Saturday, September 16, 2023

AEW Rampage 9/15/2023

AEW Rampage 9/15/2023

Last week's show is here:

The Hardy Boyz and The Lucha Brothers vs The Butcher, The Blade, Jay Lethal and Jeff Jarrett

JJ = Jeff Jarrett, JH = Jeff Hardy

JJ and Penta start us off. JJ jumps on him as he leans on the 2nd rope then Penta superkicks him. Penta goes to do his taunt and Jay hits him. Rey springboard dropkicks Jay then sandwich superkicks Butcher with Penta. JH gut kicks Butcher and Matt 2nd rope elbows Butcher's arm. Matt bangs it off his shoulder then JH drops an elbow on Butcher's arm.

Butcher takes a double suplex then Blade does too. JH jumps off of Matt's back to splash Jay then JJ stomps Matt. Butcher suplexes Matt the Jay pushes Matt into the buckles. Jay chokes Matt over the 2nd rope with Sonjay and Kip Sabian helping. JJ russian legsweeps Matt then Jay neckbreakers Matt.

Matt and Blade lariat each other at the same time then Rey springboard spin kicks Blade. Rey rolls into a cutter on Blade, enzugiri's Jay then walks the top rope to kick him and JJ. Penta superkicks Blade. Penta tope con hilos 3 heels outside and Blade trips Rey on his dive attempt. Alex climbs the top rope and Dutt grabs him. The same thing happens with Kip Sabian then Alex dives on Satnam Singh. Singh catches him and throws him. Rey superkicks Singh from the apron then corkscrew moonsaults outside onto a bunch of people.

Rey and Blade trade forearms then Rey fire thunder drivers him to win it.

It was a little under 10 minutes long. Not really long enough for all the people involved. It was okay though with a few dives.

The Hardys fight on the ramp after and Singh knocks them over with a lariat. The Righteous come out and Vincent stands over Jeff.

Britt Baker is interviewed. She is asked what's next after losing in her title chance. Britt says things haven't gone as planned. Britt said she should be 2x champ now. She said she will make history and be the first woman to hold the AEW Women's Title and the TBS title. She then said she has never held the TBS title, which is criminal. She said she will get her shot tomorrow though.

 We go to QTV. Harley says she is feeling Loco. Johnny TV then pops in. He says QT is being called "The Mexicutioner" in Mexico due to how many people he is beating. Solo asks if QT is coming back and Johnny says of course QT is coming back. Johnny does a handshake with Solo and there's a masked guy in the room who Johnny says is, "El Hijo de Harvey". Johnny says he brought him in so they could show some solidarity. He has Harvey do a pose, then he kicks him. Harley tries to stab him with scissors and Johnny/Solo have to stop her.

The Kingdom vs Matt Sydal and Christopher Daniels

Daniels and Mike lock up. Mike shoulders him over and stomps him. Daniels armdrags and hiptosses him, then trips him. Sydal slams Daniels onto Mike then standing corkscrew moonsaults him. Sydal hurricanrana's Taven then Daniels lariats Taven in the back of the neck. Taven spin kicks Mike out.

Taven enzugiri's Daniels while he's on the apron then Mike bounces off the ropes outside to forearm Daniels. We go to PiP break and return. Sydal runs into a forearm then is blue thunder bombed for 2. Mike is thrown out to the floor then Taven misses an asai moonsault. Taven takes a botched reverse 3D then Mike death valley drivers Sydal. Mike and Daniels trade chops then Taven splashes Daniels in the corner. Daniels takes a protonpack and Taven picks up the win.

It was short and okay for what it was, but there wasn't a lot to this.

Taven gets on the mic after. He says they have to rush back to the hospital for their poor friend Roderick Strong. Taven says he doesn't blame Samoa Joe for what happened, he blames Adam Cole. Taven said they want to take what is theirs - the ROH Tag Titles. Mike says it is neck health awareness month and said he will show you how you handle someone who doesn't believe in neck health. He says you punch them in the wiener and piledriver them, if they don't believe in it. Mike says they are coming home. Look, this angle was goofy to begin with but they really turned it into a joke with those lines.

Swerve, Nana and Brian Cage are interviewed about The Young Bucks. Nana said Renee is moving funny right now. Nana said they put their feet in his face and says, "how dare them?". Swerve says The Bucks have a different energy about them since they were on his podcast. He said Page ran to The Elite because he can't handle his issues on his own. Swerve challenged The Bucks and Page to a match with The Gates of Agony and Brian Cage.

The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn vs The Outrunners (Turbo Floyd and Truth Magnum) and Peter Avalon

Gunn gets a hammerlock on Turbo and is back elbowed. Turbo poses and boots him. Peter clips Billy then takes a euro. Bowens lariats Peter then Peter hits a nice dropkick on Bowens. Bowens superkicks him then leg lariats him over the back. The Outrunners are thrown out. Peter is slammed and legdropped in the crotch off the 2nd rope. Peter takes a fameasser then Max top rope elbow drops Peter to win it.

This was just a quick squash.

The Dark Order come out and say to put the scissors down. Silver says nobody wants to see them scissor. He says they are mean, liars and pathetic and says they are the good guys. Silver says they want the trios titles. Bowens asks why they should get a trios title shot. Uno asks if they ignored the last few years they have been there. Uno said they are tired of good things happening to bad people and says they are bad people. Uno says they do the same bad rap, shoutout and lackluster performances every week. Uno challenges one of them to a 1v1 match to prove they are worth the time. Billy says they should decide by doing rock, paper scissors. They all choose scissors of course. Reynolds says it will be scissors every time and calls them idiots. Bowens says he will fight and says they can choose anyone they want. He says he will spank their @ss purple. This was a terrible segment that did nothing to give the Order any credibility.

Aussie Open (Mark Davis and Kyle Fletcher) vs Lord Crewe and Damian Chambers

Mark runs over Crewe with a shoulder then Crewe and Chambers have their backs rammed together. Aussie Open lariats them at the same time then hits a coriolis on both opponents. Kyle then picks up the win.

This was another short squash.

TBS Title - Kris Statlander vs Jade Cargill

They lock up and Jade hits a knee to the gut. They do some bad running shoulders and lariat each other at the same time. Jade knees her in the gut. Jade crossbodies her and is slammed out of it. Kris kicks her in the gut and pushes Jade out. Kris is pulled onto the apron. Kris dives on her off the apron and is dropped onto the apron.

We go to PiP break and return. They fight over a suplex and Jade delay suplexes her. Kris hits a ki krusher. They both go down and kip up at the same time. They trade forearms. Kris goes up and over in the corner then hits a running knee. Kris blue thunders her for 2. Mark Sterling distracts Kris on the apron then Kris knocks him off. Jade pump kicks Kris and Kris rolls out of the jade end. Jade chokeslams her and Kris spinning lariats her. Kris hits a scissors kick then hits a single leg package tombstone and wins it.

I didn't get why they had Jade lose here at all. She just returned and it just makes little sense. They didn't even really build it up either to make it mean something. The match was okay but the result was not good.

Jade hugs her after and Mark Sterling doesn't look thrilled.

Overall thoughts: This wasn't a good one. It had almost 3 squashes, Jade losing in the main event for no reason and a short 8-man tag.

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