Thursday, September 7, 2023

Sendai Girls 9/2/2023 BIG SHOW in Niigata

Sendai Girls 9/2/2023 BIG SHOW in Niigata

I saw 4 of the 6 matches here. I don't watch ASUKA matches, so that makes covering Sendai(and Seadlinnng) hard. The little of the Aiger/Sakura Hirota match was awful comedy.

Natsupoi vs. Yurika Oka

Poi does her Poi taunt thing. They both escapes wristlocks and Poi cartwheels over her. They trade dropkicks and go for some pins then try to headflip at the same time. Poi cartwheels into an armdrag and dropkick then hair throws her. Poi snapmares her and dropkicks her back.

Oka hits chest forearms then Poi hits a good one on her. Oka bulldogs her then hits dropkicks. Poi running headhunters her then dropkicks her against the bottom rope. Poi top rope crossbodies her for 2. Poi hits some boots then is slapped. Oka tries to roll her but Poi puts her in la magistral. They reverse each others pin attempts and Oka splashes her while she is seated. Oka hits 3 fisherman suplexes and a regular suplex for 2.

Oka figure fours her then misses a top rope splash. Poi rolls her up and is reversed. Poi then hits a superkick and sweeping spin kicks her in the head. Poi spin kicks her in the head again then hits a lightning spiral for 2. Poi hits her cartwheel splash off the top and wins it.

It went on longer than it needed to, nobody believed Oka was winning and the work wasn't anything special. It was basically just a longer squash match.

Aja Kong, Lena Kross & Ryo Mizunami vs. Chi Chi, Saori Anou & Sareee


Lena's so tall and starts off against Chi. Chi hits forearms to the chest then Lena knows her down with just one. Lena lariats her and picks her up like a backdrop but just drops her on her knees. Lena lariats Chi then Aja hcops Chi. Aja kicks her in the back then slaps her down. Ryo shoulders Chi over then hits machine gun chops. Anou tries to help and gets the chop flurry then Sareee gets it too.

Chi 2nd rope dropkicks Ryo and Anou gets in. Anou tries to knock Aja off the apron but takes a headbutt. Anou double dropkicks Aja and Ryo. Anou step up enzugiri's Ryo then hurricanrana's her. Ryo shoulders over Sareee and Anou then Lena gets in. Lena pump kicks Sareee in the corner then trades forearms with her. Lena pump kicks her again then flops her down hard with a gordbuster.

Sareee does an impressive perfectplex on Lena then Chi hits weak facekicks on Aja. Aja no sells it then Chi facekicks her again. Aja blocks a sunset flip then misses a butt drop. Chi basement dropkicks her then puts her in an octopus stretch. Aja takes kicks and a top rope dropkick from Chi.

Aja double suplexes Chi and Anou off their double suplex attempt and Ryo lariats Sareee. Lena pump kicks Chi then Ryo legdrops Chi. Aja elbow drops Chi for 2. Aja backdrops Chi and wins it.

This was really disappointing. It was a total mess and was basically all comedy. Everyone came off as lower card goofs here.

Millie McKenzie vs. Manami

MM = Millie McKenzie

MM dropkicks Manami in the corner to start then does a headlock takeover on her. MM boots her in the gut then Manami armdrags her off a tilt-a-whirl. MM topes her outside then Manami dropkicks her inside. MM takes a backcracker as she hangs from the top rope then Manami flying knees her. Manami northern lights suplexes her for 2.

Manami top rope splashes her and hits forearms. MM superkicks her twice then spinning neckbreakers her. MM ankle locks her then Manami hits a meteora for 2. MM spears her then rolls her up for the win.

This was short, it wasn't good and the ending was out of nowhere. I don't know what they were thinking here but this was a total nothing match.

Sendai Girls Tag Team Title Match - Team 200kg (Chihiro Hashimoto & Yuu) (c) vs. Reiwa Ultima Powers (DASH Chisako & Hiroyo Matsumoto)

Hash = Hashimoto

Hiroyo and Yuu start us off. Hiroyo side headlocks her and they shoulder battle. Hiroyo shoulders her over then Yuu shoulders her over and sentons her. Hash abdominal stretches Hiroyo. Hash is tripped into a baseball slide then Dash double stomps her. Dash running back elbows her and baseball slides her.

Yuu tries to hold Dash against the ropes but Hash runs into her and Yuu goes down. Hiroyo throws Dash over the top onto her opponents but Yuu and Hash just catch her and pose with her. Hiroyo and Dash are put back to back then sandwiched by their opponents.

Dash takes a double clothesline. Yuu splashes her on the mat then Hash splashes Yuu's back. Yuu splashes Dash in the corner. Yuu spinning side slams Dash then Dash sliding kicks her. Yuu is stunnered over the top rope by Hiroyo then Hiroyo top rope dropkicks Yuu and Hash. Hiroyo single leg crabs Yuu.

Hiroyo goes up top and is stopped then Yuu sentons her. Hiroyo takes a corner cannonball. Hash double spinebusters her opponents then running flip sentons onto both of them. Hiroyo suplexes Hash. Hiroyo and Hash trade forearms. Hiroyo hits running lariats out of the corner on Hash and Yuu then hits a nice styles clash on Hash.

Dash top rope dropkicks Hash then baseball slides her. Hash takes a side slam into a 2nd rope double stomp then takes more offense for 2. Hash powerbombs Dash on the apron then Hiroyo is thrown into chairs outside. Hash does a stiff waterwheel drop on Dash then Dash hits a stiff flying facekick on her. Dash's hurricanrana is blocked on Yuu then she hits a bad looking crucifix bomb for 2.

Dash's dropkick is caught and she takes a wheelbarrow suplex. Yuu misses a splash up top and Hash is hurricanrana'd off the 2nd rope onto her. Dash top rope double footstomps Hash three times. Hash takes a powerbomb then a top rope frogsplash for 2. Dash takes a hard powerbomb from Hash then Dash and Hiroyo take stereo powerbombs. Hash and Yuu double splash Dash together for 2 then Hash hits a high german on Dash to win it.

It was long, slow and I didn't really enjoy this. They had the obvious story with the bigger girls taking down the smaller girls and didn't go with it. They never really established any kind of flow here and the crowd was not into it enough to help them do that.

Overall thoughts: I saw 4 of 6 matches. The crowd wasn't that good and the show just didn't click for various reasons. The opener was a squash. McKenzie's match was real shot and the trios match was a total joke. The main could have been good but just never had the flow going to get me invested. I did not enjoy this show and was disappointed by it.

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