Sunday, October 1, 2023

AEW Collision 9/30/2023

AEW Collision 9/30/2023

Last week's show is here:

Big Bill, Starks and Aussie Open say it's time to go trick or treating as Bill is handing out size 16 boots like halloween candy. Kyle says they waited a year to get back in the ring with FTR. Mark says they are taking the titles tomorrow. Starks grabs his phone and says everyone's getting their @ss beat tonight, no previews, just spoilers. Yuta/Bryan and FTR talk. Yuta said he wants to give a preview of the whooping he is going to give tomorrow. Bryan says he's in his hometown so let's go.

Andrade El Idolo vs Juice Robinson

AEI = Andrade El Idolo

Juice tries to make AEI chase him to start. AEI teases going in and Juice misses a senton. AEI crossbodies him off the buckles then AEI hits three amgios. Juice goes back outside and AEI 2nd rope moonsaults him. The Gunns grab AEI's leg as he tries to get in and AEI is knocked off the apron.

Juice backbreakers AEI then Juice back elbows and sentons him. AEI hits corner punches but Juice turns it into a flapjack on the buckle. AEI is sent into the 2nd buckle face first then Juice sentons AEI.

We go to PiP break and return. Juice backdrops AEI and blows snot rockets on him. They each hit slaps and AEI dragon screws him. AEI flying forearms him and we see CJ watching in in the back. AEI does a top rope moonsault into another moonsault, but Juice gets his knees up. Juice leg lariats him for 2.

Juice is pulled into the 2nd buckle. AEI goes for a corner move on Juice and Juice puts the ref in the way. Juice forearms AEI then powerbombs him. Juice top rope crossbodies AEI and AEI rolls through it. Juice is then hiptossed into the buckles and AEI meteoras him there.

The Gunns try to get involved and the ref catches them. The ref throws them out. AEI hits a judas effect for 2 then does a ddt to win it.

They kept it moving and it was watchable, but not particularly great or special. 

Kenny Omega and Chris Jericho are interviewed. Kenny looks like he'd rather be anywhere else. Jericho tries to say him and Kenny's issues have held AEW together for years. Jericho said he doesn't know if they can work together. Kenny said this is about co-existing and said he doesn't like him. Kenny says the Don Callis Family is bigger than what they've got here. Kenny says he will have his back and asks if Jericho will have his.

RJ City tries to interview Toni Storm. She said it seems Toni reached her peak. Toni said all she does is peak. She said she peaked and peaked and peaked again. Toni said she does miss the old days and says she will have to remind the world of what it's like to be a star. Toni accuses RJ City of coming onto her then complains when he denies it, asking if she isn't good enough for him. 

The Kingdom vs Best Friends

The match starts while the Friends have their jackets on. They go for stereo piledrivers then Kingdom rolls out. The match then officially starts. Trent hits shots on Mike then backdrops him. Mike knees Chuck in the back from the apron. He pulls him out but Chuck nails him. Taven then dropkicks him through the ropes. Trent plancha's Matt.

Trent is thrown into the rails outside then tripped into a chair. We go to PiP break and return. Mike takes a knee form Chuck. Chuck germans Mike then half-nelson suplexes Matt. Trent top rope double dropkicks Kingdom then tornado ddt's Taven.

Trent takes a death valley driver into a running knee. Taven is thrown into the steps then Mike spinning forearms Chuck. Trent death valley drivers Mike on the steps for some reason then Mike takes a doomsday device flying knee. Kingdom take stereo piledrivers. Mike punches Trent in the balls while the ref wasn't looking then Kingdom hit a spike piledriver on Chuck to win it.

I didn't like this one. Mike took a doomsday device and a death valley driver on the steps yet was still able to stay in this and win it. The announcer's were also obsessed with talking about "the weiner punch" like little goofy kids.

The Kingdom get on the mic after. They have suitcases and Taven said he has a message for Adam Cole. He asks Cole to meet them at Roddy's house right now if they ever meant anything to him. Taven tells Roddy to stay neck strong. During this, Mike is flopping around like a fish outside apparently due to being hurt.

Alex Marvez is going to interview Prince Nana then sees Don Callis talking to him. Don leaves and Nana is questioned. Nana says if you dig deep into the universe, you will find something that is unique. Nana says when the Gates of Agony destroy Jericho and Omega, they are in the money. He then sings "we're in the money".

Julia Hart is in a field talking with masks hanging from trees. She says Kris didn't see her full potential until Black showed her and said now she will be reborn. Kris says she doesn't want to make an example of Julia, but has to. She says a "spooky little b!tch" like you is no match for Kris Statlander

Julia Hart vs Vertvixen

Vert did like two years worth of Dark squashes and stopped being used as a thank you for it. Hart hits her in the back then lariats her. Hart bangs her head off the mat then chokes her with her leg on the ropes. Hart forward cartwheel lariats her. Vert hits forearms in the corner and Hart kind of does a double stomp out of the corner. Hart top rope moonsaults her and wins it.

It was a short squash and it didn't do much for either one of them.

Hart gets on the mic after. She says Kris Statlander should come out now. Kris comes out with Best Friends, who I guess she is aligned with again after not being seen with them for months. Kris and Hart tell their buddies to back off. Kris yells at her and Hart backs off. Kris tells her the clock is ticking and her time is up tomorrow.

Claudio says you don't have to be a champ to act like a champ. He said you have to look inside to find out what keeps you going. He said this sport keeps him going and challenges anyone. Josh Barnett then appears without explanation (and isn't even named) and talks, challenging him for tomorrow.

Chris Jericho and Kenny Omega vs The Gates of Agony

Kauns slaps his partner Toa and throws him into Jericho for a corner lariant. Kaun lariats Jericho. Jericho is pounded on by both opponents in the corner. Kenny high kicks Toa from the corner and tries to bang his head of fthe buckles but Toa no sells it.

Kenny top rope crossbodies Toa then Toa is double suplexed. Toa misses a double lariat then takes a double shoulder block. Nana trips Kenny then Toa pounces Kenny into Jericho. Kaun suplexes and germans Kenny. Kaun then backdrops Kenny and codebreakers him as he is on the 2nd rope. Toa then elbow drops Kenny as he hangs.

We g to PiP break and return. Kenny hurricanrana's Kaun. Jericho shoulders over Kaun then top rope double axe handles him. Jericho lionsaults Kaun. Jerich goes for a judas effect but takes a spinning lariat. Kaun fireman's carry gubusters Jericho.

Toa misses a corner splash and hits the post. Kaun rolls up Jericho then takes a codebreaker. Kenny v-triggers Kaun then tope con hilos Toa. Jericho then taps out Kaun with a boston crab.

It was okay and just your usual tag match here. The heels got heat then the faces made a comeback and won it.

Jericho gets on the mic after. He said him and Kenny just proved they can co-exist. Kenny says this is bigger than them and is about Don Callis. Kenny said it will take more to get him to turn his back on his friends. He said Kota is used to taking beatings like the one Don and friends gave him. Kenny said it's time for the original alpha and omega to spell the end of Don Callis. Jericho talks about his opponents more and says Sammy Guevara is the ultimate judas. He says Sammy was right when he called him the villain and says he will ruin his dreams and his entire life. Jericho then says they are coming for them. This went too long and they essentially made a short promo long here.

The Righteous does a video. They said no one can hurt them more than they can hurt themselves. They said karma's deadline is coming to an end. Vincent said they will rip apart the bond that keeps them together - the ROH tag titles.

Darby Allin does a promo. He said he's been waiting to be in the main event for so long. He said Christian has the one thing he really cares about - the TNT title. They show clips from the interview with them and JR. Darby says he is not losing in Seattle. Christian said Darby won't go away until he makes him go away. He said he hopes Darby realizes his career is dead. Christian says this is the perfect ending for Darby and says he will fall at this feet.

The Righteous vs Travis Williams and Judas Icarus

Vincent is on crutches during his entrance but takes them off and does his dance. I think he was maybe mocking Adam Cole, but they didn't explain it, so who knows. Judas looks like Mike Bailey with facial hair.  Travis dropkicks Vincent in the corner. Vincent back elbows Judas and throws him into the middle rope. Dutch hits a big slap on Judas then chest slaps Travis hard. Dutch black hole slams Travis then Vincent does his sliced bread off of Dutch onto Travis to win it.

It was a short squash as expected.


Vincent gets on the mic after. He says to look at all the paper people strung together. He says MJF is the devil and the devil pulls the strings that are tied to the liar, Adam Cole. Vincent says he will make sure the devil leaves with one hook, just like his buddy Cole (he's referring to his hurt leg). Dutch grabs a wooden board of some sort and Vincent slams a chair on Judas' ankle against it.  This was your usual Vincent promo where you can only quasi-understand what he's talking about.

We get a package on Eddie Kingston vs Katsuyori Shibata. Shibata shows a picture of him with Inoki. Shibata said he wants to become a triple champ through a translator and Eddie said it will be a fight.

Tony interviews TMDK. Tito says they are here from Japan to stoke the flames and bring the fire. Billy Gunn and The Acclaimed walk in. They say they heard they have a huge match on Zero Hour against them. Billy says they have been the trios champs for 34 days. Bowens says everyone loves The Acclaimed. Haste says he knows their game and does a goofy rhyme. This was bad and unless you watch NJPW, you would not know TMDK.

Aussie Open, Big Bill and Ricky Starks vs FTR, Bryan Danielson and Wheeler Yuta

Zack Sabre Jr. comes down to do commentary. Yuta and Kyle kick each other at the same time. Yuta back body drops Kyle and dropkicks him. Mark and Dax trade chops and Mark germans Dax. Dax is group stomped outside and Aubrey has to separate them. We go to PiP break and return. Dax backdrops Kyle. Cash dropkicks Mark then backdrops Kyle.

Cash knocks Bill off the apron and is slammed. Yuta top rope forearms Kyle then dropkicks Mark. Yuta step up enzugiri's Kyle then chops him. Yuta is thrown out but holds onto the bottom rope then germans Kyle. Yuta rains forearms down on Starks. Bill hits a nice boot on Yuta. Starks slams Yuta then elbow drops him.

Starks does a grounded cobra twist on Yuta. Yuta is tossed into a sitout powerbomb from Kyle. We go to break and return. Bryan corner dropkicks Aussie Open off the apron. Bryan hits a chop and kick combo on Starks. Bryan flips over him on the buckles, pushes Starks out then topes him. Bryan top rope dropkicks Starks. Starks lariats Bryan then tornado ddt's him.

Bill goes for a chokeslam on Bryan then is put in a lebell lock. Everyone starts coming in to get a move in then Aussie Open's team all takes chest kicks at once. Bill is barely held up and takes a 2nd rope dropkick. Dax top rope headbutts Bill. Yuta is thrown into the rails outside. Dax goes one on one with Bill. Bill misses a splash and hits his head off the post. Dax takes a spear + chokeslams combo and Starks pins Dax but the crowd wasn't ready and didn't even pop for it.

I don't know what happened during the finish here. I don't know if it was botched or the crowd didn't didn't buy it and didn't react. It got time but nobody did anything too crazy and it was just an okay main instead of being something special.

They try to do some post match fighting but they all stand around and look each other and the whole brawl looks terrible Bryan points at Zack Sabre Jr. outside. They stare down

Overall thoughts: This wasn't good. We had random people like TMDK and Josh Barnett on here without explanation. We had a couple of jobber matches. The main's finish didn't work and they did very little to make you want to see Bryan vs Zack tomorrow night. The show continues to feel like a 2 hour version of Rampage and has clearly lost its identity post-Punk.

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