Saturday, September 2, 2023

AEW Rampage 9/1/2023

AEW Rampage 9/1/2023

Last week's show is here:

ROH Tag Title Shot Battle Royale

No intros here for anyone. The Outrunners shockingly made this and get lariated over by Butcher. An Outrunner is thrown into Blade's knee then is eliminated. The Gates of Agony throw the other Outrunner out. Nemeth takes his shirt off and Aussie Open pulls out Kaun to throw him into the rails. Nemeth is thrown out by Chuck. Peter Avalon hits a corner punch on Trent then is pulled down from the buckles.

Matt Hardy hits a side effect on Avalon and Avalon is thrown out. Andretti and Darius Martin have their backs rammed into each other by Aussie Open outside. Chuck and Trent hug while the Hardy's do the "delete" taunt. Chuck is thrown out into the steps outside and then the rail. Mark Davis throws Kaun out to eliminate him. Blade kind of throws himself over the top rope with the help of Toa and he's out.

Toa is dropkicked off the apron by Kyle Fletcher. We go to PiP break and return. Andretti springboard kicks Butcher then Butcher is thrown out by Dutch. Jeff jumps off of Matt's back and lariats Vincent out of the ring. Matt is put on the apron by Dutch then Vincent pulls Matt off. Jeff is thrown out by Alex Reynolds.

Dutch ends up on the apron with Darius then Andretti handsprings him and Darius high kicks him. Dutch is eliminated. Andretti goes to springboard and is pushed out by Aussie Open. Chuck bangs Kyle's head off the buckle. Alex runs at Darius in the corner and is thrown to the floor then John Silver pushes Darius to the floor. Alex Reynolds seems possibly hurt outside. Chuck takes a superkick and a sandwich lariat from Aussie Open. Chuck is then thrown out.

Aussie Open, John Silver and Trent are left. Silver teases joining Aussie Open to eliminate Trent. Trent takes a superkick then Silver superkicks Trent. Trent throws Kyle's booth into Mark then pulls Kyle over the apron for the elimination. Mark gets Silver on the apron. Alex catches Silver so he doesn't get eliminate him. Trent suplexes Mark  then Mark is pulled out. Silver then nails Trent on the apron and eliminates him to win.

They had a whole bunch of guys on TV here without explaining who they were. The crowd didn't know who these people were and didn't care. They kept it short at least but it was a battle royale and these are rarely ever great. Silver and Reynolds winning was quite surprising.

Aussie Open go up to Chris Jericho at the booth. They push him and have a goofy looking brawl. Sammy Guevara then comes out with a bat and backs them off. 

Santana, who is now Mike Santana, does a promo video. He said his dad died 4 months after he debuted and said everything went downhill from there. He got injured at Blood and Guts and says he has a story to tell, so come take a walk on the journey with him.

Kip Sabian and Gringo Loco vs Nick Wayne and El Hijo del Vikingo

Vik = Vikingo

This is random. Vik does some reversals and is armdragged. Vik superkicks him in the gut and kind of botches a headscissors where he stands on his shoulders. Loco takes a double dropkick to the back. Nick headscossors Kip then is distracted by Penelope Ford on the apron. Kip pulls Vik off the apron then sitout moonsaults him outside.

We go to break and return. Loco does a double jump moonsault off the top but Nick gets his feet up. Vik springboard dropkicks Kip then armdrags Loco. Vik corkscrew kicks Kip then jumps off the post to the ropes into a dropkick on a rope hanging Loco. Vik hits a top rope poisonrana then Kip takes a 2nd rope cutter from Nick. Nick then tope con hilos him and Vik 630's Loco to win.

It was quick with a lot of dives.They did way too much here with a top rope poisonrana and a top rope spanish fly (during the break no less). As I said, this was completely random with none of these guys having any affiliation on TV with each other.

We go to QTV. Solo doesn't know where QTV is. Johnny TV says he is in charge while QT defends his AAA title. We see clips of QT beating an unknown person in a title match. Johnny says he's on  the set of QTV for the first time. Solo said Sammy got his big push when Jericho pushed him. Harley Cameron says Daniel Garcia stole his dance moves from Brittney Spears. Johnny says we need real sludge and mud and then he throws his drink at Solo, but Solo moves and Harley gets nailed. Okay. I have no idea what this was about.

Bryan Keith, The Bounty Hunter does a promo. He said he has been on his own rampage and says he's here for a whole lot of cowboy.

"Hangman" Adam Page vs "The Bounty Hunter" Bryan Keith

If you are wondering if you missed something, you didn't. Bryan has never been mentioned or featured on AEW TV before. I saw him once though during Wrestlemania Weekend 2022. He's probably 5'5 and a smaller guy. Not exactly what I think of when I think "bounty hunter".

The two go face to face. Bryan backs him up and chops him then Page boots him in the face. Page hits a chop and a lariat. They trade forearms and Bryan exploders him. Bryan hits lariats then Page fallaway slams him and kips up. Page goofs around on the apron and is kicked. Bryan enzugiri's him on the apron, runs the ropes and takes a buckshot lariat for the Adam Page win.

This was very odd. They treated Bryan like we knew him and like he was some big star when he has never been mentioned before. He tried to do make something of this and did okay, but he was screwed here from the start. We'll see if anything comes of this, but I wouldn't get your hopes up.

2.0 and Daniel Garcia are interviewed. They are somehow challenging for the AEW Trios Titles this week. Parker said they were with Jericho for the last year and a half and have nothing to show for it. Parker was upset that they didn't make the big show and said it's time they go back to doing what they do. Garcia says this is home and this is how they started and how will they finished. Garcia said maybe he's better off without the leather pants and is better off in tights. Menard said none of it matters and said they are going to the promise land on Collision. Garcia then dances at Renee. This was decent.

Roderick Strong is interviewed by Renee. Strong said Adam knows what he did and if you don't know what that is, he can't help you. Strong says he doesn't appreciate Renee questioning him like he's on trial and he said he will tell his story on his own time and in his own way. Strong tells Renee to ask Adam questions about him since she's so concerned.

Mark Henry said four of AEW's finest wrestle tonight and they play quick clips from the girls in the match. Mark then says it's time for the main event.

Willow Nightingale and Skye Blue vs Anna Jay and Taya Valkyrie

Willow double chops Taya, who now has yellow mustard hair. Taya hits a forearm to the chest then is suplexed. Taya takes a sandwich kick. Jay kicks Willow when she goes into the ropes then Taya hits a backstabber on Willow. We go to break and return. Willow hits forearms then Taya back kicks her. Willow hits a step up enzugiri.

Skye gets in and hits a forearm flurry. Skye dropkicks Anna then step up knees her in the corner. Skye sweeping leg kicks her then top rope crossbodies her for 2. Skye knees her then Willow spinebusters Taya. Jay flatliners Willow, Skye superkicks her then Taya spears Skye. Willow pounces Taya then Skye is pushed off the top. Jay superkicks Willow then accidentally superkicks Taya. Skye superkicks Jay then hits a code red to win it.

This was short and was absolutely nuked by the commercial break. There was nothing to this.

Taya nails Skye from behind after and Willow comes to her defense.

Overall thoughts: It was a weak show with random matches and random people. The battle royale was watchable though nothing special and the rest isn't worth seeing.

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