Sunday, October 15, 2023

WWE NXT Level Up 10/13/2023

WWE NXT Level Up 10/13/2023

Last week's show is here: 

Kiyah Saint vs Ivy Nile

Ivy side headlocks her and shoulders her over. Ivy front facelocks her then gutwrench suplexes her. Kiyah sunset flips her then they collide in mid-air with crossbodies. Kiyah pulls her arms back then Ivy does the same to her. Kiyah dropkicks her then pumping knees her for 2.

Ivy step up enzugiri's her then hits a flying kick. Ivy germans her then puts on her dragon sleeper and wins it.

This was short and nothing special. Kiyah's very green still and her offense did not look good here.

Axiom is interviewed. He said he enjoyed the Global Heritage Invitational. He said he would have preferred to win the tournament though. He said he'd love to face Butch again. He said Riley Osbourne has a lot of talent but says he will have to wait longer for another win.

Axiom vs Riley Osborne

The finish

Ax backslides him then armdrags him off the ropes. Riley carthweels out of a wristlock then steps over his head. Riley rolls him up then they monkey flip each other. Ax hits a nice dropkick and Riley takes a great over the top rope bump for it. Ax grabs him by the leg and is whipped into the 2nd buckle.

Riley knee drops him then hits chops. Ax dropkicks him then half-nelson suplexes him. Ax comes off the top and is dropkicked. Riley rolls into a snap hurricanrana for 2. Riley high kicks him then takes an enzugiri.

Riley tries to hiptoss him over the top but is armdragged and both go over. Riley 619's him outside over the bottom rope then is dropkicked coming off the apron. Riley slides in to beat the count and Ax top rope frogsplashes him. The ref counts 3 despite Riley kicking out and Axiom wins it.

These two had an insane match as expected, though the ref messed up the finish. This was really good wrestling wise and the two were perfect together. The crowd loved it and both looked like a million bucks. If you like flying and fast paced wrestling, this is for you. I am so glad Riley ended up getting a chance at US NXT.

Overall thoughts: We only had 2 matches here for some reason. Axiom/Riley was everything you would hope and wish for and is a definite must see match. Saint/Nile was short and not that good.

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