Thursday, September 7, 2023

Ring of Honor on HonorClub 9/7/2023 Episode #28

 Ring of Honor on HonorClub 9/7/2023 Episode #28

Last week's show is here:

Athena, Billie Starkz and Lexi talk. Athena said Billie was supposed to help her win at all costs on the All In pre-show.  Athena calls her an idiot then Allysin Kay comes in. She says Athena should pick on someone her caliber and fight her. Billie encourages it. Athena calls her a porcelain hussy and Kay says they should make it for the ROH Women's title. Athena agrees and said she doesn't want to see this ever again when she beats the breaks off of her. Lexi congratulates Kay and Athena says, "come on family" and they leave.

They didn't introduce Kay here and I actually thought it was Angelica Risk. I don't think anyone would know this was Allysin Kay unless they were very familiar with her.

Kay does a promo and said her first match in ROH was in 2012 against MsChif. She said she has won titles in Japan and England and now fights Athena for the title always alluded her. She said she's happy to remind her how A-K don't play.

ROH Women's Title - Athena vs Allysin Kay

Athena hits her to start then armdrags her. Athena has her crossbody caught then she is fallaway slammed. Kay side slams her the chest kicks her. Kay goes out after Athena and Athena puts Billie in front of her. Athena then throws Kay into the rails. Athena clubs her back and stomps her in the corner. Kay slaps Athena's chest then hits forearms. Athena forearms her then kicks her in the back.

Athena clubs her back and knees her. Kay crucifixes her then is slammed down for 2. Athena puts her in the stretch plum then Kay forearms her. Athena takes a flapjack then a neckbreaker. Kay sky highs her for 2 and is brought into the 2nd rope. Athena rolls her up with the tights then Kay puts her on her shoulder and twist drops her down. Kay ankle locks her then takes a forearm and both go down. Athena gets caught going up top but then hits the o-face and wins it.

This was long, slow and not that good. There were very few highlights here and I do think this was a good way to start the show. Kay hasn't been that impressive in the New ROH and I don't know what they expected here.

Mark Sterling tells the fans to stop thinking about deep dish pizza. Nese said the last time he was here, he gave everyone advice on how to get in shape. He said he was excited to see how much progress was made. He then said we will do group training. Nese asks everyone to stretch then says to stop as it's starting to smell. He asks everyone to job in place and says we have to stop as it's getting pathetic. Nese says there's not a single man in this crowd then Silas Young comes out.

Tony Nese vs Silas Young

Silas Young's nickname is the last real man, so it's fitting he came out. Silas hits forearms and chops then Nese hits punches in the corner. Silas has his head banged off the buckle. Silas springboards off the middle rope and lariats him on the apron. Silas goes after him outside and Nese trips on the stairs. Silas goes after Mark then is knee'd in the back. Silas goes into the apron then Mark chokes him while the ref isn't looking.

Nese pulls Silas' arm over the top rope then 2nd rope dropkicks him. Silas hits a lariat then brings his neck down over the top. Silas slingshot double stomps him and does a few more double stomps. Silas sentons him and is crucifixed for 2. Silas has his shoulder pushed into the post then Nese running knees him while he's seated. Nese then picks up the win.

It was watchable but nothing of note. This whole thing would have worked better if Silas Young had more packages or interview time to explain his character to the people, instead of just kind of being an old ROH guy who loses every few episodes.

Silas offers a handshake after and Nese wipes his hand on his stomach first.

Dalton Castle is interviewed. He said he has a goal but all kinds of roadblocks are in front of him. He says he has a smorgesborgue in front of him with Stokeley Hathaway and Samoa Joe and said he doesn't like people putting their hands on his Boys. Dalton said he can't be excited about his new t-shirt and said he needs to eat his problems. Lexi asks what he will start with and he says he doesn't know. This was odd.

Spanish Announce Project (Angelico and Serpentico) vs vs Adam Priest and Schaff

Ange = Angelico, Serp = Serpentico

Ange wristlocks Adam then Adam wristlocks him. Ange armdrags him then Serp back elbows Adam. Schaff gets in and hits a big chest slap on Serp. Schaff corner splashes and mudhole stomps Serp. Schaff then cannonballs him. Schaff throws him on a suplex then sentons him.

Serp flips out of a backdrop and avoids an elbow. Ange hits lariats on Schaff and nails Adam off the apron. Ange pump kicks Schaff then up kicks him. Ange does a figure four variation and Serp does a submission to get the win here.

This was a quick squash and there wasn't a lot to talk about here. I have no idea whether the SAP are faces or not right now and I don't think anyone else knows either.

Kiera Hogan is interviewed. She said she didn't think her and her former partner Leila Grey have a problem, but she can come get it if she does. Keira then tells her to get out of the kitchen if she can't handle her heat. 

Willow Nightingale and Skye Blue vs The Renegades (Robyn and Charlette)

Charlette shoulders over Skye. Skye trips her and cartwheels over her. Skye then dropkicks her. Willow corner lariats Charlette then Skye spinning neckbreakers her. Willow hits a senton for 2. Skye is kicked by Robyn from the apron then lariated. Charlette hits a nice fisherman's suplex

Skye puts up the block so she can avoid a double pump kick then she just takes a kick to the gut instead. Skye tags in Willow. Willow gets the hot tag in and beats up the heels then she pounces one of them. Willow spinebusters the other and Charlette hits a bad stunner. Willow takes a sandwich spinning forearm. Willow death valley drivers a twin then Skye hits the code blue to win.

There wasn't anything special about this and they had multiple sloppy moments here.

Proving Ground Match - Mogul Embassy vs Griff Garrison, Metalik and Gravity

Metal = Metalik, Grav = Gravity

Kaun shoulders over Griff and does a nice leapfrog. Kaun the does a stiff back elbow. Griff takes a backcracker into a belly to belly then a double flapjack. Griff running facekicks Cage and Grav rolls up Cage. Grav superkicks Cage and rolls him up again.

Cage lariats Grav then Metal springboard crossbodies Cage. Metal slingblade bulldogs Cage then walks the ropes into a 2nd rope dropkick. Metal walks the top rope into a springboard swanton on Cage. Griff spinning forearms Kaun then misses a splash.

Toa pounces Griff and Metal takes a 3v1. Metal is held up in the air for a splash off the buckles from Toa. Toa then picks up the win.

It was a quick squash. Metal got a couple of highlights in and Grav messed up the little he got to do here. It was a decent squash though.

Leila Grey vs Kiera Hogan

Grey still has her fan with the money in it from when she was with Jade and The Baddies. They argue over who grabbed who's tights then Grey forearms her in the corner. They mess up a spot and Kiera hip attacks her against the middle rope. Kiera jumps off her back and legdrops her over the back.

Grey corner stomps her then throws her by the hair. Grey corner dropkicks her then fireman's carry slams her. Kiera hits forearms then shotgun dropkicks her. Kiera running hip attacks her for 2. Grey spears her and then grabs her fan. Kiera superkicks her then does a twisting neckbreaker for the win.

Grey had some sloppy moments here and this wasn't any good.

Lexi interviews Maria. She is asked about some opportunity that she had for Griff Garrison. Cole Karter then pulls Griff Garrison in. Maria says Griff has raw potential if he's surrounded by the right people. Maria said her and Cole are the right people and tells him to think about it.

Willie Mack and The Infantry vs Davey Bang, August Matthews and Jah-C

There's a funny moment where the fans chant Bang's and Mattews' "bangbros" team name and one of them says, "we can't say that" as they got a cease and desist letter over it. Bravo shoulders over Jah then Jah takes an enzugiri and neckbreaker. Mack hits a big hiptoss then does a shining wizard on August.

Dean hits punches on Bang then flying back elbows him. Bravo does his crossover fakeout punch on Bang then Mack sky highs Bang. Mack's team hits triple stereo superkicks. Bang takes a facekick into a russian legweep and is pinned.

It was a quick squash and was okay for what it was. The Infantry have improved a lot over their first few appearances together.

Lee Johnson is interviewed for the first time in probably a year or so. He said he feels good and healthy and thinks he can stop any obstacle in his way. He says Claudio is the obstacle tonight and he feels he can take over. He says he just needs one shot.

Leyla Hirsch vs Lady Frost

Leyla kicks Frost's handshake away. They take down each other through the lock up and Frost shoulders her over. Frost back rolls and is kicked during her handstand. Maria and Cole Karter come out to watch as Leyla works the arm. Leyla does a bad pendulum kick in the corner.

Leyla arm throws Frost and Frost hits shots on her. Frost back kicks her then does a handspring cannonball in the corner. Frost misses a spin kick then is overhead suplexed. Leyla then armbars her and wins it.

This wasn't good and Leyla was rather off here with some sloppy moments.

Cole Karter and Maria get in the ring after. Maria offers a handshake and Leyla walks out. Leyla says she doesn't need her.

Eddie Kingston and Katsuyori Shibata vs Gringo Loco and Blake Christian

KS = Katsuyori Shibata

KS snapmares Blake then figure fours him. Eddie machine gun chops Blake then KS hits a chop and punch combo on Blake. Blake's chest gets busted open then Eddie exploders Blake. Blake rolls into a handspring and back corkscrew kick on Eddie. Eddie and Loco trade chest chops and Loco leg lariats him.

Eddie drops down and Loco standing moonsaults him. Loco sentons Eddie. Loco and Blake are on the 2nd rope, Loco jumps up to the top and does a moonsault then Blake springboard 450's Eddie. Blake goes for a frogsplash and Eddie gets his knees up. KS does a bad facekick in the corner on Blake then dropkicks him in the corner. Shibata single underhook suplexes him. Loco spinning enzugiri's Eddie then takes a uraken.

Blake jumps off of Eddie's shoulders while sitting and basement dropkicks him. Blake then fosbury flops Eddie. Blake spin kicks KS in the gut and goes for a handspring but is caught in a sleeper. KS PK's him and gets the win.

This was decent. They kept it brief and action packed. Shibata looked good minus one missed kick and Blake got a few nice flying moves in. I didn't expect to like this on paper but I did end up liking it.

Mark Sterling and Josh Woods are interviewed. Mark says the fans here got to see Michael Jordan play in his prime and those same people can someday say they saw Josh Woods, the greatest wrestler of all-time live. He said it's a shame Josh won't get to wrestle in front of Chicago fans though. Mark says the competition is not good enough here and says Josh wants to see the best of the best pure wrestlers. Mark then gives his number and says to call him at 347-SMART40 so they can see what they can do.

Proving Ground Match - Claudio Castagnoli vs Lee Johnson

CC faceshoves him then is slapped. CC hits corner shots on him then backdrops him. CC slams him. Lee moonsaults off the 2nd rope, is caught then hits a tornado ddt off of it. Lee superkicks him then runs into a euro. Lee cradles him for 2 then CC lariats him for 2. CC hits downward elbows. The ref goes to call it off but CC stops him. CC then hits a pop-up euro and wins it.

It was all squash here and it wasn't that interesting.

The Iron Savages vs Ren Jones and Kaleb Konley

Jacked Jameson cuts off Bobby Cruise's announcing to do his usual spiel. Bronson and Konley push each other then Bronson powerslams him. Boulder does a side slam + black hole slam combo. Boulder puts Bronson on his shoulders and drops him on Ren for the quick squash win.

Lexi interviews Athena and Billie. Athena asks Lexi where her shirt is and she kind of strips off her tanktop. Athena said Billie left hanging three times as she grabs her. Billie said she did everything she was supposed to do. Athena said she didn't know. Athena said they will give her "minion training". 

Best Friends, Action Andretti and Darius Martin vs The Outrunners and The Workhorsemen

The heels jump the faces and JD throws Trent into the ropes outside for a lariat. Henry running leg lariats Trent over the rail outside. Trent rolls up Henry then takes a ddt from JD. Trent takes a powerslam + neckbreaker combo from The Outrunners. JD cannonballs Trent in the corner then Henry top rope double stomps Trent.

The Outrunners are pushed into each other then Darius is tagged in. Darius hits forearms then does his 2nd rope ddt + reverse ddt combo. Andretti bulldogs JD. Henry barely hits an enzugiri onto Darius. Henry takes a shotgun dropkick into a german. The Outrunners have their heads banged into each other then an Outrunner takes a soul foot + half-nelson suplex.

The faces hit plancha's outside. Best Friends hit a b-driver + double stomp combo and pick up the win.

This was rushed and very quick. It went too fast and they messed up some spots because of it.

Overall thoughts: This was a 12 match card and had tons and tons of squashe. I liked the various backstage happenings but it had the usual AEW issues with there being too many matches and many matches not getting enough time. This wasn't a good one and was a long waste of time to me.

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