Sunday, October 8, 2023

AEW Rampage 10/6/2023

AEW Rampage 10/6/2023

Last week's show is here: 

Daniel Garcia, Jake Hager and 2.0 vs The Hardy Boyz and Best Friends

MH = Matt Hardy

Chuck grabs Parker by the hair then Parker shoulders him over. Chuck hits armdrags. Jeff and Garcia do at it. Jeff shoulders him over then Garcia does his dance at him. Jeff spin kicks him then they both dance at each other. Menard then nails Jeff from behind.

Garcia punches Jeff in the corner and Menard bangs Jeff's head off the mat. Jeff flying lariats Garcia. Trent gets in and germans Garcia. Trent hits a big boot on him then superkicks him. Trent hits a death valley driver on him and all 8 men fight.

The former JAS is beat up in the corners then all 4 are irish whipped into each other. Hager is lariated over the top and we get a 4 person hug from the faces. Trent moonsaults to the outside then Hager lariats Trent over.

We go to PiP break and return. Trent is whipped hard into the corner by Menard. Trent flying knees Menard. MH gets in and hits lariats then slams Parker. MH side effects Hager and Garcia. MH takes corner moves then is tripped into an elbow drop on the back. Hager vader bombs Matt. Hager slams Jeff then takes a knee from Chuck. Parker flying dropkicks Chuck.

Trent tornado ddt's Trent then Menard powerbombs Trent. Jeff hits a twist of fate on Menard then Garcia shotgun dropkicks Jeff.  Harcia runs into Menard on the apron and Menard knocks over Anna Jay outside. MH does a twist of fate on Garcia then Trent does a beach break on Garcia. Jeff top rope swantons Garcia and picks up the win.

It wasn't really long enough for all of the people in it, but they did what they could with it. It was a bit rushed.

Eddie Kingston is interviewed. He said he's expecting the people in the 4 way match to go wild. Sonjay Dutt and friends come in. Dutt says Eddie disrespected Jay Lethal and asks if Eddie will put the title up against Jay or not. Eddie says he will defend it when Jay proves he deserves a shot to him. Stokeley Hathaway then walks in. He says he has a proposition for Dutt but we don't get to hear what it is.

We get a Danhausen video in the style of Halloween with him singing "very very very nice, very evil".

Wheeler Yuta and Claudio Castagnoli vs Levi Shapiro and Wise Guy Ruiz

Yuta grabs Levi's arm and chin then hits him in the back of the head. Levi hits punches then is chopped down. Yuta suplexes him then CC lariats him. CC hits downward elbows then Yuta facekicks Ruiz. Yuta stomps on Ruiz then CC giant swings Levi. Yuta dropkicks him while he swings and CC baseball slides Ruiz off the apron. CC does a rocket launcher on Yuta and Yuta wins it.

This was just a squash.

Renee interviews the former JAS. Garcia said he ended up fighting off his opponents by himself. Menard disagrees and says he is too worried about dancing. Parker said they were trying to prove they made the right decision as a family to leave the JAS but they failed. He said they failed like a family. He then said they will get Anna Jay checked on by a doctor.

#1 Contender to the ROH Title - Penta El Zero Miedo vs Lince Dorado vs Johnny TV vs Komander


Johnny is superkicked by Kom. Penta slingblades Johnny then Johnny leg lariats him. They trade armdrags then kip up at the same time and stand off. Johnny and Penta take stereo dropkicks then take stereo topes. Lince monkey flips Kom then Kom monkey flips Lince, but Lince lands on his feet. Lince flying headscissors him then tilt-a-whirl backbreakers him.

Aaron Solo pulls Lince over the top. Penta superkicks Kom outside then top rope crossbodies Johnny. Penta superkicks Johnny then Penta canadian destroyers him. Penta tope con hilos 3 people outside then Johnny nails him from behind.

We go to PiP break and return. Johnny hits kicks and a moonlight drive neckbreaker on Penta. Johnny does his backroll fireman's carry on Lince then standing moonsaults him. Johnny powerslams Kom. Lince top rope hurricanrana's Lince into a hurricanrana on Johnny.

Lince pop-up and superkicks Kom. Lince pulls Penta over the top then top rope moonsaults Johnny and Penta outside. Kom runs the top rope and corkscrew flips outside. Kom then rope walks into a 450 on Lince and wins it.

It was a spot fest but I was okay with it. I didn't like the canadian destroyer spot but they saved the big dives until the end of the match and didn't overdo it. Not great or anything memorable, but they showed some restraint. I didn't like Lince losing in his AEW debut here nor getting a #1 contenders match in his debut.

Ortiz does a promo. He says he wants to talk one on one with Santana. He said Santana is still the same little kid who cried after being in a fight he caused. He called him a fragile little kid and said he always runs from the truth. He said Santana spits on people who look up at him like an idol. He said karma took one of Santana's knees and he will take the other.

That is all I will be watching from this one. You know the deal.

Overall thoughts: I saw 3 of the 4 matches. 2 were decent and the other was a squash. I wouldn't recommend this, but it wasn't bad or anything.

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