Saturday, September 30, 2023

STARDOM 9/23/2023 5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Day 20

STARDOM 9/23/2023 5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Day 20

Yuna Mizumori vs. Ami Sourei


They shoulder battle and Yuna backs her up with shoulders. Ami shoulders her over. Yuna tries some pin attempts and Ami blocks her armdrag. Yuna crossbodies her then splashes her. Yuna does a handstand senton then 2nd rope splashes her for 2. They trade chest forearms and we see Giulia watching at ringside.

Ami lariats Saya then does a high crab on her. Ami spinning samoan drops her for 2 then Yuna lariats her for 2. Ami suplexes her then does her rolling lariat for 2. Ami blue thunder bombs her then does a fenix driver for the win.

It was short. They didn't have a lot of time and they really didn't do that much of note here.

Giulia and Ami fight outside after. HANAKO then joins in and hits forearms on Giulia.

HANAKO vs Giulia

Giulia = G

Naturally, this is the next match. Hana hits some chest forearms then G rolls her into a rings of saturn. G hair throws her and hits some stomps with the back of her foot. They trade forearms. Hanako hits a stiff lariat on the ropes then takes a stiff dropkick.

Hanako slams her for 2. G forearms her then Hanako shoulders her over. Hanako running facekicks her then suplexes her. Hanako crabs her then stomps on her. G puts her in a sleeper  then Hanako throws her over. G rolls her up for 2 and basement dropkicks her.

Hanako bumps too early on a hammerlock ddt and G gets a 2 count. G 2nd rope dropkicks her for 2 then STF's her. G taps her out.

It was mostly a squash though Hanako did get to fight back a little. There was never any doubt who was winning here. It was nice to see Hanako liven up a bit and show some spirit.

Ami comes in to slap Giulia around then G forearms her and stomps her. G holds the title up in her face after and stomps on her. 

Megan Bayne & Mei Seira vs. STARS (Koguma & Saya Iida)

Kog = Koguma, Meg = Megan Bayne

Mei does Kog's taunt with her then on the high five, Kog tries to irish whip her. They try pin attempts on each other then Mei 2nd rope blockbusters her. Mei is tripped then takes a double basement dropkicks. Saya slams Mei then hits an elbow drop.

Kog slams Mei and then stands and stomps on her. Kog corner splashes her then ddt's her for 2. Kog ddt's her then Meg picks her up deadlift style and throws her. Meg picks up Kog then catches Saya in the air, having boht of them on her. Meg then hits a double fallaway slam.

Meg spins Kog around by the arm and throws her. Kog top rope dropkicks her. Saya and Meg shoulder battle then Saya hits machine gun chops. Meg lariats her then slams her. Meg takes a double dropkick then double lariats her opponents. Saya hits double chops on Meg then is powerslammed. Meg throws Mei outside on Kog then double arm sitout chokeslams Iida for the win.

It was just an average match for the most part. Meg did her usual bit here.

 STARS (Hanan & Mayu Iwatani) vs. Club Venus (Mariah May & Waka Tsukiyama)

May wants a hug from Hanan. They hug and Waka tries to break it up. Hanan backs up Waka on the ropes then Hanan takes a double basement dropkick. Waka hits hip attacks on Hanan then Hanan rolling hip throws her. Waka is rolled by Mayu into a double stomp. Waka then takes a sandwich basement dropkick.

Mayu slams Waka then Waka crossbodies her. May hits machine gun chops on Mayu then May hits a rope handstand hurricanrana. May dropkicks her off the buckles. Mayu rolls up May and basement dropkicks her. Mayu tags in Hanan and Hanan la silla's May's neck on the ropes. Hanan and May trade chest forearms then May facekicks her. Waka knees Hanan on the ropes and hip attacks her there.

Hanan fameassers Waka then Waka double reverse armbars her while sitting on her back. Waka straightjacket bombs Hanan then Hanan cuty specials Waka. Hanan fameassers Waka then backdrops her by hooking the leg to win it.

It was a fast paced, throwaway tag. Hanan hit a nice cuty special and I haven't seen a lot of her finisher. Nothing wrong with this one but it wasn't memorable.

Oedo Tai (Natsuko Tora, Ruaka & Starlight Kid) vs. God's Eye (MIRAI, Saki Kashima & Syuri)

Tora and Mirai lock up to start. Mirai upkicks her and Tora side headlock takeovers her. Mirai uses the ropes to escape a hammer lock and kicks the rope with Tora's arm in it. Mirai is swept on the apron and is sent into the seats. Syuri and Saki are then sent into the seats too.

Mirai is beat up 2v1 in the ring then Tora mists Mirai. Mirai and Kid trade forearms. Mirai is footchoked on the ropes and then slammed. Tora sentons her then shoulders her over. Mirai is basement dropkicked in the face then Mirai forces Kid to ddt Tora. Saki bulldogs Tora off the 2nd rope then Saki accidentally bulldogs Syuri. Syuri and Saki argue then Tora takes a sandwich chest kick.

Saki headscissors Ruaka then boots her. Mirai and Ruaka shoulder battle then Mirai dropkicks her. Mirai running back elbows Ruaka then hits a corner lariat on her. Mirai top rope dropkicks Ruaka then Tora cannonballs Mirai on the ropes. Kid top rope crossbodies Mirai then Mirai takes a sandwich lariat. Ruaka fisherman suplexes Mirai for 2.

Mirai gets a kimura on Ruaka then Syuri and Saki also get submissions on at the same time. Ruaka double arm chokeslams Mirai then Ruaka misses a top rope splash. Syuri flying knees Ruaka then Mirai flatliners Ruaka. Mirai top rope crossbodies Ruaka. Mirai and Ruaka lariat battle then Mirai lariats Ruaka. Mirai hits a big lariat on Ruaka and wins it.

It was pretty basic and nothing too interesting. Syuri and Kid didn't get in this much at all. Mirai and Ruaka had a nice section though. 

5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Blue Stars - Mina Shirakawa vs Maika


Maika grabs Mina's chest then Mina dropkicks her in the knee. Maika suplexes her on the apron. Maika shoulders her over for 2, camel clutches her and pokes on her cut from the last show. Mina knee dropkicks Maika then hits kicks to the knee. Mina dropkicks her in the knee then Maika slams her. Maika suplexes her.

Mina attacks her knee on the apron then drops her on both knees on the apron. Mina drives her knee onto the floor mat then Mina bangs her knee off her own knee. Maika deadlift powerbombs her then they trade forearms. Mina hits a slap combo then sto's her. Maika hits a weird spinning drop on her.

Maika goes for a powerslam but Mina turns it into a reverse ddt. Mina spinning forearms her then is lariated. Mina dragon screws her then figure fours her, but Maika ropebreaks. Mina bridging suplexes her on the ropes then spinning back elbows her. Mina step up enzugiri's her then lifting ddt's her for 2. Maika 2nd rope superplexes her then hits a spinning lariat.

Maika powerbombs her then Mina figure fours her. The time limit then expires and it's a draw.

It had the usual Mina match issues where she focuses on the knee early, forgets about it then goes back at it at the end of the match. Not awful, but it could have been better.

5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Red Stars - Hazuki vs Suzu Suzuki

Haz = Hazuki

They evade kicks then kick each other at the same time. Haz dropkicks Suzu then hits facewash kicks on her. Haz hair throws her then hits more facewash kicks. Haz slams Suzu then sentons her. Suzu sliding germans her off the 2nd rope. Suzu top rope dropkicks her for 2 then ties up her head, arms and legs.

Suzu hits her drive-by dropkick on the apron then Haz topes her. Haz pump kicks her on the ropes then ddt's her for 2 over the middle rope. Haz crossfaces her and Suzu ropebreaks. Haz gets stuck up top and takes forearms. Suzu hurricanrana's her off the top then Haz pump kicks her. Suzu forearms her and both go down.

Haz and Suzu trade forearms and Haz forearm flurries her. Haz ddt's her then puts her on her shoulder anf side drops her for 2. Suzu is put on the 2nd rope and Haz codebreakers her. Haz hits a top rope senton for 2. Suzu rolls her up for 2 then relese germans her. Suzu buzzsaw kicks her then flying knees her in the back.

Suzu hits a tequila shot for 2. She release germans her then is rolled up in la magistral for 2. Suzu hits two german suplexes and wins it.

I felt like this should have been better than it was as the two have styles that are meant for each other. Hazuki is kind a 3 star general though and rarely ever seems to have that great match when she could though and that happened here. This wasn't even one of Hazuki's better matches of the tournament and she hasn't had a lot of good matches here.

Overall thoughts: A very average and uninteresting night of action with no real highlight matches.

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