Thursday, September 28, 2023

STARDOM 9/20/2023 5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Day 19

STARDOM 9/20/2023 5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Day 19

Saki Kashima vs. Yuna Mizumori vs. MIRAI vs. Ami Sourei


 Yuna refuses Saki's handshake at first then is whipped into a double shoulder. Yuna takes chops from 2 opponents then Saki rolls up two people. Ami hits a corner splash then Saki rolls up Mirai. Ami and Mirai trade chest forearms and Yuna crossbodies two opponents at once. Saki flying headscissors Ami.

Saki grabs Yuna and Ami bowls both of them over with a lariat. Yuna pushes Mirai into Ami then then Mirai force Ami to ddt Yuna. Mirai deadlift backdrops Saki. Yuna forearms Mirai and rolls her up for 2. Mirai hits a nice lariat on Yuna and wins it at 4:56.

It was short but they had some fun with it, doing a few three person spots before calling it a day.  

STARS (Hanan, Mayu Iwatani & Saya Iida) vs. Club Venus (Mina Shirakawa & Waka Tsukiyama) & HANAKO

 Mina's team does her dance with her. If you think Waka can't dance, wait til you see Hanako try.

Waka tries to do a muscle pose against Saya. Saya side headlocks her then Saya shoulders her over. Saya takes a triple kick then Waka hits hip attacks on her. Saya hits a nice dropkick then Hanan gets in. Hanan and Saya hit stereo jumping sledgehammer shots then Waka is sandwiched with flying euros.

Waka crossbodies Hanan then Mina slap flurries Mayu. Mina hits a basement dropkick then russian legsweeps her off the headscissors. Hanako shoulders over Mayu then corner splashes her for 2. Mayu does a double walk up the ropes armdrag then we get triple stereo dropkicks on the ropes.

Hanako is held up for a double bulldog then Mayu top rope frogsplashes her. Mayu takes a high kick and a facekick then Hanako suplexes Mayu for 2. Mayu rolls up Hanako for 2 then superkicks her. Mayu germans Hanako then top rope moonsaults her and wins it. Mayu double kicks Hanako hard in the ribs of the landing.

It was a fast paced tag. The girls worked well together and I had no issues with this.

Megan Bayne, Mei Seira & Suzu Suzuki vs. Oedo Tai (Momo Watanabe, Natsuko Tora & Ruaka)

Mei stomps Momo's foot to start then slaps her. Mei is grabbed on the ropes by OT then Momo running chest kicks her.  Momo slams her. Mei takes a doubler shoulder then sentons by Ruaka and Tora. Mei trips and dropkicks Tora.

Suzu gets in then hits flying knees to the back on Tora. Suzu dropkicks Tora into Momo then hits a double ddt off a double suplex attempt. Suzu bridges out of a lariat and is shouldered over. Ruaka splashes Suzu against the ropes then Tora sentons her against the ropes. Tora hits a cradle shock.

Suzu superkicks Tora then Tora hits a nice lariat. Ruaka tries shoulders on Meg and gets nowhere. She then pokes her in the stomach. Meg shoulders her over at 5 minutes then slams her. Meg misses a corner splash then Ruaka takes a triple kick from her opponents.

Meg flying clotheslines Ruaka for 2. Tora tries to fisherman suplex Meg but can't then Tora comes in to help. Both get suplexed and take nasty neck bumps. Meg throws Mei over the top onto opponents then Meg hits a double chokeslam bomb on Ruaka to win it.

It was fine minus Meg nearly killing tow girls with the suplex. The heels were heels and Meg kind of cleaned things up to win it. I would have liked to have seen Ruaka's size be a little more respected.

5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Blue Stars - Maika vs Mariah May

 May slaps her then is popped up and hurricanrana's her off of it. May basement dropkicks her in the back of the neck then hits machine gun chops. May handstand hurricanrana's her off the ropes for 2. May dropkicks her in the back while she's between the ropes. Maika blocks a sunset bomb and hits a lariat off the apron.

Maika corner lariats then shoulders over May. Maika suplexes May then chinlocks her. May high kicks her from the apron then top rope dropkicks her for 2. May tornado ddt's her for 2 then facekicks her. Maika lariats May at 5 minutes then may slingblades her. They forearm each other at the same time and go down.

They trade forearms and Maika powerslams her for 2. May rolls her into a pin attempt for 2 then backdrops her. Maika straight punches her then hits a spinning lariat. Maika powerbombs her for 2 then hits a michinoku driver for the win.

It was brief and they matched up well. May had a good day here. They didn't do that much or anything and it was kind of a midcard match.

5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Blue Stars - AZM vs Giulia

AZM wants a handshake and Giulia says no. She agrees and pulls her into her. AZM canadian destroyers her then AZM hits a la mistica drop on her. Giulia backdrops her then hits a glorious driver. AZM then rolls her up and wins it.

We got about 30 seconds of this and it was a waste of both girls. It's sad to think someone paid their money for this and got 30 seconds of it for no reason.

Ami Sourei comes in the ring after and says it's sad the Strong champion Giulia lost in a minute. She asks if she's too relaxed and challenges her for the Strong belt. Giulia says no and asks how many wins and losses she has in the GP. Ami says she's 3-5. Ami said Momo Kohgo got a shot and she's not even in the GP, so she should too. Giulia doesn't give in. Ami said she lost two belts and has nothing. She said she must change, Giulia eventually agrees. Why AZM didn't come out and ask she since just beat her is odd.

5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Red Stars - Syuri vs Tam Nakano

Syuri snapmares her and Tam holds on to snapmare her. They evade high kicks and stare down. They then grab each other by the hair. Tam cartwheels over her, bridges out of a pin then takes a flapjack. Syuri underhook suplexes her for 2.

Syuri misses a charge on the ropes and is pumping knee'd out of the ring. Tam hangs her over the top rope and dragon sleepers her then dives on her off the top. Syuri tornado ddt's her on the floor. They sit down in the ring across from each other and boot each other in the face.

They get up and trade forearms. Syuri chest kicks her then takes a spinning forearm. Tam backdrops her then Syuri 2nd rope single underhook suplexes her. Syuri armbars her and Tam ropebreaks. Syuri knees her through the ropes then comes off the top and legdrops her neck. Syuri then bridging ddt's her for 2. Tam does a triangle variation then Syuri germans her.

Tam legsweeps her, running knees her then takes a high kick. Syuri flying knees Tam for 2 then Tam tiger suplexes her for 2. Tam hits more flying knees then hits high kicks. Tam kicks her in the face then does a stiff falcon arrow for the win.

It was a good battle. They were stiff, they didn't take it easy and they tried to give a big match with about 13 minutes to work with. This was pretty much what you would want out of these two and I liked it.

Tam said she beat Syuri for the first time after. She said she will beat Natsupoi and make the finals of the GP.

Overall thoughts: The semi-main being only 30 seconds long sucked, but the rest of the card was good. This was a good show overall with 4 of the 6 matches being decent.

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