Thursday, September 28, 2023

AEW Dynamite 9/25/2023

AEW Dynamite 9/25/2023

Last week's show is here: 

I'm still not quite 100% and am just doing the best I can.

AEW International Title - Rey Fenix (c) vs Jeff Jarrett

JJ - Jeff Jarrett

Rey dives on the heels as they enter in a totally babyface move (not). They trade shots outside then Rey hurricanrana's Lethal for osme reason. Karen Jarrett scratches Rey's back right in front of the ref, who doesn't care, then Rey superkicks Dutt for some reason.

Rey springboard moonsaults JJ and they say the bell has now officially rung. JJ seated sentons him over the ropes then Rey springboard spin kicks him but seems to miss. Rey goes up top and Singh tries to leg swipe him. JJ then ddt's Rey.

We go to PiP break and return. Rey is hobbling around on one foot then him and JJ blow a spot, with Rey just tripping over him. Karen Jarrett tries to run over to Rey and Aubrey pushes her down. Rey springboard armdrags him into a double stomp. Rey walks the top rope and kicks Lethal then JJ low blows Rey.

JJ hits a stroke on Rey for 2. Singh gets on the apron and Rey dropkicks him in the leg. JJ goes for the fiure four and is cradled. Rey Fenix wins.

This was a circus from the start with endless shenanigans and nonsense on so many levels. People got beat up before the bell by faces. The match didn't start until people stopped getting beaten up. Rey may have hurt himself. People interfered openly and they botched stuff. 

We go to Long Island with Adam Cole and MJF at the docks. MJF wants to get him on a boat. They goof around and go fishing. MJF asks why Cole couldn't come out with him for his match. MJF grabs his Dynamite Diamond Ring and Cole asks if he brought him out here to hit him and throw him overboard. Cole says having a healthy friendship is having more than one friend. MJF said he almost got caught the last time he throw someone overboard.

They say they got a fish and its Paul Wight on a floatie. The three then drink together and Paul says they are alright.

Don Callis and Konosuke Takeshita are in Japan, hunting Kota Ibushi.  We will see video of it next.

We then see Don and Takeshita live being interviewed by Rene. Don brings out Sammy, who he says is the new member of their family. Don then says we will see the video from Tokyo. Don and Takeshita are at Ibushi's dojo to "kick his @ss". They beat up Yumehito Imanari then Kota Ibushi comes in. Don hits Kota with an umbrella and he no sells it. Takeshita then hits Kota with a kettle bell. Don and Takeshita choke out Ibushi and they tell Ibushi he's not safe anywhere.

We go back to the ring. Don said his family is going to WrestleDream. Sammy Guevara says he's the hero and Jericho is the villain. He said Jericho held him back and he was great on his own. He said Jericho clipped his wings instead of passing the torch to him. Sammy said he took the torch and will be the champ and star he was supposed to be. Don says he will take everything from Omega, Jericho and Ibushi until there is nothing left but the tears.

It was a little silly, but I think it worked. Don's a good heel. I really do think this whole angle would be a lot better with some interviews and words from Ibushi so people outside of the puroresu bubble would care.

Ricky Starks said he didn't lose, he survived against Bryan Danielson. Wheeler Yuta comes in. He said Ricky did survive and said he was wrong for putting his hands on him. Ricky said the next time he puts his hands on him, he won't walk out of the ring on his own accord. Yuta said he's an entitled prick and all he does is whine. Yuta said he couldn't get up after what Bryan dished out, but Yuta said he does everyday when Bryan beats him up. Yuta then challenges Ricky to a match at WrestleDream. Yuta wasn't the right person for this one and Starks' looked like he took a strap shot or two to the face.

AEW International Title #1 Contendership - Claudio Castagnoli vs. Nick Jackson vs. Brian Cage 

CC = Claudio Castagnoli

How Nick earned this spot is unknown since he never does singles (they mention he has only had 4 singles matches in AEW later). Cage knees Nick then gorilla presses him to the floor. CC suplexes Cage and Cage no sells it, then suplexes him. CC then no sells it. They trade euros for lariats. Nick does the walk up the buckles armdrag + headsicssors springboard combo. Nick then tope con hilos both outside. Nick does a springboard double stomp into a backcracker and we go to break.

We return and CC hits karelin's lift on Cage. Cage germans him then Nick bulldogs Cage. Nick slingshot facebusters Cage then tornado ddt's on CC outside. Nick 450's Cage then CC giant swings Cage. Nick comes off the top and is caught with a Cage F-5. Cage 2nd rope deadlift suplexes CC. Nick superkicks CC then is popped up into a euro. CC lariats Cage for 2.

CC drops elbows on Cage then CC powerbombs him. Nick springboard hurricanrana's CC and then pins Cage off of it.

This was all spot-fu with one person getting a spot in then someone else getting one in. Nick looked ridiculous throwing the bigger guys around easy. The announcers were stupid to point out how he only has had 4 singles matches yet just beat CC who was the ROH champ until recently.

We get a video from The Righteous. They talk about Cole and MJF. They said karma has no deadline and they will pay for being materialists. Vincent says it's easier to forgive your enemies than it is to forgive fake friends.

Cole and MJF come out. Cole's leg is in a boot and he's on crutches. Cole said his ankle exploded and is broken in 3 different places. He says he needs surgery and says they need to relinquish the ROH tag titles. MJF stops him and says he will defend the ROH tag titles in a handicap match against The Righteous at WrestleDream.

Roderick Strong and The Kingdom come out. Strong says it's an emergency and he needs Cole. MJF calls Strong a simp. He said Strong is Cole's boy and said he needs to go do what he has to do. MJF said he will be waiting for him. Cole then goes up the ramp and leaves with Kingdom. The announcers stupidly ask if there's a hospital in every city that Strong goes to since he's in a hospital gown, exposing that this is a fraud more.

The Bullet Club's music hits. Jay White comes out and tells MJF to shut up. Jay talks down to him and MJF tells him that mic work won't work with him. He makes fun of his goatee and said people said, "MJF is good, but he's no Jay White". MJF says Jay isn't on his level and says he's a generational talent.

MJF says Jay isn't filet mignon, he's tofu. He says tofu takes on the flavor of anything it's put with, but you have to trick yourself into thinking it has taste on its own. He says Jay is all hype and is the vision of what someone in Japan thought was a top guy. He said Jay should leave and said people will say White's good, but he's no MJF. Jay says something is off with MJF these days and said it's his friendship with Cole. He said he doesn't think the fans love him like they do Cole. Jay blames Cole's broken ankle on MJF and said he's here to ruin his life in the flesh.

Jay says he will take the AEW Title from him. He says he will be an elite champ and said he will just have his scumbag fans after he takes the title from him. He says MJF went soft. MJF says he doesn't know what he's capable of and says he will show him. Jay White then slides out.

I thought this went a little long and I didn't think they had the best material.

Jim Ross interviews Darby Allin and Christian Cage together. Cage says he's the TNT champ and proved he's superior to him. JR said Cage lost to him twice and asked why he thinks he can beat him in 2/3 falls. Cage says those were fluke pinfalls. Cage says Darby isn't the man or wrestler he is and says he relies on his skateboard, weapons and uses his body fro tricks. He said Darby will be exposed.

Cage talks about Darby's dead uncle and Darby isn't bohtered by it. Cage tells Darby to bring Nick Wayne to WrestleDream and Darby implies it's a set-up so he won't. Darby asks for Luchasaurus to not come to ringside. Cage says Nick needs a champion as mentor, not Darby. Cage says he needs someone who doesn't paint his face. Darby then pours water on his face and washes the paint off.

Cage says he will always be the TNT champ and tells Darby to get used to it.

Orange Cassidy vs. Matt Jackson vs. Penta El Zero Miedo vs. Austin Gunn

Gunn throws OC into the rails early. Matt armdrags Penta then ddt's him. Gunn rolls up Matt then is thrown out. OC armdrags Matt and then poses. Gunn and Penta slow things down and chop each other. Penta superkicks Matt then OC.

We go to break and return. Matt dives off the top onto Penta then OC coffin drops onto Matt and Penta outside. Gunn hits a hiptoss neckbreaker on OC. Penta canadian destroyers OC then Matt canadian destroyers Penta. OC canadian destroyers Matt then all 4 go down. Matt hits a sliced bread, using OC then does his stupid locomotion northern lights suplexes, then does a double northern lights off of it.

Penta step up enzugiri's Matt then slingblades Gunn. Oc hits an orange punch on Penta then beach breaks Matt. Gunn hits a fameasser on OC for 2. Gunn takes a triple superkick. Matt and Penta trade superkicks. OC superman punches Matt and wins it.

This was awful as expected. It had some comedy and they didn't sell much. They hit their spot, then switched out to someone else so they could hit their spots.

Julia Hart vs Willow Nightingale

Willow's wearing a bandage over her eye due to the mist attack. Willow hits corner lariats and forearms. Willow suplexes her then hits some slaps. Hart slides under the ring and Willow stares down Brody. Hart then clips her and lariats her in the back of the head.

We go to break and return. Willow death valley drivers her. Willow boots her in the chest then spinebusters her for 2. Hart puts a grounded cobra twist on her and Willow ropebreaks. Hart forward cartwheels and is pounced.

Willow misses a cannonball and Hart top rope moonsaults her to win.

This was not bad at all for their usual efforts and was far better than I expected.

Hart puts another grounded cobra twist on after then Kris Statlander comes out. Hart then evades her and goes up the ramp.

The video goes out due to AEW's technical issues.

Adam Page vs Swerve Strickland Contract Signing

They had more technical issues.

Swerve stops Nana from dancing. Swerve says he doesn't think Page understands what he's walking into. He asks what's a cowboy to an outlaw and says what's a buckshot to a killshot. Page said he felt there was a black cloud he couldn't get rid of for a while. He said he weathered the storm though and is still here. Swerve says that was pathetic. Swerve said he makes enemies out of people every day of his life and wants to take Page's position from him. Swerve says it rains a lot in Seattle. Page said we czan talk about whether he earned or was given opportunities, but he said he knocked his opportunities out of the park. Page says Swerve doesn't have what it takes to fill his boots. Swerve slaps him and Page stabs his hand with a pen as he signs the contract. I didn't think this segment really hit and it just didn't come across as a main event level segment.

We then see Jay White being beaten up by masked people to close the show.

Overall thoughts: It was a show filled with technical issues all throughout. The 2nd half of the show was pretty weak. I didn't think putting the women in the last match was a good move and I didn't think Page/Swerve did that great of a job. The card was weak and it was not a good show. I don't think WrestleDream is going to do well and it certainly does look like the type of show people were expecting.

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