Sunday, October 1, 2023

STARDOM 9/24/2023 5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Day 21

STARDOM 9/24/2023 5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Day 21

Hanan vs Waka Tsukiyama


Hanan dropkicks her early then running back elbows her. Hanan bronco busters her and humps her face. Waka hits hip attacks then climbs her back and double reverse armbars her. Hanan 2nd rope twisting crossbodies her. Waka hits chest forearms then Hanan side throws her. Waka 2nd rope seated flatliners her. Hanan hits a cuty special + northern lights suplex fusion on her for 2.

Hanan hits a fameasser then Waka sits on her back with a double reverse armbar again. Waka straightjacket neckbreakers her. Hana reverses a straightjacket, cradles her then hits ls magistral to win.

It was really short and was over before it got going.

Saki Kashima vs. Koguma vs. Yuna Mizumori


Saki tries to team up with Yuna.  Yuna slaps her hand away and Saki then gets turned down by Kog too. Kog tries to get Yuna to do her taunt with her but Yuna doesn't. Yuna and Kog push each other then push Saki.

They hold hands around Saki and Saki jumps out. Saki then rolls both up at the same time then Yuna splashes Saki. Yuna slams Saki then Yuna and Kog miss stereo splashes on Saki. Yuna and Kog trade forearms. Yuna dropkicks Kog then slams her. Yuna goes to dive on her off the 2nd rope but Saki rolls on her and goes for the pin.

Saki hits a palm strike uppercut on Yuna for 2 then Saki jumps over her back and headscissors her. Kog top rope crossbodies Saki then Yuna is held up for a bulldog. Yuna is bulldogged then Saki rolls up Kog. They all try pin attempts. Yuna lariats saki against the ropes then is rolled up by Kog and pinned.

This was all comedy here though it somewhat made sense and was a bit entertaining.

Mei Seira & Suzu Suzuki vs. HANAKO & Megan Bayne


Mei and Meg start us off. Mei is shoved off and has her flying crossbody caught. Mei goes up and over in the corner but is caught with a powerslam. Mei stomps on Hanako's foot then hair throws her. Suzu and Hanako trade forearms and Hanako goes down.

Mei ties up Hana's legs and pulls her hair. Mei stomps on Hana then Hana shoulders Mei over, making her land on her head. Meg gets in and hits corner clotheslines on both opponents. Meg splashes both in the corner then underhook suplexes Mei.

Meg is double leg swept then double basement dropkicked. Meg has hold on Suzu and catches Mei off the ropes. She then does a fallaway slam + samoan drop combo on them both. Saya carries Suzu into the corner and hits corner spears on her. Hanako shoulders over Suzu several times. Hana racks Suzu then corner splashes her.

Suzu drive by kicks Hanako on the apron. Hana slams Suzu for 2 then Hana takes corner attacks. Suzu flying knees Hana in the back for 2 then Meg suplexes both opponents at once. Hanako suplexes Suzu for 2. Hanako takes a sandwich kick then is lifted for a codebreaker. Meg is pulled over the top rope and Mei apron dives her. Suzu then does a head, arm and leg hold on Hanako and taps her out to win.

I never like when Mei and Bayne go against each other as they are usually pushed as partners. The match wasn't bad though for a midcard match and Hanako is slowly being given more credibility.

5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Red Stars - Syuri vs. Starlight Kid


Syuri poses on the ropes and is knocked down to the floor. Kid whips her with her own jacket. Syuri is sent into the seats then has her knee banged off the floor. Kid stacks chairs on Syuri's leg and chairs them. Back in the ring, Kid dropkicks Syiuri's leg on the ropes.

Kid rolls into a stretch muffler on Syuri then Syuri ddt's her. Syuri hits kicks to the back of Kid then they trade forearms. Syuri drops Kid with a kick then running knees her through the ropes. They fight up top and Kid slaps her. Kid cradle drivers her off the top then misses a 180 splash. Syuri running knees Kid then Kid wraps around her and rolls her into a stretch muffler. Kid dropkicks her in the back of the head.

Kid top rope moonsaults her then Syuri germans her. Syuri bridging ddt's her for 2. Syuri hits a spinning emerald flowsion. Kid rolls her up and dragon screws the leg. Syuri ropebreaks and high kicks her. Syuri then hits an emerald flowsion and wins it.

This worked. Kid did legwork most of the match and it was mostly even. Syuri then picked up the win.

Oedo Tai (Natsuko Tora & Ruaka) vs. Club Venus (Mariah May & Mina Shirakawa)

Ruaka shoulders May over and May dropkicks Ruaka in the back.  OT takes the faces outside with Mina and May being sent into the chairs. Tora hits Mina with a hand fan. Mina is thrown back in and slammed by Ruaka. Mina takes a double shoulder and sentons. Mina lariats Tora then May hits machine gun chops on Tora.

May facekicks Tora then does her handstand hurricanrana on her on the ropes for 2. Mina russian legsweeps Tora then Tora lariats Mina against the ropes. Tora cannonballs Mina against the ropes then cradle shocks her for 2. Tora does a finlay roll on Mina then Ruaka vader bombs Mina for 2.

Ruaka misses a top rope splash then Mina bangs Ruaka's knee off the mat. May facekicks Ruaka the Ruaka takes a double sweep. Tora double lariats her opponents then Mina takes sandwich lariats. Ruaka top rope splashes Mina for 2. Ruaka lariats Mina in the back of the neck then Mina figure fours her. Mina wins via submission.

It was by the numbers for the most part and Mina's finish came out of nowhere.

Giulia and Maika vs Saya Iida and Hazuki

Haz = Hazuki

Saya and Maika shoulder battle to start. Saya shoulders her over. Maika is rolled into a basement dropkick and butt drop. Maika then takes a Saya elbow drop for 2. Maika pounces and slams Saya then Giulia shotgun dropkicks Saya. Maika holds up Saya for a neckbreaker.

Saya is thrown and has her face stepped on in the corner. Saya hits forearms on Giulia. Haz top rope dropkicks Giulia. Haz is double hiptossed into the ropes but does a double armdrag out of it. Maika's team takes stereo facewash kicks. Giulia dropkicks Haz. Maika hits a corner lariat and shoulder on Hazuki. Maika powerslams Haz at 5 minutes then suplexes her. Haz is put in a sleeper while Saya is put in an abdominal stretch.

Haz codebreakers Maika for 2. Haz and Maika trade forearms and Haz forearm flurries her. Maika does her head and leg drop on Haz for 2 then Haz suplexes her. Maika lariats her over then Haz pump kicks her. Giulia and Saya go at it. Saya hits machine gun chops then double axe handles her. Saya then does an elbow drop for 2.

Saya takes a double shoulder then Giulia 2nd rope dropkicks Haz. Giulia falcon arrows Saya for 2. Saya plancha's onto Maika and Giulia for 2. Saya then flying shoulders Giulia off the top for 2. Giulia is held up and bulldogged then Saya northern lights suplexes Giulia for 2.

Saya takes a german + chokeslam combo for 2 then Maika spinning lariats Haz. Saya sliding lariats Giulia for 2 then Giulia backdrop drivers her for 2. Giulia hits a glorious driver on Saya and wins it.

Giulia gets on the mic after and asks why Iida isn't in the 5 Star GP. Giulia says Saya should be higher up on the card and should have more singles matches. Giulia says she wants a singles match with her. Saya said she wants it too and says she will fight her for the belt someday. Giulia says her chances of winning the GP depends on Maika and says it's down to luck. They ask the ring announcer who has the poiints sheet and he says Mirai and Maika are both ahead of her on points. Giulia says it depneds on Maika and cheers her on.

Maika says she will win the 5 Start GP and tells people to come and watch.

It was decent main event. Saya got a lot in on Giulia and they did some stuff they don't normally do with the double facewash kicks and Saya doing a plancha.

Overall thoughts: The main was decent and I liked Kid/Syuri. Nothing else was that good though and this isn't a show worth seeing.

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