Thursday, September 28, 2023

STARDOM 9/18/2023 5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Day 18

STARDOM 9/18/2023 5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Day 18


Oedo Tai (Ruaka & Starlight Kid) vs. Club Venus (Mariah May & Waka Tsukiyama)


May and Kid start us off. May cartwheels through a wristlock but Kid puts it back on. May uses the ropes to flip out of one then picks her up and drops her. May and Waka then sandwich basement dropkick Kid. Waka does hip attacks on Kid for 2.

Ruaka shoulders Waka over and Kid footchokes Waka. Kid kicks the bottom rope while Waka's chin is on it then Waka hits chest forearms. Waka rolls and trips both opponents during it then basement dropkicks both in the back. Kid slams Waka then Waka has both opponents feet put on her head on the ropes. Waka dropkicks Ruaka at 5 minutes.

May shotgun dropkicks Ruaka and hits machine gun chops on her. May 2nd rope double dropkicks her opponents for 2 then Ruaka crossbodies her for 2. Ruaka corner splashes May then Kid top rope crossbodies May.

Ruaka fisherman's suplexes May for 2. May does her rope handstand hurricanrana on Ruaka then she sling blades her. Waka seated flatliners Ruaka off the ropes. Ruaka rolls up May for 2 then she shoulders her over. May facekicks Ruaka then rolls her into a bridge and a pin to win.

It was an acceptable opener. May hit her usual spots and Waka got a few spots in. Nothing memorable here.

STARS (Hanan & Koguma) vs. God's Eye (MIRAI & Saki Kashima)


Kog = Koguma

Saki tries to tag out to start but Mirai is pulled off the apron by Kog. Saki is double tripped then splashed on by both opponents. Saki takes a sandwich basement dropkick then Kog does some splashes on her for 2. Saki grabs onto Kog's leg and won't let go. Kog then tags in Hanan while Saki holds on.

Hanan reverse bronco busters Saki on the ropes then Saki uses the buckles to bulldog her. Mirai runs the ropes fast and shoulders Hanan over. Mirai then jumping flatliners her for 2. Mirai and Hanan trade chest forearms then Hanan hip trhows her.

Kog stands on Mirai's back then Mirai hits her suplex on her.  Saki chest kicks Kog then flying hurricanrana's her. Kog corner splashes Saki then cutters her for 2. Mirai throws Kog down from the top then pops up Saki for a bulldog on Kog. Saki top rope duble stomps Kog for 2.

Kog ddt's Saki then holds her for a Hanan bulldog. Kog top rope dropkicks Saki for 2 then Saki rolls her up for 2. Kog and Hanan are rammed into each other then Kog rolls on Saki and pins her.

It was one or two steps above a comedy match with Saki's lazy character. It was short and they kept the action moving, but it wasn't that good.

Maika & Megan Bayne vs. HANAKO & Saya Iida

Meg = Megan Bayne

Meg backs up Hana in the corner to start. Meg slams her down then shoulders her over. Hana hits a chest forearm flurry then running facekicks her. Meg slams Hana then Maika headbutt flurries Hana's back.

Meg splashes Hana then Maika and Meg double elbow drop Hana. Meg throws out Saya hard. Hana hits chest forearms on Meg then Meg knoks her down with just one. Meg misses a splash on Saya then Meg takes a double team attack.

Saya and Maika trade forearms then Saya machine gun chops her. Saya double jumping chops her. Hana throws Saya into an elbow on Maika. Maika powerslams Saya then suplexes her. Maika and Saya shoulder each other and Saya lariats her. Saya sliding lariats Maika for 2.

Meg double lariats her opponents then Saya takes a doomsday device. Maika michinoku drivers Saya and wins it.

This wasn't a bad tag at all with all four girls kind of doing power based offense.

Tam Nakano & Yuna Mizumori vs. Mei Seira & Suzu Suzuki


Mei and Tam start us off. Mei stomps her foot and kicks her in the back...then hurts her own foot off of it. Tam kicks her in the back. Tam spin kicks her in the gut then running headhunters her while she is kneeling. Yuna and Tam crossbody a seated Mei for 2. Yuna is tripped into a sequence that ends in a basement dropkick.

Tam top rope crossbodies Mei then Tam hits a combo ddt + reverse ddt. Mei dropkicks Tam then Suzu drive by dropkicks Tam on the apron. Tam throws Suzu down from the top then is bulldogged by her. Tam backdrops Suzu then Yuna flying shoulders Suzu. Yuna takes corner attacks then Yuna sliding lariats Suzu for 2.

Yuna hits forearms on Suzu. Suzu forearms Yuna then Yuna cradle shocks her. Yuna misses a top rope splash then Suzu flying double knees her in the back of the head. Suzu half-nelson slams her then Yuna is held up for a codebreaker. Suzu superkicks Yuna then Yuna lariats her. Suzu release germans Yuna then Suzu hits a tequila shot on her to win it.

It was fast paced and Suzu's section was good as usual. It was too short to be great or anything though and not everyone got enough time here. 

Queen's Quest (AZM & Utami Hayashishita) vs. STARS (Hazuki & Mayu Iwatani)

Haz = Hazuki

Utami headlocks Mayu then shoulders her over. Mayu armdrags her then Utami is rolled into a double stomp. Utami slams Mayu thne Myu takes a double basement dropkick. AZM double stomps Mayu for 2. AZM corner dropkicks Mayu then Mayu takes double footchokes in the corner.

AZM baseball slides Mayu in the back of the head for 2 then camel clutches her. AZM basement dropkicks Mayu while she is in it. Mayu is stomped 2v1 then kicked in the back. AZM crucifixes Mayu for 2 then basement dropkicks her. Utami forearm flurries Mayu in the corner then Mayu basement dropkicks her.

Haz gets in and 2nd rope dropkicks Utami for 2. Haz puts 2 opponents in a crossface at once. Haz facewash kicks Utami on the ropes and Utami uranges her. AZM baseball slides Haz then headscissors her from the mat. AZM 2nd rope dropkicks Haz for 2 then suplexes her.

Haz codebreakers her. Mayu gets in and trades pin attempts with AZM. AZM hits a la mistica drop on her. Utami gets in and dropkicks Mayu. Mayu headscissors her then basement dropkicks her. Mayu spin kicks her in the gut then is nailed by AZM on the apron. Mayu walks up the ropes with both opponents arms and armdrags both. Haz and Mayu then do stereo dropkicks against the ropes.

Haz and Mayu do stereo topes. Utami lifts up Haz then is bulldogged down. Mayu top rope splashes Utami for 2. Utami is high kicked and takes a samoan drop then AZM top rope double stomps her. Utami hits a schwein on her then Utami hurricanrana's her out of a spinning razor's edge. Haz suplexes Utami then Mayu top rope moonsaults Utami. The time limit then expires.

It was a fast paced affair and the girls got their usual moves in. It didn't really need to go to a draw. It was fine but not great.

5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Red Stars - Natsupoi vs Ami Sourei

They rush at each other and evade. Ami blocks an armdrag then Poi cartwheels on the top rope to avoid her. Poi is shouldered over then Ami hits machine gun chops. Ami puts her between the ropes in the corner and splashes her. Ami half-crabs her. Poi hits a bulldog out of the wheelbarrow then top rope crossbodies her for 2.

Ami deadlift suplexes her then spinning samoa drops her. Ami puts her in a high crab and they trade chest forearms. Poi hits chest forearms then christo's her. Poi dropkicks her through the ropes then spinning neckbreakers her for 2.

Poi misses a 180 splash off the top then takes a sliding lariat. Ami racks her then Poi flips out and armbars her. Ami deadlift powerbombs her out of the triangle then Poi release germans her. Poi gets a move blocked then takes a blue thunder for 2.

Poi ranhei's her for 2 then Ami hits her rolling lariat. Ami then hits a twisting brainbuster for 2. Ami hits a Fenix driver and wins it.

It got good towards the end but Poi had trouble getting some of her offense in on Ami clean and that brought it down.

5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Blue Stars - Momo Watanabe vs Mina Shirakawa

Mina does her entrance dance and is nailed from behind by Momo with a bat. Momo throws her into the chairs outside then throws her into the post. Mina got busted open and Momo works the cut. Mina hits kicks then Momo kicks her back. Momo running dropkicks Mina. Mina dropkicks her in the knee and then works on it.

Mina throws her down on both knees then dropkicks her knee again. Momo PK's Mina for 2. Momo hangs Mina over the top then high kicks her. They go outside and Mina suplexes her on the floor. Mina bridging twisting neckbreakers Momo for 2.

Mina spinning forearms her in the back of the neck then does a bridged ddt for 2. Mina dragon screws her and goes for the figure four but Starlight Kid stops it from the outside. Momo and the ref fight for a bat then Mina running enzugiri's Momo while she fights with the ref. Momo enzugiri's Mina.

Momo meteoras her in the beck of the neck then does a normal meteora. Momo 2nd rope meteora's her for 2. They fight up top and Mina hits a top rope ddt for 2. Mina axe kicks her in the back then takes a half and half suplex. Mina spinning forearms her and uraken's her. Mina electric chairs her and twisting flapjacks her down. Mina then goes back to the figure four.

Momo uses the ref to break it up, throwing him at her. Momo hits her with the bat and cradle tombstones her for 2. Momo hits another half and half suplex for 2 then Mina rolls her up for 2. Momo wrist-clutch half-nelson suplexes her then gets hit with the box from Ruaka. Mina then rolls up Momo and wins it.

I wasn't a fan of this. They did too much. Min'a leg work was unfocused as usual and they were throwing the ref around yet didn't get DQ'd.

Mina talks about being in bad shape and getting busted up after, but says that's part of being a wrestler. She said she will beat Maika and Saori Anou in her last two matches  

Overall thoughts: The time limit draw was maybe the best thing on this show, but it was just not that good of a show overall.

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