Monday, October 9, 2023

WWE Fastlane 2023 10/7/2023

WWE Fastlane 2023 10/7/2023

WWE RAW Tag Team Title / WWE SmackDown Tag Team Title Match - The Judgment Day (Damian Priest & Finn Balor) (c) vs. Cody Rhodes & Jey Uso

Priest has some odd strap in the middle of his top that really makes him looks like he's wearing womens clothing. This is on top of him wearing eyeliner and having a top knot.

Priest shoulders over Jey. Jey backs him into the corner and Cody headlocks Priest. Cody drops down and punches him then dropkicks him in the knee. Priest lariats Jey then hits forearms. Finn pounds on Jey then Jey headbutts him. Finn ends up on Cody's shoulders and Cody does a neat gutbuster to him. Cody gordbusters Finn then Jey headbutts Finn.

Priest high kicks Jey in the back of the head then drops elbows on him. Jey takes kicks to the body then a Finn scissor kick for 2. Finn basement dropkicks Jey for 2. Jey takes a euro in the corner then a slingshot stomp for 2. Finn misses a corner charge and Uso hot tags Cody. Cody powerslams Finn then hits a disaster kick.

Cody dragonscrews Priest over the middle rope. cody drops down and kicks Finn then Finn turns his Cody cutter attempt into an elbow slice. Finn shotgun dropkicks him. Cody delay superplexes Finn then both tag out. Jey hits punches on Priest then does an uppercut. Jey enzugiri's him.

Jey top rope crossbodies Priest for 2. Priest hits a lifting flatliner on Jey for 2. Jey escapes a razor's edge and pulls Priest over the top. Jey topes Finn and Priest outside then top rope splashes Priest for 2. Cody hits a cody cutter on Finn.

Jey spears Priest then Dominik and Rhea come down. Jey superkicks Dom and I think Rhea tries to flirt with him. Jey gets caught going up top. Priest top rope hurricanrana's Jey then Finn top rope double stomps Jey. The four pair off and trade shots. Priest goes for a disaster kick or something and is kicked. Jey usperkicks Finn and JD McDonaugh. Rhea hits Jey with the MITB briefcase for 2.

Priest chokeslams Cody on the apron. JD accidentally hits Priest in the knee with the briefcase and Cody does a cross rhodes on Priest on the table, which probably hurt him more. Jey tope con hilos Finn and JD. Jey superkicks Finn then Finn is held for a cody cutter. Cody hits cross rhodes on Finn and wins it.

The first of this was a little simple but it got a little better later. I didn't think it was a classic but it was okjay overall. I would have shaved a few minutes off of this and cut out some of the early cody cutters and cross rhodes attempts.

Wade Barrett and Booker T talk in the back about the show.  Xavier Woods comes in and wants to watch the show with them. He then talks about ordering pizza and it's clear this was just a commercial.

Bobby Lashley and The Street Profits vs The LWO (Rey Mysterio and Santos Escobar)


The LWO are going at this 2v3. Santos his leg kicks on Ford. Ford tries to standing moonsaults him but gets his knees. Santos flying forearms him then top rope crossbodies Ford. ford goes up top, is caught then top rope hurricanrana'd. Dawkins spinning enzugiri's Santos then Bobby hits a corner spear and swinging neckbreaker on him.

Bobby delay suplexes Santos. Dawkins hits a twisting splash in the corner then is dropkicked. Rey tilt-a-whirl headscissors Dawkins. Bobby catches Rey's 619 and just drops him on the floor. Bobby does a cutter on Rey then Ford jumping frogsplashes Rey. Ford corner stomps Rey.

Rey tries to fight out of the corner. Bobby misses a corner spear on him and Ford is pulled down over the top. Rey goes for the tag and Ford pulls Santos off the apron. Zelina Vega meteora's Ford off the apron and the ref somehow doesn't see it. Rey ddt's Dawkins but has nobody to tag out to.

Carlito then comes out to tag in. Carlito lariats Ford then dropkicks him. Carlito does a headflip and lariats Ford over the top. Rey hits a la silla off the apron ont Ford then Santos bullet topes Bobby into the rails. Carlito backcrackers Ford and wins it.

I never like it when you have a run in like this and the guy is late. Like what was Carlito doing that he couldn't make it on time? The ending was a little weak as the heels were put down pretty easy and without any big moves. I didn't like Vega cheating nor cheating and not getting caught. This was just average and was nowhere near what it could have been.

They shill pizza again and Xavier Woods comes out to eat it with them with a Pizza Hut jacket on. I used to go to Pizza Hut. The one nearest me wasn't open on Fridays or Saturdays for a while which is bizarre as those are prime pizza nights in the US. The last time I ordered from Pizza Hut, I got about 2 toppings per piece of pizza and I haven't ordered again since. Do better Pizza Hut if you want the ProWresBlog rub.

We see clips from earlier of Jade Cargill arriving in a limo and shaking hands with Triple H. I don't know about you, but I don't usually ride limousines in my underwear. I was surprised she didn't arrive in a Pizza Hut delivery car after how much shilling for pizza they did here.

WWE Women's Title Triple Threat Match - IYO SKY (c) vs. Asuka vs. Charlotte Flair

Asuka mists Flair then headkicks her. Iyo tiger feints into an armdrag on Asuka then Asuka reverses her armdrag. Flair's outside trying to get the mist out of her eyes with help from a ref and trainer. Iyo pulls Asuka back by the hair then Asuka 2nd rope dropkicks her. Asuka cradles her and Iyo hits la magistral.

Asuka running chest kicks her then runs into a Flair facekick. Flair fallaway slams her then lariats Iyo. Flair forearms Asuka then takes a leg kick. Asuka hip attacks her but gets caught in a backdrop.

Flair slingshots through the ropes and rolls up Iyo. Iyo then headscissors her into a crossface. Iyo springboard dropkicks Asuka then Asuka 2nd rope germans her. Asuka sliding kicks her for 2. Flair top rope double crossbodies her opponents then double suplexes them.

Flair flatliners Iyo into the top buckle then forward cartwheels both opponents. Iyo springboard sunset flips Asuka. Asuka hip attacks Flair on the apron then whips Iyo into a tope on Flair. Iyo asai moonsaults outside but mostly misses Asuka. Flair top rope moonsaults Iyo and Asuka outside. Flair facekicks Asuka the Iyo and Flair fight up top.

Flair hits chops and puts her on her shoulders. Asuka then powerbombs Flair while she holds Iyo. Flair facekicks Asuka then Asuka does a flying armbar. Flair figure fours Asuka then Iyo meteoras Flair for 2. Flair is put in a leglock and crossface at the same time. Iyo is held up for an Asuka codebreaker then Flair spears Asuka for 2.

Iyo and Bayley argue then Flair facekicks Iyo off the apron into her. Asuka misses a top rope codebreaker but it's sold anyway for 2. Flair puts Asuka in the figure 8. Bayley tries to come in then Iyo top rope moonsaults Flair while she has the hold on to win it.

It was a longer three way match. They missed on some of their big spots which hurt it and by design, these matches are just spotfests anyway. They had some nice spots and all, but there's only so much you can do with three ways.

We see clips from earlier in the day with LA Knight arriving in the Slim Jim's mobile.

Pat McAfee comes out to talk. He says the crowds don't cheer sometimes when WWE comes but that's not Indiana. He said they haven't had a Wrestlemania here in a while and deserve one. He then brings out John Cena and LA Knight.

John Cena & LA Knight vs. The Bloodline (Jimmy Uso & Solo Sikoa)

Cena headlocks Uso then shoulders him over. Cena shoulders him over twice more. Solo gets in and nails him off a shoulderblock attempt. Solo headbutts him then Cena's legs are split. Cena is put in tree of woe and Solo headbutts him.  Uso misses a hip attack then Solo gets in a littlelater and hits a hip attack.

Solo spinning heel kicks Cena. Cena hits a surprise attitude adjustment on Uso. Solo blocks his tag then banzai drops him. La gets the hog tag in. He hits a flying clothesline and russian legsweep on Uso. He then neckbreakers him. LA corner stomps Uso then ddt's him. Uso superkicks LA for 2.

Uso misses a splash and LA slams him. LA elbow drops Uso then Solo samoan drops him. Cena top rope crossbodies Solo then Uso top rope splashes Cena. LA takes turns punching Bloodline members. LA is then back body dropped over the top. Cena goes for an AA and is superkicked by Uso.

LA jumps up to the top rope and superplexes Uso. Cena hits a five knuckle shuffle on Uso then LA hits a BFT on Uso to win it.

The first half was a little slow but they did a really good job after LA Knight tagged in. The crowd was hot for everything LA did and we got a couple of spots we don't normally get.

Judgment Day talk in the back. Priest says he's not going home empty handed and says he has to cash in the MITb briefcase tonight. Rhea said he told her he didn't want to rush it and he didn't want to do this until he was ready. Rhea said he's not ready and makes him hand over the briefcase. 

Declan McMahon was watching the show in the front row. That's Shane McMahon's kid.

WWE World Heavyweight Title Last Man Standing Match - Seth Rollins (c) vs. Shinsuke Nakamura

SN = Shinsuke Nakamura

SN goes out to stall to start. Seth suplexes him off the floor then pulls off the mats outside. SN's head is banged off the steps then hits him with the steps. Seth throws weapons in the ring then SN knees him as he hangs over the apron. SN then knees drops him over the back of the neck.

SN grabs nunchuks and hits Seth with them. SN sliding germans Seth then 2nd rope flying knees him. SN puts a trash can on Seth's head and hits it with a kendo stick. SN then puts the nunchuks in Seth's mouth and pulls. SN sleepers Seth.

Seth hits a slingblade on SN then hits kendo stick shots. Seth topes SN then pumpng knees him. Seth top rope frogsplashes him for 2. SN sliding knees Seth then reverse sitout slams him. SN runs into a table in the corner then takes a curbstomp.

Seth rams a ladder into SN's face. Seth flying forearms him then bangs his head off the apron and rail. SN is thrown over the rail then Seth chairs him in the crowd. Seth's head is banged off a box and they fight in the stands. Seth is kicked down to a crash pad. Seth is hit with a chair then takes a back body drop on the cement floor.

Seth superkicks SN then pedigrees him for 2. SN hits strikes then double knee drops him off the ropes through a table. SN chairs him then is thrown into the post. They go up on a ladder. SN red mists Seth and Seth goes through the table. Seth beats the 10 count up. SN sideslams him through a chair then hits a kinsasha, sending him into a table. Seth rolls out of the ring and saves himself from the 10 count.

Seth is thrown over the rails. They get on top of a platform outside and SN pounds on him. Seth pedigrees him on it then curbstomps him. Seth then falcon arrows him off the platform through a table. SN can't get up and Seth does, winning the match.

I didn't think they made the best use of the various 10 counts and I thought it could have been more dramatic. It was also longer and slower and as usual with WWE hardcore matches, it suffers because they can't bleed or do other things to push it over the top. It was okay and watchable, but nothing memorable.

Overall thoughts: It was a good show with all of the matches being at least watchable. I didn't think they went all out though and there weren't any classics here. Maybe Cena/LA vs Uso/Solo was the best match of the night but the matches weren't that far from each other quality wise.

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