Friday, August 18, 2023

Big Japan Pro Wrestling 7/16/2023

Big Japan Pro Wrestling 7/16/2023

Note - The video quality is bad. And it's not a bootleg video thing, BJW Core just doesn't offer 720p or 1080p.

I still have BJW Core, but there's only so much time, the cards look worse overtime and my man Kosuke Sato is still out of action.

Hideyoshi Kamitani & Yuki Toki vs. Satsuki Nagao & Takuya Nomura

Kami = Hideyoshi Kamitani

Toki wears pink and starts us off against Nomura. Toki headscissors him then shoulders him over. Nomura kicks Toki in the back then Toki takes a stuff double shoulder. Nagao hits running forearms in the corner and Toki hits chest clubs on Nomura. Nomura rolling kimura's Toki. Nagao hits a hard chest slap on Toki then forearms him for 2. Nagao slams Toki then Toki dropkicks Nagao.

Kami gets hot tagged in and hits hard shoulder blocks then nice slams on both opponents. Kami shoulders Nagao against the ropes and hits a hard elbow drop. Kami running shoulders Nagao then Nagao hits a nice dropkick on him.

Nomura forearm flurries Kami in the forner then Toki forearms him. Nomura throws out Toki then does a nice underhook suplex on Kami. Kami hits a stiff flying shoulder on Nomura then Toki and Nomura trade forearms. Toki spears Nomura for 2 then crabs him. Nomura hits a hard kick to a running Toki then Toki dropkicks both opponents. Nomura armbars Toki then Kami deadlift suplexes him out of it. Toki spinebusters Nomura for 2. Toki and Nomura trade forearms and they slap each other hard. Nomura hits a great dropkick for 2 then PK's him for 2. Nomura then double armbars Toki and wins it.

There hasn't been a lot of shows where the opener was a lot better than the main, but it sure was here. Toki's small but he can really go and knows how to be the fiery underdog. Kami was at his best here with everything he did looking awesome. And Nomura's one of the best wrestlers on the planet and showed that off here. We had fast action with lots of stiff shots and some real fire. This was a fantastic opener and I loved this.

Kankuro Hoshino & Masaya Takahashi vs. Andy Wu & Ryota Hama

Wu cartwheels over Hoshino then does kip ups into an armdrag. Wu hits another nice armdrag then hits a dropkick. Hoshino does a taunt to the crowd and Wu does it back at to him. Hoshino screams over this. Masaya tries to shoulder Hama and bounces back off of him. Hama shoulders him over then stands on his back.

Hoshino pulls out Wu and throws him into the post. Masaya pulls on Wu's mask then Hoshino hits punches on Wu. Hoshino facebusters Wu then bangs his head off the buckle. Masaya chokes Wu with wrist tape then the two trade forearms. Wu does a nice legsweep on Masaya then Hama gets in. Hama corner splashes Masaya then elbow drops him.

Hama misses a splash then Hoshino clubs on Hama. Hoshino flying clotheslines him but Hama doesn't budge. Hoshino eye rakes Hama then STO's him. Hoshino is thrilled to finally get a move in then Hoshino and Masaya hit sentons on Hama. Hoshino and Masaya ty to shoulder Hama but get nowhere then Yu crossbodies both when they aren't looking. Hama then splashes both and wins it.

Hoshino and Wu were entertaining here. There's just only so much you can do with Hama's limitations though and the 8 minutes they got for this one. Wu's really so much better than this but he, like others, got left out when Wrestle-1 ended.

Barbed Wire Board Death Match - Ryuji Ito & Yankee Two Kenju (Isami Kodaka & Yuko Miyamoto) vs. Crazy Lovers (Masashi Takeda & Takumi Tsukamoto) & Kazumi Kikuta

They all start fighting before the bell. Yuko and Takeda hit each other with a kendo stick then Yuko and Kikuta trade forearms. Yuko crossbodies a board into Kikuta then suplexes him onto it. Yuko puts Kikuta's head into the wire. Isami gets in and he and Yuko double shoulder Kikuta. Ito hits a board with his a kendo stick into Kikuta.

Kikuta has chairs thrown at him then Yuko wraps the barbed wire around Kikuta's head. Yuko then snapmares him with it. Yuko hits a belly to belly overhead suplex on him then Kikuta running kicks a chair into Yuko. Takeda gets in and shotgun dropkicks Yuko. Takeda double northern lights suplexes Ito and Isami then stabs Yuko with scissors.

Yuko and Takeda both have barbed wire crowns on and headbutt each other with them. Yuko then crossbodies him. Isami spits blood in Takeda's face then top rope hurricanrana's him. Takeda exploders him then chairs a chair into his head. Isami and Takeda chest chop each other then Takeda is thrown into the board.

Ito and Takumi get in. Takumi throws him then takes a tarantula on the ropes. Kikuta dropkicks Ito in the corner then Takumi takes a double flapjack. Ito throws a chair at Takumi's head. Ito is suplexed onto chairs and takes a sandwich superkick. Takumi blue thunders him for 2. Kikuta is thrown out and lands on people then Takumi shining wizards Ito to win it at 10:05.

Takumi and Takeda decide to do their own back bumps on the barbed wire boards for no real reason. Then Takumi and Kikuta have words.

It was passable. We got a couple of hardcore spots and nobody did anything too stupid, until after the match, when they bumped themselves on the boards for no reason. I can't prove it, but this was either clipped or we missed some important parts during the initial brawl.

Daichi Hashimoto & Tristan Archer vs. Daimonji So & Daisuke Sekimoto 

Hash = Daichi Hashimoto, Seki = Daisuke Sekimoto

Hash and Sek start us off with a lock up. Sek holds Hash's arms behind his back then Hash headlocks and armdrags him. Things slow down as both guys tag out. Archer and So go at it. Archer grabs a headlock then hits a back elbow. So hits forearms and punches on Hash then takes chest kicks.

Hash ducks a spinning forearm and uranages him. Archer gets in and hits a corner lariat and a side slam on So. So and Archer trade punches and forearms then So flying clotheslines him. So neckbreakers him then flying forearms him. So fallaway slams him and Archer rolls out of the ring.

So hits a lame tope on Archer then Archer russian legsweeps him into the apron. Archer 619's him in the back of the neck then topes him. Archer slams So then eblow drops him. So gets his knees up on an Archer senton then uranage backbreakers him. Seki gets in and firemans carry gutbusters Archer. Sek then 2nd rope falling splashes him for 2.

Sek torture racks Archer and Hash breaks it up. Archer bicycle kicks Sek then Sek takes a spinning forearm + suplex combo for 2. So flying lariats both opponents then hits a stiff fisherman's buster on Archer. Archer hits a go to sleep on Sek and spinning lariats him for 2. Archer lifts Sek up like a tombstone then throws him up and drops him on double knees to win it.

This wasn't good and Archer isn't good. They all put in very little effort here and there were few highlights minus Sek's nasty fisherman buster.

Kaji Tomato, Kota Sekifuda & Tatsuhiko Yoshino vs. Chicharito Shoki, Fuminori Abe & Kazuki Hashimoto

Hash = Hashimoto

Kaji and Shoki start us off. Shoki dropkicks him out then plancha's him. Kaji ducks a PK then Abe and Yoshino get in. Yoshino armdrags him and does a headflip and poses. They trade leg kicks, which Yoshino loses. Abe hits a nice dropkick then all 6 guys get in. We get a triple monkey flip that Abe lands on his feet on. Abe sends his opponents out and teases diving but doesn't.

Abe gets dropkicked from behind then we get a triple plancha.  Shoki and Yoshino trade then Kaji gets in. Shoki hits a forearm and chop flurry then Kaji suplexes him. Kaji slingshot splashes him and holds him for a Kota slingshot double stomp. Kaji armbars Shoki and Shoki ropebreaks.

Shoki hits Kaji on the apron then Kota hiptosses and splashes him. Shoki triangle enzugiri's Kota then Hash facewash kicks Kota. Hash puts Kota in an ankle lock. Kota double chops him then is lariated. Abe gets in and dropkicks Kota in the knee.

Abe double rotation spinkicks Kota in the gut then kicks him in the back. Kota is thrown over the top and skins the cat. Kota misses a dropkick then springboard crossbodies him. Kaji top rope flips onto Abe then Abe strike combos him. Kaji stops it with a palm strike then flying kicks him. Abe hits a baseball punch then goes down with him.

Shoki gets in and does a nice dropkick to Kaji. The two trade forearms and Kaji palm strike uppercuts him. Kaji runs the ropes fast then Shoki headscissors him. Shoki high kicks him then shining wizards him. Shoki kicks Yoshino, forcing him to ddt Kota.

Shota lifts up Yoshino for a torture rack drop. Kota codebreakers Shoki then Yoshino top rope sentons his back. Shoki face kicks Yoshino then is lariated. Yoshino germans him for 2. Kota and Kaji do stereo dives to the outside then Yoshino misses a top rope swanton. Shoki tries a pin then buzzsaw kicks him for 2. Shoki does a go to sleep into a kick then does a standing shiranui to win it at 14:33.

Shoki was good here and I liked his sections with Kaji. I feel they could have done more though and gone more all out on a show like this. It was okay but just not what it could have been with full effort.

BJW World Strong Heavyweight Title Match - Yuya Aoki (c) vs. Yasufumi Nakanoue

YN = Yasufumi Nakanoue

YN takes him down then Yuya side headlocks him. YN headscissors him and they do a stand off. YN shoulders him over and Yuya kips up. YN headlock takeovers him then Yuya facekicks him on the ropes. Yuya tries to lariat him over the top but doesn't get him all the way over, which was probably worse than if he had. Yuya then topes him outside.

Yuya does a machine gun chop flurry and puts him in tree of Woe. Yuya dropkicks him while he hangs from it. Yuya is flapjacked on the apron and YN hits a nice hook to the face. YN neckbreakers him then hits elbows on his neck. YN knees him in the gut the Yuya running facekicks him. Yuya handspring back elbows him.

Yuya flips on him for 2 then suplexes him. Yuya misses a springboard dropkick then YN hits corner lariats and a ddt. YN superplexes him. Yuya flips through a lariat then hits his own. YN scorpion deathdrops him then hits a stiff lariat. Yuya does a nice backslide and flips him for the bridge. They each hit lariats then lariat each other at the same time to go down.

Yuya takes a bridging ddt for 2 then is slammed. Yuya goes for a top rope spanish fly but just gets lariated off the top. YN then lariats him again. YN slams him and hits a stiff top rope elbow drop. Yuya release germans him, YN no sells it then Yuya lariats him. Yuya hits a big powerbomb then tiger suplexes him for the win at 18:53.

They definitely did too much here but this was a good heavyweight match. The two matched up well and Nakanoue brought the stiff shots as he always does. Yuya is also a different kind of wrestler and brought a lot to this as well. This was good one from two guys who aren't known at all even by Western smarks.

BJW Death Match Heavyweight Title Death Match  - Abdullah Kobayashi (c) vs. Yuki Ishikawa

They have tubes on the ropes, tubes in boxes and some 3 tier tube structures.

They throw tubes at each other to start then Yuki superkicks him. Yuki throws him into one of the 3 tier tubes and bangs his head off a post. Yuki throws tubes at him but they just bounce off. Yuki then breaks some over his head and stabs him with them. Abby has a can of tube pieces dumped on his head and Yuki hits mounted punches.

They trade shots and Abby evades a dropkick. Abby throws him into tubes on the ropes then chews on a tube. Abby throws him into tubes on the ropes again then chops a tube on his back. Abby tries to a chop a tube into his chest but can't then chops a tube into his head. Abby then headbutts tubes into his head. Yuki then headbutts 4 tubes into Abby's head.

Yuki top rope dropkicks him and sentons chairs on him. Yuki top rope double stomps tubes into Abby and Yuki is russian leg swept onto tubes. Abby shining wizards him then throws tubes at him. Abby slashes some of the tubes on the ropes for no real reason then top rope elbow drops him in the nuts for 2.

Abby throws stacks of tubes at him then Yuki grabs a box of them. Abyy allows him to throw them at his back free then Abby pours a box of tubes onto him. Abby gets stopped while going up top then has tube pieces put in his mouth. Yuki superplexes him for 2. They headbutt each other and then stop after one really hard one.

Yuki enzugiri's him and hits another headbutt then Yuki ranhei's him on the mat. Yuki throws two boxes of tubes on the mat and they botch the ranhei onto them. Yuki gets the pin.

This wasn't good at all and was just sad at times. Abby was nearly begging for reactions to his light tube spots and nobody cared. It really is his fault though. He's breaking tubes and eating them to show how tough he is, but then nobody reacts because it clearly doesn't hurt. They had some botches here and there was basically no wrestling whatsoever.

Overall thoughts: The opener and the heavyweight title match were the best things on this show. The opener was just great with fast action, stiff strikes and lots of spirit. The heavyweight match went a little overboard but the two underrated heavies in Nakanoue and Aoki really put out a strong heavyweight match. The main event was not good at all and just sad to watch. The juniors trios match was okay but not what it could have been and the barbed wire boards match was passable. The tag match with Archer was not that good. The show was pretty even when it came to good, average and passable matches, but I do think you will like the opener and heavyweight title match.

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