Sunday, September 17, 2023

Ice Ribbon 9/17/2023

Ice Ribbon 9/17/2023

I bought this one. Ice doesn't get uploaded much these days and I did not think my chances of seeing this were good otherwise.

Saran vs Arisa Shinose

Saran does her usual dance. Her music is awful. Mio shirai is the ref. Saran rolls her up off the handshake then low dropkicks her. She bangs her head off the buckles then scratches Arisa's gut. Saran slaps her gut then hits more low dropkicks for 2. Sarana puts her foot on her neck on the ropes then pulls on her nostrils. Saran then dropkicks her on the ropes.

Arisa puts her in a camel clutch and pulls on her nostrils. Saran steps on her feet then cradles her for 2. They botch a spot then Saran has trouble getting on her back for a sleeper. They trade chest forearms then Arisa shoulders her over. Arisa dropkicks her while she's on her knees then corner splashes her.

Arisa shoulders her over many times as we hit 5 minutes. Saran double stomps her gut and they each try pin attempts. Saran pulls her arms between her legs into a pin attempt and wins it.

It was short. They kept it moving and it was okay for an opener.

Arisa grabs her by the hair after and they trade forearms before it is broken up. 

Yuuki Minami vs Tsukina Umino

This is Yuuki's singles debut and her second wrestling match.  Yuuki asks for a handshake and gets one. Yuuki challenges her to a test of strength. Umino can't reach and just pokes her in the eye. Yuuki wristlocks her and then Yuuki rolls and twists to get out of a wristlock. Umino hammerlocks her and headlocks her.

Yuuki gets kicked while putting on a wristlock then Umino sits on her back with a wristlock. Yuuki armdrags her and poses then Umino boots her over for it. Umino bangs her head off the buckle several times and chokes her in the corner. Yuuki rolls her up then is tripped when running. Umino like pushes her chin with her boot against the bottom rope then pulls on her face.

Umino facewash kicks her then Yuuki hits boots. Yuuki throws her over with both arms, poses and then is rolled up for the Umino pin.

Umino does her pose after and Yuuki hits chest forearms. Umino hits a hard chest forearm which drops her. Yuuki fires back then gets another one. Yuuki running knees her in the gut then does some decent dropkicks to the body. Yuuki finally drops her with a dropkick after the 4th or 5th one. Yuuki pulls her down with both arms again then Yuuki slams her for 2.

Yuuki goes up top and slips off the top rope. Yuuki tries again and hits a nice top rope dropkick for 2. Yuuki picks her up and both fall down then Umino does a crippler crossface. Umino tapes her out, getting a 2nd victory here.

Yuuki fights back with forearms to the chest then Umino chest forearms her. Yuuki hits more dropkicks to the body and the bell runs out as she goes for the pin.

I've seen this match before where someone gets pinned and it keeps going, but I'm not real sure what the deal is with it. Umino seemed to be the winner at 2 falls to 0. This was not good. Yuuki had multiple botches and was on spaghetti legs near the end of it. They were insane to let her go off the top as she really could have gotten hurt. I do think Yuuki does have some good instincts for what she is doing despite her poor performance here. If nothing else, she's cute and can do a decent dropkick. That's about all she can do well though.

Asuka Fujitaki vs Totoro Satsuki

I think this is Asuka's 3rd match. They lock up and Totoro backs her up against the ropes, giving her a clean break. They trade chest forearms then Totoro challengers her to a sumo style charge battle. Asuka says this is pro wrestling and Totoro says something about this being a dohyo.

They charge at each other and Totoro throws her down then does sumo poses. Totoro shoulders her over twice. Totoro running lariats her in the corner and blocks Asuka's slam attempt. Totoro slams her then Asuka running splashes her in the corner. Asuka running shoulders her in the corner.

Asuka hits chest forearms and they scream at each other. Totoro puts her hands behind her back and lets her hit more. Totoro hits a stiff one then Asuka shoulders her over. Asuka splashes her for 2. Asuka picks her up for a samoan drop but Totoro rolls off her shoulders and lariats her. Totoro hits a stiff lariat for 2.

Totoro slams her then 2nd rope sentons her for the win.

It was a fine singles match for Asuka. She stuck to the shoulders and chest forearms for the most part and you really can't screw those up. She's really quite competent for her experience level and she will be just fine as a female hoss. There was nothing wrong with this one and the two matched up well as expected.

YuuRI and Baby Allison vs AKARI and Dark Silueta

Baby is from Germany and this is the first time I have seen her. They all shake hands. Dark and Yuuri start us off. Dark grabs her arm and pulls her down to the mat then is knee'd in the back from the mat. Dark shoulders her over and is tripped. Yuuri basement dropkicks her and they stand off.

Baby and Akari get in. Baby kind of a does a Thesz press and pounds on her, then splits and push kicks her during the split. Yuuri shoulders Akari over and lariats her. Yuuri trips her and kicks her in the back. Yuuri hits another basement dropkick but Akari avoids her 619.

Yuuri does a weird russian legsweep then running kicks her in the head for 2. Akari spin kicks and pump kicks her then hits a suplex for 2. Dark superkicks Yuuri in the body for 2 then Yuuri rolls her up. Dark ddt's her for 2. Yuuri does a flying neckbreaker and a basement dropkick to the back. Yuuri step up enzugiri's Dark for 2.

Baby forearms Dark then hits a nice spear for 2. Baby flips into an indian deathlock on her and it is broken up. Baby is hung over the top rope and Dark 2nd rope dropkicks her. Dark hits chest slaps on the ropes then codebreakers her as she sits on the 2nd rope. Dark dropkicks her in the corner for 2.

Akari pump kicks Baby for 2 then they trade forearms. Baby flying neckbreakers her then Baby takes a dropkick against the 2nd rope and a 619. Akari northern lights suplexes Baby then some guys gets in and beats up the girls. The guy and Baby spear Akari. Dark slaps and dropkicks the guy then Yuuri hits a top rope dropkick. Baby bridges out of a lariat and hits a kick while bridged. Baby backdrops Akari for 2.

Yuuri dropkicks Dark at 10 minutes then Akari spinning lariats her. Akari death valley bombs Baby and wins it.

I hated the interference spots and I hated the ref not doing anything about it. There's no explanation for that. Other than that, it was fine. Baby looked decent out there and everyone had an okay showing. 

HisokA and Misa Kagura vs Hikari Shimizu and Kaho Matsushita

HS = Hikari Shimizu, Hiso = HisokA

Misa's team refuses handshakes and is eventually attacked. Misa takes a double bulldog and a double elbow drop. Misa slams Kaho then Kaho slams Hiso. Hiso is slammed three times more. 

HS snapmares Hiso around then kicks her in the back. They each hit chest forearms and HS step up kicks Hiso in the chest. HS la silla's Hiso then Hiso armdrags her. Hiso dropkicks her twice then Kaho is slammed onto HS. Misa double dropkicks her opponents then shoulders over HS.

Misa misses a senton and HS kicks her in the back. HS crossbodies Misa and is backbreakered. HS flying kicks Misa then Kaho gets inb. Kaho dropkicks Misa then Misa shoulders her over three times. Misa pulls Kaho's arm back and Kaho ropebreaks. Misa lariats Kaho for 2. Misa suplexes Kaho then Kaho snapmares Misa into an HS PK. Misa takes a double dropkick then Hiso top rope crossbodies Kaho.

Kaho slams Hiso and they trade chest forearms. Kaho takes a bodyblock and a forearm then Kaho flatliners Hiso. Kaho PK's Hiso for 2. Hiso cradles Kaho then crucifixes her. Kaho step up enzugiri's Hiso then Hiso armbars her. Kaho and HS hit stereo cuty specials then Kaho sitout gordbusters Hiso for 2.  Kaho hits Fuka's f-crash then Misa takes a spin kick into a bulldog. Misa is double superkicked. Kaho falcon arrows Hiso and wins it.

This wasn't good. Kaho was the best worker in the match by far and she's not exactly an all-time great. There was just a lot of weak looking and very simple moves here.

Hamuko Hoshi and Ibuki Hoshi vs Makoto and Hikari Minami

Makoto and Hamuko start us off. Makoto rolls out of a clothesline and poses. Makoto bangs Hamuko's head off the top buckle and headlock takeovers her. Hamuko then does the pose she was doing and is stomped for it. Minami hits a top rope twisting crossbody. Minami spins on the ropes to evade her then rolls her up.

Minami takes running corner attacks then the Hoshis ram their butts into her. Hamuko bulldogs her then Minami pulls Ibuki over the top. Minami stomps Ibuki outside and the Hoshi's have their heads banged off chairs. Makoto pulls Hamuko's hair in front of the cameras then Minami jumps off a chair to double stomp Ibuki.

Ibuki's head is banged off a chair and Ham lays on Makoto on the floor. The Hoshi's are whipped into each other. Minami tries to walk up the buckles but slips. She tries again then crossbodies off the top, but lands on her elbow on the way down. The match is then waived off due to Minami's injury.

We didn't get much prior to the injury and what we did get was some light hearted wrestling and brawling.

Overall thoughts: It didn't look like a strong show on paper and it wasn't. The opener or Asuka/Totoro was probably the best match on this show, and believe me, that's not saying much. Yuuki Minami had an awful singles match debut with many botches and the main got cut short due to injury. The only real bright point on this one was that Asuka Fujitaki looks like she's going to be a competent big girl wrestler.

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