Friday, August 18, 2023

AEW Rampage 8/18/2023

AEW Rampage 8/18/2023

Last week's show is here:

Komander vs Rey Fenix

Kom = Komander

Rey takes him down and crucifixes him. Kom rolls him into pin attempts then Rey sunset flips him. Kom kips up then armdrags and rolls him up for 2. Kom cartwheels over Rey on the mat and they do a stand off. Kom ducks a hook kick and is hiptossed over the top.

Kom misses shots from the apron and Rey kicks him in the face. Rey walks the top rope and misses a kick then Komander springboard hurricanrana's him. Kom then hits a tope con hilo outside. Kom walks the top rope but doesn't dive due to Rey moving. Rey leg kicks him then double springboards into a double stomp for 2.

Rey baseball slides him and we go to PiP break. We return and  Kom hits chest chops. Kom springboard twisting crossbodies him then headscissors him. Rey superkicks him and goes for a powerbomb but Kom hurricanrana's him. Kom torture rack gutbusters him for 2.

Kom walks up the buckles, jumps off and cartwheels then Rey rolls into a cutteron him. Rey enzugiri's Kom against the ropes then walks the top rope and kicks him. Kom crucifix bombs him then they trade spin kicks. Rey hook kicks him off a feint on the ropes and both are down. They trade forearms on their knees and Rey dropkicks him. Rey goes up top and is pushed down. Kom springboard canadian destroyers him. Kom walks the top rope into an ssp but of course it's only for 2.

Kom misses a 450 then Rey fire thunder drivers him for 2. Rey muscle buster drivers him and wins it.

They were doing okay up until the springboard canadian destroyer. That was only worth 2 and both were back up and at it again in no time after. This was fast paced as expected with a lot of flying as expected. Komander still didn't do half of his offense though somehow.

Renee interviews Britt Baker. Britt says she was in the first All-In and was the first female signed to AEW. She said she helped lay the foundation for the AEW Women's division and said she can't think of a better, full circle moment then winning the women's title on the show. This was simple and there was nothing wrong with it.

John Morrison arrives in a car with his dog. He congratulates QT on winning the AAA title and then says "we are the best thing on tv".

ROH Tag Titles - Aussie Open vs Brother Zay and Ethan Page

Zay said he came here to party and asks for an "ahhh yeah". Page is thrown out of the ring to start and Zay is beat up on. Zay takes a double double chop then is kicked and senton'd. Zay armdrags Kyle off the casadora and hurricanrana's him.

Zay spins into an enzugiri on Mark then Page lariats Mark over the top. Zay walks up the ropes and springboard swantons outside. Page powerslams Kyle while back in the ring then Zay hits corne spears on Kyle. Kyle and Zay dosey do then have their backs rammed into each other.

We go to PiP break then full break. We return and Page brainbusters Kyle. Zay gets the hot tag in and stunners Mark over the top rope. Zay is popped up on the apron outside by Mark then Zay asai moonsaults him and blows kisses at the camera's. Zay springboard corssbodies Kyle for 2.

Zay top rope swantons Kyle but Kyle gets his knees up. Kyle superkicks him then Mark throws Zay into a kick. Mark lifts up Zay and Kyle cutters him off the 2nd rope. Page high kicks Mark then Page takes a front kick and a superkicks at the same time. Zay takes a sandwich lariat then a coriolis for the Aussie Open win.

I liked this one. Zay was good with his mannerisms and flying and these guys matched up a lot better than I expected. They got enough time here and the timing was just right.

Mark Davis grabs the mic and says they will prove they are the best at Wembley. Kyle says Cole and MJF like to talk. Kyle says MJF is one of the worst people he has been around and since Cole is with him, he's trash too. Kyle says MJF/Cole will never hit a kangaroo kick in their lives.

The Righteous do a video. They say we all have the power in our hands to hurt people but most people are afraid to use it. Dutch says the ones who aren't afraid, control life. Vincent says they are brand new and everything they do is brand new. Vincent says if you want to do something about it, then do it or get out of the road.

The Hardy Boyz do a promo at The Hardy Compound. They said they are the past ROH tag champs and want a dream match next week against Aussie Open. Matt says this could then lead to a match with Cole and MJF. Jeff says it's time for the Ring of Honor tag team championships to become the Ring of Hardy tag team championships.

Sammy Guevara vs Jon Cruz

Sammy leap frogs and backflips over him into a corkscrew dropkick. Sammy corkscrew dives on him outside then kips up. Sammy hits a jumping knee then a GTH to win in a quick squash.

We get a quick Mark Henry segment where he says there's been enough talk with only some quick lines from a video.

Hikaru Shida and Skye Blue vs Toni Storm and Ruby Soho

The faces are beat up while posing on the ropes. Shida is sent into the rails as is Skye. Skye hits forearms on Ruby the headscissors her. Skye knees Ruby in the face then is distracted by Toni and hit while up top. Skye is double mudhole stomped in the corner.

All 4 girls go face to face in the ring and Skye hits forearms on both. Ruby brings her down by the hair then Toni hip attacks Skye off the apron. Ruby hits Skye with an sto on the floor and we go to a long PiP break.

We return and Shida gets the hot tag in. Shida step up enzugiri's Ruby then does a weird samoan drop on her. Shida takes a german from Toni after a kick then Skye sweeping kicks Toni on the mat. Ruby backdrops Skye. Shida pumping knees Ruby then Sky code reds her from the side. Toni hip attacks Skye and Ruby is handed spray paint. Skye is spray painted in the eyes then Toni hip attacks Skye in the corner.  Toni rolls her up and the pin is broken up by Shida. Shida drags Skye over to her corner for the tag.

Shida and Toni butt heads and forearm each other. Shida club flurries her then is tripped up by Saraya. Toni facekicks Shida. Skye superkicks Toni then Ruby is rolled up by Shida for the Shidsa and Skye Blue win.

Shida and Skye are beaten up after. Skye and Ruby roll out during their fight and refs come down to try and stop it. Britt Baker then comes out and fights with Toni. Security then comes down to break this up.

The match was rushed and had the usual Outcasts shenanigans. I think they made the best of it that they could though and I didn't see any botches.

Overall thoughts: Fenix/Komander was doing okay but then it just turned into your usual indy match. Aussie Open vs Page/Brother Zay was a decent tag match and better than I expected. Sammy got the win in a quick squash and the main was okay despite being rushed, having shenanigans and having limited time.

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