Saturday, October 7, 2023

AEW Collision 10/7/2023

AEW Collision 10/7/2023

Last week's show is here:

Bryan Danielson says he's getting in the ring with a 24 year old stud and says he will teach him a lesson. Kyle Fletcher says he has the bigger opportunity of his career and life. He says he will show up and show up. Starks and Big Bill say they will be the new AEW tag champs. Eddie Kingston says Komander will get a shot at his title and says it won't be an honor, but straight pain. Cash says they don't say no to a fight. Dax agrees and says this is the life we chose and we ain't stopping it. 

AEW Tag Titles - FTR (c) vs Big Bill and Ricky Starks

Cash is knocked off the apron and Dax is sent into the posts shoulder first. Starks tornado ddt's him for 2. Bill beats up on Dax then lariats him over the top. Bill takes the cover off the announcer's table then chokeslams Dax on it.

Bill misses a corner splash on Dax. Bill hits a big facekick on Dax hen chokeslams him. Bill hits another chokeslam and another. Bill holds Dax then Starks spears Dax. Starks pins Dax.

I assume one of FTR are injured or something as this was a total squash. This wasn't built up to and it's really just hard to explain it any other way other than being injury related. It's good for Bill and Starks but time will tell to see how helpful this will be.

Bryan Danielson vs Kyle Fletcher

Bryan is pushed over then he grabs Kyle's leg. Kyle shoulders him over and kicks him in the back. Kyle slams him and kicks himn in the back. Bryan knees him in the gut then surfboards him. Bryan hits mounted elbows on Kyle then takes a flying kick off the apron. Kyle does a big tope and lawn darts himself into the rails.

We go to PiP break and return. Bryan flying lariats him then buzzsaw kicks him. Bryan top rope hurricanrana's him then flying kciks him in the corner. Kyle flying kicks him back then brainbusters him for 2. Kyle hits chops in the corner then Bryan flips over him. Kyle superkicks him then misses a flying knee in the corner, going down hard.

Bryan puts him in an ankle lock then germans him for 2. KYle does a half and half suplex for 2. Kyle leg lariats him in the back of the head then hits a michinoku driver for 2. Kyle dragon sleepers him then does an elbow flurry on him up top. Kyle then hits an Ultimo Guerrero special off the top. Kyle rolls it into a dragon sleeper then Bryan rolls him up with a bridge to win it.

I didn't like the top rope Ultimo Guerrero special not being sold but it was an okay match otherwise. Kyle's tope into the rail was nuts here. I just didn't see a real story in this one to rate it any higher.

The Gates of Agony attack Bryan after. Claudio and Yuta come out to make the save.

Big Bill and Ricky Starks are interviewed. Bill says they whooped the @ss of the best team in the world. Bill says they look, talk and act like stars and says it is time AEW's tag division was represented by stars. Starks says FTR will not get a rematch and said they are the new top dogs around here. Starks then says, "top dogs, out".

Juice Robinson and The Gunn's vs Angelico, Metalik and Gravity

Grav does his slow motion walking. Austin then does a slow motion move and punches him. Austin then does his slow motion walk. Grav goes up and over in the corner then does a handspring into a back armdrag. Metal handsprings then superkicks Juice in the gut. Metal hits a slingblade bulldog for 2.

Grav top rope double stomps a bent over Juice then Colten hits a nice dropkick on Grav. We go to PiP break and return. Juice hits punches on Grav then Austin hits punches and a lariat on Grav. Grav rolls up Colten for 2 then tags out. Ange hot tags in and lariats The Gunn's. Ange upkicks Juice off the apron then does a submission on both Gunn's at once. Juice punches him to break it.

Grav goes to springboard but a Gunn makes the ropes move and stops him. Metal top rope double crossbodies The Gunn's then 2nd rope hurricanrana's Austin. Metal takes a 310 to Yuma then Juice hits a ddt on Metal to win it.

It was basically a long squash. The lucha guys got very little in here and were mostly dominated the whole time. 

Jay White gets on the mic after. He says they are missing somebody - Cardblade. Jay talk about MJF and says he is here with the AEW title and asks where MJF is. Jay said he expected MJF to try and get his title back as it means the most to him. Jay says Adam Page wants to challenge him but hasn't earned a shot at the champ, so it will be an eliminator match. Jay then says he does it better than MJF and everybody knows it, so he better take notes.

Nick Wayne does a video. He said Darby left him when he was 10 years old, abandoning him. He said he was always waiting for him to return and he said he felt like he was in the shadow of him. He said he knew the best way to get back at him was to join his biggest enemy. He said Christian is the father figure he always needed. He said he doesn't need to be there for Darby as Darby wasn't there for him. Are we really going to bring up stuff from Nick's childhood with Darby now?

The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn vs The Iron Savages

Jacked Jameson said they were sipping on savage sauce. They said they are ready for The Acclaimed and will "eat that @ss". What? Max does his rap and Billy said they have been trios champs for 41 days.

Billy takes off his shirt and is nailed by Jameson. Bronson knocks over Billy and then buttdrops his lower back. BIlly shoulders him over. Bronson takes a double back elbow then a double elbow drop for 2. Bowens is popped up and lands on his front.

We go to PiP break and return. Bowens enzugiri's Jacked. Boulder knocks Billy off the apron then shakes his butt at him. Boulder misses a 2nd rope moonsault on Bowens. Max gets the hot tag in and cleans house. He superkicks Jameson then hits an attitude adjustment on Bronson. Max superkicks Boulder then hits an attitude adjustment on him.

Max top rope crossbodies Jacked. Max facekicks Boulder then takes a double spinebuster for 2. Billy and Max double suplex Boulder then Bowens 2nd rope dropkicks Boulder in the nuts. Jacked takes the arrival then the mic drop. Max pins Jacked to win it.

I wasn't a big fan of this. Way too many lewd gestures here and I really didn't need to see Boulder shake his butt.

We get a Toni Storm vignette. We see her waving in the air and making faces near a window.

Shane Taylor says 2nd place means nothing in this world. He said he and Keith Lee teamed up in 2015 and their goal was to be the best. Keith Lee says he Shane's future family and won't be put in the ground by him. Shane says it makes him mad that Keith got oppurtunities he didn't and people think he is better than him because of it. Keith says he applauds his confidence and arrogance, but it will be his undoing. He then tells him to run.

"Timeless" Toni Storm vs Kiera Hogan

Toni has a black and white entrance, wears a big fluffy dress and sways around. Toni hands her some kind of contract and she rips it up and throws it in her face. Toni stomps on her thne Kiera slaps her. Toni is tripped into the 2nd rope then Kiera hip attacks her on the ropes. Kiera superkicks her for 2.

Toni throws Kiera by the hair. Toni misses a hip attack and is chopped in the butt. Kiera top rope crossbodies Toni for 2. Toni hip attacks her off the apron.

We go to PiP break and return. Kiera 2nd rope dropkicks her then running hip attacks her. Kiera baseball slides her for 2. Toni hits a sky high for 2. Toni stares down the ref and is rolled up. Kiera superkicks her in the knee then buzzsaw kicks her. Kiera then does a step up legdrop off of Toni's back. Toni germans Kiera then running hip attacks her. Toni then hits a storm zero and wins it.

There were way too many hip attacks here for me, though I did pop for Kiera chopping Toni in the butt. There wasn't anything too special about this but no real major screw-ups or anything.

Ruby Soho is interviewed. She said she had Shida pinned to the mat but blamed the ref for not winning. Ruby says she will be at ringside for the Saraya/Shida match then Rene tells her she is banned from ringside for it. She says Saraya is the most dominant force in the industry and doesn't need her.

ROH World Title - Eddie Kingston (c) vs Komander

Kom = Komander

Kom is thrown over then Kom throws him over. Kom armdrags Eddie. Eddie walks away to avoid his dive outside. Kom puts him in an octopus then Eddie hits a big chop. Eddie corner lariats him then hits machine gun chops. Eddie exploders him and we go to PiP break.

We return and Kom does a nice springboard tornillo on him. Kom then hits a standing ssp for 2. Kom tope con hilos him over the post then 450's him off the top for 2. Eddie headbutts Kom up top and Kom lands on him on Eddie's superplex attempt. Eddie uranage's Kom then hits a stiff lariat.

Kom handsprings and turns it into a messy tornado ddt. Eddie urakens him and wins it.

This wasn't good. They had multiple sloppy moments and they just did not gel together here. Eddie did not look in shape enough to do this kind of match.

Adam Copeland comes out to talk. He said Jim Ross got him his first contract and helped him pay off his college debt. Adam said things didn't go according to plan on Dynamite. He said the plan when coming to AEW was to team with Christian. He said he was told he could never wrestle again and said Christian was told the same thing. Adam said he doesn't know what happened here as he and Christian talked about him coming here. Adam said Christian stopped answering calls along the way though and says he loves him, but he's not the nicest guy in the world.

Adam said Christian is in his Bond villain phase. Adam says he wants answers and is confused. He asks Christian to come out. Christian appears on the tron. He says Adam thinks he calls all the shots around here and has accomplished nothing in his week in AEW. Christian says he comes and goes as he pleases. He said he won't give him an answer tonight but on Dynamite. He said he will be there on Dynamite and asks if Adam will make it.

Luchasaurus and Nick Wayne then come out. Adam punch flurries Lucha and boots Nick. Adam hits a ddt on Nick and Lucha blocks his spear attempt. Lucha chokeslams him and does a bad lariat to the back of the neck. Lucha goes for a conchairto then Darby Allin's music hits. Darby chairs Lucha. Nick covers up then shotgun dropkicks him when he isn't looking. Darby is whipped into the buckles via his arm with the brace on it. Nick conchairto's Darby's injured arm.

This angle wasn't too good and fell flat with Christian not coming out.

Overall thoughts: Not a great episode of Collision. The main event angle didn't work. Eddie and Komaner didn't mesh together. The tag title match was a squash and Bryan/Kyle was the only real decent match.

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