Tuesday, October 10, 2023

New Japan Pro Wrestling 9/30/2023 Road To Destruction 2023 Day 15

New Japan Pro Wrestling 9/30/2023 Road To Destruction 2023 Day 15

HENARE vs Oskar Leube

They trade forearms after locking up. They shoulder battle and Oskar knocks him over. Oskar hits forearms then takes leg kicks. Henare shoulders him over then 2nd rope twisting kicks him. Henare knocks him over with a forearm then hits knees to the gut. Henare sentons him.

Henare hits a headbutt and throws him out. Oskar takes a hard landing on the floor then Henare hits knees to the head. Henare hits body punches and a jumping headbutt. henare misses a running corner knee then Oskar hits a big slam. Oskar hits a forearm and stomp flurry in the corner.

Oskar hits a nice elbow drop. Henare blocks his face kick him and spinning heel kicks him. Henare then hits a running samoan drop for 2. Henare runs at him and gets dropkicked then Oskar hits a nice slam. Oskar misses a big legdrop then Henare hits a berzerker bomb. Henare uraken's him then hits a nice lanzarse spear for the win.

It went a few more minutes than it needed to but it was a fun heavyweight match. It was exactly what you'd want with the two big guys throwing bombs. They really matched up well. 

Oleg Boltin, Tiger Mask & Yuto Nakashima vs. CHAOS (Tomohiro Ishii & YOSHI-HASHI) & Hiroshi Tanahashi

Yuto bumps chests with Tana and grabs him by the hair. Tana isn't amused then Yuto does it again.  

Yuto and Tana lock up. Yuto hits a hard chest slap then Tana drops him with a euro. Yoshi elbows Yuto over the neck then they trade shots. Yuto runs at Tana on the apron and forearms him down twice. Tiger hits a butterfly suplex on Yoshi then hits body kicks.

Tiger spin kicks Yoshi in the gut then Yoshi double chops him. Tana slams Tiger then elbow drops him. He poses and Yuto gets mad, then Tana slaps Yuto down. Tiger takes a double shoulder then Ishii forearms him. Tiger spin kicks Ishii in the gut and legsweeps him.

Oleg gets in. He shoulders over Ishii hard. He slams Yoshi then belly to belly suplexes Tana. Oleg and Ishii trade forearms. They botch a fireman's carry slam then Oleg hits a stiff one. Oleg splashes Ishii then Ishii germans him.

Oleg double leg slams Tana then Yuto gets in. Yuto hiptosses Tana then slams Yoshi and Tana. Yuto hits body kicks on Tana then running forearms him. Yuto crabs Tana and Tana ropebreaks. Yuto hits forearms on Tana and Tana blocks his PK. Tana slingblades him then texas cloverleafs him. Tana taps him out to win by submission.

It was a fun midcard match with Yuto trying to start trouble with Tana and paying for it.

Los Ingobernables de Japon (BUSHI, Shingo Takagi & Yota Tsuji) vs. United Empire (Callum Newman, Great-O-Khan & Jeff Cobb)

Yota and Khan compare hair, then they pull each other by it. Khan blocks Yota's headscissors then Yota armdrags him. Yota chokes him with his own hair. Khan shoulders him over and takes a facekick. Shingo and Yota then shoulder Khan over. Khan is pulled over the top by Bushi. Bushi goes to tope him but is pulled out then all 6 fight outside.

Khan pulls Shingo's hair then Khan sits on Bushi's neck in the ring. Newman chinlocks Bushi then Newman running back elbows him. Cobb gets in and slams Bushi. Cobb standing moonsaults him. Bushi's 2nd rope dive is caught and he hurricanrana's him out of it. Bushi hits a rewind kick on Cobb.

Shingo running lariats Cobb then Khan running shoulders Shingo. Shingo shoulders Khan over, Khan pump kicks him then takes a stiff lariat. Shingo suplexes Cobb then Cobb pulls him into a bearhug belly to belly suplex. Shing suplexes Cobb.

Newman runs the ropes fast then facekicks Yota. Newman springboard lariats Yota then does a nice corkscrew kick on Yota. Newman suplexes and PK's Yota for 2. Yota armdrags Newman then blue thunders him. Yota does his gori special drop then Bushi topes Cobb over the rails.

Newman rolls up Yota wice. Newman high kicks him then Yota superkicks him. Yota crabs him then does a reverse rocking chair for the win.

The finish wasn't the best here but it was fun otherwise. We got some power stuff with Cobb/Shingo/Khan/Yota. Newman ran the ropes really fast and had a good section with Yota. We didn't really get to see Bushi here at all.

Yota throws out Newman after compares hair with Khan.

El Phantasmo, Hikuleo, Kevin Knight & KUSHIDA vs. BULLET CLUB War Dogs (Alex Coughlin, Clark Connors, Drilla Moloney & Gabe Kidd)


ELP = El Phantasmo, Hiku = Hikuleo

All 8 men brawl to start. Kidd headbutts and chops ELP. ELP springboard twisting splashes him then misses an asai moonsault off of it. ELP rolls up and backslides Kidd. ELP facekicks Kidd then step up enzugiri's him.

Clark is tripped into a nice Knight splash on his back. Knight backflips off a dropkick attempt and misses a jumping frogsplash. Alex hits a nice karelin's lift on Knight. Alex chokes Knight then Drilla suplexes Knight.

Clark runs in the ring to pounce Knight. Drilla then footchokes Knight. Kidd knocks over Knight with a slap. Knight flips out of a double suplex then hits a double pele kick off of it. Hiku gets in and facekicks Kidd. He then snake eyes and laraits Alex. Hiku double lariats Drilla and Clark.

ELP and Hiku hook up and suplex 2 people at once. Hiku corner splashes Alex. Alex takes a headkick then a ufo straightjacket neckbreaker for 2. Alex germans Hiku. Kushida comes off the top and chops Clark. He then does a handspring back elbow. Kushida does his hiptoss and cartwheel into a dropkick. Knight does a nice twisting crossbody off the ropes onto Alex. Alex then suplexes Kushida and Knighbt qat the same time.

Kidd lariats hiku over the top then ELP superkicks Kidd over the top. Drilla spinebusters ELP into a double stomp. Kushida tkaes a high/low combo. Knight jumping hurricanrna's Clark as he sits up top. Knight jumps off Kushida's back to the outside on ELP. Kushida then cradles Drilla to win it.

This was a fun tag with fast paced action. 

Best Of Seven Series Match #4 - Master Wato, Shota Umino & Yuji Nagata vs. Strong Style (El Desperado, Minoru Suzuki & Ren Narita)

Yuji and Suzuki trade forearms to start. They go outside. Yuji goes into the rails then facekicks Suzuki. Suzuki then is sent into the rails. They trade more forearms and Yuji back body drops him. Yuji then exploders him. Shota stomps on Suzuki then hits forearms in the corner. Wato chest chops Suzuki then Suzuki facekicks Wato.

Suzuki headbutts Wato then Despy suplexes him. Wato bulldogs Despy and Despy completely misses an uppercut on him. Wato leg lariats him then Despy backdrops Shota. Ren underhook suplexes Shota then chinlocks him. Shota hiptosses Ren then blocks a boot and slips on an stf.

Ren spinning heel kicks Shota then Ren hits a nice exploder/northern lights hybrid suplex. Ren puts an octopus on Shota then Ren germans Shota. Ren northern lights suplexes Shota. Shota euros him then hits a nice dropkick. Shota tornado ddt's Ren then lifting reverse ddt's him. Shota hits forearms and an enzugiri. Shota then pop-up euros him. Ren does a nice belly to belly with a bridge on Shots and wins it.

It was short but it was good with Suzuki/Nagata and Ren/Shota keeping up their usual rivalries with each other. Ren hit some great suplexes here.

House Of Torture (EVIL, SHO & Yoshinobu Kanemaru) vs. Just 4 Guys (DOUKI, SANADA & TAKA Michinoku)

YK = Yoshinobu Kanemaru

The faces get jumped early as usual. Taka and Douki hit a double elbow drop on YK then Taka baseball slides him. Taka is sent into the exposed buckle and Evil chokes Sanada with a microphone stand. Taka is thrown out then sent into the rails. Taka is sent into the post then is lariated in the corner. Taka is held upside down then chopped in the nuts.

Taka leg lariats Evil and Sanada is tagged in. Sanada knee dropkicks Evil and YK. Sanada puts Sho in the paradise lock then trips YK into him. Sanada dropkicks Evil. Sho eye rakes Sanada when he gets in then Sanada russian legsweeps him. Douki gets in and flying headscissors Sho. Douki then springboard back elbows him.

Douki top rope double stomps Sho then does a double arm triangle on him. YK breaks it up then Sanada hits a plancha outside. Douki slingshot ddt's Sho for 2. Sho throws the ref into Douki then Togo chokes Douki with a weapon. Yujiro hits Douki with a cane. Taichi comes out and Douki rolls up Sho to win off the distraction. Taichi then lariats Sho after.

This was a whole lot of nothing with the usual HoT shenanigans.

CHAOS (Kazuchika Okada & Lio Rush) vs. Los Ingobernables de Japon (Hiromu Takahashi & Tetsuya Naito)

HT = Hiromu Takahashi

HT and Lio start us off. Lio  sends him outside and then they stand off. Naito and Okada then get in. Naito takes a double back elbow after some stalling for a while. Lio is tripped from the outside then sent into the rails. naito stretches Okada's arm over the rope connector. HT running lariats Lio in the corner then hits a basement dropkick.

Lio hits a scissors kick on Naito. Okada running back elbows Naito then ddt's him. Naito does his hiptoss into a neckbreaker on the knee on Okada. Okada facekicks him then takes a step up enzugiri. Okada flapjacks him. HT tags in and Okada facekicks him.

Lio gets in and hits an enzugiri then a handspring to knock Naito off the apron. He then hits topes twice on the outside. Lio top rope crossbodies HT for 2. HT baseball slides Lio then they lariat each other at the same time. Lio is belly to belly suplexed into the buckles. HT superkicks Lio then lifts Naito into a tornado ddt. HT hits a dynamite plunger on Lio.

HT superkicks Lio then Lio standing spanish flies him for 2. Okada dropkicks Naito. Lio ki krushers HT. Lio goes for a frogsplash but HT gets his knees up. Lio spin kicks him in the head then HT superkicks him. HT takes a rush hour then another spin kick to the face. Okada landslides HT then Lio top rope frogsplashes HT to win it.

It was slow and not that interesting early then had a prety good finishing run towards the end that made it better. Lio's offense looked good here and everything had an extra snap to it.

Overall thoughts: I saw everything but one match. The show was pretty good with everyone trying and everything just clicking minus the House of Torture match. Henare vs Oskar was my pick for match of the night.

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