Tuesday, October 10, 2023

New Japan Pro Wrestling 10/1/2023 Road To Destruction 2023 Day 16

New Japan Pro Wrestling 10/1/2023 Road To Destruction 2023 Day 16

Sanada gets beaten up in the stands by House of Torture to start. They rip up his suit in the stands and he has to be helped up.

They do some arm wrestling thing between Tanga Loa and Chase Owens. Loa wins it then is beaten up by Bullet Club for it. The Guerillas of Destiny make the save.

Oleg Boltin & Oskar Leube vs. CHAOS (Tomohiro Ishii & Toru Yano)

Oskar and Ishii lock up. They trade forearms and then shoulders. Ishii shoulders him over. Oleg shoulders over Yano. Oleg is pulled over the top then sent into the rails. Ishii hits chops then Oleg hits bad forearms. They trade forearms and Oleg double leg slams him.

Oskar and Ishii go at it. Oskar shoulders him over then slams him. Yano trips Oskar on the ropes then Ishii germans Oskar. Ishii crabs him and Oskar ropebreaks. All 4 men get in. Oleg slams Ishii and Yano then shoulders Ishii over. Oskar running slams Ishii for 2. Oleg splashes Ishii then Oskar legdrops Ishii. Ishii sliding lariats Oskar and wins it.

It wasn't too good. Ishii clearly told Oskar and Oleg not to hit him too hard and because of it, all the strikes looked bad.

Hiroshi Tanahashi & Yuto Nakashima vs. United Empire (HENARE & Jeff Cobb)

Tana and Yuto were beating each other up yesterday and are now teaming today. Go figure. Cobb picks up Tana and rocks him like a baby then teases doing his air guitar pose. Yuto and Henare trade forearms then Yuto forearms him over.

Henare spinning heel kicks him then sentons him. Yuto takes a double headbutt then Cobb deadlift slams him. Cobb mises a corner splash and Yuto slams him. Tana gets in and flying forearms Cobb. Tana then hits a 2nd rope swanton.

Cobb hits a nice dropkick. Tana dropkicks both opponents in the knees. Yuto hiptosses and shoulders Henare over. Tana slingblades Henare then Yuto chest kicks Henare for 2. Tana gets a texas cloverleaf on Cobb while Yuto crabs Henare. Yuto slaps Henare then takes a spinning back elbow. Henare then spears Yuto and wins it.

It didn't really meet its full potential here. The time and effort just wasn't there and that's disappointing as this could have been very good.

Los Ingobernables de Japon (Shingo Takagi & Yota Tsuji) vs. United Empire (Callum Newman & Great-O-Khan)


LIJ is jumped before the bell. Newman runs the ropes fast, springboard armdrags Yuto then facekicks him. Khan double chops Shingo off the 2nd rope then sits on his neck on the buckles. Khan backdrops Shingo for 2. Khan mongolian chops Yota and Yota pushes his head down into the mat.

Shingo running lariats Khan in the corner. Shingo shoulders over Khan the pops-up Newman. Shingo punches and lariats Khan. Shingo backdrops him then Khan pump kicks him. They lariat each othe rat the same time then Khan shoulder throws him. Newman springboard lariats Shingo.

Newman flips out of a german then pk's Shingo. Khan blocks Yota's flying headscissors. He tries to throw him over the top but Yota's leg gets stuck and he hangs. Shingo lariats Khan then Newman tiger feints into a spinning high kick.

Newman high kicks Shingo then step up enzugiri's Yota. Newman takes a spear + lariat combo and Shingo pins him.

Khan leglocks Yota after.

It was a decent tag with the 4 all matching up together well. Newman did good here and got a lot in. 

Best Of Seven Series Match #5 - Master Wato, Shota Umino & Yuji Nagata vs. Strong Style (El Desperado, Minoru Suzuki & Ren Narita)

Ren and Shota go face to face before the bell then trade forearms. Shota strike combos him in the corner. Shota running euros Ren in the corner then shotgun dropkicks him. Shota euros him then Suzuki triangles Shota over the top rope. Wato is thrown into the rails outside.

Everyone fights outside. Shota is thrown into the rails by Ren and facekicked. Ren running knees Shota. Despy slams Shota then Shingo kicks Shota in the back. Shota neckbreakers Suzuki. Yuji chest kicks Minoru then running facekicks him. Suzuki pk's him and Yuji no sells it. Suzuki goes for a gorunded sleeper on Yuji.

Yuji and Suzuki trade forearms then Suzuki goes for a sleeper. Yuji exploders him. Wato and Despy gets in. Wato leg lariats him. Despy dropkicks him in the knee then spinebusters him for 2. Despy puts him in a stretch muffler. Suzuki leg kicks Wato then Despy puts Wato in a stretch muffler. Despy does an olympic slam on Wato for 2.

Wato grmans Despy for 2. Shota dropkicks Ren. Despy punches Wato then Wato high kicks Despy. Wato does a high angle uranage on Wato and wins it.

It was going well then Wato and Despy got in. They slowed it down and their segment was just not very interesting, but took the whole last third of the match.

CHAOS (Kazuchika Okada, Lio Rush & YOSHI-HASHI) vs. Los Ingobernables de Japon (BUSHI, Hiromu Takahashi & Tetsuya Naito)

HT = Hiromu Takahashi

HT and Lio trade forearms. HT flying headscissors Lio then basement dropkicks him. Lio is popped up and headscissors HT then springboard headscissors him. Lio topes him then Okada pushes Naito into the rails. HT and Yoshi trade chops. Lio then dropkicks HT from behind into an Okada ddt.

HT dragon screws Okada then HT superkicks Lio. Naito baseball slides Yoshi, knee dropkicks Okada then does his pose. Okada ddt's Naito then flapjacks him. Naito step up enzugiri's Yoshi. Bushi knocks Yoshi off the apron then topes him. Bushi ddt's Yoshi for 2. Yoshi shoulders over bushi then Naito tornado ddt's Yoshi. Okada dropkicks Naito and facekicks HT.

HT shotgun dropkicks Okada then HT lariats Lio. Yoshi superkicks Bushi then neckbreakers him for 2. Yoshi double underhooks Bushi and submits him with it.

This wasn't anything special and the finish was lame.

House Of Torture (EVIL, SHO, Yoshinobu Kanemaru & Yujiro Takahashi) vs. Just 4 Guys (DOUKI, SANADA, Taichi & TAKA Michinoku)

 YK = Yoshinobu Kanemaru

Evil gets on the mic and says this will be a handicap match as he says Sanada is not able to wrestle. Sanada then hits him from behind. The heels are sent into the rails outside. Sho's head is banged off a sign then Sanada side headlocks Evil in the stands. Sanada bangs Evil's head off the sign.

Taichi snapmares Sho on the platform. The match then officially starts. Taka is thrown into the exposed buckle. Sho chokes Taka over the exposed buckle. Taichi enzugiri's Sho then lariats YK. YK is held up and Douki top rope double stomps him. Sanada srpingboard dropkicks Evil.

Evil takes shots from all of his opponents then Sanada plancha's him outside. Douki topes Yujiro then Taka running knees YK for 2. A chair is thrown in, the ref goes for it then YK kicks Taka in the nuts. YK wins it.

This was short and had a lot of brawling before the finish. This had HoT's usual thing where the match begins before the bell which is always dumb.

Elimination Match - BULLET CLUB (Alex Coughlin, Chase Owens, Clark Connors, David Finlay, Drilla Moloney & Gabe Kidd) vs. El Phantasmo, Hikuleo, Tama Tonga, Tanga Loa, Kevin Knight & KUSHIDA)

ELP = El Phantasmo

Bullet Club huddle up outside and Knight dives onto them. ELP then top rope rope moonsaults onto them. All 12 men brawl outside. Clark is tripped into a splash. Knight is thrown over the top but skins the cat with Kushida's help. Kushida launches Knight into a crossbody on Drilla. Loa lariats Clark.

Loa is pulled down over the top by the BC. Loa's arm is worked on and Finlay armbars him. Loa spears Finlay then Tama cleans house. Tama hits shots on Kidd and Alex then double lariats both over. Finlay nails Tama behind and stomps him. Kidd chokes Tama with his vest and then flosses himself with it. Chase neckbreakers Tama then Alex bearhugs Tama. Tama back body drops Alex.

Hiku gets in and cleans house. Hiku splashes Kidd then hits snake eyes. Hiku lariats him. Hiku slams Alex. ELP asai moonsaults Alex while Hiku hits a legdrop. Kidd is beaten up 1v2 then Kidd takes a facekick + ufo neckbreaker. Hiku is then pulled over the top 6v1 and is eliminated.

Kidd facekicks ELP then takes a pump kick. ELP step up enzugiri's him then is lariated. Kidd backdrops ELP for 2. Kidd and ELP slap each other. Kidd is thrown over the top, skins the cat then is superkicked out by ELP. Kidd is eliminated.

Alex release germans ELP on his neck. He tries to gorilla press throw him over the top. ELP lands on the apron and Alex hangs from the ropes. ELP twists his nipple and eliminates him. Drilla knocks ELP off the apron but he lands on the rail. ELP then gets on Hiku's back to get in the ring but is nailed from the side and eliminated.

Clark and Drilla pose then are almost thrown over. Then take corner lariats. Clark powerslams Knight then Knight takes a high/low. Clark is seated on top and Kushida handspring kicks him. Knight hangs from the ropes. Alex grabs him and Knight is able to make it to the stage to not touch the floor. Knight gets on Yujiro's shoulders and is put on a table. Knight then jumps from the rail outside to the apron into a springboard double lariat. Clark and Knight are on the apron, Clark spears him and both are eliminated. Drilla double stomps Kushida on the apron and both are eliminated.

Chase and Loa go at it. Loa knees and enzugiri's Chase. Loa 619's Chase then slingshot swantons him. Chase pulls Loa backwards into the buckle. A buckle pad is taken off and Chase running knees Loa. Chase pumping knees Loa them package piledrivers him. Chase crossfaces Loa and eliminates him by submission.

Loa is out and the match stops as the ref and Oleg check on Loa. Tama pounds on Finlay in the corner then Finlay spears him. Tama takes a flying kick + russian legsweep combo. Finlay lariats Tama in the back of the head. Tama cradles Chase then is flipped with a lariat. Chase ends up on the apron. Finlay is pulled into him then Tama dropkicks Chase off the apron.

Tama ddt's Finlay. Kidd gets in and piledrivers Tama then Hiku comes and chases him off. Finlay hits a running dominator for 2. Tama headscissors Finblay over the ropes then chits a cutter over the top rope to win it.

The finishing section dragged a little and wasn't as good as the rest of the match. The rest of the matc was fun though. Knight's escape from elimination was creative but maybe a little too over the top. We got a lot of flying here and they kept the action fast paced.

Overall thoughts: The main was good and was the main hightlight of the show. I wouldn't really recommend anything else except it, though Newman had a good showing in his match.

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