Sunday, October 15, 2023

AEW Collision 10/14/2023

AEW Collision 10/14/2023

Last week's show is here: 

We did not have the usual intro where people talk about their opponents tonight. Just another thing gone that made this show unique.

Adam Copeland comes out. He says it's rainy and cold out there but he wants to get it hot up in here. He said he needed to address things Christian had to say then Christian, Luchasaurus and Nick Wayne come out with security.

Christian says Adam has a lot of nerve, taking over on his show. Christian says the security is for Adam's protection, not his. He tells him to leave or says he will have security remove him. He said he had the BCC ejected also and says tonight, he wll prove he is the best wrestler in the world. Bryan Danielson comes out.

Bryan said he talked to Tony Khan and said Luchasaurus and Nick Wayne will be banned from ringside for the match tonight. Bryan said they will find out who is the better man and who deserves to be the TNT champ. Ricky Starks then comes out with Big Bill. Starks mocks them and says they are taking up their time.

Starks says he respects Christian but not the others. Adam calls Starks a vanilla midget version of The Rock and Starks says, "that really sent me over the edge". Starks challenges them to a match then FTR come out. Cash said they were given an option by medical to take off last week. Cash said they opted not to and lost their titles instead. Cash said they don't want an immediate rematch but will earn theirs. Dax said one night, Starks and Bill were better and they will get them back. Bryan said he and Crhistian should do their match right now. Security then started hitting the faces and were beaten up for it.

We get some video with MJF talking about racism. This is coming from the guy who makes racial remarks every week about White people.

ROH Television Title - Samoa Joe (c) vs Willie Mack

Mack hasn't won an ROH singles match since May and he only had one AEW TV match, so he really doesn't deserve this.

Joe clean breaks him then Mack runs into him and neither budges. They shoulder battle and Joe shoulders him over. Joe hits punches in the corner then Mack armdrags him off the hiptoss. Mack flying kicks him then plancha's him outside.

We go to PiP break and return. Joe hits forearms and chops then Mack running forearms and running kicks him. Mack corner sentons him then comes off the 2nd rope and catches an atomic drop. Joe facekicks and sentons him.  

Joe powerslams him on his head then hits forearms. Mack stunners him then Joe muscle busters him to win it.

It would have been better with really any build and if Mack had actually been used leading up to it. It was okay but far from the best they could have done together. 

Lexi interviews CJ Perry. CJ said she would ask her clients if they ever sat on the sidelines and watched other people make their moves. She said that's the story of her life. she said she came here to make gold, champions and stars. She said if you need guidance, come to her. Action Andretti comes up to her. He said he could benefit from having her manage him. He said he is just one phone call away. CJ said she can't wait to get a call.

We get a Danhausen video.

Juice Robinson vs Christopher Daniels

Juice goes out to stall to start. Daniels slides between his legs then hits armdrags. Daniels is thrown out then Bullet Club get cheap shots in. Juice hits a running back elbow and we go to PiP break. We return and Juice hits punches.

Juice sentons him for 2. Daniels northern lights suplexes him  then hits a flatliner. Daniels lariats him then sto's him. Daniels hits a stiff death valley driver on Juice's head. Juice hits a forearm then corner cannonballs him. Juice then hits his ddt and wins it.

It was somewhat even and Daniels got a lot in. It was what it was though. Daniels had no shot of winning and this match had no build or any angle connected to it. It was just average.

Jay White gets on his knee and gives Juice a ring. Juice then punches Daniels with it.

Juice gets on the mic and asks MJF if he thinks he's the only guy who can knock someone out with a ring. He said he's been knocking out people for years with his bare hands. 

Juice said he will win the battle royale then take MJF's ring from him. He then says they will pawn the ring and go on vacation with it. Jay White gets on the mic and says MJF has no one to blame but himself. He said MJF has no friends and said his whole world will start when Juice takes his ring. He then said his world will crumble for good when he is the AEW champ.

Dustin Rhodes does a promo. He said there's a storm coming and he is the storm. He said he is coming home back to Texas where he belongs. He said he's as good as he has ever been and will win the Dynamite Diamond battle royale. He says he is then coming for MJF's ring. He says his path to glory will start in Houston on Wednesday.

Nick Wayne is interviewed. He is told he will have a sit down interview with his mom and Darby Allin on Wednesday. He said if the whole world wants to know why he did what he did, they can find out on Dynamite. This just made Nick look like a kid.

Kyle Fletcher vs Boulder

Boulder shoves him over to start. Kyle shoulders him over and hits forearms. Boulder gorilla press slams him then Kyle leg lariats him off the apron. Kyle topes him outside then Boulder suplexes him. Boulder gets on the 2nd rope, is stuck then powerbombed down. Kyle leg lariats him in the back of the head then does a grounded dragon sleeper. Kyle then wins it.

It was a short one here. As often is the case with AEW squashes, the guy getting squashed looked better. Boulder may have something as a singles guy.

The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn are interviewed. They are told they defended the trios titles 3 times in one week. They said they have been champs for 48 days. Max said he hopes MJF appreciates all the hard work they have put in. Billy interrupts him and says they have to work on his relationship skills as they are rotten. Billy and Bowens say they can help him make friends and tell him to say something nice. Max then says "how about those oral sessions?" to Renee. Renee calls him an idiot and leaves. The former JAS come in. Parker says MJF thinks Max is a loser. Parker says the scissoring and stuff is old and it's time for it to end. Menard challenges The Acclaimed in Memphis for the trios titles. Max says they can taste these nuts and they will see them in Memphis. Garcia goes to dance at then and Hager stops it. 

TBS Title - Kris Statlander (c) vs Skye Blue

Kris headlock takeovers her then Skye headscissors her. Kris headlovk takeovers her then shoulders her over. Kris slams her then Skye headscissors her. Kris backdrops her then Skye high kicks her from the apron. Skye neckbreakers her over the 2nd rope and we go to PiP break.

We return from break and Skye sweeping kicks her in the head. Kris legsweeps her then flips on her. Kris hits a flying knee then a ki krusher for 2. Skye wraparound ddt's her for 2. Both go up top and Skye standing powerbombs her down. Skye comes off the top and is caught and powerslammed.

Skye superkicks her and knee lifts her. Skye superkicks and knee lifts her. Skye goes for another wraparound headscissors and takes a saturday night fever. Kris wins.

This was one of the better matches I've seen Skye in. There were no botches and she hit everything clean. The match still didn't have any great logic or anything, but it was 100% better than some of her efforts earlier in the year.

Kris goes to shake hands with Skye. Willow Nightingale then comes down and breaks it up for some reason.

Kyle Fletcher does a promo. He said he misses his tag partner but he's going to use his opportunity to prove he's not only one of the best tag wrestlers, but one of the best wrestlers in the world. He says he is calling out Kenny Omega on Dynamite.

We get a Los Ingobernables video. They are riding around in a car in a parking lot. Rush says he is back and is with real killers. He says they will humiliate the weak and says if you mess with the bull, you get the horns. This group hasn't been mentioned for a long time and whatever the vignettes they were doing with people getting kidnapped and fighting off people, didn't really amount to anything.

Keith Lee vs Turbo Floyd

Shane Taylor and Keith Lee are seen watching this. Turbo hits kicks to the gut and poses. He is thrown overhead then pounced. Keith then does a sitout last ride and wins this quick squash.

Miro does a promo. He says his wife has been around and said evil doesn't enter in the dark, it enters through the bright lights. He said she will be pursuing gold and talks about her going after evil unless he kills it off at every turn. We then see him grabbing Action Andretti and throwing him down. He says he will destroy every man that comes near that woman.

AEW TNT Title - Christian Cage (c) vs Bryan Danielson

CC = Christian Cage

CC armdrags him then side headlocks him. Bryan headscissors him. CC shoulders him over then is hiptossed. CC slides out. We go to PiP break and return. Bryan has him in a waistlock. Bryan grabs him by the mouth and surfboards him.

CC is thrown into the rails and flying kicked. CC ddt's him by the arm and C works the arm a bit. CC goes into the buckles chest first. Bryan misses a top rope headbutt then CC armlocks him.

Bryan is back body dropped over the top then CC blocks his tope. CC backdrops him on the apron on his arm. We go to PiP break and return. Bryan's arm is banged off the table. They fight up top, CC is knocked down then Bryan top rope headbutts him. Bryan flying lariats him. Bryan topes him outside then top rope dropkicks him inside.

CC 2nd rope twisting sunsetflips him but Bryan rolls through. Bryan hits a flying kick in the corner and CC rolls through his top rope hurricanrana. CC pulls down Bryan's neck backwards over the top rope. CC top rope frogsplashes him for 2.

Bryan hits kicks to the chest then CC does a hammerlock reverse ddt. CC runs into a knee then takes a buzzsaw kick for 2. Bryan hits reverse curb stomps. CC spears him then hits an unprettier for 2. CC misses a spear and takes a flying knee. Bryan crossfaces him. Big Bill comes out and gets on the apron then Ricky Starks hits Bryan in the head with a title belt. CC then pins Bryan.

They focused a lot on the arm but it didn't really go anywhere and it was a longer and slower match. They did what they could, but it was definitely not the match we would have gotten from them a decade ago and I didn't think it was that great.

Luchasaurus, Bill, Nick Wayne and Starks beat up on Bryan after. FTR and then Edge come out to help. The faces make the save.

Overall thoughts: Not a great episode of Collision. The show is just another show now and has lost everything that made it unique. The main was longer but not particularly great. We had some matches from out of nowhere like Kyle/Boulder and Joe/Mack. Skye Blue had a good showing which is a rarity. I wasn't real into this show and didn't think it was that good.

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