Wednesday, September 20, 2023

STARDOM 9/17/2023 5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Day 17

STARDOM 9/17/2023 5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Day 17

 Saya Iida vs. HANAKO

Saya hooks Hana's leg then Hana hooks her leg. They shoulder battle and Saya knocks her over. Saya double chops her hard in the back then Hana hits chest forearms. Hana slams Saya for 2 then rams her into the buckles. Hana running shoulders her then Saya climbs on her back with a sleeper.

Saya running back elbows her and they trade chops for forearms. Saya hits machine gun chops and Hana push kicks her as she jumps. Hana suplexes her and Saya rolls her up. Saya tries some pin attempts and takes a face kick. Saya then sliding lariats her for 2. Saya top rope shoulders her for 2 then submits her with a dragon sleeper variation.

It was short and they got little out of the storylines they could have done with the two matching power or the small girl trying to take down the big girl. Hana had a decent showing though and it was watchable.

Queen's Quest (AZM & Utami Hayashishita) vs. Oedo Tai (Ruaka & Starlight Kid) vs. Club Venus (Mina Shirakawa & Waka Tsukiyama)


Mina and Waka dance during their entrance. They do some high speed manuevering to start and Kid takes a double basement dropkick. Mina and AZM are tripped then Kid basement dropkicks both. Utami and Ruaka trade shoulders and Utami is knocked over. Waka seated flatliners Ruaka off the 2nd rope then Ruaka and Utami are put in submissions at the same time. Mina has a surfboard on Utami and AZM slides on Mina for a pin attempt. AZM grabs Mina's arm, walks up the buckles then comes down with a headscissors on Utami and an armdrag on Mina.

Mina forearms Utami then slap combos her. Mina hits a spinning forearm then Utami slams her. Kid top rope crossbodies Utami then Kid and AZM trade forearms. Kid punches AZM and drops her with it. Waka dropkicks Kid and AZM at the same time and dropkicks Kid. Kid dropkicks Waka in the knee then puts her in a stretch muffler.

Ruaka takes a high kick then there's a double pin attempt on her. AZM dropkicks Ruaka in the corner then Mina headscissors Ruaka into a russian legsweep. Mina high kicks AZM then Waka top rope dropkicks Ruaka. Utami olympic slams Mina then Ruaka hits a double lariat. Waka rolls up Ruaka then Kid does a weird dragon screw on her. Kid then does a stretch muffler variation on Waka and wins it.

It was a short sprint with very fast paced action. It kept my interest but it wasn't much more than it sounds like.

Tam Nakano & Yuna Mizumori vs. Maika & Megan Bayne 


Meg and Tam stare down. Tam hits leg kicks and gets nowhere, then tags Yuna in. Yuna hits chest forearms then Meg shoulders her over. Meg hits knees to the body and slams her. Maika and Meg hits slams on Yuna then Yuna hits forearms. Yuna dropkicks Maika and Tam refuses to tag in.

Yuna back body drops Maika then Tam wants in. Tam top rope crossbodies Maika then tries to forearm Meg but Meg no sells it. Tam bridges out of Maika's lariat then basement dropkicks her. Tam then pumping knees her on the ropes. Maika suplexes Tam and Meg gets in. Meg catches Tam's kjick and suplexes her off of it.

Yuna tries lariats on Meg then is facekicked. Yuna's 2nd rope crossbody is caught then Meg belly to belly suplexes her off of it. Meg double clotheslines her opponents and does a standing falcon arrow to Yuna for 2. Meg does a suplex on Yna for 2 then Yuna and Tam take stereo slams. Meg then hits a double arm sitout chokeslam on Yuna and wins it.

It didn't really have enough time and it was your usual Megan Bayne match with her dominating her opponents. Meg grabs Tam by the hair after and piefaces her.

 High Speed Five Way Match - Saki Kashima vs. Koguma vs. Hazuki vs. Natsupoi vs. Mei Seira

I'm not sure what the angle behind this was, but it is something different. Everyone except Saki locks up and the other girls kind of wrestle around her. She avoids a double dropkick then Mei and Poi get double dropkicked. Saki goes into the stands to watch then Mei and Poi take double facewash kicks. Mei is tripped into a senton and splash then double dropkicks her opponents. 4 of the girls have headscissors on each other hten Saki comes in and tramples them all.

Mei springboard blockbusters Saki then we get stereo crossbodies off the top. Mei and Hazuki are about to take germans, so they hold onto the ropes to avoid it. Saki runs the ropes, making them lose their grip then does a double bulldog. Poi gets a 2 count on Koguma then Hazuki running facekicks Mei. Mei topes Koguma outside and Poi hits a top rope crossbody outside. Saki runs to the back and Mei follows.

Poi is thrown into chairs then is almost suplexed off the stage. Saki runs back onto the stage. The ref's count is at 17 and 3 girls start running back to the ring. Koguma is back in first and baseball slides the others out. Koguma then picks up the win at 6:15.

It was nearly all comedy here but at least it was entertaining and wasn't completely unbelievable.

5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Blue Stars - Momo Watanabe vs. Hanan

They trade headlocks and armlocks to stqart. Hanan dropkicks her then is tripped into the bottom rope, which Momo kicks. Momo hair throws her then slams her. Momo hits a bunch of kicks on her against the bottom rope. Hanan misses a 2nd rope twisting crossbody. Momo distracts the ref then Ruaka and Starlight Kid throw Hanan into chairs outside.

Hanan hip throws Momo. Momo goes out and Hanan runs the apron to crossbody her. Hanan then twisting crossbodies her off the 2nd rope inside. Momo uranage's Hanan then Hanan euros her. Momo chickenwings her on the mat and Hanan ropebreaks. Hanan throws her off the 2nd rope then hits a cuty special for 2.

Hanan euros her in the back of the neck then Momo hits chest kicks. Hanan backdrops her then hits a fameasser. Momo hits a 2nd rope meteora then buzzsaw kicks her. Momo then hits a b-driver, but Hanan rolls her up off of it. Hanan rolls her up again for 2 then takes a high kick. Momo then doesa packstage tombstone and wins it.

This was a decent match with Momo being the feel and Hanan being the face. It didn't have the greatest work ever but it made sense and the two worked well together. It was one of the better Hanan matches I have seen.

5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Blue Stars - MIRAI vs. Mariah May

Mirai uses the ropes to escape a hammerlock then kicks the rope with May's arm on it. Mirai twists her arm with her legs then armlocks her until she ropebreaks. May tries to pull Mirai over the top but Mirai just stomps her. Mirai hits attacks in the corner then May running kicks her but mostly misses. May hits machine gun chops then double chops her.

May hits her handstand hurricanrana on the ropes then 2nd rope dropkicks her for 2. May dropkicks her while she's tied against the ropes then Mirai jumping flatliners her on the floor. Mirai rolls into a flatliner on her then 2nd rope twisting elbow drops her. They trade chest forearms.

May hits a nice facekick then Mirai does an overhook slam. May then slingblades her. Mirai hits a nice dropkick then a corner lariat. Mirai top rope dropkicks her then is rolled up. Mirai does a hard back elbow then May hits a nice double underhook suplex.

May high kicks her from the apron then top rope dropkicks her. May rolls her into a bridging pin then Mirai backdrops her. May hits a nice german then tko's her for 2. Mirai back body drops her then does a stiff hammerlock belly to belly suplex. Mirai hits a nice lariat then May slap flurries her. Mirai lariats her then his a spinning cradle shock to win it.

I didn't expect this styles clash to work but it did somehow with Mirai being stiff here.

5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Red Stars - Ami Sourei vs Suzu Suzuki


Ami shoulders her over then hits a chop flurry. Ami lays her over the 2nd rope and corner splashes her. Ami then does a high crab. Suzu facewash kicks her then does her drive-by kick on the apron. Suzu does a leg and arm hold. They trade forearms and Suzu hits a hard one that knocks her back. Ami his rainmakers then hits a firemans carry slam for 2.

Ami suplexes her then Suzu superkicks her. Ami hits a release german then rolling lariats her. Both go down then Ami hits a nice blue thunder bomb. Ami then puts her in another high crab. Suzu hurricanrana's her then puts her in a paradise lock. Suzu sliding germans her.

Ami gets stuck up top then Suzu hits a spider german suplex. Suzu top rope dropkicks her for 2. Suzu buzzsaw kicks her and back kicks her, then buzzsaw kicks her again. She sits on Ami and Ami rolls her up for 2. Suzu running knees Ami in the back of the head the germans her. Ami no sells it then takes a tequila shot. Suzu picks up the win.

It was about 11-12 minute and it was a fun little match. They went fast and they were stiff with each other. This was one of Ami's better matches in the tournament and it was mostly due to Suzu.

Suzu says she will win the GP and become the face of the wrestling world after.

Overall thoughts: It was a good show. The Grand Prix matches delivered even when I didn't expect them to and the undercard matches were all acceptable.

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