Tuesday, September 19, 2023

STARDOM 9/16/2023 5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Day 16

STARDOM 9/16/2023 5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Day 16

 Mei Seira vs. Waka Tsukiyama

They trade wristlocks and Mei side headlocks her. Mei headlock takeovers her and they stand off. Waka starts dancing around then Mei kicks her in the butt and spanks herself. Mei twists Waka's hair and then throws her. Waka then hair throws her and stinkfaces her.

Waka hits hip attacks to the head then Mei ties her up in the ropes. She spanks her and kicks her in the butt several times. Mei camel clutches her and spanks her in it. Mei pulls her hair and stomps on her back. Waka hits a straightjacket neckbreaker then flatliners her while sitting on the 2nd rope.

They trade chest forearms then Waka climbs on her back and pulls both of her arms back. Waka misses a hip attack on the ropes and is kicked in the butt. Mei dropkicks her then Waka rolls her up for 2. Mei slides under her for a pin attempt then picks up the pin on the next pin attempt.

This was "Fan Service: The Match". Lots of spanking and butt related offense here and not a lot else.

Oedo Tai (Momo Watanabe, Ruaka & Starlight Kid) vs. STARS (Hanan, Koguma & Saya Iida)


 Kog = Koguma

Kog says this is her homecoming event and she'd like to havea big party. Kog gets a "Kuma" chant going and Kid joins her. Kog double axe handlers her then Kid is tripped and takes moves on her back. Kog and Hanan then get on Saya's shoulders for a triple splash on Kid.

Kog stands and stomps on Kid's back then Kog corner splashes her. Hanan knees Kid she's against the 2nd rope and they trade forearms. Kid stretch mufflers her then Hanan STO's her. Kid basement dropkicks her.

Ruaka corner splashes Hanan and shoulders her over. Kog cutters Ruaka and Hanan running euros her. Ruaka does a nice fisherman's suplex on her then takes cuty special. Saya and Momo go at it. Momo hits kicks to her chest then Saya jumping sledgehammer shots her. Saya elbow drops her for 2. Momo is held up and takes a double bulldog.

Saya top rope forearms Momo then Kid top rope crossbodies Saya. Ruaka flatliners Saya then Momo buzzsaw kicks Saya for 2. Saya rolls Momo up out of a half-nelson bomb then hits a nice lariat. Momo high kicks her then Saya rolls out of her move for a pin attempt on her. Ruaka hits a stiff double clothesline then Saya does a sitout spinebuster on Momo. Momo chickenwings Saya and wins via submission.

The finish was that great and we didn't have a lot of time here, so we saw very little of some of the girls. It was watchable and had a few highlights but nothing memorable. Having Kog lose at home was lame. 

 Megan Bayne & Suzu Suzuki vs. HANAKO & Utami Hayashishita

Hana and Suzu lock up. Suzu headflips out of a wristlock and headlocks her. Suzu snapmares her and then kicks her in the back. Meg hits corner spears on Hana then hits knees. Meg hits a running facekick and poses on her. Suzu drive-by sliding dropkicks Hana on the apron then running knees her.

Hana hits a big slam on Suzu and Utami gets in. Utami dropkicks Suzu. Utami throws Suzu to Meg then boots her and Meg spinning slams her. Utami 2nd rope dropkicks Suzu then Suzu sliding knees her in the back. Meg belly to belly suplexes Utami then Utami dropkicks Meg in the back. Utami lariats Meg on the ropes then Hana and Meg shoulder battle.

Meg shoulders Hana over. Meg suplexes Hana for 2 then Hana hits forearms on Meg. Meg lariats Hana then Suzu rolling spears Utami. Meg hits a sky high on Hana and wins it.

It wasn't anything too great. It was in the midcard and didn't have the time at 7:23. Hana showed a little emotion here which helped her out and she was not booked to be a total jobber against Meg.

Saori Anou & Yuna Mizumori vs. God's Eye (MIRAI & Saki Kashima) vs. Club Venus (Mariah May & Mina Shirakawa)

Saki, Mina and Anou start us off and do a triple lock up. Mina dropkicks Anou in the knee. Mina single leg crabs Anou and Mirai slaps a chinlock on Mina while she does it. Anou kicks Mirai in the chest then axe kicks her back after Yuna catapults her.

May and Mina then do stereo basement dropkicks and dance. May misses a running facekick on Yuna but it's sold anyway then May double chops her. May handstand hurricanrana's Yuna off the ropes then headsicssors her. Mirai then headscissors her, Mina headscissors her, Anou headcissors her then Saki tramples all of them. Saki even tramples her own partner in a dumb moment.

Mina headscissors Mirai into a russian legsweep. Mina spinning forearms Mirai then spinning back elbows Yuna. Min and Anou start pushing and hitting each other then Saki hits a bulldog on Mina. Mirai half-nelson slams Mina then May shotgun dropkicks Saki. Saki takes a double russian legsweep.

Yuna backslides Mina then lays over top of her for a 2 count. Yuna and Anou hit stereo dropkicks then Yuna lariats May. Mina and May take lariats then Saki rolls up Yuna from behind and wins it.

It was your usual messy three way with people coming in and out. They kept the action fast paced but it was herky jerky and it was hard to get any kind of flow going on here.

5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Red Stars - Tam Nakano vs Ami Sourei

Tam spin kicks Ami in the gut then shoulders her over. Tam then running forearms her and pumping knees her out. Ami torture racks her on the apron then hangs her over the top buckle. Ami then splashes her as she hangs and Tam rolls down. Ami suplexes her on the floor mat then Ami slams Tam.

Ami machine gun chops Tam then splashes her in the corner. Ami double chops Tam then boston crabs her. Ami pulls her legs up high and Tam ropebreaks. Ami spinning samoan drops her then Tam rolls her up. Ami corner lariats her and blue thunders her for 2.

Ami suplexes her then twisting suplexes her. Ami has Tam up for a powerslam and Tam reverse ddt's her out of it. Ami takes a superkick then lariats her and rolls. Tam spinning high kicks her and high germans her. Tam high kicks her then buzzsaw kicks her. Tam then tiger suplexes her and wins it.

It was okay but nothing more. The crowd wasn't that into it and Ami is just not that good. It probably also would have worked better if Ami was a full on heel against her so the match would have some heat.

5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Red Stars - Hazuki vs Natsupoi

Haz = Hazuki

Poi dropkicks her in the knee then basement dropkicks her. Haz basement dropkicks her back then does facewash kicks on the ropes. Poi spin kicks her then running headhunters her. Haz slams Poi off the top then hair throws her. Haz does another facewash on her then slams and sentons her. Haz camel clutches her.

Haz running back elbows her then is dropkicked off the ropes to the floor. Poi top rope crossbodies her outside then dropkicks her through the ropes. Poi top rope crossbodies her inside twice and they trade forearms. Poi spin kicks her in the gut then release germans her. Haz suplexes Poi then Poi hits another release german. Poi sweep kicks her in the face while on the mat then Poit hits a stiff spinning neckbreaker.

Haz codebreakers Poi then Haz 2nd rope dropkicks her. Haz crossfaces her then facekicks her on the ropes. Haz ddt's her over the 2nd rope Both go for la magistral's and are reversed. Poi hits a ranhei for 2 then Haz running boots her in the body. Haz codebreakers her as she hangs over the top rope then hits a top rope senton for 2. Haz brainbusters her and wins it.

The work was fine and they stiffed each other several times, though there was no real story to it. They matched up well together. While Hazuki is consistent and reliable in the ring, I don't know if I've ever seen her have a great match, just a lot of decent ones.

5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Blue Stars - Maika vs AZM

They run the ropes fast and grab each other by the foot.They let go and evade each others moves. They then do a  quick standoff before AZM shotgun dropkicks her. AZM comes off the the 2nd rope and is back body dropped to the floor. Maika runs the apron and lariats her on the floor. AZM does a spin under the bottom rope into a hurricanrana then apron double stomps her on the floor.

AZM spike hurricanrana's her over the 2nd rope then spins on her shoulder and drops her. AZM then ties her arms up before Maika ropebreaks. AZM tries to flip out of a superplex but kind of bangs her own head off the top. AZM then 2nd rope armdrags her and double stomps her off the buckles. Maika fallaways slams her then takes a high kick. AZM ducks a lariat then is hit with the other arm.

They trade forearms on their knees and Maika hits more forearms. AZM hits la mistica and they try pin attempts. AZM kicks Maika then hits a nice spinning lariat. AZM hits a canadian destroyer but of course it's only for 2. Maika powerbombs her and AZM no sells it, then Maika hits her enka side slam on her. Maika michinoku drivers her for 2 and shockingly wins it.

I didn't like AZM no selling the powerbomb nor did I like the canadian destroyer not meaning anything. This only went 8:32 so that kind of stuff is important. The two did match up well otherwise and they were stiff with each other.

Overall thoughts:  The three GP matches were the main matches on this one. Maika/AZM could have been really good without some of the issues. Hazuki/Poi was okay but not great, as was Ami Sourei/Tam.  I don't think I'd recommend it, but it could have been better and it could have been worse.

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