone for unknown reasons. He has a regular haircut. He charges Griff with a forearm and hits corner spears and stomps. Wardlow powerbombs him 5 times and the ref calls it off.

Wardlow then walks through the crowd to the back.

This was just a quick squash.

Don Callis and Konosuke Takeshita are interviewed. He said Sammy Guevara is medically unfit to perform. He says there is shortage of athletes who want to show what they can do though and says he found someone who Osperay recommended. He says Kyle Fletcher will be Takeshita's partner tonight. Don said nobody remembers who wins the battles, they just remember who wins the war. Don says he will do whatever it takes to win the war.

Excalibur says we had audio issues during the Cole/Strong segment, so they are re-airing it. Crap, once was bad enough. Strong and Kingdom invite him. Strong gives Cole a scooter. They race around and Cole says it was so fun. Cole asks what the emergency was and Strong says he needs him to move some furniture. Kingdom says Cole owns Strong one. Cole moves some of the furniture around and screams while doing it. Strong says he loves the job Cole did. Cole said he has to go get surgery. Strong says Cole can't go yet and Cole shakes his head.

AEW Trios Titles - The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn (c) vs The Butcher, The Blade and Kip Sabian 

The faces are thrown out early then the heels are sent into the rails. Max is held up and Butcher legdrops him. Kip springboard sitout moonsaults Acclaimed outside. We go to PiP break and return. Max makes the hot tag and Bowens cleans house. Bowens does his over the back leg lariat on the back of his neck

Max slams Blade then Bowens 2nd rope legdrops him in the crotch. Kip springboards and takes a superkick. Kip then takes The Acclaimed's double team bomb and is pinned.

We only got a few minutes of this and it wasn't anything special.

RJ City interviews Toni Storm in her "Portrait of a Star" series. Toni throws shoes at him and grabs him by the collar. She says RJ doesn't know anything. RJ says she's not old and Toni says she's "timeless". Toni seems to have an epiphany and the segment ends.

We see Bryan Danielson talking about WrestleDream. He says how happy he was. He talks about knocking Zack out and Zack says it's a scoundrel move. Bryan says he doesn't have the heart and soul that he has. 

We see Adam Page talking about WrestleDream. He said he will get some ice and rehab and go back to the drawing board. He then talks about Swerve cheating.


Bullet Club Gold come out to talk minus Jay White. They want to talk about MJF and mock him calling Jay White "tofu". Colten says MJF is scared. Juice tells MJF to come out as he has some explaining to do. MJF comes out. He says the devil has arrived. He calls Juice, "talentless taint". MJF said he gave kids dodgeball related injuries and almost got AEW kicked off of TV for calling Tony an "f-ing mark". MJF says he's honest about everything because he's a scumbag and the fans' scumbag. He says they should have a Stockton Street Fight since they are in Stockton, California. MJF gets in the ring, Bullet Club slips out then Jay White hits a blade runner on MJF from behind. Jay then poses with MJF's belt.

Jay gets on the mic after and says MJF's games and tricks don't work here. Jay says none of them believe anything he says and said when MJF says it wasn't him, it might as well be a confession. Jay challenges him to a title match at Full Gear. MJF calls him tofu and agrees.

It was a weird segment with Bullet Club Gold jumping MJF, despite already having the advantage and us still having no idea who jumped Jay.

Orange Cassidy and Hook are interviewed. OC said Hook is still a great champion because he has a championship. Hook says OC could be a great champ too and it should be him vs Fenix instead of Mox. OC then eats one of Hook's chips and Renee turns down chips.

Chris Jericho and Kenny Omega vs Kyle Fletcher and Konosuke Takeshita

KT = Konosuke Takeshita

KT shoulders Jericho over and poses. They trade chops and Jericho shoulders him over. KT takes a double suplex. We go to PiP break and return. Jericho hits a lionsault on Kyle. Kenny gets in. He finlay rolls KT then does a backcracker on Kyle while he's on the 2nd rope. Kenny takes a half-nelson suplex then Jericho is superkicked.

KT and Kyle hit strikes in the corner then Kenny and Jericho take a michinoku driver and blue thunder driver at the same time. Kenny snap dragons Kyle. Jericho hits corner punches on Kyle then hurricanrana's him off the top. KT larias Jericho then Kenny pumping knees him. Kyle superkicks Kenny then brainbusters him.

Kyle and Kenny forearm each other on their knees. They then knock each other down at the same time. We go to PiP break and return. Kenny and Kyle forearm each other then Kenny powerbombs him. Kenny hits a running knee then Kenny pumping knees KT in the back. Kyle leg lariats Kenny. Kyle takes a codebreaker into a one winged angel and was pinned.

We had two breaks here which hurt this. I didn't think the match was anything special.

Don Callis gets on the ramp and points at Kenny and Jericho. Powerhouse Hobbs nails Kenny and Jericho from behind. Hobbs spinebusters Jericho then throws Kenny into the rails. Hobbs throws Kenny over the rails onto chairs. Hobbs hits Kenny with a guard rail. Kenny is thrown back into the ring and duct taped to the ropes. Hobbs hits Jericho with the chair then Don hits Kenny with the chair.

This was long and there was just no explanation for Hobbs helping out Don and attacking Kenny. There was no build or any reason for it. It makes even less sense since Hobbs just got away from QTV.

MJF is being worked on in the trainers office. The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn show up behind him. Max Caster starts rubbing MJF's shoulders. MJF said he's sick of him and said he tweets weird stuff to him. He tells him to leave or he's putting a restraining order on him. MJF says he's calling Adam Cole. Cole doesn't answer and that's the end of the segment. If Max has been stalking MJF, we were never privy to it on TV.

Samoa Joe talks about being the champion. He says you need to be focused to be a champ and says he needs to regain his hunger. He says he is ready and should be AEW champ. Joe says when he is hungry, he always manages to eat. Joe actually is TV champ, but it doesn't seem like that matters. Shouldn't MJF be the #1 contender to the ROH TV title now after beating Joe?

"Timeless" Toni Storm vs Skye Blue

Toni goes to shake Skye's hand but pulls her in and lariats her. She does this in front of the ref and the ref says, "ring the bell" in a stupid moment. Toni hair throws her then Skye hair throws her. Skye dropkicks her then Toni hip attacks Skye off the apron.

We go to PiP break and return. Skye gets out of a piledriver and hits forearms. Sky flying headscissors her then hits a step up knee. Skye sweeping kicks her then top rope crossbodies her for 2. Toni then hits a sky high for 2. Toni germans her then hits a hip attack in the corner. Toni hits a storm zero and wins it.

Nobody screwed up or anything and it was watchable I suppose, but nothing that good.

Stokeley Hathaway is interviewed. He said there will be a four way for the #1 contender to the ROH title on Rampage. He says Eddie will be there to watch.

Tony Schiavone interviews Adam Copeland in the ring. Adam tells Tony that his voice was the soundtrack to his childhood. He then tells him to hit the bricks and says this is his ring. The crowd chants "Adam" and he says he had never heard that chanted before. He says he was told he could never do this again in 2011 but he's standing in an AEW ring.

Adam says the AEW title would look good around his waist and says there's a whole roster of first time matches. He talks about matches with Mox, Miro, Kenny, Hobbs, Jay White and Juice. He said he asked his kids if they should retire and said they said he should have fun with "Uncle Jay", who he says is Christian Cage. He then brings out Christian.

Adam says Christian probably wants to know why he did what he did at WrestleDream. Adam says he still loves him but said he saw him standing over Sting. He said Christian gave Sting's pic to the barber as a kid to get a haircut like him. Edge said Sting has caused people to feel for 4 decades and said he couldn't watch him take a conchairto. He also said Nick Wayne and Luchasaurus will drop Christian as soon as they get all of the information out of his brain. Adam says he is here because it's time. He says it's time for them to team together again and face teams like FTR, The Young Bucks and to show a new generation of fans why they are one of the best teams of all time.

Adam says let's end our careers together as a team and show people what we can do. They hug and Christian tells him to go f himself, but it is bleeped out. Christian then walks up the ramp and takes the mic. He says he is reminding Adam what he will be up against on Dynamite then brings out Luchasaurus and Nick Wayne. The show then ends.

I wasn't a big fan of this segment. I just don't think it did much to get us excited about Edge and I don't think a feud with Christian right away is the right call. There was also no explanation for the Nick Wayne turn.

Overall thoughts: We had a lot of randomness on this show like Kyle teaming up with Takeshita, Wardlow returning, Max Caster supposedly stalking MJF and Hobbs going after Kenny while also seeming joining up with Don Callis. None of it was built up to or hinted at. The storylines didn't advance that much here and the main event segment wasn't anything to get too excited about. I didn't like this show.

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