Friday, September 1, 2023

WWE NXT Level Up 9/1/2023

WWE NXT Level Up 9/1/2023

Last week's show is here: 

Javier Bernal vs Riley Osborne

Riley Osborne is my boy Josh Morrell from NXT UK. He was a good talent in-ring wise and I'm glad he's back in the picture. Riley wristlocks him and JB tries to roll out of it so Riley rolls with him. Riley tries to roll out of the wristlock and grabs his face. Riley headflips then does a flip off the buckles out of the armdrag.

Riley goes up and over in the corner then he is hiptossed. JB sliding lariats him then kicks him in the chest. JB slams him and hits a running legdrop. JB double underhook suplexes him then boots him in the corner. Riley slingshot shoulders him then standing corkscrew moonsaults him.

Riley counters a hiptoss with an armdrag then dropkicks him out. Riley then fosbury flops him on the floor. Riley then hits a top rope SSP and gets the win.

Riley did good in his NXT USA debut, hitting his flying moves clean. It wasn't the greatest display of his talents and his new look is a downgrade, but I think he will be okay.

Stevie Turner is interviewed after being gone for a while. Stevie said she doesn't need to be here every week to make her presence felt. She said she's been watching from her digital domain and said Feroz will be the first guest on her livestream back. She said she is two levels above her and two steps ahead.

Valentina Feroz vs Stevie Turner

Feroz is put down then gets back up. Feroz side headlocks her then Feroz tries to flip out of a wristlock using the ropes but it doesn't work. Feroz gets out and takes her down. Feroz then puts her feet under her arms and rolls her into a pin attempt. Feroz gets on the 2nd buckle and is pulled down into the top buckle. Stevie facewash kicks her on the ropes.

Feroz sunset flips her then Steview short arm clotheslines her. Feroz neckbreakers her, armdrags her and dropkicks her. Feroz hits shoulder throws then meteoras her in the corner. Feroz did a nice water wheel drop then meteoras her for 2. Stevie double knees her into the back and picks up the win.

They kept it moving and Feroz had a decent showing. This wasn't Stevie's best work though and it wasn't anything of note.

Global Heritage Invitational Group B - Duke Hudson vs Akira Tozawa

I have no idea what to expect out of this, but I'm interested to see it. Akria waistlocks him and is swung off. Duke headlocks him then headlock takeovers him. Duke shoulders him over and pats his head. Akira cradles him and Duke blocks his sunset flip attempt by spinning him around on his back. Akira 2nd rope hurricanrana's him and dropkicks him out.

Akira goes to topee and takes a forearm. Duke then slingshot release germans him on his head for 2. Duke slams him then chinlocks him. Duke knees him in the gut then pops him up but takes a hurricanrana. Akira shining wizards him then top rope dropkicks him for 2. Akira tries to put Duke on his shoulders but can't.

Akira kicks him in the leg and hits a kick to the chest. Akira hits more kicks and Duke starts hulking up. Duke clubs his back then hits a back elbow and side slam. Duke hits punches and Akria stops the next one to punch him. Duke flips him with a facekick then Akira rolls him up for 2. Akira spin kicks him in the gut, goes under his legs backwards and corkscrew kicks him. Akira top rope sentons him and Duke gets his knees up. Duke then hits a razor's edge and picks up the win.

This was fun and worked out just fine with Duke overpowering Akira. They had a weird situation here with neither guy really being a heel and Duke being a face hoss.

Overall thoughts: The main was fine and Bernal/Osborne was also okay. Not must see but not a bad way to spend 30 minutes.

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