Wednesday, October 18, 2023

WWE NXT 10/17/2023

WWE NXT 10/17/2023

Last week's show is here:

Bada Bing, Bada Boom Tag Team Battle Royale

Tony D and Stacks are on the riser eating spaghetti with their crew while this happens.

We got through with eliminations pretty quick and the final two ended up being Chase U and Angel Garza/Humberto Carillo. The big story here was Carillo getting eliminated by The Creed Brothers but the ref not seiejng it. Carillo then threw the Creeds out to eliminate them.

Chase U vs Angel Garza and Humbert Carillo

Thea Hila and Jacy Jayne come up with pompoms. Chase and Garza trade shots to start. Garza is tripped into a Duke elbow. We go to PiP break and return. Chase is sat on the apron and Carillo running knees him in the face. Chase is bridged on the top rope and is jumped on.

Carillo is whipped into a dropkick on Duke. Garza misses a charge on Chase and spears the post. Chase goes for the tag but Duke is down. Duke running back elbows Carillo then overhead belly to belly suplexes him. Duke his punches on both opponents. Duke then flips Carillo onto Garza.

Chase hurricanrana's Garza off the apron then top rope crossbodies Carillo for 2. Carillo sitout powerbombs Chase. Brutus Creed gets on the apron and Julius Creed pulls out Angel Garza while he does this. Chase then picks up the pin.

Chase busted out some different stuff here and it was a fast paced match. I didn't love The Creed's screwing over Garza/Carillo even though they deserved it. 

Blair Davenport talks about Gigi Dolin. She said their feud isn't over and said that Gigi stole a win from her due to help from the ref. She said she wants to derail her career and challenges her for Halloween Havoc.

We get a Lexi King video with him watching videos of his dad. He said wrestlers told him about his dad and he said he lied and said he loved him. He said he never knew him and said he spent more time in a hotel room than with him. He said he is in no one's shadow. He said Halloween Havoc is the start of his career and not the continuation of someone else's. He says he will make his name bigger than Pillman's was. I really hate this whole character and don't think it's going to work. It's disrespectful and the whole point of him being there anyway is because of his dad.

Carmelo Hayes comes out to talk. Baron Corbin interrupts. He said fans should be in the stands, not in this ring. He said he saw him sitting with John Cena for an hour and said he asked for a picture and autograph. He then rips him for taking a photo with Undertaker. He said he should concentrate more on being a superstar than a fan and maybe he'd still have his title. Dijak comes out. He said they should focus on him beating both of them.

Dijak says Baron's right. He said the showboating won't make a difference when he's across from him in the ring, looking him in the yes. Baron tells him he's wearing sunglasses so no one will see his eyes. Dijak says he's not afraid of him. He says he will drop both of them and Ilja Dragunov.

Ilja then gets on the tron and talks. He said the three of them should focus on the battle that awaits them instead of talking. He said tonight's match will not be a triple threat, but a fatal four way. He then said Trick Williams will be the last competitor. Melo is shocked.

Trick says it is what it is. They all take shots at each other. Trick says tonight is his moment and said he will be NXT champ. Baron says Melo is shook and Corbin says Trick stabbed him in the back. Baron says Trick went into business for himself and said he did it behind his back without telling him about it. Melo says he's not letting anyone throw him off his game. He says he will put anyone down to end up back on top. Dijak asks if he will put Trick down. Baron and Dijak then hit them and Melo/Trick run them off.

A bunch of girls talk in the back. Fallon Henley said she was in the Breakout Tournament last year. Tiffany Stratton then walks in. Tiff said they should hear about it from someone who made it to the finals. Tiff rips her for hanging around farms and it ends.

NXT Women's Breakout Tournament 1st Round - Karmen Petrovic vs Jaida Parker

Karmen does an inset. She said she is bringing her black belt into this tournament and said she has 23 years of fighting experience. She said people may not know her, but it will be hard for people to forget when she wins the tournament. Jadia does an inset. She she her agility and athleticism flies and said it starts with Karmen tonight. This is Jaida Parker's TV debut.

Jaida forearms her over. She tries to jump over a legsweep but just kind of takes her own bump for no reason. Karmen headscissor takeovers her then chest kicks her for 2. Jaida pulls her arm over the top rope then butt drops her arm. Karmen rolls her up for 2.

Karmen kicks her in the back of the head then Jaida puts her on the 2nd rope and butt drops her as she lays across is. Jaida arm and chinlocks her then knees her in the gut. Karmen legsweeps her. Karmen spinning lariats her then rolls into a footchoke. Karmen kicks her while she's on her knee then does a screw kick to her back. Karmen then puts her head behind her knee and squeezes with her leg.

This wasn't good and both looked really green and nothing hit that clean. Jaida really only got to do one real move of her own here.

They showed the updated bracket and Brinley Reece has replaced Jakara Jackson. They didn't acknowledge this though.

Natalya and Tegan Nox talk in the back. Natalya said she wants to be there for her as Nox was there for her.

Tegan Nox vs Lyra Valkyria

They trade wristlocks and Lyra trips her. Nox ties her arm on the mat up then Lyra cradles her. Nox snapmares and shoulders her over. Lyra sunset flips her then they try pin attempts. Nox goes up top and is pulled down to the outside. Lyra dropkicks her through the ropes.

We go to break and return to them colliding in mid-air with crossbodies. They slap each other. Lyra hits a northern lights suplex. Lyra tries to crossbody her but is caught with a cuty special. Lyra step up enzugiri's her then Nox flips onto her off the top. Nox PK's her then cannonballs her off the apron outside.

Piper Niven and Chelsea Green come out. Natalya argues with her and Nox joins her for a second. Lyra then beats her with a spin kick to the head.

It was an average match and wasn't anything special, though no low lights here.

Natalya, Nox, Piper and Green then fight to the back. Lyra says no one was going to stop her from getting her match at Halloween Havoc. She said everything has been leading to her match against Becky. She said if someone closes the door in your face, you kick down another one. She said she will beat her for the title.

Becky Lynch gets on the tron. She said she has been gaining momentum for months but she has been watching her for years. Becky said Lyra is good but she's better. She said welcome to the big time and said she needs to bring the chip on the shoulder that brought her here into their match.

Melo and Trick talk in the back. Melo says Trick blindsided him. Melo said the agreement was Trick would get the N-A Title and Melo would get the NXT Title back. Trick said they never agreed on that. Trick said it felt good to beat Dom for the N-A title and he wants to feel more of it. Trick said Melo should know where he is as he won the N-A and NXT titles. Trick said he should have told him though. Melo said they could have come up with a gameplan, but now they gotta go against each other. Melo says he has to do what he has to do. Trick said they are still Trick-Melo game no matter what happens and will always be here.

Gigi is interviewed in the back. She said Halloween is her favorite time of the year. She then reveals the Spin the Wheel, Make the Deal wheel. She spins it and it lands on a lights out match. Gigi says, "Blair Davenport, next week it's light's out, b!tch".

We get an update on Von Wagner. He's having trouble walking and having trouble pulling an exercise band. Von says he can't do it. Mr. Stone tells him to focus. He says he hates seeing him like this. He says he started this but when Von is ready and healthy, he will finish it. Von then says to hand him the band.

Kiana James vs Shotzi

Kiana gets the advantage early. She bangs Shotzi's head off the mat and they slap each other. Shotzi 2nd rope twisting crossbodies her then headscissor chokes her over the top rope. Shotzi's head is banged off the buckles then Kiana kicks her off the apron.

We go to break and return. Kiana hits a lariat for 2. Kiana chiklocks her. Shotzi spinning forearms her and hits a brazilian kick. Shotzi topes her. Roxanne Perez comes out and grabs a brick from Kiana's bag. The ref looks the other way. Shotzi hits Kiana with her bag and sells like she got hit. Shotzi top rope sentons her after Kiana goes into the post and wins it.

It was short and had a lot of shenanigans in it with Roxanne Perez.

Lash Legend and Oro Mensah are interviewed. McKenzie talks to them about Jakara Jackson having to pull out of the Women's Breakout Tournament due to injury. Lash calls Noam Dar, who is at the hospital with her. Dar says he needs srugery and McKenzie disputes this. Akira Tozawa then comes in and says he is looking for Dar. McKenzie says we have to cut this as something has happened backstage. Trick Williams is down and Melo and refs are checking up on him.

Kelly Kincaid then tells us Trick is going to the hospital for evaluation and says Trick is now out of the match tonight.

McKenzie intervies Domink Mysterio in the back. He said he didn't know who Nathan Frazer was. Frazer starts hitting him and they fight in the back. The fight continues out to the ring. Frazer takes him down then spinning enzugiri's him. Frazer hits a spinning neckbreaker but Rhea comes out to save Dom.

Shotzi and Roxanne Perez talk in the back. Shotzi said Perez has changed. Perez said she doesn't get Kiana's obsession with her and says she is standing in her own way. They then run into the wheel backstage. Perez spins it and it lands on a Devil's Playground Match...whatever that is.

NXT Women's Breakout Tournament 1st Round - Arianna Grace vs Brinley Reece

Grace is dressed up in her beauty pageant sash and crown. She says her heart goes out to Jakara Jackson. She said she was sidelined with an injury like her and says she came back better than ever. She said she hopes she does too. She said she accepts her bye into the semi-finals.

This is Brinley Reece's TV debut. Reece does an inset and said this is her chance to show why she should have been in the tournament to begin with. She said when you stay active and are Brin active, there's no need for getting ready.

Grace wants Brin to kiss her hand. Bri grabs it and wristlocks her. Brin hits a big slam then Grace shoulder throws her. Grace suplexes her for 2. Grace stomps her in the corner then suplexes her. Grace grabs her chin and arm then Brin sunset flips her. Brin rolls her up then suplexes her several times.

Brin forward cartwheels into a clothesline. Grace eye rakes her then flips her over the back to win it.

It was one of the better matches Grace had and Brinley Reece did fine in her debut. She hit her moves clean but didn't get to do that much. This was short.

Bron Breakker is interviewed. He said last week's NXT was the most talked about event because of him. Mr. Stone comes in. Bron asks him how he's doing and says he doesn't care. Stone says time has stopped for Von and said his kids ask him everyday if Von is going to be ok. Stone says he has to tell him he doesn't know. He said he has to try and get the image of Bron dropping the steps on Von's head out of his head. Stone says he wants to smack the smile off of Bron's face and wants him to pay for what he did. Bron then says, "then do something about it". Stone then challenges him to a match at Halloween Havoc. Bron says he will do the same thing to him that he did to Von. He then tells him to call the hospital. I liked this segment.

#1 Contenders Match - Carmelo Hayes vs Baron Corbin vs Dijak

Melo fights off both to start. He step up enzugiri's Corbin then takes a Dijak chokeslam over the knee. Dijak and Corbin go at it and Corbin lariats him. Melo hits a springboard twisting lariat on Corbin. Melo top rope crossbodies Dijak, gets caught then is thrown on a slam.

Corbin and Dijak trade shots. Melo goes for a springboard blind ddt on both and hits it. We go to PiP break and return.  Corbin hits corner splashes on both. Dijak throws Melo into Corbin. Corbin backdrops Dijak then 2nd rope lariats Melo for 2. Melo is lariated over the top.

Melo codebreakers Dijak then Corbin death valley drivers Melo on the floor. Dijak facekicks Corbin while he's on the apron.  Dijak sitout chokeslams Corbin for 2 when Melo superkicks Dijak. Dijak spinning facekicks Melo for 2. Dijak push kicks Melo into the bottom buckle. We get a tower of doom spot with Dijak taking a release german.

Dijak flips out of a Corbin chokeslam and superkicks him. Dijak takes an end of days then Melo comes off the top and hits nothing but net on Corbin. Melo then pins Dijak.

It was your usual three way with various spots. They definitely did a little too much here but they kept it moving and it worked better than I had expected it to.

Overall thoughts: It wasn't the greatest show ever. The main went a little too overboard for my tastes. The two new debuting girls didn't impress that much and it was a heavy night of women's wrestling. The tag team battle royale wasn't too bad and at least it lead to something, though that something with The Creed's interfering wasn't great.

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