Saturday, October 7, 2023

Ring of Honor on HonorClub 10/5/2023 Episode #32

Ring of Honor on HonorClub 10/5/2023 Episode #32 

Last week's show is here:

Eddie Kingston says he was just in a war with Shibata. He said he's trying to learn the Japanese style and wants to bring it to the US. He said going against him was something special and of course, he said he just wants to eat Snickers candy bars. He said he's not worried about looking like a wrestler. This was embarrassing.

ROH Women's Title - Athena (c) vs Leyla Hirsch

Athena forward cartwheels out of a wristlock then Leyla shotgun dropkicks her. Leyla then does a pendulum dropkick in the corner and topes her while she's outside. She then says it's her time and her title in the camera. Athena shotgun dropkicks her on the floor. They fight on the steps and Athena gordbusters her off the steps to the floor.

Athena hits kicks to the back. Leyla hits forearms to the chest and goes up and over in the corner to catch her with a sleeper. Leyla then gets on her back with a nice armlock. Athena throws her off then clubs on her. Athena hits a stiff forearm and drops her. Athena running back elbows and running forearms her. Athena then dragon sleepers her.

Leyla hits some suplexes then hits a stiff lariat. Leyla germans her for 2. Athena headscissors her from the mat and drives her head into the 2nd buckle. Athena finlay rolls her. Leyla rolls her into an armbar. Athena deadlift sitout powerbombs her. They trade forearms and both knock each other down.

Leyla hits a forearm flurry then takes various strikes. Athena crossfaces her then Leyla armbars her. Athena gets out and hits forearms. They fight up top and Leyla bangs her head off the top rope. Leyla cartwheels over her back up top then germans her. Leyla moonsaults and Athena kicks her in mid-air. Athena then rolls her off her shoulder into a double knee. Athena wins.

This was shockingly good. By far, this was the best match either of these two have ever been in. It was stiff and violent and it really felt like a real fight at times. They busted out different offense for this too to really put it over.

Athena superkicks her in the face after because Athena has to bury people. Billie Starkz gets on the apron and stars at her then Athena lets her go.

Maria gets on the ramp after and I think Athena tells her to clean up her mess.

Christopher Daniels and Rocky Romero are interviewed. Lexi says they are going fave to face in an ROH ring for the first time. Rocky says they fought at the Super 8 years ago and it lead to him getting a shot in ROH. Daniels said he followed his career the whole time and said Rocky has had a great career. Daniels said if he beats him, he gets on the championship track. He said he is bringing his best and says may the best man win. Rocky says he's bringing the salsa tonight and Daniels says he knows a little about spice.

Josh Woods vs Tyler Payne

Woods allows him to put a headlock on. He quickly gets out, snapmares him and pats him on the head. Woods does a fantastic gutwrench suplex then Payne flips over him on the buckles. Payne is seated on the 2nd rope and kicked then Woods throws him with a nice german. Woods does his anarchist suplex in the corner and wins it.

It was a quick squash but Woods looked good here with his various suplexes. Payne got nothing in.

Rocky Romero vs Christopher Daniels

Daniels wristlocks him and Rocky rolls out to wristlock him.  Daniels side headlocks him then shoulders him over. Rocky trips him into a side headlock. Rocky flying headscissors him  then topes him outside. Rocky pumping knees Daniels off the apron.

Back in and Daniels exploders him. Daniels throws him into the buckles then suplexes him. Daniels backbreakers him twice then chinlocks him. Rocky tornado ddt's him then hits corner lariats. Rocky lariats him over then 2nd rope double stomps him as he hangs over the 2nd rope.

Daniels top rope hurricanrana's him then is back body dropped. Rocky hits a rewind kick then running sliced bread #2's him for the win.

It was a perfectly acceptable midcard match. There wasn't any great logic or story to it but they matched up well and hit everything clean without doing too much.

Dalton Castle is interviewed. He said his heart has been racing and heels the pressure. He said he knows what he has to do and has to be on screen more as it makes the ratings spike and makes people happy.

Fred Rosser vs Scorpio Sky

Fred oddly hadn't wrestled in AEW yet, so he breaks that streak here. He armlocks Sky and side headlocks him. Sky trips him and does a side headlock. Sky hits corner forearms then is pulled off the 2nd rope. Fred hits a chop and lariat combo.

Fred running knees him then Sky kneelifts and lariats him. Sky hits a sky high for 2. Fred spinning forearms him and backdrops him on the apron. Sky boots him from the corner and avoids a spinning forearm. Sky hits a tko and wins it.

It was an average midcard match that wasn't anything too special. Not awful or anything but it was just there without a lot of highlights.

Willow Nightingale, Skye Blue and Kiera Hogan vs Lady Frost and The Renegades

They fight 3v3 to start then Willow and Frost go at it. Willow backsplashes her in the corner then spinning slams her. Willow then crossbodies her while she is seated. The twins pull their opponents off the apron and Forst goes to tag one of them in but no one is there.

Skye is stomped in the corner then Skye takes a double suplex. Frost backrolls and spears her, then does a fisherman's suplex. Skye is beaten up in the corner and is stomped. Kiera is tagged in and cleans house. Kiera hits running hip attacks in the corner then baseball slides her for 2. A twin hits a cradle shock on Kiera then Willow spinebusters the twin. Willow takes an over the back neckbreaker then Skye superkicks a twin. Frost does her cartwheel into an air raid crash.

Kiera high kicks Frost and the twins are rammed into each other. Willow hits a doctor bomb on a twin and wins it.

It was simple. They didn't have that much time and it was far from the best match they could have done here. Why a show with no real restraints has to cut short matches like this is unknown.

The Infantry and Trish Adora do a promo. Dean says they are feeling good and said Maria stuck her nose in their business last week. Bravo says TMDK is "Tizzle Mizzle Dizzle Kizzle". He said they are known for winning wars around the world but so are The Infantry. Bravo says Trish will handle business against Billie Starkz tonight. Bravo says The Infantry is stil here so have no fear and Dean says to copy that. It was goofy but it worked.

Ethan Page vs Invictus Khash

Khash grabs an arm then Page slams him. They battle for arm control and Khash pulls him down. Page hits punches and shoulders him over. Page does a running twisting suplex then punches him in the corner.

Khash hits a knee lift then hits some punches. Page high kicks him. Khash escapes a razor's edge and spinning forearms Page. Khash is pulled down over the top then Page shoulders him off the apron. Page cutters him off the bottom rope and wins it.

It was a short one but it was decent. Khash got a decent amount of offense in and looked good doing it. Khash is a little smaller than Page but he is built and maybe there's something there.

Mark Sterling and Tony Nese are interviewed. Mark says Seattle is the most obese place in the country and says it's because of carbs. Nese says carbs are the enemy and Mark says they wage war on bread and anyone that likes it tonight. Lexi stares at him and says good luck.

The Infantry vs TMDK

Bravo hugs Shane and they lock up. Shane side headlocks him then takes a flying back elbow. Mikey tries to come in and Bravo nails him. Shane takes a double atomic drop and a double fist drop for 2. Dean is tripped then Shane baseball slides him. Shane puts on Bravo's glasses outside.

Bravo takes a double back elbow then a senton and fist drop combo. Dean takes a double suplex. Dean evades his opponents and hot tags Bravo in. Bravo punches Shane then scissor kicks Mikey over the 2nd rope. Dean ddt's Shane for 2. Shane is popped-up by Mikey and superplexes Bravo from the electric chair.

Dean saves Bravo and step up enzugiri's Mikey. Shane hits a nasty orange crush on Dean. Mikey hits a nice spinebuster on Bravo then Bravo takes a drop + 2nd rope ddt double team. Shane picks up the win.

It was a fun tag here. TMDK looked good and The Infantry held up their end. I would have liked it to go a little longer but that's really only complaint about it.

Ethan Page is interviewed. Lexi said people are noticing his wins including Eddie Kingston. Page said he hopes everyone in ROH is watching him. He said he is paying close attention to everyone who steps foot in ROH. He says his confidence grows every single week and his ego is refilling itself. He said he's ready for Eddie and says he is looking for his 5th win in a row.

Tony Nese vs Satoshi Kojima

Mark Sterling is carrying bread. Nese gets on the mic and said he wiped the floor with Seattle's hometown hero last time he was here. He said he's here on a different mission and wants to help everyone be fat, disgusting losers. He said people need to lay off the carbs and asks who here likes bread? Satosho Kojima then comes out. Nese asks what Koji's problem is and Koji says he loves bread. Nese says we all can tell he loves bread and says he will give him a gift from America. He goes to hand him the bread, drops it and stomps it. That was great.

Nese and Koji compare abs. Nese kicks him in the gut then Koji shoulders him over. Nese tries to chop him but hurts his hand on it. Mark Sterling trips Koji on the outside then Nese stomps Koji. Mark boots Koji outside then Koji is sent into the apron's edge.

Koji is put in tree of woe and booted. Nese then does his ab crunch kicks to Koji. The crowd chants, "we want bread". Nese punches Koji in the gut then hits a dropkick. Nese bodyscissors him and hits corner spears. Nese misses a corner charge and takes machine gun chops. Koji running forearms Nese then top rope elbow drops him for 2.

Koji hits forearms then ddt's him. Nese drops his neck over the top rope then 2nd rope moonsaults him for 2. They trade shots then Koji cutters him. Mark gets on the apron. Nese rolls him up and spin kicks him in the head then Koji hits a big lariat to win it.

The pre-match stuff was fun and there was nothing wrong with this. The crowd kind of liked it and it was your basic face vs heel match.

Koji grabs the bread after and shoves it in Nese's mouth in a fun moment.

We go to Minion Training. Athena says this will be harder this time. Lexi and Billie are made to run the stairs and do squats. Athena beats up a random person backstage while Lexi and Billie put her over. They have Bobby Sinclair teach Billie and Lexi how to announce Athena's name. Billie puts over Lexi then Lexi says Billie is sloppy and lazy. Athena says Lexi passed training with flying colors but says Lexi still sucks. Athena says Lexi has one more special task to do and then she goes up into Tony Khan's office and yells, "I'm Willow Nightingale and I'm a big loser". These are always fun segments and this was no exception.

Billie Starkz vs Trish Adora

Billie teases doing a test of strength but just switches arms. Billie bangs Trish's head off the buckles then suplexes her. Billie throws an Athena style tantrum then Trish hits footslaps. Billie spinning high kicks her then Trish does a hard german for 2.

Trish splashes her in the corner and hits hip attacks against the bottom rope. Billie forearms her and Athena tells Billie to go up top. Billie goes up and Trish gets her knees up on Billie's swanton. Billie rolls up Trish out of a pump kick attempt then Billie does a straightjacket pedigree. Billie then crossfaces her to win it.

It was more of a storyline filled match with Billie being coached by Athena and told to do various things. And there's nothing wrong with as it made sense. Trish and Billie didn't work that well together though.

Lee Johnson vs Darius Martin

Lee has new country sounding music. Lee kips down and up out of a wristlock. Lee shoulders DM over and they trade headlock takeovers and legsweeps. They then shake hands and stand off.

Lee rolls through a sunset flip and basement dropkicks him. DM boots him out the corner and flips through a hiptoss. DM hits a nice dropkick. Lee back elbows him out of the corner then DM is pushed face first into the 2nd rope. Lee backdrops DM and hits punches and stomps.

Lee dropkicks him and we see Lee Moriarty and Shane Taylor watching in the back. Lee chinlocks DM then DM backdrops him. Lee leapfrogs into an atomic drop then DM kicks him while he hangs over the bottom rope. DM flatliners him off the bottom rope.

Lee does a nice german then blue thunder bombs him for 2. DM comes off the bottom rope and is caught with a superkick. DM suplexes him then hits a top rope splash to win it.

The pace was slower here which was shocking considering the people involved. The match was short but it meant they didn't have time to overdo it. It was just an average match overall. 

The Workhorsemen vs Iron Savages vs Shane Taylor and Lee Morarity vs Cole Karter and Griff Garrison

Shane and Lee cut off Jacked Jameson's intro with their music. Maria is out there with Griff and Cole. Henry wristlocks Lee then Lee flips him via the wristlock. Henry kips up and flips out of a wristlock. Lee tags Cole in. Henry hits a stiff knee to Cole's gut and kicks him in the back. Griff gets off the apron so Cole can't tag out.

Bronson and Henry go at it. Henry armdrags him then JD slingshot sentons Bronson in. JD chops Cole down then hiptosses Griff. JD splashes Griff then Griff takes a combo that ends in a JD ddt. Cole pulls out Griff to save him. Lee then does a flying move to Henry.

Henry hits forearms and chops on Shane then is punched. Shane headbutts him and pulls him into a uranage. Shane splashes Henry for 2. Griff drops down and Cole hits a nice dropkick on Henry. Griff facekicks Henry. Henry double upkicks Griff then JD lariats Cole. JD slams and headbutts Cole.

Cole takes corner moves then JD neckbreakers Shane which hims him ddt Cole. Lee is picked up and tossed into a Henry sitout powerbomb. Henry enzugiri's Griff. Boulder gets in and does a samoan drop + ddt combo on Shane and Henry. Bronson grabs the savage sauce and drinks it in the ring. Boulder back body drops Bronson to the outside onto opponents.  Maria gets on the apron and has the savage sauce. Boulderwalks up to her and is dropkicked into Jacked Jameson.

Shane punches Boulder then knocks out Cole with a punch for the win.

It was a short match for how many people were involved. They could have had double the team easy. It was a decent and entertaining tag though. The Workhorsemen were interesting here as they totally took over the match for a while and it was kind of interesting to see a team actually use some tactics and logic here. There was lots of shenanigans going on with Maria and the savage sauce, but it was used well.

Gringo Loco, Angelico and Serpentico vs Komander, Gravity and Metalik

Ange = Angelico, Serp = Serpentico, Kom = Komander, Grav= Gravity, Metal = Metalik

Metal enzugiri's Loco rom the apron then walks the top rope into a hurricanrana. Metal flips over Loco with his helt then they armdrag each other. Metal uses the ropes to aramdrag Loco but Loco cartwheels out. Kom backflips out of an irish whip then kips down out of a lariat. Kom does a corkscrew headscissors on him.

Kom kicks Ange in the gut then Grav is flapjacked into a splash on Ange. Grav flips using the ropes over serp. Serp headscissors him out of the corner. Serp and Grav kip up at the same time and stare down. They trade punches then all 6 men fight. Kom is back body dropped to the floor then Grav takes a triple basement dropkick for 2.

Grav step up enzugir's Loco. Grav is thrown up and Loco comes off the 2nd rope and powerbombs him. Grav flips out of a double backdrop and tags in Kom. Kom boots Ange out of the corner. Kom is popped up, lands on Loco's shoulders then hurricanrana's Ange.

Metal springboard crossbodies two opponents then is popped up and hurricanrana's Loco. Grav headscissors Ange then superkicks Serp. Metal and Grav do stereo tope con hilos. Kom goes up top, Loco joins him and Loco does a top rope spanish fly on him. Loco then tope con hilos outside. Loco misses a top rope moonsault then Kom walks up the ropes and twists into a canadian destroyer. Kom walks the top rope and ssp's Loco to win it.

This was a decent main. We got to see some dives and they didn't overdo it with the kickouts. It was also on the shorter end so they didn't.

Overall thoughts: It was a long show at 2 hours and 6 minutes with no commercials and with 12 matches. As usual, due to their being so many matches, some matches didn't get enough time. In some cases that probably helped out the matches but in others it didn't. The women's match was really good. Infantry/TMDK was fine, Kojima/Nese are entertaining and the last two matches were fine. I wouldn't recommend it, but it did have some variety here and I thought it was an decent show overall. There were very few mentions of any of their titles here and there was not a lot built up for next time.

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