Sunday, September 17, 2023

AEW Collision 9/16/2023

AEW Collision 9/16/2023

Last weeks show is here:

Claudio and Bryan says this it the perfect night for a fight with the BCC. Bryan said Starks choked him out and says we will see how greedy he is when Bryan's fist is down his throat. Big Bill says his shoes are soaked with the blood of Mox and says more blood will be spilled. starks said they will prove why they are the face of Collision. Kris says Britt Baker may have the homefield advantage but she is the fighting champ and tonight belongs to her. Britt says they are the first Collision women's main event and will prove why TBS is "The Britt Show". John Silver says the Acclaimed are too busy scissoring each other and didn't read the contract as they are not facing Uno, but him. Uno sais Silver will win tonight. The Acclaimed say they have been trios champs for 20 days and Bowens said he will beat that @ss tonight.

The Blackpool Combat Club (Bryan Danielson and Claudio Castagnoli) vs Ricky Starks and Big Bill


They do a close-up of the wrestlers boots and you can see Starks wearing major lifts. Bill and Bryan go at it. Bryan hits some leg kicks then takes a nice punch. Bryan dropkicks him in the knee and kicks the leg. Bill pushes him over by the throat. CC and Bill test strength then trade shots.

CC hits some euros and Bill hits a double lariat. Starks hits mounted punches in the corner the bangs Bryan's head off the buckle. Bryan hits kicks and chops on Starks then top rope hurricanrana's him. Bryan hits punches in the corner then Starks forearms him down. Bill corner splashes Bryan. Bryan gets his boot up in the corner then is facekicked off the buckles. Starks pounds on Bryan outside.

We go to PiP break and return. Bryan flips over Starks in the corner and they lariat each other at the same time. CC and Bill get in and CC hits euros. CC lariats him then hits more euros. CC hits a lariat flurry in the corner then running lariats him. CC TKO's Bill for 2. CC goes for a springboard then takes a chokeslam.

Starks pounds on CC then is spinebustered. CC puts the big swing on him then CC does a sharpshooter. Bill boots him in the face and Bryan top rope dropkicks Bill. Bryan topes Bill then Starks ddt's CC. Starks gets out of a crossface and catapults him. Starks hits a spear for 2.

Bryan pulls Starks' neck down over the top then is crotched on the top rope. CC running euros Bill outside then Bill back body drops him into the seats. Bryan goes for a top rope backdrop but Starks rolls onto him during it. Starks lows blows him then hits a roshambo on Bryan and wins it.

It was okay and it got enough time. Not great or anything you would remember and certainly not their best work, but it was totally acceptable. 

We see clips of The Embassy and The Elite fighting then they cut to a Swerve and Cage promo where they cut out Swerve's mic, making it hard to hear half of it.

Adam Page and The Young Bucks do a promo. They said the Embassy should put their ROH trios titles on the line and says The Bucks say they will win their second set of trios titles.

Powerhouse Hobbs does a promo. He said we need to know when to move on. He says the next chatper in the Book of Hobbs is titled, "Destruction". He says nobody is safe and says there will be physical and mental pain, not armbars. He said it means ripping your arm off and beating you with it. He says no one is safe.

Miro does a promo. He said Hobbs should be thanking him and said his beating of him didn't make him humble. Miro says they need to meet up again. Miro says fools don't want to be redeemed and he will send them to Hobbs in pine boxes. As usual with Miro, this was hard to understand.

AEW Tag Titles - FTR (c) vs The Iron Savages

Jacked Jameson tells Dax he could use some savage sauce to lose his gut and then he takes a shatter machine for it. Cash takes a double back body drop then is splashed off the top. Cash is backbreakered then takes a sky high for 2. Bronson spears the post then Boulder body blocks Dax. Dax hits punches on Boulder then Boulder powerslams him. Boulder misses a 2nd rope moonsault.

Boulder is put on the top rope then Bronson takes a shatter machine. Boulder is powerplexed and FTR win it.

It was a lot shorter than it should have been. It was your typical AEW squash where the squashed person gets most of the offense in then the person squashing them wins it.

The Workhorsemen then come down to no pop. They challenge FTR. FTR lays the belts down and shakes their hands. Aussie Open are watching in the back as the crowd chants, "who are you?".

We cut to the back with Lexi and Keith Lee. They show the scene being set up and say, "Collision Take 22" in an unplanned moment. Shane Taylor and Lee Moriarty walk in. Shane says Keith Lee is living in the past and says Moriarty is the newest member of Shane Taylor Promotions. Shane said his crew doesn't run and neither does he. Keith says he knows about Shane's old mistakes that was hard to understand they kind of they say let's begin. This was a disaster with the production guys being on the screen and Keith talking like he was sedated. I don't know how this ever made air and if this was the best take on the 22nd try, I'd hate to see what the other 21 looked like. AEW has more production issues than any other promotion I've seen.

John Silver vs Anthony Bowen

Player Uno was supposed to be in this, but they changed it last minute. The contract said Dark Order I then Silver made it Dark Order IV, and that put him in this. It was stupid.

Max does his rap then Silver grabs the mic after. He says The Acclaimed are doing scissoring wrong and has the contract in his pants. Silver said the contract says Max and Billy are banned from ringside.

Silver hits some weak punches on Bowens in the corner. Bowens pounds on him then slams him. Bowens pulls him over and dropkicks him. Silver hits euros then Bowens is knocked down to the floor. We go to PiP break and return. Bowens hits punches and misses a kick. Bowens leg lariats him over the back.

They trade forearms and Bowens spinning forearms him. Bowens flips him with a lariat. Silver germans him then hits a fisherman's buster for 2. Bowens neckbreakers Silver over the knee then running knes him. Bowens spinning forearms him outside then Uno throws Bowens into the post. Silver running knees Bowens and wins it.

This wasn't good with a lot of cutesy indy offense that looked bad. The finish was lame too.

Eddie Kingston does a promo. He said he goes back to 2006 with Claudio. He said they lived together and CC judged him. Eddie said CC decided not to do business with him and didn't respect him. He said CC left potholes in the road that he had to clean up. He said he thought a singles match and Wembley could have fixed it but it didn't. Eddie said this is it and said he pushes people away and blames them. Eddie said he has hope though and says New York has always been with him, saying it's his home. He tells him to try and beat him in New York and said they are built in the cold and misery. He asks if CC can do that and asks if he's ready for the misery. He then says he will f**k him up in New York. Like I said last time, I'd love to know what doing business with someone means in kayfabe, where this is supposed to be real. It doesn't make any sense.

Hook and Orange Cassidy are interviewed and eating Doritos. OC said they should do a tag match or something and says, "Grand Slam?". Hook says, "let's do it". Renee then says, "Cool".

Aussie Open vs PB Smooth and Wes Barkley

Mark Davis has one of the worst haircuts in wrestling. Kyle headlocks Wes then kicks him so Mark can senton him. PB takes a running forearm then AO hit a double team sitout spinebuster and win it.

Mark Davis gets on the mic after and asks if FTR is paying attention. Kyle says they beat their opponents faster than FTR did. Kyle says FTR says they won titles everywhere they have been and Kyle said they have too. Kyle challenges FTR to a match at Wrestledream.

We get a Toni Storm video where she is interviewed by RJ City. She says the lighting is blinding her and says the fans don't know talent. She complains about the lamp being ugly too. I don't know what this was about.

Scorpio Sky said he has returned and been thrown into the deep water. He says he is here to face Andrade. He says he's not coming back, he's here.

Scorpio Sky vs Andrade el Idolo

AEI = Andrade el Idolo

AEI wants a handshake and Sky declines it. Sky backrolls into a headscissors then is dragon screwed. AEI is pushed off the buckles and we go to break. We return and AEI reverses a backdrop. Sky boots him and AEI asks for more. AEI hits dragon screws and a flying forearm.

Sky 2nd rope sunset flips him, AEI gets up and he does it again. Sky tope con hilos him then AEI hits a spinning elbow. SKy cradles him for 2. AEI dropkicks him in the knee then puts him in a figure four. AEI then taps him out.

It wasn't anything special with a couple of sloppy spots. 

Jay White comes out with Bullet Club. Jay says he thinks Andrade wants the switchblade spotlight. Jay says this is the switchblade era and Autin says they have two words for you if you don't like it - guns up. Jay then says they could do this right now and security goes to stop it.

Katsuyori Shibata is interviewed. He talks via phone translator, saying he's one of the best champs and is coming.

The Hardy Boyz vs The Righteous

 The problem with this is one of these teams has to lose and Righteous really don't need to lose. Hardy hits some forearms on Vincent then is running back elbowed. Vincent pounds on him then has his head banged off the buckles. Vincent takes a 2v1 and takes a chinbreaker into a neckbreaker.

Jeff dropkicks Vincent in the back of the neck then jumps off of Matt's back onto him. Dutch hits a balck hole slam on Matt. We go to break and return. Matt hits a side effect on Vincent then Jeff lariats and back elbows Vincent. Jeff atomic drops Dutch then legdrops him in the gut. Jeff hits a twist of fate on Vincent then Dutch is lariated over the top.

Matt side effects Vincent and Jeff is crotched on the top rope. Vincent uses Dutch to hit a cutter on Jeff and wins it.

It was your usual slower and unexciting Hardy's 2023 match. The Righteous won, but this didn't do much for them at all. And in typical AEW fashion, they got little in before winning.

Dutch gets on the mic after and says they are The Righteous, two believers who seek truth in liar's eyes. Vincent said they just beat one of the best tag teams in the world. He said he doesn't believe in the devil and says his truth will kill your ego that leads to fake friendships. He said this is like Cole and MJF's friendship, making it seem like they want to fight them. This wasn't a good promo. It should have been shorter and more direct about what they wanted to do here.

Claudio Castagnoli does a promo on Eddie Kingston. He said he knows Eddie and knows what he threw away. He said he knows him better than he knows himself. He said he beat him before and will do it again, and says this will be the last time. He says lets put an end to it and says he will burn his dreams and title aspirations to ashes.

RVD will be on the show next week.

FTR are interviewed. FTR said this challenge is all about teams stepping up and Dax said they will face Aussie Open if they win here. Dax says they will still be tag champs going into that.

We do another interview with production being seen, but this one was planned. Starks is asked what is going on. He said he doesn't have a match at Wrestledream and is over it. He said he beat Bryan tonight and wants to be his nightmare. He said they will fight in a texas death match next week. He said he will show up, show out and put an end to this fiasco that is Bryan Danielson.

TBS Title - Kris Statlander (c) vs Britt Baker

Kris shoulders her over then slams her. They trade forearms and Kris powerslams her. We go to PiP break and return. Kris misses a top rope moonsault then has her legs banged off the post. Britt slingblades her twice then takes a blue thunder bomb. Kris then hits a ki krusher for 2. Britt curb stomps her into the mat.

Britt goes for lockjaw and Kris blocks it. Britt goes for it again and they trade forearms. Kris high kicks her then is superkicked twice. Kris lariats her and both go down. Kris hits a running forearm then Britt rolls her up for 2. Kris high kicks her again then Britt hits a canadian destroyer. Britt does a double underhook drop and a curb stomp...which is of course only worth a 2 count in total. Britt gets on the 2nd rope and is caught, then does a cobra twist while on her back. Britt puts lockjaw in and Kris rolls her up while in it to win.

It wasn't good. It felt like this missed about 5 minutes or so. They just kind of headed for the bigger moves out of nowhere. We also had your standard canadian destroyer kickout here.

Overall thoughts: We had a lot of reverse squashes tonight where the person winning gets little in before getting the win. The opener was okay but the rest of the show wasn't. The Take 22 screw-up was really bad and the women failed to impress as expected. The Collision of old is completely gone and this show is now just Saturday Rampage.

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