Tuesday, September 19, 2023

WWE NXT 9/19/2023

WWE NXT 9/19/2023

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2023/09/wwe-nxt-9122023.html

Becky Lynch comes out to talk. She comes up with various rhymes for people in NXT that she could challenge. She said Tiffy Time is over. She said Tiffy deserves a rematch though. Tiffany Stratton then comes out. She challenges her to a rematch tonight, but then says it's not happening. She said she wants her rematch on a bigger stage at No Mercy.

Becky says she's not hungry enough and will lose again. Becky says she wants it more than she does. They argue more and Becky starts hitting her. Kiana James comes in and nails Becky from behind. Becky fights off the 2v1 and clears off the heels to end the segment. 

Tony D and Stacks look at photos of the other NXT teams. They said they have to figure out who they will fight next and said the teams will fight it out amongst themselves to determine a challenger.

Ilja Dragunov is interviewed. He says he will finish what he started at the Bash and said he will cover his waist in gold at No Mercy. He said he will watch Melo's match tonight. Becky Lynch walks in. She says they can go 2v1 if that's what they want in the main event.

We go to the Meta Four lounge and they are all dressed up in black like the Matrix. Dar is talking in a weird accent and said we will figure who his challenger is tonight. Dar gets interrupted while he talks.

Trick Williams was in the back with his magic hat. Dominik Mysterio goes up to him and says he's glad he ran into him. He said he knows how Trick feels living in a shadow. Dom said he shined when Judgment Day helped him step out of his dad's shadow and said imagine what they can do for you. Trick says no one can drive a wedge between him and Melo. Dom said he used to say the same thing about him and his dad.

Global Heritage Invitational Group A - Butch vs Tyler Bate

Butch takes him down and works his fingers. Bate headscissors him and they both kip up. Butch slaps him and smirks. Bate hits a straight punch to the face then hits a punch combo. Butch drops him with a punch then goes over the back of him. Butch then drops him with a punch. Bate comes off the 2nd rope and is swatted down.

Bate delay superplexes him off the 2nd rope for 2. We go to break and return. They are trading punches and Butch forearms him over. Butch then hits mounted forearms. Bate standing ssp's his back then hits a backdrop for 2. Butch counters a tiger driver with a triangle. Bate airplane spins him then does an attitude-adjustment variation for 2.

Bate release germans him then Butch hits a tiger driver for 2 as we hit the 2 minute warning. Bate counters a bitter end with a ddt then hits another for 2. Bate rebound lariats him then Butch gets his knees up on his spiral tap. Butch then hits a bitter end for 2. Butch then hits a fire thunder driver and wins it.

The two matched up well and pretty much went for move with each other. Lots of counters and reversals here and it was a fun match.

Thea Hail and Jacy Jayne go shopping. Thea said she needs to do this and Jacy tries to get her to calm down. Jacy throws clothes at her. Thea tries on red, leather and Jacy kind of decided on leather for her. Jacy says "that's the one" and we don't get to see it. We then see them leaving and Jacy says she can't wait for them to see the new and improved Thea Hail.

Global Heritage Invitational Group B - Duke Hudson vs Joe Coffey

 They shoulder battle and Duke shoulders him over. Duke hits a rare flying hurricanrana then back body drops him. Joe backbreakers him then Duke hits punches. Joe rolls out and drives Duke's back into the apron. Joe top rope dropkicks him then germans him.

Joe hits a flying battering ram then Duke rolls him up for the win.

It was short and they matched up okay in the little we got of this. Duke probably shouldn't be doing the hurricanrana at his size as it's too hard to catch him.

Nathan Frazer is interviewed. They talk about their being a 3-way tie in the block. Frazer says let's solve it with a triple next week then the announcer says they are going to do it tonight. Frazer then runs off to get ready.

Mr. Stone said Von was not doing good in a tweet.

Roxanne Perez vs Lola Vice

Vice spinebusters her. Perez tries to pin her with a bridge then Vice kicks her in the leg. Perez goes to walk the top rope but is pushed down. Vice superkicks her in the body then axe kicks her back. Vice ties Perez's arm up with her legs then Perez 2nd rope Thesz presses her. Perez shotgun dropkicks her then running euros her.

Perez hits corner punches then is pulled down face first onto the top buckle. Perez spin kicks her in the gut then armdrags her. Perez gets her arm tied up again but rolls back and pins Vice.

The crowd were being jerks again here like they were last week by cheering the heels. Vice looked better than Perez did at times but it was kind of sloppy and not a match to really celebrate either way.

Eddy Thorpe is goofing around in the woods again. He sees the tree Dijak hit with a belt and says he knows Dijak is trying to push his buttons and says he is hinting that there's a savage in him. Eddy said he desecrated his land and people. He says they should fight in a strap match so he can rip the flesh off his body like he ripped the bark off the tree.

Roxanne Perez goes up to Becky Lynch in the back. Becky tells her to keep at it and Perez said she won't let people walk all over her anymore. Perez offers to be her partner tonight. Becky says Perez needs ice on her shoulder.

Carmelo Hayes vs Dominik Mysterio

Dom hits him as he poses then poses with Melo's title. Melo springboard twisting clotheslines him. Melo back body drops him then hits a dropkick. They fight outside then Melo is stun gunned on the rail. Melo hits his fadeaway 2nd rope legdrop for 2.

Melo superkicks him then hits a la mistica for 2. Dom rolls out and we go to PiP break then return. Melo has his head banged off the mat then Melo does a suplex lift into a cutter. Dom takes something like a blue thunder then ddt's him. Melo is catapulted throat first into the 2nd rope then Dom 619's him. Melo jumping codebreakers him.

Melo is kind of crotched on the top rope and they go outside. Dom is thrown into Ilja Dragunov at commentary then Dom trips Melo into Ilja. Dom slaps Ilja then Ilja gets in the ring and pushes both of them. Ilja forearms and enzugiri's Dom then falling forearms him. Dom slides out then Dragon Lee comes up and superkicks him. 

The whole finishing stretch brought this down. It was just kind of average regardless.

Trick is watching in the back and is yelling at the TV. Joe Gacy and Ava go up to him. They said he left Melo in a bad spot and Ava says he has loneliness all over him. Gacy says there's no one else here but them and says he can help Trick. He asks Trick to come with them. Trick says he wants nothing to do with them. Gacy says something about how Melo should have taken Trick up on his offer and leaves.

Duke Hudson is tired out in the back. Chase is trying to hype him up and tells him he has to go win this. Chase asks him who the MVP is and who is known as the spoiler. Duke says it's him and asks who is going to give his opponents an Andre Chase University sized @ss whooping. Duke says he is then gets hyped up and yells.


We see Scrypts, Bronco Nima and Lucien Price gambling over dice in the alley. Someone tries to take the money and is pulled off. Scrypts, Nima and Price says things are too easy. They talk trash about other tag teams and Scrypts said he likes their bond and likes their rags to riches story. They utter more ghetto nonsense and the segment ends.

Hank and Tank are interviewed. Hank says Nima and Price are powerful dudes and says while those two aren't going anywhere, they aren't either. Hank says they will accept Tony's challenge to step up to the table. Tank says he's hungry and says he will have no talent working up the appetite to feast.

Global Heritage Invitational Tiebreaker Group B - Duke Hudson vs Nathan Frazer vs Joe Coffey

Duke hits corner shots on Joe then Frazer shotgun dropkicks Duke into Joe. Frazer hits a nice dropkick on Joe and knocks Duke off the apron. Frazer goes to dive but takes a crossbody from Joe. Frazer enzugiri's Joe then Duke pops him up.

Duke and Joe lariat each other. Joe rakes his face with his boot laces and the two trade forearms. Frazer runs the ropes between them and does a fast double dropkick. Frazer then does a nice tope on both. Duke uranage's Frazer then has his crotch pulled into the post by Joe.

We go to break and return. Joe slams Frazer then pop up euros him. Joe then hits a flying battering ram. Duke rolls up Joe then running elbows and sidewalk slams him. Frazer does an an asai moonsault and hits a combo ddt + reverse ddt on it. Joe dives at Frazer and is superkicked. Duke does a slingshot release german on Frazer and really throws him good. Duke running facekicks Joe then swinging sideslams Frazer for 2.

Duke spinning and swinging sideslams Frazer for 2. Duke throws Joe out. Frazer hurricanrana's Duke and Duke does a headstand sell for it. Frazer hits a phoenix splash on Duke then Joe knocks him off the apron. Joe spinning lariats Duke and wins it in a shocker.

Joe winning was super surprising. I really don't get why other than another attempt to keep Gallus relevant. It was a fast paced match with people coming it and out, just like most triple threats are. It was entertaining, but you know the deal with these things.

Butch comes in the ring and stares down Joe after.

Mustafa Ali is interviewed. He says he is the rightful #1 contender to the North American title. He doesn't get how Dragon Lee and Dom are fighting for that title next week. He says it doesn't make sense and said neither deserves to hold that title. He says he will deal with both of them next week.

Tiffany Stratton goes up to Kiana James in the back. James says iron sharpens iron and they agree that they both despise Becky. Tiff says they will do serious damage together and says she has a surprise for Becky tonight.

Briggs, Jensen and Fallon don't get why Myles Borne turned on them. Briggs says this is on Fallon. Fallon said she thought he was a good guy. Baron Corbin walks in and said nobody cares. He tells them to get over it and shut up so he can enjoy his massage. Briggs said he's glad he could hear that as he's worried Bron popped his ear drum last week. Briggs tells Baron he made need to book another massage soon after they argue more.

We see Melo leaving. Melo says he's the champ and has the championship, not Ilja. He says he doesn't like his confidence and says he will let him know where he stands.

Handicap Match - Becky Lynch vs Kiana James and Tiffany Stratton

Becky is nailed from behind and thrown into the steps. They stomp on her. Lyra Valkyria comes out to help and Tiff and Kiana are knocked down together. Tiff and Kiana walk away then are hit from behind.

Becky Lynch and Lyra Valkyria vs Kiana James and Tiffany Stratton


Becky exploders her then bangs Kiana's head off the buckles. Becky throws Tiff in over the ropes then kicks her in the gut. Tiff is tripped into a legdrop. Becky facebusters Kiana then Kiana is pulled over the top. Becky baseball slides her then hits her off the apron. Lyra then dropkicks tiff through the ropes.

We go to break and return. Becky is pulled off the ropes then Kiana bangs her head off the mat. Kiana chinlocks her. Tiff bangs Becky's head off the buckle then misses a handpsring backflip back elbow. Lyra hits kicks on both opponents then double springboard crossbodies them. Lyra shining wizards Tiff then axe kicks Kiana. Lyra northern lights suplexes Kiana.

Becky and Lyra do stereo top rope legdrops over their opponents, who are both over the middle rope. Becky is sent into the post then Kiana gutwrench bombs Lyra. Tiff hits a top rope swanton on Lyra for 2. Beck top rope dropkicks Kiana then does a ddt + reverse ddt on both opponents. Becky uranage's Kiana then Lyra top rope splashes Kiana to win it.

It was a decent match but I don't get why Becky wanted no help from Perez, then accepted it from Lyra. That needed some explanation and they should have explained why Lyra came out to help since she wasn't involved. All four girls looked competent here and didn't really have any botches or major screw-ups. I do like the Kiana and Tiff pairing.

Tiff grabs a chair and nails Lyra and Becky after. Tiff hits Becky several times and poses with the NXT title over her. Becky gets on the mic after and says they will fight in an extreme rules match.

Overall thoughts: This was a wrestling heavy show. The matches were okay but not great. I wouldn't recommend it but there's been worse editions of NXT.

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