Saturday, September 16, 2023

WWE NXT Level Up 9/15/2023

WWE NXT Level Up 9/15/2023

Oro Mensah and Noam Dar greet Byron Saxton as he does his usual intro.

Dani Palmer and Tatum Paxley vs Jakara Jackson and Lash Legend

JJ = Jakara Jackson

Dani and Lash start us off. Lash shoulders her over and then refuses to let her pass by. Dani gets on her back with a sleeper then JJ back elbows her in the corner. Dani rolls through and backflips out of a wristlock then hits an armdrag. Dani and Tatum standing moonsault together on JJ then Tatum works JJ's arm.

Tatum sunset flips her, JJ rolls out and slaps her. Tatum upkicks her then flips out of the buckles. Tatum goes to slingshot in but is nailed by Lash. JJ butt drops Lash as she hangs off the bottom rope. Tatum is double stomped in the corner.

JJ butt drops Tatum's back while she's on all fours. Tatum and JJ lariat each other and both go down. Dani springboard lariats Lash then headscissors her. Dani hits a nice handstand double kick then goes up and over with a reverse headscissors. Lash avoids Dani's top rope moonsault and running euros her.

Dani goes for the tag and Tatum pulls away then leaves, saying, "remember what you did to me?". Dani looks shocked. Lash pump kicks Dani then holds her up for a JJ cutter. JJ then picks up the pin.

It was one of the better things JJ and Lash were involved in but the finish really came out of nowhere. Tatum and Dani haven't exactly been pushed as a pair or a rivalry of any sort and Tatum turning on her was out of nowhere.  Dani looked like the future of the company as usual and is above Level Up.

Tyriek Igwe and Tyson Dupont are interviewed. They say they want to make big moves and build a big reputation. They say if they have to do it on the west coast pretenders, Nima and Price, then so be it.

Tyriek Igwe and Tyson Dupon vs Bronco Nima and Lucien Pric

Scrypts is with Nima and Price. Nima backs up Igwe then Igwe works his arm. Dupont 2nd rope double axe handles his arm then Nima is pulled into a double short arm shoulder. Nima hits a hard forearm on Igwe then Price takes strikes. Dupont hits a nice splash on Price then Price sidekicks him. Nima hits forearms on Price and argues with Dupont.

Nima drops Igwe with a forearm then Price hits a stiff corner lariat. Dupont gets in and shoulders over Nima hard twice. Dupont hits a dropkick then spinning forearms Nima. Nima gets his knees up on Dupont's splash. Nima and Price do a suplex into a spinebuster for the win.

This wasn't bad. It was short but Dupont and Igwe got some highlights in. Nima and Price's new finisher looked great. This was what you would want here with four hosses stiffing each other.

Global Heritage Invitational Group A - Tyler Bate vs Charlie Dempsey

Bate armdrags Dempsey then Dempsey spins out of an armlock, putting a wristlock on of his own. Dempsey grabs his arm from under then bridges on the mat to keep it on. Bate wristlocks him then flips him. Dempsey euros him and throws him over his shoulder. Dempsey then does a one-arm monkey flip.

Dempsey takes him down then bow and arrows him while grabbing the chin. Dempsey hammerlocks him then pins both his shoulders down. Bate backslides him then does la magistral for 2. Dempsey does a nice hipthrow while holding both hands. Bate tries to bridge and Dempsey sits on him.

Bate monkey flips him then is put in a bodyscissors. Bate deadlift slams him and they trade forearms. Dempsey over the sahoulder dragon screws him then headbutts him in the gut. Dempsey germans him then hits a euro. Bate airplane spins him and slams him down.

They trade euros and Dempsey double throat thrusts him. Bate's dropkick is blocked then he rolls up Dempsey for the win.

It was a good back and forth technical match as expected. The two work really well together and this one was definitely better suited for Level Up than the main show.

Overall thoughts: It was good little episode of Level Up. All 3 matches were at least decent with the main being a good technical match. Tatum turning on Dani was weird in the opener though and wasn't built up well.

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