Friday, August 18, 2023

WWE NXT Level Up 8/18/2023

WWE NXT Level Up 8/18/2023

Last week's show is here: 

Jacy Jayne vs Karmen Petrovic

Jacy Jayne's graphic has barbed wire around it, though she never uses barbed wire. This is Karmen's 2nd televised match.

They lock up and Karmen takes a knee to the gut. Jacy mudhole stomps her gut in the corner then Jacy shoulders her over. Karmen upkicks her from the mat and they grab each other by the hair. Karmen side headlocks her then Jacy rolls her up. Karmen hits la magistral for 1 and Jacy backs away from her kick.

Jacy pimping knees her over the middle rope and kicks her. Jacy pounds on her back then they trade shots to the gut. Jacy short arm lariats her then headbutts her. Jacy bangs Karmen's head off the mat then sentons her for 2. Jacy kicks her in the chest and back.

Jacy pulls both of her arms back and Karmen rolls her. Karmen does a neat hook kick to the back of the head then running forearms her. Karmen hits some kicks then takes a spinning forearm. Jacy gets the win.

Karmen's comeback at the end was nice but this wasn't that interesting. They didn't botch anything and Jacy's wasn't super interesting during her control segment.

Brooklyn Barlow is interviewed and is wearing tie dye. She talks like a hippie and said she had a bad knee injury and was out. She said she found her mojo while she was out and said this is the Brooklyn Barlow show. She said she will show the world that the hard work it took her to get back here was worth it. We haven't had a hippie in NXT since Juice Robinson was CJ Parker. Barlow was last seen on NXT Level Up 7/22/2022.

Dani Palmer vs Brooklyn Barlow

They call Barlow a free spirit and she does a dance with her arm into an arm grab. Barlow grabs her by the leg and Dani handstands and slips out from under in a cool spot. Dani rolls and backflips out of a wristlock. Dani side headlocks her then Barlow headlock takeovers her.

Barlow surfboards her then monkey flips her. Dani goes up and over in the corner then headscissors her over. Dani armlocks her then shoulders her over. Barlow hits a stiff clothesline for 2. Barlow knees her in the gut then does an octopus stretch. Dani upkicks her then hits shots to the gut.

Dani hits a jumping double knee and flying clotheslines her. Dani then dropkicks her and kips up. Dani runs at her and handstand double kicks her. Dani then does a corkscrew moonsault off the top and wins it.

Dani Palmer is special. This girl just gets better every time she is out there. She is one of the best girls WWE has ever found. This was a fun little match mostly due to the various moves Dani showed off here. Barlow was fine under the new gimmick and she was better than the last time we saw her.

Ikemen Jiro vs Oro Mensah

Oro had a long entrance here and Jiro has a mustache. Oro charges at Jiro with forearms then Jiro hits some punches. Jiro single leg dropkicks him then hits a big slam. Jiro then does his version of the delfin special for 2. Jiro's throat is brought down over the top rope then Oro exploders him.

Oro suplexes Jiro for 2. Oro kicks him in the back. Oro bullies him around a little then does his flipping koppo kick. Oro does a guillotine suplex and his back kicks. Oro then grounded cobra twists him. Jiro jacket punches him then Jakara Jackson gets on the apron and in the ring for a second. Jiro flying headscissors Oro then Jiro buzzsaw kicks him for 2.

Oro trips Jiro then Jiro rolls him up for 2. Jiro hits a jacket punch then Lash and Jakara get on the apron. Jakara pulls Jiro by the hair then Oro spinning heel kicks Jiro to win it.

It could have been a lot better with more time. It was just average though and I think Jakara blew a spot by trying to get in too early.

Overall thoughts: Dani Palmer looked great in her match and Brooklyn Barlow is now a hippie. It was watchable but not a great 30 minutes of wrestling. 

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