Thursday, September 7, 2023

SEAdLINNNG 8/25/2023 SEAdLINNNG 8th Anniversary

SEAdLINNNG 8/25/2023 SEAdLINNNG 8th Anniversary

I saw 4 of the 5 matches. I don't watch ASUKA matches, so it makes reviewing this promotion hard a lot of times.

Hiroyo Matsumoto & Yuu vs. Miyuki Takase & Ryo Mizunami


MT = Miyuki Takase

Ryo, Takase and I think Itsuko Aoki do a dance before hand. I appreciate them trying to do something different, but don't quit your day job. Yuu and Hiroyo flip off their opponents and are kicked for it. Hiroyo takes corner moves and an STO into legdrops. MT and Ryo pose on Hiroyo with a camel clutch then Yuu poses too for unknown reasons. Hiroyo facewash kicks MT but Ryo interrupts it. Ryo's team then takes stereo facewashes.

Yuu does her stupid spot where she rolls outside of the ring onto her opponents. Yuu running back elbows MT then sits on her and poses. Yuu spinning side slams MT for 2. Hiroyo climbs on Yuu's back and they falling splash MT. MT jumps on Yuu and is caught. MT hits a bad tornado ddt.

Ryo comes in and leg lariats Yuu from behind. Yuu is pushed into Hiroyo and Ryo spears Yuu. Ryo hits a chop flurry on Yuu  and corner lariats her. Yuu hip throws her then Hiroyo lariats and basement dropkicks Ryo. Ryo spinning forearms Hiroyo then headbutts her in the chest. They lariat battle and Hiroyo goes down.

MT top rope drpkicks Hiroyo and corner lariats her. MT 2nd rope dropkicks her then does a running headhunter for 2. Yuu gets on Hiroyo's back and Ryo pushes them both over. Yuu takes a double spear then Hiroyo takes corner lariats. Mt goes up the ropes and springboard flipping sentons onto Hiroyo. Yuu accidentally sentons Hiroyo. MT does a neat drop on Hiroyo then Hiroyo backdrops her.

Hiroyo abdomminal stretches MT then Hiroyo hits a double backdrop on both opponents. MT takes a corner cannonball and a vader bomb double knee drop for 2. Hiroyo backdrops MT and wins it.

This wasn't anything special and just never really had any momentum behind it. 

High Speed Mask Vs. Loser Wears A Mask Match - La Pidita vs. Kakeru Sekiguchi

KS = Kakeru Sekiguchi

Pidita dances in the crowd then heads to the back and comes back out to dance more. KS dropkicks her to start and they criss cross on the ropes. Pidita rolling leg bars her then dropkicks her out. Pidita has her head banged off the apron then and KS tries to walk up the buckles to dive on her but trips and falls over. She then tries again and top rope crossbodies her in a stupid moment.

KS bulldogs, basement dropkicks and sentons her. KS armlocks her and Pidita hits the ropes. KD dropkicks her as she hangs over the 2nd rope then codebreakers her arm. Pidita grabs the ref, Natsuki Taiyo, to double clotheslines KS. KS codebreakers Pidita then walks up the ropes, armdrags her and dropkicks Taiyo on her way down.

KS rolling armbars Pidita then misses a dropkick on the ropes. Pidita then topes her. Pidita top rope crossbodies her  and they try pin attempts. Pidita then rolls her up and wins it.

They had high speed rules here where you win with a 2 count and not a 3 count. It wasn't any good. Kakeru is a very basic and unexciting worker. They attacked the ref and the ref attacked the wrestlers. Kakeru also had a major botch here and there was nothing good about this.

Kakeru was forced after to wear a mask.

SEAdLINNNG Beyond The Sea Tag Team Title Match - Ayame Sasamura & Riko Kaiju (c) vs. Maya Yukihi & Natsu Sumire

Sumire gives fans lap dances during her entrance. Now that's how you get over. Kaiju and Ayame are wearing matching outfits with matching blonde hair and the only thing different is that Riko is wearing lighter pink. Sumire then flirts with the ref then her and Maya do more fan service.

Maya and Sumire attack at the bell. They choke them in the corner then Ayame and Riko are popped up into atomic drops. Suire goes to do a bronco buster to her opponents and Natsuki Taiyo stops her. Sumire then bangs Taiyo's head off the apron and throws her into the rail. Sumire ends up hanging over the rail and is brought in by Riko.

Sumire takes a double combo sequence then a double dropkick. Sumire is slammed by both opponents then put in a boston crab.  Sumire is dropkicked while on the ropes then she triangles Riko. Maya knees Riko on the ropes then sits on her shoulder for an armbar. Sumire puls Riko's arms behind her back and pushes her neck forward with her legs. Sumire then chokes Riko wiht her knees in the corner.

Sumire misses a bronco buster attempt then Riko 2nd rope dropkicks here. Ayame finally gets in and shoulders over SUmire. Ayame trips Maya onto her then double stomps both. Sumire uses a whip on Ayame in front of the ref then Maya hits a nice facekick on Ayame. Maya hits a stiff facekick on Ayame then single leg dropkicks her. Maya then leg lariats her.

Maya suplexes Ayame then Riko dropkicks her. Maya hits a hard forearm on Ayame then rolls her into a head and arm hold.  Maya running knees Riko against the bottom rope and Riko hits a double dropkick off the 2nd rope onto her opponents. Riko top rope dropkicks Sumire and northern lights suplexes her for 2. Sumire dragon sleepers Riko.

Sumire facekicks Riko through the ropes then Riko hits a nice dropkick on Sumire. Riko goes for  powerbomb and has her leg kicked out from under her, dropping Sumire on top of her. Ayame and Sumire trade chest forearms. Sumire bronco busters both opponents. Riko takes a weird double team then Ayame germans Maya. Sumire hits ayame with the whip the rolls up Ayame for 2.

Sumire takes a neat double team northern lights bomb then is powerbombed by Riko. Riko gets the win.

Sumire's not the greatest worker, though is very entertaining. I thought it went longer than it needed to at around 20 minutes and would have been a lot better if it were shorter. They also tried to do a faster pace match but nobody was fast enough to do it, so it didn't work.

SEAdLINNNG Beyond The Sea Title Match - Arisa Nakajima (c) vs. Sareee




They lock up and Sareee side headlocks her. Arisa puts her in a facelock then snapmares her. Arisa hits a facekick then Sareee dropkicks her. Arisa stretch mufflers her. They exchange forearms and Arisa flurries her. Arisa running facekicks her then camel clutches her. Arisa hair throws her then kicks her around.

Aria chokes her over the 2nd rope then knees and stomps her on the bottom rope. Arisa facekicks her against the bottom rope and Sareee pulls her arm down over the top rope. Sareee 2nd rope double stomps Arisa's arm. Sareee does an indian deathlock variation on her and wringers the arm. Arisa rolls her into a double stomp then Sareee rolls her into a double stomp on the arm.

Sareee hits facekicks then they slap each other. Sareee dropkicks her in the knee then slaps her. Arisa drops down from the top to the floor, hitting a ddt on the apron. Arisa throws chairs at Sareee outside. Arisa back body dropped on the stage and they hit mounted forearms on each other on the stage.

Arisa is thrown into the post then Arisa dropkicks her off the apron. Arisa top rope dropkicks her then germans her. Arisa puts her in a sleeper. Arisa hits a cuty special for 2 then fights up top with Sareee. Sareee hits headbutts then 2nd rope fisherman busters her. Sareee hits a nice german for 2 then backdrops her for 2. Sareee dropkicks her against the ropes then top rope double stomps her.

Arisa top rope double stomps her on the floor then Sareee germans her on the floor. They trade forearms in the ring. Sareee spin kicks her then runs into a big forearm. Aria hits mounted forearms then straightjacket germans her for 2. Sareee double armbars her and headscissors her. Saree exploders her five times for 2 then is forearmed for 2. Arisa dragon suplexes her for 2. Saree then does an interesting side german suplex and wins it.

They went all out to deliver a classic here and did put on a real strong main that used to to be commonplace but is now more rare. The match had some flaws as Sareee spent a while on arm work that amounted to nothing and the selling wasn't what it could have been at times. Stil, they were very stiff with each other and both took hard bumps. It was clear the level of work was superior to what we normally get and I did like it. I don't know if I personally feel comfortable putting it as a MOTYC, but I think a lot of people will. 

Overall thoughts: This was all about the main and nothing else, though the sleaze of Natsu Sumire was something. The main was a throwback to days of old when we got big main events all the time and is probably a must see for joshi lovers. I didn't think it was perfect but it had the right ingredients. The show as a whole felt long and slow to me though with everything getting more time than it needed.

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